A Middle Age Naruto RP (Yajirobe and LadyYunaFFX2)

Though Tayuya was still a bit nervous on the concept of parenthood and actual sex, not just foreplay, she was far more excited than anything. Her head continued to move up and down, even when Neji reached his climax. She kept true to her word and swallowed, sighing and moaning. It was more sweet than bitter like she'd read before. When the last drop fell down her throat, Tayuya sat beside Neji on the bed. "So .. um ... " Her cheeks reddened more. "Was that good?" She managed to ask, running fingers gently through his hair.

"Given I don't know how many of your people used to act like, I'll take your word for it all." It almost irked her that he had to let go. But .. the rest of the week was going to be busy. And now that she felt better on having spoken to Kakashi and even getting to know she would be there for his wedding, it had been like a massive boulder - weight of some sort - being removed from her shoulders. Her head shook no upon hearing his request. "Not at all. It's a huge honor, one I don't intend on failing at that matter. While I don't regret having told Kakashi of this ... I realize that unfortunately, quite a few lives are now more on the line besides both of ours."

But like he'd said; his would be more immediately sought out if for not other reason than his rank. And if Kakashi was right that someone was trying to remove his life anyways, it'd only give them further incentive. Now that she knew the Prince was as fond of her as she was, Meizumi suddenly felt .. selfish and fueled on to do any and everything to protect him. Sure the roles seemed a tad reversed but oh well. "Yes ... we definitely need rest. Hey ... if you don't mind me asking .. why do you dislike Naruto so much? It seems like it's just .. a petty issue. But is there no way you two can start anew? I think that'd be one of the best gives you could give him and Hinata in a few days."

Seriously as far as she'd heard, the rivalry was incredibly childish. And to her knowledge, there was no real incentive behind it. That just .. didn't fit this new Sasuke she was seeing. And Meizumi wanted to help him continue to make the correct steps. Getting rid of such unneeded emotions would definitely be one way to continue proceeding on.

Anko's breaths continued to leave her lips and her body steadily stopped shaking. Thank gods at least one of them could maintain a calm composure. Because with her pregnancy, it was borderline impossible for the normally stoic ranger to do just that. As Kakashi held her from behind, she placed her hands upon his, letting her head fall against his chest. "You're right ... " She finally agreed softly, nodding her head. "It does seem like ... maybe Orochimaru and Fugaku are being coerced into this. I .. kinda hope that's the case. I don't exactly want to learn the same person who has been raising me has just .... "

Her head shook once again as she shoved away the possibility of her and Tayuya having been used for so long. It hurt and mentally stabbed her heart to consider. She wanted nothing more than for that to be not true. "I'll .. yes. I'll see about reading it." Gently pulling away from the embrace, she resumed reading the note over once again. She started from the beginning and read from start to finish, mentally noting everything the note said.
Neji nodded his head as he slipped his arm around her, "that was the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me," he said blushing still as he looked at her, "I promise to make it up to you somehow," he added in as he continued to blush as he looked at Tayuya for a long moment. "well, I guess we should get some sleep, my lovely wife," he added in with the focus on the words lovely wife. He liked saying it, it sounded nice coming out of his mouth and he knew that it would be a blissful thing as well. He would go with her to the meeting the next morning and then he would help final prepration for the wedding the day after that.

"I know Kakashi, my teacher and him go back a long ways afterall, I figure that he is as trustworthy as anyone else, and he would of figured it all out before long anyhow," Sasuke commented as he hoped that his teacher was fine too. He figured that no one was safe in the Uchiha lands from this new power that was taking it over. He wished he had paid more attention when he had seen them the one time, then he would know that he could handle them somehow.

Laying on the bed he looked over at Meizumi and sighed as she had to bring up the Naruto thing."we have always just disliked each other," he said pausing as he looked at her, "I mean, he is a hyper active idiot most of the time, and well, I have to have to be better than that guy, if not how can I be good enough as a prince, if I am only the second or third best one behind him and Neji," he said looking at her and then letting out a second long sigh, it seemed this was rather important to her. "Well, I guess, I will do so for you, if you really want me to do so, but that is it, though I don't think he would want to start over either. Naruto can be rather stuck in his ways and views on others and I know he dislikes me as much as I dislike him," Sasuke replied as he slipped his head on the pillow still looking at her, "still you will owe me one for this if I do it, got it?" he finished as he would try, but he figured that it was rather a pointless attempt.

Kakashi looked at her and then smiled as he figured the information would help them both. He knew that the information would be troubling perhaps, but it was needed. He needed it to advise Minato, she needed it to understand her homeland better and the people who she thought cared for her as well. Kakashi thought about it and wondered if Orochimaru wasn't on this council who could they use as a go between to talk with him. The choose were simple, Jiraya, Tsunade, and Hiruzen. He knew all three were there, Jiraya's student was getting married, Hiruzen was there cause he loved Naruto like a grandsom, and Tsunade lived there. It woudl be possible to get one of them to give a message to Orochimaru perhaps.

"T-thank you." A rare sense of pride ran through Tayuya. It was always nerve-wracking for her to try things that weren't her forte. But not only had she succeeded in trying something new out, she'd pleased her new husband in the process. A low yawn left as she lied down beside Neji. "Mhm, yeah we do need to. Sleep well, my love, my husband." She added, her arms gently wrapping around his waist. The smile which had been on her lips only widened more as the word 'husband' left her lips. It'd been funny in an ironic manner. She had been so .. hesitant on wanting to get married. And now, she was happy to have been included in this deal. There were few other ways she could see living and there was definitely no one else she could imagine being with. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep, still holding and staying beside Neji.

"Well ... think on it, at least. But if he hasn't done any actual harm to you .. it really does seem foolish to keep that rivalry up. It's your call in the end. But if he didn't cause any trauma or something to you from years ago ... I'd try to forget of it. There's no real sense in living the rest of your life with such a petty dislike towards someone. Not in my mind and eyes." Her smile widened as she gave him an affirmative nod. "Yes. I understand perfectly. Don't worry ... I was going to offer to make up for that somehow anyways."

Anko's head slowly shook. It wasn't that she understood; it was more like she felt obligated to deal with this herself. It was incredibly reckless, she knew, but this had just been bothering the hell out of her since Meizumi had arrived. No, scratch that. Since Orochimaru spoke to her at the wedding and hinted of this. "I'm not sure." She finally replied. "I'm ... drained, physically and mentally. I'll see about dealing with this more in the morning." It was a half truth and half lie; and she genuinely did feel horrid on the latter. But gods help her, Anko didn't want a repeat of the incident that had happened to Tayuya. If push came to shove .. she could handle herself fine.

Not that she doubted Kakashi. But Neji had been lucky to avoid being captured alongside Tayuya and watch everything which may or may not have happened. She didn't want that to happen between them. It may not .. but the chance still remained. And that was more than enough to make Anko figure out how to deal with this wreck.

"Don't you begin to think I've forgotten of where we halted, however." She added, giving him a smirk. "But that can be picked up ... hopefully sooner as opposed to later." Giving him a deep kiss, she set the note down and began guiding him to their bed. "So ... what was that about you thinking I couldn't do this?" She teased, her smirk widening.
Kakashi looked at Anko, he knew people well, and he wondered what was going on in her mind. He wasnt' sure what it was, but he would have to trust her as far as that went. He smiled as he was glad she would figure out what she was going to do the next morning. He wanted to help her however he could, it was important for her to be okay and supported by him. Kakashi smiled as he walked with her to the bedroom, and then blinked at her statement.

"Well your lucky, having to deal with more made me forget," he said sheepishly as he looked at her, "next time it won't be so easy, and I won't forget," he said as he kissed her on her lips and then laid down, it had been a very long day, he was drained too, he had a lot to do that day, and he was to tired to have some fun time with Anko that night. He figured that the next day would be far more open for fun and messing around, but it was a day closer to their wedding.

Kakashi laid down laying on his back and yawning as he rested his eyes, he figured that Anko woudl join him quickly. "One thing, do not tell Naruto nor Hinata about what we found out, I don't think that would help at all," he mused to her as he knew that their reaction woudl be scared for Hinata and sheer anger from Naruto. He let his eyes drift off to sleep as he was quite ready to start a new day and have it go without the issues of this one.

Anko's head quickly shook no in agreement. "Oh that's no problem. I wasn't going to begin to tell either of them this. In fact .. I was going to keep it away from Tayuya and Neji also. I don't think the royal couples should have to be dragged into this, if it's at all possible to avoid." Well, that line alone made up slightly for the lies she'd had to force herself to tell. Because that was definitely something she did strongly believe in. It wasn't right or fair to force Naruto, Hinata, Tayuya or Neji into some damn political conflict. And especially not with their honeymoons all coming up.

Speaking of ... that made her inwardly frown. Their own better not wind up cancelled just because of this crap. Delayed at worst but that would be the only thing she'd begin to accept.

"Good night ... " She murmured sleepily, the strain from the news plus her pregnant state helping poor Anko easily fall asleep.

Morning came and when it did, so had Tayuya. She had woken up earlier than usual, both anxious and excited to learn more of her past and the mark on the nape of her neck. It hadn't seemed harmful .. but there was much about it that neither herself or Anko didn't know. And Orochimaru had clearly tried to bullshit his way out of it. So .. she'd prove her threat hadn't been idle by going to someone whom .. would at least be more willing to fill the blanks in.

Water would be heard from the bathroom, signaling Tayuya was getting a shower in before the talk with Hiruzen. For a while, she'd glanced up towards the ceiling, her hand rubbing on the back of her neck subconsciously, as if fearing something would happen soon. But she managed to convince herself there was no point worrying in what-if scenarios. Grabbing a wash cloth, she lathered it up with soap and began washing her body.

As Hinata woke up, she had almost panicked. But then she remembered this had been something both herself and Naruto had agreed on. And then .. it hit her. Tomorrow they were getting married. She swallowed nervously and lied her head back upon Naruto's chest, the same sensations of anxiety and excitement flooding through the poor princess once again. Though she knew they'd have to get out of bed eventually, it seemed fair to let Naruto sleep in even if only for a bit. It depended, honestly, on how long he wanted to do that. But she wouldn't just wake him, not yet.

More out of habit than anything, both Meizumi and Anko had also woken up early.

The ranger, however, didn't dare stir from bed. She was going to go through with her own plans later during the day. She doubted Orochimaru would be conscious just yet, anyways. So, she'd delay and ensure he was awake. He may have fooled Tayuya .. but he wouldn't begin to pull that with her. Oh yes, she'd seen - out of the corner of her eye - how he seemed to avoid talking to her during her dance. She hadn't heard all of it but the expression in her friend's eyes had said more than enough. He had refused to say .. something to her. And even if it was a different talk, Anko could be far more aggressive than the bard when needed.

Unfortunately, now would be one of those times. If he was truly being manipulated though ... he wouldn't do much more save maybe scold her. But regardless, Anko had no intentions of letting him walk away and not answer. And to ensure that ... her eyes rested upon the dagger still embedded in the target. She'd use it if it came down to it. Not that she'd like it ... but damnit, push was beginning to come to shove.

Until then, however, her head fell back upon Kakashi's chest as her eyes closed slowly.

The swordswoman, on the other hand, had woken up with a start. A rare nightmare had haunted her sleep and upon glancing over to see Sasuke was perfectly unharmed, her head fell back on the pillow. Light pants continued to leave her lips for a few moments before her arms wrapped around him gently. Of all the wake up calls she could have had, that was definitely one of the least preferred methods. Mixed eyes closed once again as she held him close, shoving away the nightmare which had attempted to taunt her once again. Though she managed to ignore it for now, it didn't halt the shiver that trailed down her spine.
Neji Hyuuga heard the shower and smiled as he knew that Tayuya was already awake. He looked at himself and said nothing as he knew taht he would need to head down there with her to help her with this meeting. He didn't know Orochimaru at all, but he did know Tayuya and supporting her was part of being a good husband. He got to his feet and got himself undressed as he had a surprise for his new wife.

Neji slipped quietly into the bathroom, using his own stealth skills before his hands slipped around the redhead taking the wash cloth from her. He let his fingers press against her body, as he washed her body for her, for a bit his touches were honestly washing her, but after a moment his fingers pressed between her legs as he rubbed her agressively. He figured that this seemed right, that he could pay her back for the night before and that it was just fun to do something like this to her, and he could do it without having sex with her too.

Naruto smiled as he felt Hinata move against him, he opened his eyes and yawned softly as he stretched himself out a great deal on the bed before blushing as he looked at how close Hinata was to him. He looked like a tomato as he looked at her, before quietly and quickly working his way out of bed and standing up, "um, how did you sleep Hinata, did my snoring keep you up at all?"

Kakashi woke up soon there after as he had a a busy day ahead, he got to his feet and found his clothes for the day, washing his face he put them on and sat at the table, looking at what he figured was a still sleeping Anko and then pulled out the map and paused as he measure it up in his mind, how he could do anything what he could do and what he would tell his teacher. He was going to find Jiraya that morning to have the man talk to Orochimaru, it seemed the best way to deal with the problem to him, as perverted as Jiraya was, he was the best knight he ever had meet.

Sasuke normall was a early waker to, and to find Meizumi holding him as she did, he looked at her and caressed her cheek, softly. He had strong feelings for the white haired woman. She was worth his attention and more, no other woman had been as strong as her. No woman was as confident and fitting for him, they all pale in comparison with Meizimi. He wanted to win her over, he wanted to show her that he was going to be a good leader. Yet, Sasuke knew that to be a good leader, he was going to have to have this woman in his corner supporting him during the challenges that might or rather would come in the future.

Poor Tayuya jumped slightly as Neji took the cloth away. "Ah ... morning, love." She greeted, sighing softly as he began taking over for her. Her hands gently moved some crimson strands away and allowed him access to her back, figuring he was being genuine with the touches and caresses. When she better felt he had other motives, however, a sharp gasp left her mouth. "Ohh... oh gods, Neji! Ngh ..." Her hands reached out to the sides, gripping a railing as heavy pants, whimpers, and moans all began passing her lips.

"Hah ... ahhhh .... ohhhhh .... "

Her hips bucked gently against his skilled fingers, shuddering as he felt her hymen after a bit. "Please .. careful ... " She pleaded, her own movements slowing a bit.

Hinata's head shook no upon hearing Naruto's question. "Not at all. It felt nice, actually .. to sleep with you beside me. What of you? How'd you sleep?"

The groan that left Anko's lips hinted the last thing she'd been was asleep. "Aww ... you felt so nice though." She murmured, an irked sigh passing her lips. She knew and expected him to get up soon. After all, her fiance was as much of a workaholic as herself. "Mmm, morning love." She greeted wearily, still remaining in the bed as she watched Kakashi work from a distance.

Meizumi's eyes closed slightly as the soft and gentle touch was felt upon her skin. "Mmm, thank you. That feels nice. Morning." She added, not wanting to come off as rude or forgetting her manners. "Did you sleep well enough?" She inquired, feeling her body steadily relax against his touch.
Neji could tell that he needed to becareful before he heard her voice, still, he caressed her breasts with one hand and rubbed his other fingers against her lower lips gently and carefully as he just wanted to make Tayuya enjoy these touches as much as he had enjoyed what she had done for him the night before. He felt something and rubbed it as it seemed the best place to focus his hand attention, it was her clit as he he figured focusing there would avoid any possible danger of somehow deflowring her with his fingers.

"I said I would pay you back for what you did for me," he whispered into her ear with a soft tone as he kissed he neck softly his fingers still teasing her with the best skill he could put forward, he sucked on her neck as he left a mark from his attention to show anyone that he had indeed done so. He let his lips slip back as he nippled at her ear, "so, does this type of thing feel good for you," he asked making sure that what he was doing was correct as he was guessing most of it.

Naruto looked over at Hinata and smiled, "I slept great, you are a great pillow to hold," he told her with a huge grin on his lips, "well soon, I will have to leave you, it is bad luck to see your future wife before the wedding, but first I wanted to thank you for being so you," he said as he kissed her and then got to his feet, "this is going to be a long day, not having you around is going to be just no fun," he mused as he knew that ever since the agreement he had seen her every single day, something he truely liked and didn't want to avoid now.

Kakashi looked up and blinked as he smiled, "Well, that is true, but you know us, work work work," he said looking back down, "deal for the honeymoon, neither of us bring anything of our work to the honeymoon, it is about nothing but enjoying it and our time with each other," he said as he knew that he would have to work to do that. Still it woudl be worthwhile to do so. He knew that to focus on the honeymoon would help their relationship grow fast.

"Are you alright, you look a bit pale this morning," he asked a bit of worry accually in her tone as he looked at her, he paused as he thought about something, "I slept well, Meizumi, very well, infact," he said as he looked into her eyes, "I wanted to tell you something, I can't marry you in a time soon," he said pausing for a moment, "I have to wait till my lands are fixed, but I do think of you as my love, the only woman for me, but I shall not marry you till after everything is normal back in my home," he commented softly watching her carefully for her reaction.

"Ahh ...ohhh ... oh gods .... ngh ... " Her grip tightened as Neji's fingers found her clit. Her eyes widened as a loud cry elicited from her lips. Had he snuck out and found the book last night? If she didn't know better, it almost seemed like it. But with remembering he had fallen asleep with her, Tayuya doubted it. So ... this was just his instincts? That thought plus the sensations made her shiver. Then again, this had been one of the traits she'd first noticed about her new husband when they met. His intuition had always been good. It seemed even now was no exception. Her trembling increased with each passing second, her moans turning into full-fledged screams.

"Hah ... ahhhh .... I .... ahhhhh!" Her body tensed up as she came, panting heavily. Her eyes closed as her head found a shoulder. Tilting her head back, she placed a hand on the back of Neji's head and gave him a deep kiss, a soft sigh leaving. "Mmm, thank you." She replied as the kiss slowly broke away, her head staying on his shoulder for a bit longer. Her breath may have returned to her but Tayuya's composure definitely hadn't just yet.

Hinata's cheeks instantly darkened though her smile widened simultaneously. "T-thank you. Well .. maybe Kakashi or someone can keep you occupied and out of trouble during the separation?" It made her begin to think for herself. She was, admittedly, curious on how things between Hanabi and Konohamaru had been going and didn't want to seem like she'd been avoiding her younger sibling. So that was likely a possibility. It'd be perhaps even weirder for her sister to live without her around than Neji. The latter could always adapt and especially now that he had his own wife. Hanabi .. she wasn't certain of, more so with her having a few more years to wait to officially consider marriage.

"Mhm. It's our damn curse." She agreed, smiling as she watched Kakashi. Sure enough, her own workaholic instincts kicked in and she stood up, holding Kakashi from behind. "I know it may sound hypocriti --- no, just like a bad idea with all that may be coming up. But try not to overexert yourself too much, if possible." She didn't mind if he had to fight people from the Uchiha lands, as it were. It was more the concept of him just being forced to leave before they got wed that genuinely upset her. Her mind went back ... and a new thought entered her head. She hadn't heard from Shizuki since the incident with Sasuke. That made her frown and simultaneously worry. She had likely been the only other person - so far - that could be trusted from the Uchiha lands. But ... hopefully the 'no news is good news' saying applied to her.

Sneaking in a small kiss upon the nape of Kakashi's neck, her hands unwrapped from around him. "Alright ... I'm up. I'll get even more dressed than I am now." Giving him a playful smile, she turned and began getting into her more preferred and typical attire. It'd help out when she did speak with Orochimaru and even before that, she felt ... more like herself than in things like dresses. She'd make exceptions but only when they were needed. And with today being an exception, she'd indulge herself while she could. She began removing the robe and placing on her tunic, pants, hunting boots and cloak.

"I just .. had a really bad nightmare. I'm fine otherwise." Letting her hand raise up, she began gently running fingers through his hair, a soft smile crossing her face. "That's more than acceptable. Not only will I wait .. but help out if needed to correct things. But I completely agree. Whatever's going wrong direly needs to be altered first. Don't worry about angering me with that; it takes a hell of a lot." Even with the confession last night, that ... well .. had disgusted her more than anything. But she couldn't say it infuriated her though she hadn't been directly involved with Tayuya's search either.

No, the more better example had been the nightmare which haunted her. The plan that had been meant to apply to Hinata had seemed to find her. And she distinctly remembered hating herself .... for having failed to protect Sasuike, for having lost her innocence to scum of all individuals and her own body eventually betraying her. It made a slight shiver trail down her spine as the memory snuck back in her head. It'd been for but a few seconds but that was far more than enough time to effect poor Meizumi.
Neji was glat that he could help his beautiful wife out as he had, it had been fun to do too, hearing her reactions feeling her reactions to his touchs, they had been great, he had learned so much more about what was needed to please a woman from this experiementation that he had done with her. He knew that their wedding would be a blissful one, and the Hyuuga wouldn't need to worry about them not producing an a child at some point, like her mentor had done already.

Neji continued to hold Tayuya in his grip for a bit longer as his hands slipped around her waist. It was actually hard to limit himself her and now, but he would, waiting would make the time they actually had sex so much better. He kissed her in reply as he stood there, before finally slipping from her and drying off before smiling and getting himself dressed for the day, "I figure we have a wise old man to go meet right?"

"Yeah, I know, um, I figure I will go find my parents or maybe find bushy brow and challenge him to a sparing match or two," Naruto said referring to Rock Lee with the later comment, there was a lot he could do. He wasn't worried, he would find something to do, something postiive that would help out. He left Hinata with a kiss, having to go his won way for the day, before the wedding.

"I know, but things will work themselves out, I am sure that I can enjoy myself before the fight starts," he mused as he looked at her, "I am sure Minato can go on his own instints and that of other wisemen," he added as he looked over at her, and then he looked over at a the outside, "I have to go in a bit, I have to meet up with a man who is coming into town, he is to take my place while on the honeymoon, he is a rather good knight, though, not so well known," Kakashi commented as he looked at her, "his name is Yamato, he is a a master of various weapons, and one of the keys to the defense of the Uzumaki lands, as well as Asuma Sarutobi, it is kind of a underling meeting," hes aid laughing slightly as he looked at her.

"We can meet back up later I hope?" he asked, having a feeling that Anko had things she needed to take care of too. He knew she was busy in her work, which was important to her as well.

"Oh, a nightmare, well, those things are troubling," Sasuke said as he looked at Meizumi and felt her trimble in his hands he pulled her closer and kissed her again, this time more passioante, he wanteed to take care of her, help her worries fade away as he deepened the kiss rather quickly, his lips pressed up against her lips as he held her firmly in his graps. He knew taht things were hard, and that they had much to fret about, but he didn't want to focus on that. Perhaps that was what caused her to worry, he wasn't sure at all, but he figured that he could comfort her, and give her cause to forget her worries for the moment at least.

Breaking the kiss, he looked at her, "if it is something we need to talk over, don't be afraid to talk, for I will listen to you. You are worth my time, and my efforts, Meizumi and anything that you have to say, I deem important," he said to her as he hoped that his words too would build confidence in the white haired woman. He smiled even slightly, a tiny smile but one anyhow. This woman was making a great difference in his life, more than the Uchiha even could understand.

"Mhm, we do. I'll be out in a few more. I distinctly recall a sly man interrupting what had been meant to be a genuine shower though." She teased, giving Neji a smirk before grabbing some shampoo and beginning to run it through her hair. She trusted him to behave, lest he get his clothes wet or - worse than that - make them even more late. Her body still thought back to the incredible orgasm and found it inevitable to think how actual sex would be. It was almost tempting to pray for time to hurry up. But she wouldn't do so, not with one upcoming wedding being significant to herself and Neji each. The other two couples deserved their own happiness as well.

After rinsing the conditioner out fully, she left the shower and turned the water off. Grabbing a towel, she dried herself off, starting with the body and then proceeding to the hair. Keeping the cloth around her torso, she walked towards the dresser and began grabbing an appropriate outfit. Her hands shook though now in ... not quite fear but curiosity on the answers that would be revealed to her. It didn't seem to matter whether it was anything about her parents or the mark, though the latter was more likely to be dangerous. After all, she had no idea on what the point of it was; but she highly doubted it to be as simple as decoration. No, Orochimaru wasn't that type of man. She may not have known him as well as Anko .. but she knew enough.

Slipping into a summer dress and sandals, she gave a slow nod to Neji. "Alright .. I think I'm ready. How .. do we go about finding him, anyways? I don't know where he's staying or if we were supposed to meet up with Hiruzen anywhere in particular."

Leaning in to return and savor the kiss, an affirmative nod left Hinata once Naruto left. She'd check up first on her sister. But before that .. she got up to her feet and began putting on her own summer dress. She paused, wondering whether to bother with shoes or not and decided to go on in case she happened to be outside. The princess doubted it but she did know that sometimes Hanabi went outdoors, regardless of why. But there were two immediate places she could vision her sister being and the first .. was where her feet began to guide her towards; her sister's room. Raising a hand, she gave a gentle knock and waited.

"Sometimes ... " Anko replied, coming out now that she was dressed. "It is best to have people that aren't overly well known of." She replied with a smile on her face, mentally remembering the notes. Asuma was a familiar name, mainly from his wife. She went way back in her childhood history with Kurenai and Iruka especially. They were some of her other best friends and comrades. In fact ... she needed to try to see Kurenai, more so now that they were both with child. But her friend was much further along from what she recalled. The ranger inwardly cursed time and her work for having felt as if she'd suddenly ignored those that mattered to her.

"Yes .. we will." She agreed, slipping the dagger away into a pocket after removing it from the target on the wall. Next her longbow and quiver went over her back. She didn't intend to use ranged weaponry. But ... better safe than sorry. And unfortunately for Orochimaru, she genuinely had no intention of letting him slip away so easily. But .. she'd kill time and see about speaking with Kurenai first. It was still far too early to confront and speak with her mentor.

"Until we meet up .. stay out of trouble, hm?" She teased, giving him a smirk and kiss.

"It's .... " That was as far as Meizumi got before the kiss and embrace were given. She paused and contemplated on whether to bring the nightmare up or not. Dreams and things of the like were huge 'what-ifs' and partly because of that, she never cared much about them. But she had heard of people who had premonitions, dreams that actually came true. She'd never had such things happen before. But then it was like the old saying went; there was a first time for everything. And should that dare try to apply to them ... it'd be wise to bring this up.

"Lemme put it this way. Replace Hinata with myself and you with Naruto from all you said yesterday." It'd be more than easy enough to understand. Her eyes closed as another shiver trailed down her spine. "I couldn't do anything. I ... " Her voice trembled and lowered simultaneously. Her head shook and eyes closed tighter before she forced herself to finish. It may not have been what she'd originally wanted to say but it was still true. "I've never even began to feel that helpless like I did in that vision .... "
Neji smiled at her comment, he was glad that he had done so, but now he sat down and waited for her to be done. He was dressed in his normal white robes of his family. He looked outside though the window as he made breakfast, he made up something very light and easy, a egg sandwich, that could be eatten on the go. He held it and took a bit of the sandwich as he waited, finishing it quickly, he kept the one for Tayuya ready for her as he waited.

Neji looked at her, "I have a note on the location it is a public spot, but it is a building that is used for business and should be good," he said as he looked at her, it would be known but private all at the same time, things that he knew that were important for the meeting with the man.

He smiled as he handed her the sandwich as he walked with her. He held her hand, he knew whatever happened it wouldn't be easy for her and that he would need to be there for her as well. Neji walked calmly as he saw that the old man was where he said he would be, with a couple of folders on the table he was waiting at while the arrived.
Hiruzen looked calm focused as he knew what he had to tell this woman, the rest of the area was empty as he knew that privacy would be something that the woman would want as well. He motioned the couple forward towards them, he smiled as he remembered his own late wife, such young love was rather amazing. "I am glad you two could make it."

Hanabi was sitting back as she looked up, the teenage was thinking about a lot and mostly praticing her writting as she studied a bit. She hadn't seen her sister in a while, most of her time had been spend with her father, who wanted her to work and study more. She opened the door to see Hinata on the other side and smiled slightly glad to see her sister, but for the most part, her look as as neautral and stoic and hiding most emotions as normaly it was. They were so different in a lot of ways, but in others she was finding out they had similarities too.

Asuma was sitting with Yamato, and Ebisu, all fo them gathered around an area, sitting playing cards. Kakashi walked over and sat down the group and smiled as he pulled out the information that he needed to share with these people, it was of the general happenings, not going into any advice, he looked around and he made suggestions on what to do, he gave Yamato the watch of Naruto, Ebisu the watch to keep an eye on the others from Konoha, and Asuma the role of keeping track with the developments from the Wind Kingdom. He was basically splitting his job up into four different minor jobs so he could take time off.

"So, that is it," Sasuke commented as he got out of bed actually kind of quickly as he heard her words. He looked at her and then let out a soft sigh, "perhaps that is a warning, perhaps we have to get stronger to prevent it from happening," he said looking over at her and focused his attention on her, "we need to train more, become strong enough that nothing like that is to happen to either of us, and so that no one can defeat us," he said as he stretched. "I figure we can spend today training working a hard as we can."

He looked at her, he knew that he wasn't the best at dealing with emotional things, and the logical most rational thing seemed the best, still it was possible. He knew that it was very possible for this council to target them in that way, as to rub it in and show him how his mission was suppose to be done. It worried him, but he didn't show it. He had to get stronger, he didn't want anyone to take what was his away from him now, no, he had to be the strongest of the Uchiha.

A slow and somewhat nervous nod left Tayuya's head as she got informed on where they were to meet up with Hiruzen. Her appetite faded slightly but she still took the sandwich and ate it. If nothing else, she'd need the energy for today and the rest of this week. By the time they came face-to-face with the man, her head bowed politely before she took a seat. "Thank you." She replied, her hands resting in her lap. When Neji took his own seat, a soft but deep breath left Tayuya's lips.

"So .. first and foremost, mind elaborating a bit more on the background of my parents?" She understood the concept of one being from the Uchiha and the other from the Uzumaki. But it didn't fill in the blanks with a lot of other questions that had gone through her mind. It made a bit more sense as to why she'd been raised in the Uchiha kingdom. But was it only because her father had been from there? It was things like this that she desired to know the most.

Her head bowed politely to Hanabi. "Hey. So ... how have things come along with you and Konohamaru?" She finally asked, managing her own soft smile back. The fact her sister had her own grin made her feel better. She'd feared that Hanabi had got the wrong impression of her. But she was glad to see that wasn't quite the case. The last thing Hinata intentionally wished to do was sever any ties, especially with her family.

Anko still felt horrid on having had to lie to Kakashi. But he had his own obligations, anyways. She didn't want him to do every single damn thing. And in the case of Orochimaru, it really did seem like something that she should do herself. Her head shook as a deep breath left her lips. It hadn't taken long to find where Asuma and Kurenai were staying in. She knew the couple would definitely be around for both her own and Hinata's wedding. In fact, she began to question if this was a good idea, suddenly realizing her friend may be just a bit too busy. Her ankles had tensed up and she thought of turning for a few minutes.

But before the ranger could try that, the door opened as Kurenai had seen her from out one of the windows. "About damn time." She greeted, a sly smile on her face as she pulled Kurenai in a hug .. and then sighed upon seeing the weapons over her back. "You can't be serious."

"It's not much." She reassured, rubbing the back of her head with one hand and returning the embrace with another. "Really .. it isn't despite how it looks. Those are just precautions."

"They damn well better be. Come in, come in ... " Without waiting for Anko to protest or agree, she helped her friend walk inside as the two began to catch up and converse.

And though Anko did try to keep most of her attention on her comrade for the immediate time being, her mind did shift every now and again to her mentor. She tried to plan and figure out how to go about that exactly .. and then decided to worry more when she actually found him.

"Well ... " That was as far as Meizumi got before Sasuke pushed himself out of the bed. The speed alone said all he refused to and it was clear how anxious he was on the idea. "I suppose it's worth heeding, even if only a what-if type of thing." She agreed finally, standing up as she began to change out of the dress and into her more typical clothing. The change had been nice but now that she had an actual reason to be in something which she was more used to, she'd eagerly embrace it.

"Have you been able to find a secluded enough place we could train in?" While she wouldn't mind staying inside ... there were obvious reasons why that wasn't the best thought. So it'd have to be somewhere outside.
The former leader of the Uzumaki lands nodded his head as he focused on her and pulled out a filed and opened it for her to look at, "Here is the file that you want to read over, it is the Warrior data on your mother, that was complete," he commented as the page had information on it.

Name: Uzumaki Ame (MIA)
Height: 5'2
Weight: 101
Eyes: brown
Hair: red
Father: Uzumaki Hikushu (deceased)
Mother: Uzumaki Misa (deceased)
A skilled assassin of agent of the Root Organization, she is considered to be the best assassin in all of the Uzumaki Lands, she has a temper, she also is very skilled and good at coming up with various covers at a moments notice. She is fit for any type of mission with little worry at all. Of a minor part of the Uzumaki family, is not connected enough to worry about having to deal with a political marriage.
1/24/12: Update: it is unknown of the status of woman, she has left her duty and abandoned her own side due to Uchiha, in agreement with our alliance with the Uchiha, she is to be killed if found by any knights or other soldiers, and is considered a traitor.

Hiruzen let her read over the paper as he pulled out a second folder, this one was harder to get and keep. He sighed as he put it down on the table, he wasn't sure what her reaction would be to this one.
Name: Uchiha Taiyo (MIA)
Height: 5'11
Weight: 170
Eyes: black
Hair: black
Father: Uchiha Hiru (deceased)
Mother: Uchiha Kaori (deceased)
Brother: Uchiha Fugaku
The elder of the two of Hiru's sons, he is talented in all he does, is the best of the Uchiha, and has as much talent or more talent then his younger brother. He is best in diplomatic affairs, skilled in dealing with other lands and most likely has the makings of being the greatest king the Uchiha have seen in a few generations.
1/23/12- Update: Has been disowned by father, and is now considered a class 1 criminal, he has betrayed his own people for the Uzumaki, he is to be killed on the spot, along with the woman he is with.

Hanabi looked up and then blinked and sighed, "Konohamaru, is the most annoying, frustrating, and annoying person I have ever meet," she said looking down blushing a bit as she made the statement, "I think he is also really kind and nice to me," she added in as she then looked up at her big sister, "I am not sure, but I think I might actually like him," she admitted as she moved out of the way so that Hinata could move into the room.

Kakashi looked at Yamato and the other two for a second as he smiled, "Keep the good work up, I have a feeling we are going to be in trouble soon, and normally I would be here to support you all, but I can't now, I am going to get..."

"Married, I know," Asuma commented as he smirked, "you found yourself a woman, knocked her up and are going to raise a family, I am glad you left the bachelor group," he said himself having left that group long before. That meant that he just had to hope that his other friends would find someone in time, but he had faith they would somehow.
"Yeah that sounds about right," he said with a nod before they got back to business.

"I have been here many of times actually, there is a couple of places we can go train," he said as he looked over at her, "if you would want, we can head to the falls to the west or the forest to the east, there are places in both areas where we can train and practice," Sasuke commented as he looked at Meizumi for a moment as he thought about each, both were isolated and both would work well. "Either way it is your choose, both fit your billing really well."

The first reaction Tayuya had was her heart sinking. That was beyond unfair, to be considered a traitor just because they fell in love from opposite factions. But as she continued reading, sorrow quickly began to turn to shock, especially as she read up on her father's information. She did the equation in her mind ... before looking in disbelief up to Hiruzen.

"Hold up, hold up, hold up ... so ... Fugaku's my uncle? Which means Sasuke and Itachi are ... ?!?!"

Fucking cousins?! Oh the irony of the situation. Well .. it could very well explain why she never got along with the boy. They fought as if they were siblings .. because they almost were. They were as close to it without actually being it anyways. Her head fell against the back of the seat as she let the information sink. Her mind had literally been blown away .. and she was still unsure of how to think on this entire scenario.

"So ... um ... " Her head shook as she tried to regain some composure. "Your student Orochimaru ... how well do you know of brandings he makes and what they do? If they even do anything at all? But ... I doubt it's just an art or form of tattoo. Anko pointed it out to me a few days ago though .. and she has one also."

And then ... another revelation hit her. Technically, she was a much of a royal member as Neji. So if push came to shove ... wouldn't she wind up taking over if - for some reason - Itachi or Sasuke couldn't due to her heritage with being related to Fugaku?

Well hell ... this day sure as fuck got interesting ...

Hinata offered her sister a smile as she walked inside, sitting down upon her bed. "To be fair, you're both still young. That's why your arrangements ... aren't immediate. You both have much more time than myself or Neji were allowed. And even though it did work out in the end, just enjoy the moments you have with him." Letting her hand rest on her lap, she looked into the pale violet eyes across from her. "You been doing okay overall?"

"Falls." Meizumi replied with almost no hesitation. "The peaceful aura it gives off will help enhance the training, for one. Two, it'll have far more space. Three, we're not really trying to cut down trees." She added, managing a small smirk upon her face. Patting herself down, she made sure her blindfold and blades were each with her before giving a small nod. "Alright ... I've got everything. You?"
Hiruzen looked at Tayuya as he nodded his head, "yes you would be cousins, you if your father hadn't been branded a traitor would be just like Hinata Hyuuga, and most likely would of still married Neji Hyuuga, just your children would of taken the Uchiha name and not the Hyuuga name and you would of lived in your kingdom," he said looking at her letting that thought sink in as well. "The details of the end is unknown to me, I don't know how they meet their end, their bodies have never actually been found," he said looking at her, "from what I know, from Orochimaru, they had to leave you to escape perhaps."

He moved around and looked at her neck carefully, "yes, they are not just markings, you see my student has always had a ego, as I am sure you know quite well," Hiruzen commented as he looked at the mark, "It is a attempt at experimentation I would gather, he did that a lot, he wanted to prove his genius though such a thing, most likely he supplimented you by this mark, to be able to do something better then normal, but honestly, I don't know anything more than that. I do know that he gave up the experimentation about a decade ago, with the banning of it, or so is what I have heard, but that put you old enough to have it happen to you before then. If it was to make the best possible, why wouldn't you be a natural target for such experimentations, think about your parents and how you would stand out now."

Hanabi nodded her head, "yeah, I know, I just am getting used to the thought, but it will work out," she said formally, maybe a bit coldly as she looked at her sister, "what is it like," she asked as she blinked looking at Hinata. "What is it like to get ready to get married, and to fall for another person, you are in love with Naruto right?" she asked as she wanted to know what the feeling would be like so she would know if she was or wasn't and so she could prepare herself too.

Sasuke took his sword from by his bed and prepared it as he smiled at Meizumi and held the door open for her. "we shall be off then, the falls is a bit of a walk, but it is a heck of a view too," he said as he smiled. He knew that this was going to be fun, to train, and learn from her was always such a pleasure, her grace, her movements were fine and near perfect. He couldn't think of anyone who could use a sword nearly as well as the woman, and he was still learning things from her.

"... Wait. But if their bodies haven't been found ... isn't there a chance they're alive then?" Wasn't that how the protocol went anyways? Okay, if something hadn't been royally wrong before, now it definitely was. It was like being so close to finishing a puzzle and suddenly the last few pieces you needed to complete it seemed to vanish from your sight. It made her frown in annoyance. The feelings only increased upon hearing the rhetorical question on why she had been selected, why this wasn't random even though Orochimaru had insisted that to be true?

"... Love?" She inquired, feeling so stupid. It was literally on the tip of her tongue and yet Tayuya couldn't seem to place the answer or determine it out. She wanted to say something along the lines of the Snake Expert knowing her father but .. he didn't. Or .. did he? Maybe Neji could better comprehend this wreck and help her finish the riddle her mind was failing to figure.

".. Fall for another person?" Had she just mis-spoken? Hinata's head shook no as she chuckled softly. "Of course I'm in love with Naruto. There's no one else I've ever seen myself with. This arrangement was truly one of the best things that could have happened. I'm not going to say I'm not nervous. But that's a natural feeling. Besides, I'm far more excited than anything else. So .. a bit nervous and yet eager all at once to still answer your question."

"They're supposed to be from what I heard. I never really got to see any while in the Uzumaki lands; though that's mostly the workaholic's side of me's fault. I was too occupied with my training to make an attempt. But many say it's one of the best places to train around." Her smile widened as she noted Sasuke keeping the door open for her and bowed her head to him. It almost seemed a bit backwards, just because he was still the one with royal blood, not her. But she wouldn't complain out loud.

"Thank you." She replied, glancing up briefly towards the sky and using the direction of the sun to figure where west was. Turning herself in the correct direction, she began walking off, the light sounds of metal clinking from within their sheaths.
Neji looked at the infromation taht was given to him, he blinked as he thought about it for a moment, "well it is possible they are alive, but there is no way of knowing, I am sure if they are, they are not anywhere near Uchiha lands anymore, or Uzumaki lands, it is possible though, but unlikely," he said as he looked at her, it was big news, that he hadn't seen coming at all. He slipped an arm around her, "Well, I will keep looking into this, and I know now where to look, to see if there is anything that matches this on record," he said hopefully cheering Tayuya up with his words.

"Well okay, um, thank you, I just want to know so when it happens to me, I won't miss it," she replied as she looked at her sister, they hadn't grown up that close, but she still was her sister. "Well um, I hope that this all goes well, it is going to be well most more empty around here without you around," she said unsure how to say that she would miss her elder sibling in any way.

Sasuke nodded his head as he heard of them, but had never been there either, he walked to the large waterfall, it was big, it dominated the area around, and the area around was perfect for training. He walked out and started to stretch a good bit as he prepared himself for different types of training. He knew that it was good to get in some work, and it was so peaceful here. He was glad that she had picked this place. It was away from everyone, and no one would bug them at all. He wondered if he perhaps could make a move on Meizumi later during training as well, the thought serious come up into his mind as he stretched.

Tayuya was still irked at herself. The answer was there, in her mind and still upon her tongue. But she couldn't figure why she'd been chosen. It was incredibly frustrating .. and that was just the much kinder way of saying and thinking it all. Giving a small nod to both Neji and Hiruzen, her smile managed to widen. "Thank you for all of this. Do you mind if we keep at least a copy of these by chance?" Her mind began racing, trying to ensure there weren't any other questions she was forgetting to bring up. This was, after all, one of the most golden opportunities she was getting. And with no guarantee this would be able to happen again, she'd take advantage of this existing while it remained.

"I do too." Not that Hinata had many doubts but every marriage had their trials, or so she'd been told. Walking in front of her, she gave Hanabi a gentle hug. "There's no shame in speaking your mind, you know?" She encouraged. Despite not having been as close as they could have been, Hinata did know Hanabi enough to understand she was trying to keep a strong front around her. And while it was a good thing at times ... now just didn't seem like one to the Princess's mind.

After nearly an hour or so of catching up and talking to one another, poor Kurenai had excused herself to go lie down and rest. Honestly, that was more or less what Anko had been waiting for. If she seemed too desperate to scurry off, her friend would better realize something was bothering the ranger. And she didn't want to drag anyone else into this mess. It was her mentor and that made her all the more determined to deal with this on her own.

Quietly closing the door to Asuma and Kurenai's residence, a low sigh left Anko's lips. "What a chore .. " She murmured, pulling the dagger out and tugging on the sleeve. Now it was literally hidden in her sleeve while being carefully but firmly held in her hand. Her eyes closed for a few moments as she got into Orochimaru's mindset .. and began to walk towards where she was almost positive about finding him. But damnit, she needed to talk to him. And he wasn't going to talk his way out of not doing so that easily.

Staying silent, a content smile finally crossed Meizumi's lips as they arrived. "Alright .... well then .... " Pulling the cloth out, she took a few steps in front of herself to avoid swinging too wide and hitting Sasuke in the process. "Are you just going to watch? Or practice yourself?" Regardless, she pulled one of her blades out and began doing a katta - a dance while keeping her sword wielded.

Smug, bratty prince. Ooooh when we find the bastard ...

The thoughts belonged to the overzealous Hidan. Both he and Kakuzu had not only been given a lead to the Uchiha prince but were even assisted with being let out of the prison. While it was a nice gesture, he'd feel better on this anonymous help once they both got what had been stolen from them. And that .. was their money. They had been so fucking close. But no. Sasuke had to cheat both himself and Kakuzu out of what they had earned, what they deserved!

So now, he's gonna fucking pay ...

A deviant smirk crossed the white-haired man's lips. He already had an array of ideas on what to do when it was his turn. And for once, he had a gut instinct that both himself and Kakuzu had similar mindsets. In fact, it was one of the reasons that he wasn't arguing with his partner. They both wanted the same thing and were more than content to work together to obtain it.

And this time, no more stunts. Oh fuck and no. That's gonna fucking be taken care of ...

Maybe it was because he finally had a way to let out his fury which had been kept away during the months they'd been imprisoned, but Hidan was feeling even more sadistic than usual. He didn't want just pain. Oh no. He wanted blood, he wanted to hear winces, screams, begs for the agony to cease. And damnit, he would get that.
Neji looked at Hiruzen, "Sir, would you mind tell me something, where there any heirlooms from either side," he asked as he looked at the older man who blinked and then was stunned as he remembered something and nodded his head. to remembering something he had sent for that night to be sent over to him, it was found in the room of Tayuya's mother before she left on her last mission to Uchiha lands. She had already fallen for her lover at that point.

Hiruzen put the box down in front of Tayuya and looked at it, "I remember finding this when I did my first search of her home," he said looking at Tayuya as he focused his eyes upon her, "it was left with the instruction to be left alone, and left unopened. Odd, I never knew why, but I did so, maybe cause your mother was a good person," he said pushing the box infront of Tayuya. Inside were many of things, a flute that her mother played, song lyrics, a message from her mother to her if she were alive. A small knife with the Uchiha seal, and a ring showing her of the royal family of the Uchiha, her father's ring, all put away as if she knew she wasn't going to come back from her mission.

"I am happy for you, I am so glad you got what you were after, it is amazing to think that you get to live out your dream," Hanabi commened softly, "I think I like someone, I just don't know for sure, and your right, I do have more time. I just wanted to kind of um..confirm um understand my own feelings," Hanabi said as she looked down for a moment, "I will miss you, I know were not close and all, but your still family and that is important right?"

Orochimaru was out, he had left to handle business, it wasn't the business he wanted to handle, but he had little choose in the issue. It had been given to him by his new boss Madara, and he wasn't stupid enough to challenge that man, he was just to powerful, he had all the cards, and he was the pipper. He was just someone who now somehow was a minion who had little power, as did Fugaku, both having lost power to the council and to Madara as well.

"I am going to pratice too," he said as he got up and took up his sword and started praticing swings of it fast and hard, "perhaps I can get better, it would only be fitting to be faster with this heavy thing," he said with a smile as he prepared himself for a sparing match with Meizumi. "I think I have an idea on how to attack you this time," he said as he looked at her, he knew she knew where he was, and he knew how he was going to attack feint one direction and pull away watch her reactions keep out of range if she made a mistake pounce on it.

Kakuzu was mad as all hell. He wanted revenge, he was going to get a big payday and it disapeared, he had to deal with the redhead, he had to deal with the limitations on his job, he had to deal with a lot of shit to do that mission. He looked ahead and walked with Hidan. He normally would argue, but this time it was personal. Revenge was a dish served best cold, and he would have it so. He liked the money to get revenge, that was just bonus, and the chance to make even more money when they were done even better. It would be fun, and he would not mess around, and he wouldn't have the stupid limitations that were place on him before. He was as ready as his partner to get this revenge, Sasuke Uchiha was going to pay.

A hand went in front of Tayuya's mouth as she saw all the items. The flute .. if they ever had a daughter, she'd let her use that while teaching her to play. While it could be done with a boy, it did seem more fitting to keep the tradition going. Her mother had played the instrument as she had. So it seemed proper to teach a girl and keep it that way. The knife .. maybe she could work on her melee skills with that somehow? It was a thought in progress as was figuring out what to do with the ring. The lyrics could definitely be glanced at later. After taking the time to properly study everything, she stood up with the box in her hands.

"Thank you again. This ... is definitely a start." Her head bowed and mind raced. She was pretty certain nothing else had been forgotten. But on the off-chance she had, she'd be mentally nagged on it in case.

"I understand. Don't rush on it. You're lucky to be given the privilege of time. Embrace that while it still remains." Her smile widened as Hinata gave her sister a nod. "Of course it's important. I'll always think of you, Neji, and dad even while I'm away. And I swore I'd visit every now and again. It's not like I'll be gone forever. I regret not having taken many other chances to be close to you. But I hope nothing but the best for you."

An infuriated "Urgh!" left Anko's lips as she failed to find her mentor. "A real snake in the grass... " She murmured, clearly not happy with having lost him. "Damnit. Well .. fuck. Start over, I guess ... " She mused, trying to resume her search once again.

"Personally, heavy blades irk the hell out of me. But .. if you truly wish to keep that one, alright." A smirk widened upon hearing the unofficial start of a spar. Her ears seemed to take over as she pivoted on her feet and held her sword in a horizontal direction in front of her body, taking a few slow steps back. He hadn't attacked yet ... but she intended to be ready when he did this way. It was a method to try to force him to sneak around and, hopefully, give her an opening.

When the waterfall came into view, so did Sasuke and .... a woman? Let alone blindfolded? An eyebrow raised as he ducked down to keep from giving himself - no, themselves - away. He had begun to speak but then halted. He remembered a code he and Kakuzu had made years ago. And even if he used a whisper... there was no guarantee neither of them would remain hidden. He began to ask via signs whom Kakuzu wanted to go after; the prince or the new maiden. True, the latter hadn't been part of the equation but compared to Tayuya .. she seemed far more competent. And the blindfold, something was telling him, wasn't just for show; another reason he'd gone to signing as opposed to whispering.
Hiruzen nodded his head as he looked at the both of them, "you are always welcome, I live in Uzumaki lands, but you are always welcome to visit, the door shall be open for you both," hes aid smiling at the pair, "I believe in this alliance between our nations, Neji Hyuuga, your cousin and Naruto, I believe they are both destined to do great things as well as I get the sense you to might as well," he said before taking his leave from them.

Neji looked at Tayuya and smiled as he saw the look, it was nice that she at least had something to remember her family by, that was kind enough, and it meant something, that she had once at least had a family a past to call her own, that had to be something great for her, he guessed. He knew it had to be hard not only being a orphan, but not even knowing where you came from.

"I know," Hanabi said as she nodded her head, "Now, you take care of yourself, and remember to be brave, your going to do fine," she said right before hugging her sister softly letting her arms wrap around in a sisterly hug. She remained slient for a moment longer after that as it was nice to just be able to give her one hug, it wasn't something that they did much, but this seemed the time to do so.

Sasuke attacked and then fiented away, he moved around fast, forcing Meizumi to move away, he was able to understand how she attack now, and when she attacked it he made sure to move in a way that he could block her attacks. He wondered though, if she was holding back as he moved, the sword was heavy but powerful, he danced with it well thought. He still got tired as he spared sweat forming from his forehead as he avoided counter and avoided again. It was a style of fighting that seemed to take a lot of endurance, ant this pratice would be good, even if it wore him out.

Kakazu waited as they spared, they were going to wear themselves down, he was sure that Hidan would see this too. He smiled as the match went on, the noises hide their presence as well. He figured that soon it would be the best time to attack surprise the tired pair and take them. Kakazu pointed at Sasuke, he was his, he had made the deal with him, and he owed him the most for having broken the deal for money that Sasuke had made with him. He waited and then when he felt that the two were tired attacked form the bushes.

Sasuke watched, his eyes went wide in shock to see the movements, he prepared his word as Kakazu attacked with such speed and skill, he had gotten inside his defense, mostly due to his tireness and the weight of his sword, he tried to move back, but it was no good, he felt a hand grip his wrist and he felt himself pulled forward. He knew that this wasn't good at all.

Kakazu was right, they were easy tired, he sruck fast, he hit hard, grabbing Sasuke by the arm, he pulled him towards him and slammed his fist into the face of the Uchiha knocking him out cold with a single punch, taking the knife he had in his pocket, he put it to Sasuke's neck as he turned to see if Hidan would need any help or that the woman would need to be convenced to give up to save him.

It did indeed mean something. But there was still quite a bit of shock going through Tayuya to know she was related to Fugaku, Sasuke, and Itachi. Hell, did Fugaku even know she wondered? And if so, why did he never speak up? That was still his brother for fuck's sakes! Her head shook no. It didn't matter now. What did was the lead and information they now had, along with the heirlooms. Her head bowed politely to Hiruzen once again as Tayuya turned on her heels. She stayed silent for a while before speaking up to Neji.

"So .. did you have any other ideas or thoughts on how to kill time for the rest of the day?" She inquired curiously.

"I ... I will. You take care also." Taking the moments to savor the hug, Hinata pulled away after a few more moments. Her feet absentmindedly guided her back to her room. For now, she'd contemplate on how to spend the rest of the day. It was supposed to be mostly stress-free and yet simultaneously full of preparations. The latter made her sigh. By the time dinner was ready or in the midst of being done, she'd have to get her hair fixed and other things of the like. So while she had the chance .. Hinata would relax before being pampered by an array of servants and friends.

It hadn't bothered Meizumi at first. But as the spar went on, a frown crossed her face. "Wait ... " She murmured, a solemn look on her face as she stayed a few paces away from Sasuke. "Something's off. Do you hear anything?" And that was exactly the problem. She hadn't heard anything except their swords swinging through the air. No birds, no indication of life or nature. Her teeth gripped her lower lip ever so slightly. "I ... don't think we're alone .... " She finally admitted.

Indeed, Hidan did see what Kakuzu was waiting for. His smirk only widened as he heard the girl speak up. She was amusing and fuck, she was smart! Oh what a rare treat he'd just been given. Sending up a silent prayer to Jashin, he gave an approving nod of dealing with her. He'd actually get to have fun for the first time in a long while. And damnit, he would savor this moment.

Waiting for Kakuzu to emerge first, he followed suit and leaped out. His scythe had been ready since they began the trek toward here. Raising it over his head, he brought it down towards the female.

"....Sasuke?! Hm?!" Meizumi's head looked up, her sword following her gaze as she raised the katana in time to block the triple-bladed scythe. Her mind was quickly trying to comprehend the feeling of the new weapon. "... Something with three ... blades?" She mused softly.

The fact Sasuke was out cold and they already had a more than huge advantage was Hidan's cue. An arrogant laugh left his lips as his smirk widened more in amusement. "Well fuck me! A woman who knows her shit! What a lovely change for once. Yeah, sweetie. A triple bladed scythe .. not like it'll fucking do you any good. But I gotta give credit where it's due .... " It may not have seemed possible .. but his smirk widened even further. "Not many women can fight well as it is, let alone blinded. Not bad."

"Tch ... " Her arm shook as she kept her sword held in front of her, using it as a shield to keep the three blades from connecting with her skin. But the longer she kept her arms up, the quicker they were becoming tired. And then, her eyes widened under the blindfold. It hadn't dawned on her .. up until she heard and felt it all too late.

With little to no warning, Hidan raised a knee and let it land in Meizumi's gut, causing her to double over.

A loud wince left as she stumbled backwards, panting heavily. "Goddamnit ... " She murmured, cursing herself for having been so reckless. But what Kakuzu and Hidan may not have expected was even after the harsh hit, she refused to back down or even remove the blindfold. If anything, she got in another stance, her arms trembling slightly. But aside from that, she didn't show any signs of halting.

It seemed relatively even ... for now, anyways. But as fun as this was, Hidan knew his partner well enough. He wouldn't want this to linger on forever; and to extents, the overzealous man couldn't blame him. So he gave a nod to Kakuzu, signaling for him to go on with his idea. His head turned in time to block Meizumi's blade, chuckling as he kept her at a stand-still for now.
Neji smiled as he nodded his head, "I have an idea," he said with a smile as he looked at her, "we can work on our music skills together, it isn't like we have any pressing needs at the moment," he said with a warm smile as he knew that she would be up for it. He knew that she had liked to play with him before, so praticing their skills at music seemed like the best possible thing to do. He smiled as he looked at her slipping his arm around her. "So I guess your even a royal, our pairing makes more sense in a way now, but I hope we can find out more later, I know it will be a mystery we solve at some point."

Hidan was letting this go on far to long, he always did that. Kakazu hated how slow he could be sometimes, he was playing with the woman, he was sure it was just for the fun of it, and that he wanted a good match. He could understand that, he liked a good fight too, granted the Uchiha was to tired to give him one, but still dirty tricks were needed for big cash sometimes, and he wasn't afraid to use dirty tricks either. He saw the look from Kakuzu telling him he had enough of his fun with the odd girl.

"Well, woman, I am guessing your friends with Sasuke here, not sure why you keep such weak friends, but let me tell you something, give up," he said coldly as he looked at her, "if you don't give up, well, your friend here will be dead soon, very soon, as this knife will cut his throat and I will let him bleed to death right here in front of your blind self," he said not knowing that she could in fact see, "your kind of in a disadvantage, do you escape and let this idiot prince die as he should, or do you give up save him and cost yourself a lot more pain, I would let him die if I were you and get out, but that is up to you isn't it."

"That sounds good." A soft chuckle left Tayuya's lips. "It's ironic, really. You were afraid of me being related to Sasuke. And ... technically, I am." She couldn't help but wonder whether to even reveal that knowledge to at least Itachi if not the younger prince. It seemed like something they should eventually know if not right away. That bridge, she figured, could be crossed when it arrived. If it ever did, anyways. A content smile crossed her lips as she felt Neji's arms around her. "It's .. it feels so damn surreal, hard to believe."

She couldn't help but wonder if that had been partly why she of all people had been chosen. Maybe Fugaku had realized who she truly was and it was his subtle way of making the right decision? But if that was true .. he knew she wasn't only an Uchiha, didn't he? There were still so many questions which hadn't yet been answered. But hopefully, time would help solve what remained of the puzzle.

"You could ... say that." It wasn't by any means the affairs of these men that she was courting Sasuke. But it was true she was a friend .. so she admitted that much. Her eyes widened under the blindfold as she heard Sasuke was at knife point. Her hands began to tremble more as that same nightmare taunted her once again. Her head shook slowly in disbelief.

This isn't happening, this isn't happening ...

But she had heard the man's tone. There was no sense of him joking around. If anything, he was dead serious. Her teeth gripped her lip. She didn't want this to repeat. Not again. But where was Sasuke?! That was the main problem ... she couldn't tell. And without that ability .. the knife would slit his throat faster than she could get to him.

"I'd rather take his stead, personally." She finally confessed, shoving Hidan away as best as she could. "But I can hear that's not negotiable. I'm not leaving him ... regardless." Her grip tightened as her head lowered, her sword returning to it's sheath. Her hands had raised to go to her blindfold .. but with the focus having been on Kakuzu, she hadn't heard Hidan slip behind her. Only when her wrist was grasped and turned into a tight hammerlock did she realize where he'd snuck to.

"Oh no. That will be your double edged blade. You fight like that ... and now it's going to enhance your suffering more." His other hand wrapped firmly around Meizumi's waist and finally, violet eyes glanced over to Kakuzu. "I don't think there are any caverns like last time. So where do we take them?"
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