A Middle Age Naruto RP (Yajirobe and LadyYunaFFX2)

Curouisity was nippling at Neji as he heard her statement about a surprise. He wondered what she had up her sleeve and said nothing for a good moment as he just smiled. The dance was so pleasant, so calming and so passionate in an different sort of way he would figure. Neji let his small smile remain as he knew that they had dance back then, and it had been after much more work than this one. He was glad to see that his work had paid off though. "Well, I must admit, I have praticed, though, most of that pratice time went in a different direction," he said with a soft smile as he finished the dance with her after a bit, taking her hand and walking over to the cake, it was very impressive.

Naruto looked and smiled, "Well Kakashi said that footwork was key to improving as a fighter, so I figured that I could kill two birds with one stone as it were," he replied smiling the shine of happiness in the blue eyes of the Uzumaki hard to not notice as he danced with Hinata. He had wanted to be able to be better and the training gave him the way to do it really.

"The marriage is really going to be awesome, part of me wishes it was tomorrow morning, so that I could be officially married to you," he said softly as he looked at her, "I am excited, I am rather pumped, it is going to be so awesome, so amazing. Just thinking about it makes my heart beat faster with anticipaction and excitement," he said honestly as he looked at her as the dance ended working his way over to watch the cutting of the cake with Hinata.

Kakashi was lucky he didn't have Orochimaru to deal with as Anko or Tayuya had to deal with. He only had Minato to answer to, and that was nothing compared to Orochimaru, he wasn't so strange, even Jiraya wasn't as odd as Orochimaru in his own personal opinion. Kakashi took her hand into his own and walked over to where the cake was cut as well, he figured it woudl be neat to see, as it had been a most impressive cake. He slipped his hand around Anko gently as he waited for it to take place.

Neji took Tayuya's hand into his own as he cut the cake, with her, slicing it up and taking the first piece into the plate. He then grinned as he fed Tayuya the first small sliver of cake before getting his return on that one. He smiled as he looked at her, a bit of cake on his face as he did so. "Now, I promised a surprised, this work didn't take me as long as I made it out to be, the preparations, I was working on something else other the basic prepration," he said as he looked over at Lee who removed a certain to reveal a piano on which sat her flute. "I worked on getting decent with playing music, cause I wanted to try to play a duet with you this night, Tayuya."

Sasuke looked over at Meizumi and focused back on the note again, "yeah, something is up, I have no clue what the heck it is, but you and I have been recalled to the capital after the marriage of Hinata and Naruto, right after. If you wish to spend any time with your previous comrades, I suggest that you do so tomorrow, as after that time period, we might not be in a position to see them for a good while," he advised her as he gave her the same infromation that he had, which at the moment really wasn't that much other than the basics.

The lack of questions from Neji hinted to Tayuya he'd seemed to fairly guess her surprise would be after the ceremony. After a few more spins and twirls, it was time to go cut the cake. Her pulse quickened with each step she took. This .. almost felt too real to be true. Was this really happening? Was she really married? Sneaking a glance down to her left hand, the ring upon it proved this had all been very real. It made her smile widen. As they arrived in front of the cake, her hand carefully intertwined with Neji's as the first slice was cut. As Neji fed the dessert to her, the bard let her mouth open, allowing him to spoil her.

And finally ... the surprise was revealed. Wiping her mouth, it stayed open agape at the sight of the piano. Standing up to her feet, Tayuya walked towards the instruments and Neji, her smile widening. "Oh wow. I'd be honored." Her voice quickly lowered as a new thought entered her mind, however. "What exactly are we playing though? Some other piece? The one I usually perform? Or ... ?" Her question trailed off and pulse raced even more, in anxiety but more anticipation.

A small nod left Hinata's head. "I'm excited too. A bit nervous .. but not nearly as much as I expected myself to be." As the music halted, her head turned in time to see the cake being cut. Taking a gentle hold upon Naruto's hand, Hinata walked over and smiled at the sight. Poor Neji. He really had needed something as incredible as today to happen to him. He truly was long overdue. And the knowledge of her turn coming soon up made her own heart flutter in happiness.

A content sigh left Anko's lips as Kakashi's hands slid around her. After Hinata and Naruto got married, it would be their turn. It was amusing in an ironic way. The two had started out as more professional partners; now they were going to be spouses and future parents. The cake looked .. so very tempting. And given Anko didn't usually have too much sugar in her diet, she almost wondered whether to self-indulge herself or not. She could wait, if nothing else. Right now, just being close to Kakashi was making her more than happy enough. Her hands overlapped on Kakashi's as they fell near her stomach.

"... I see. Very well." The list of people had been more than easy enough to figure out. Minato, Kushina, and Kakashi. The last name had been one of her best sparring partners after all. And with how abruptly Fugaku had ... asked her to move, she hadn't given any of them, especially her comrade knight, a proper farewell. It was the least she could owe him, especially upon realizing she would be forced to miss his wedding. That alone irked her. But Meizumi also knew there was little she could do in regards to the request. Besides, she'd been careful to stay on Fugaku's good side thus far. She didn't want to lose grace with him over something so ... petty. Like Sasuke, the swordswoman was curious on what it was about. But if even he didn't know, there would be no use in pushing for answers. All she - they - could do was wait.
Neji saw the reaction on the fact of Tayuya as she found out what his surprise was. He smiled to himself as he looked at her. He felt the need to work on this skill. That being able to combine sounds and music would make an extremely special moment, and they would share something that would be greater in a lot of ways because of his learning how to play the music. He smiled as he walked over and looked at her as he sat down, he took a deep breath as he was nervous and he knew that he would need to explain what was going on as well to Tayuya. The Hyuuga's stoic manner came though as he looked up at her and handed her the sheet music, "Well this is the number. I went thought a lot of music to pick this piece," he said to her with a smile as he looked at the keys that were their, he looked over the notes for a moment longer.

He was nervous, but he had prepared as best as he could. He wasn't a naturally gifted musician like Tayuya, but still he figured that he could handle his own or he hoped to with all the preparation. He looked at Tayuya as she looked over the sheet, he knew that she would get it quickly, as it wasn't that hard of a song, or that long either, but that wasn't important the fact they would be playing together that was the important part of it. He waited as he watched her, waiting for her to be prepared for the music to begin. When he noticed that she was he closed his eyes taking in long deep breaths that helped him center himself as he knew that all eyes would be on them, something, he wasn't used to, but he could handle it. After a few long moments he began to play the song, his naturally graceful fingers sliding over the right keys as he played the song perfectly with his new wife.

"Yeah, it is going to be big, I am just glad things worked out as they did, I couldn't see myself ever being as happy as I am with you, Hinata," he said softly as he turned his attention to the music being played, it was relaxing, he smiled as he took Hinata's hand and started to dance in place quietly as the music was played away from the others view, just enjoying the closeness that he had with her. He wasn't sure why, but it felt nice to be near her, to have her by his side. He knew that he could count on the Hyuuga and that she made him feel things no other woman could ever. He smiled as thought about their wedding, it was coming fast, but he was looking forward to it, he had been for a while now actually. He stopped and looked at her, "I got to say they were pretty good," he said referring to the newlyweds.

Kakashi looked at the young people, they were the oldest of the group getting married, and he figured perhaps that made some sense to let the young people have their day first. He knew that their marriage was different as it had been completely one by choose rather than by diplomacy. He wondered what was it going to be like to be married, and how it was going to be like to have a family as well. They were things he honestly had no clue about, but things that excited him none the same. He was sure that in the coming months that he would be studying books on fatherhood. He wondered though if their child would be just the eldest in the group of the new generation, he could tell just looking at the other two couples, it wouldn't be long till they all had offspring of their own.

As the sheet music got handed to Tayuya, she placed it upon a stand and began to study it. Every now and again, dark eyes couldn't help but sneak behind her and towards Neji's music. She honestly feared for him when she saw it. His looked far more complex. Had he just bitten off more than he could chew? To learn the piano so quickly was one thing; to master it to this degree was an entirely different one. But .. he had faith in her that this could work. It only seemed fair for the bard to return the favor.

Her head turned back around as she began to lightly tap her feet upon the floor. It was an easy way to help her figure a good rhythm out. Besides, it had seemed Neji was to begin and then she join in the duet. She had time, even if a few seconds. And once she heard her cue, Tayuya began to press the matching keys and help with the duet. Just like the sending song had done many times, this one ... had quite the effect upon the poor bard.

Not only had he studied an elegant-sounding instrument, he found a song that complimented it very well. And that plus all which was heard by her own instrument made tears of joy build up, threatening to fall down her face. A few things kept them from actually doing so though. One was simply her own willpower. The other .. she didn't want to ruin her dress. She'd wait, damnit.

Unfortunately, Hinata's desire to cry gave in before she realized it. "Oh ... " Taking the handkerchief Anko had given her earlier, she began hastily wiping her face, keeping it mostly void of tears. "S-sorry. But ... you're right. They're incredible players and - hopefully - will be equally good lovers. And I never could imagine myself being happier either." She'd known Tayuya was talented in the music department. But this had been a surprise for her also to learn that Neji had taken up the musician role. And it astounded and amazed her how quickly he had adapted so well. She was proud and happy for him. He'd taken so many steps, and all in the correct direction.

As Anko's head tilted up, she noticed the look in Kakashi's eyes. He'd gone to a silent thinking mode, similar to one she tended to go to when the situation was needed. "Something up?" She inquired, her head looking back down as the music began. A low whimper made her head turn and shake as she saw poor Hinata break down once again. Thankfully, the Princess had been smart to keep the handkerchief from earlier too. But .. she could understand the source of the tears. Her own wanted to fall, the song was that beautiful. And it complimented Neji and Tayuya both .. borderline perfectly.

Her fingers rolled over Kakashi's palms as Anko's grip squeezed down slightly. Truth be told .. even though neither had it in their history, Anko still wondered if it was only one she was carrying. It wasn't likely but not impossible she had more than one. It'd be another thing revealed in time, as would gender, what the child - children mayhaps - would end up looking like and other issues. Those alone helped her feel like joining the Princess in crying tears of joy.
Neji actually lost himself in the music itself, his mind was focused on doing so well on the music that he kind of turned out the reactions of people from around himself as well as any sounds around himself as well. His whole focus was just on the playing of the piece and hitting every single note. He played most of it with his eyes focused on a spot just ahead of himself as he went along, his mind a steal trap of focus while he worked on the song.

As he finished he looked around and blinked and blushed a bit, he had no idea that he had done so well. He rubbed the back of his head and stood up and bowed gently to the group who was gathered in front of himself and his wife. He had no idea that anyone other then his now wife would enjoy the playing of the music. He had picked a happy song, on purpose cause it was suppose to be a happy occassion. He looked up at Tayuya and smiled towards her ever so slightly.

"I had fun, I hope that I guess I didn't embarrass myself to badly," he said clueleess to how he had done. He had been to overly focused and honestly wasn't even listened to the music he played as he played it, just the next note as it was written on the sheet. He had been to worried that he would mess up that he overly focused on the music tuning out everything around himself.

Naruto looked at Hinata and smiled as he watched her and nodded his head as he looked at the pair, "Well they are a heck of a match," Naruto mused outloud as he nodded his head in agreement with Hinata. He was very impressed with Neji's skills, it had been so good, so nice to hear that music. He could tell that a lot of feelings were put into the music their feelings most likely. He thought about the wedding that he would have with Hinata, it would be different, as different as their personalities were different than the couple who just got married.

Kakashi stood there and shook his head as he refocused on the music, he figured that was the focused at that moment. It was good, they were good too, he looked over at Anko as he felt her hand tighten against his own and smiled as he looked at her slightly. She was enjoying this and happy about how the after wedding party was going, and truth be told he was happy about it as well. He thought about what the future would hold, how they would be like in years. He felt that things were in good hands, really good hands going forward.

Tayuya had managed to lose herself in the music also, only stopping when the last note was hit from her flute. Turning on her feet, she gave Neji an embrace, smiling proudly at him. "You kidding? That was lovely. You did very well with figuring out a duet. You know how difficult it was to keep from crying in front of everyone?" She gave a slow nod toward Hinata, hinting to Neji that even though she'd kept from giving into the temptation, someone had gone and done what she'd almost ended up doing. "I'm proud of you. It usually takes much longer to get even somewhat decent with instruments."

Sneaking one last glance toward the piano, she then set her flute upon it, gently taking one of Neji's hand into hers. "I can have that moved to our room. For now, I owe you a promise." It was getting late .. and honestly, she did want to get the revelation out of the way. It'd been bad enough Tayuya and Anko had kept the information on the Cursed Seal away. Now .. it was time to bring it up. It wasn't right to keep it away any longer; but hell if she was doing it here. A proud smile remained on her face as she walked down the stage and began heading back to Neji's place with her new spouse.

The same hand holding the cloth finally raised as a low yawn left Hinata's lips. "Tonight was fun. But given our day is coming up soon ... what say you on the idea of rest? We're both going to need it? Besides, I've already given my congratulations to them. So unless you want to real fast ... we've done all we need to here."

Anko hadn't been trying to eavesdrop. But it was easy enough to overhear Hinata, especially with her job usually being along the lines of someone who specialized in tracking people and the respective skills. And more often than not, that would require her senses to be keen. "She's right." Anko finally replied, tilting her head to glance up to Kakashi. "It is getting late and like Hinata and Naruto, we have our own day arriving soon." She, especially, had to mentally prepare. It'd been a while since she had done anything overly vital with Orochimaru. With the knowledge he'd give her away - and likely be her first dance as he'd done with Tayuya - she'd need to be as ready as possible for those moments.
Neji smiled as he was glad that she had thought he had done well. He had worked so very hard to get this good and to get this song down. He was just glad to hear her approval, any other wasn't needed, though having it and seeing the effects caused him to feel proud about himself as he looked over at her. "Well, I guess that is why everyone keeps calling me a genius," he said with a smile, not sounding arrogrant actually almost playfully as he looked at her.

He blinked as he looked at her and then nodded his head, "yeah, we should, I want to keep working on that, and I think overtime I can reach higher levels," he said with a smile as he always was one to try to improve himself. He had forgotten about her promise, but he know it was something important, what it was, he had no clue at all, he figured he would figure it out sooner or later. He walked with her hand in hand as he walked to their place now, as he stopped and picked her up into his arms carrying her the proper fashion into their home before putting her down oin the floor.

Naruto smiled as he looked at her, without the couple things would end fast. He nodded his head as he looked at her and then slipped his arm around her as he looked at her, "why don't I join you tonight, nothing that would get us in trouble, but for once, I want to get used to the idea of sharing a bed with you, holding you as you slept," he said to her with a soft tone, serious in his tone as he wanted to push the idea forward, so the post wedding wouldn't feel so awkward for them.

Kakashi nodded his head as he smiled at her, he figured she had a lot on her mind, and he was tired actually. He had spent the day doing actual work for a change, it seemed their was some odd communications that were going down on the borders of Uzumaki lands, and Minato had asked him to look into them that morning early. He did it and found just oddities that bothered him a bit, but nothing to suggest a end to the piece that might be coming in the days ahead. "Yes, I been up a long while, sleep sounds like a great idea."

"I definitely see how you are." She replied softly, her cheeks darkening slightly as Neji hoisted the bard up in his arms. Her head rested against his shoulder, her eyes closing. A content smile was on her face. So many emotions had been swimming through Tayuya but right now, the main ones were anything along the lines of a content and pleasant feeling. However, there were a select few more negatives ones. But those were about to get dealt with. And hopefully Hiruzen would have at least an idea, if not exact answer, when she spoke with him tomorrow.

Her eyes opened slowly once again as she felt her feet touch the ground of Neji's residence. A low sigh left her lips. "... Forgive me for not bringing this up sooner. But honestly, I found out recently myself from Anko. And it's definitely going to be mentioned tomorrow with Hiruzen when I meet and speak with him. But I figured if nothing else, notification was needed. However, if you begin to understand what this is ... please, tell me."

Moving away enough hair to reveal the nape of her neck, she turned around to let Neji see the mark upon her flesh. "I thought for a long while that was a birthmark. But Anko caught sight of it when we got the dresses and rings. It's ... similar to her own mark she said which definitely means one thing. Orochimaru made it; or at least she's certain enough of that. But he refused to answer me during our dance."

Her head gently shook. "But ... between him or Anko, I'd trust the latter in a heartbeat. It's a good reason I was so .. uneasy when he requested to be my first dance. We've had a complicated relationship. It's not as horrible as it could have been. But .... he's always made me feel uneasy, like he knows so much more of myself than I do. And ever since Anko told me of this, it's only increased." Finally, the bard went silent, letting everything sink in and simultaneously seeing if Neji had any guesses on what exactly the mark truly meant. She wouldn't be amazed if the answer was no; but it couldn't hurt to hope.

"U-um .. " Hinata's pulse raced at the suggestion. All tears which had been falling by now had definitely halted. Her cheeks reddened but after some silent contemplation, she gave an affirmative nod. "I ... alright. Forgive me it's um ... a foreign idea that I never thought of until now. But .. you're right. It probably would be best to try it out." Her own hands fell and gently held Naruto's which were now around her. Giving him a small but genuine smile to show she really was okay with the idea, Hinata then began leading them out.

"I noticed you woke up much earlier than usual." Her mind went back to Orochimaru's words .. and she couldn't help but frown. "... Love?" She inquired. "May I know what you were asked to do?" She added, beginning to walk back with her fiance to where they were staying.
Neji smiled as he looked at her and then blinked as she seemed to have something very serious on her mind, was she a spy or somethign he wondered, as he worried just a bit, but than he listeend as he nodded his head remaining quiet as he heard her request of him, "of course I will help any way I can," he said softly as he looked at her unsure what he was about to see, but knowing she wasn't some secret spy or anything at least and then wondered what was up more as well.

He looked at her mark, it was to perfect looking to be a birthmark, he could agree and the spot. He looked closely as he remembered his lessons about the body. He continued to listened to her as he than looked at her and said nothing for a moment as he nodded his head, "okay, here is my opinion, first he is a creepy person, he seems to be very odd, I noticed that from the first time we meet," he said as he looked at the mark for a moment longer. "Now, the mark itself, it is to perfect to be a birthmark, its edges are like a design or something rather than random. Secondly the placement along the neck where the spine meets the head, yeah, it is something, but other then a guess it having something to do with the nervous system I have no clue," he said as he looked at it for a moment longer. "I don't know, but human experimenting is illegal in both here and in Uzumaki lands," he said for sure as he knew their rules rather well, "but I don't remember reading anything against it in Uchiha law, but I am rusty on that so don't quite me on it as it were," he informed her.

"Have you had any odd feelings due to it, or um strange thigns happen to you?" he asked her as he wanted to figure out if there was some action that it might trigger, but he figured that it was unlike she remembered or would know too. Still, it didn't hurt at all to ask and get more infromation about the mark.

Naruto smiled as he looked at her having her agree to his request made him happy, he walked with her to her room and quietly undressed down to his boxer and made his way around to the bed and laid down on it, finding her bed comfortable. He looked over to her as he blushed he didn't think that she would be in less clothes till that moment, which caused the blush to appeaer along his nose and cheeks as he looked in her direction. He was going to marry such a sexy woman, a sexy woman who didn't know it seemed just the degree of sexiness she put off.

"I had to check up some reports, and some actions," he said walking away from the room quietly saying nothing at all till they were back in his own room. "It seems yourside is building up its forces, things are going along the borders of Uchiha lands with both Uzumaki and Hyuuga, but they are not moving troops into that area, they are moving things, supplies small stuff away from those borders completely," he mused as he looked at her, "odd that they would take troops off the largest borders with their strongest enemies and the supplies to feed them, so I have been trying to figure out what is going down with it, with no luck."

A soft chuckle and nod left as Neji confessed he thought Orochimaru to be creepy. "Yeah ... I've kinda felt that way also. But he did raise me and Anko both. If nothing else, we do owe him that much. But ... yeah. This new knowledge ... I haven't really been fond of him more since learning about it. Law-wise .. " She paused to think it over. That .. was honestly a good question. Was that even legal? Her head slowly shook. "I'm ... not sure if it's legal or not. I've had that for as long as I can remember. Anko mentioned something about getting hers after finishing Orochimaru's apprenticeship." Her head shook once again, an annoyed sigh leaving as the next question left Neji's lips.

"No ... and that makes it more nerve-wracking. Nothing has yet happened. But that doesn't mean it can't or won't. Knowing him .. it means he's waiting." So what if she sounded a tad paranoid? It was with damn good reasons. And with hearing Neji agree this was anything but a birthmark, she actually felt more ... typical, normal in her train of thought. "Sorry I can't give many more hints. But that's exactly why I knew to speak with Hiruzen when he mentioned Orochimaru being his own student. Even if he doesn't know, he'll be most likely to be able to obtain more answers."

Finally, she turned around and held him close, managing to give him a mostly content smile. "But aside from that ... I hope the rest of the day and night has been incredible for you. I know it has with myself."

Hinata had been ready to leave the room to allow Naruto some privacy. But before she could do that, he got down to everything but his boxers leaving his skin.

W-well .. if he's doing the same ..

Her hands trembled slightly as she carefully removed the red dress, shoes, and panty hose. She matched Naruto; in aspects at least. By the time she finished, Hinata was only in her bra and panties. Her face was beginning to match Kushina and Tayuya's hair color also as she lied down in her bed. Pulling the covers open, she gently patted the empty space beside her. "S-sorry .. I'm ... not ... " Her head shook, realizing how redundant that must have sounded.

Well, duh. Not like he's used to this either. Cut him some slack.

A low groan and sigh left Anko's lips. "Hm ... damnit. I had wondered what he meant and why he sounded so confident something was going to happen." Her arms went over her chest, a clear sign the ranger was not happy to hear this. It was true that she had been loyal to the Uchihas for so long. But between the possible conspiracy of Sasuke being behind Tayuya's kidnapping and now this, she was honestly beginning to question if she was on the right side. It pained her; mentally and emotionally especially. That had been her home. But .. with things like this constantly coming up, it was becoming difficult to be proud to claim to be from such a place.

"I'd love to believe it's just a bluff. But knowing Orochimaru ... " Her head shook no slowly. "I hate to say it ... but he has something up his sleeve. Damnit .... " She repeated, massaging her shoulder with her own mark subconsciously.
Neji looked at her as he smiled, the whole day had been the most wonderful day that he could remember. He had faith that she would be able to figure out what this thing on her was. He knew that she would be able to figure it out with the help of her friends, and he would of course continue to help her as well. He never knew anyone from Uchiha lands he liked till he had meet her, and that was enough for him to know that not all of them were bad. He looked at her and said nothing for a moment as he looked into her eyes with a sly smile on his lips.

He reached out and slipped his hands quickly around the waist of Tayuya as he did so he could believe they were married and that it was so blissful to have such knowledge. Neji quickly pulled the redhead towards him with his strong arms into a kiss with himself. He pressed his lips firmly but not overly firmly against her own, as he made a statement as he kissed her. He pulled her body as close to his own as he could as his hand slide down her back and found her ass, pressing his fingers against her and giving her a nice little pinch as seemed natural to do in that moment, he let the kiss only pick up in intensity, as he slipped his tongue into the mouth of Tayuya. Neji let the make out session between them, as the pressed and even rubbed against each other go on for a good long moment as he felt the heat in his body rise a great deal during the kiss before he broke it himself and looked at her with a sly smile on his face still as to let her know that was his plan.

Naruto turned a equally red color as he looked at the body of his future wife, he had never seen anything like it, he looked away as she was only in her bra and panties, her body was matchless in his body and that point was so clear to Naruto now. He was not only marrying a woman who had kindness and all the great personal traits, her body matched all the greatness of that personality. He turned to her as he heard her appologize to him. "it is okay, your the sexies woman I have ever ever seen," saying ever twice as he smiled and pulled Hinata closer. He knew now that he was going to have zero problem being up for the wedding night between them.

"I don't know, but most likely something that goes down, wont effect either of the two main kingdoms, I mean if they were going to do that, why would they pull out men," Kakashi mused as he pulled out a map of the area, "is there any other area that you and your people might be after, I mean if you were wanting to make a move, I am sure coming after Uzumaki or Hyuuga especially with the wedding in two days would be sheer suicide, so it has to be something else right?"

For a while, only silence lingered between herself and Neji. Finally, he spoke though not quite with words. Her cheeks reddened upon feeling not just any kiss but one that included his tongue. A muffled moan left her lips, a whimper quickly following as his fingers found and lightly pinched her ass. By the time he pulled away, her own smirk was on her face. "Well ... " She finally began, her face reddening slightly. "I was going to wait till our honeymoon to show the other surprise. But ... if you don't want to wait .... "

Her lips found the side of Neji's neck as she began giving it slow but very sensual nips and kisses along it. "I can show you though it might be more comfortable on the bed." If nothing else, they were legally wed now. It wouldn't be as if they were consummating the marriage. If anything, now was no doubt one of the best times to initiate such activities.

The bard wouldn't admit it aloud but part of her was nervous. Though she wasn't sure if the concept of getting pregnant so soon or if she could copy all she'd learned from the book was the more dominant concern. But .. she tried to avoid over-thinking on either, deciding when both bridges arrived, she would deal with each respectively. The latter, however, was almost in view.

It was still a bit nerve-wracking, being this close and mostly nude in front of her soon-to-be husband. But she continued to let his suggestion echo in her mind. They'd both need the practice. Otherwise .. neither of them would be able to do this in a few days. And if she thought this was awkward now, it'd be far worse on their wedding night. And Hinata wouldn't wish for that. Her arms gently wrapped around him as she held herself close to him. Her eyes slowly closed as light violet eyes fell upon his chest. "Thank you. This .... does feel nice." She admitted, steadily relaxing against his body.

"... Should, yes." Slipping the shoes off of her feet, Anko then walked beside Kakashi and glanced down at the map. "... If it were me ... somewhere like the desert or snow lands most likely. An area no one would immediately think of and have the least amount of resistance in. But ... they don't really have many resources for either. Not last I heard of, anyways. But if you had to deduce which was the lesser of two evils, as it were, I'd choose the desert."

A soft sigh passed Anko's lips and suddenly, a knot formed in her stomach.

Dear gods, what in the hell are you planning, hm? Please let me be wrong on this for once ...

But ... the more she talked with Kakashi, the more her guesses seemed dead on much like her aim. ".... Hopefully it stays as nothing. Right now, I don't want to think of it. The thought already makes me want to trace my mentor down and have a cursing fit at him. Maybe if I weren't expecting, I would. But.... I'm going to try to pretend he's not being a rash idiot."

Removing the dress and panty hose from her own body, Anko then headed towards their bedroom. Another sigh, this one sounding weary, left her lips. "Ugh ... not even done with the first trimester and this is taking so much out of me. Fuck ... " A soft chuckle left at the end of her sentence as her hands rested upon her stomach after pulling the covers over her. Not that she had regrets; far from it. It was just one of the few things she hadn't expected. Ah well. This was definitely one way to learn.
He looked at her as he saw her cheeks redden to the color of her face and said nothing else at that moment as he looked her in the eyes. He knew that she had loved the kiss they shared. They had shared so many, and they had slept next to each other for a while, he wasn't push it this time, "no, I wanted to wait to, it would seem unfair to have to much of an head start on the others, but kissing you like that is just to tempting to not do, plus, I am worried that if I were to um go all the way, we might oversleep for the wedding preprations tomorrow, or your meeting tomorrow. Yet, I have to admit, I have wanted to sleep with you for a long while now" he said softly

Neji felt her lips against the side of his neck and let out his own gasp as he loved the feel of it, He slipped his hands around her and led her into the bedroom, he was just going to see where this led, how far he would know such passion with her whenever, he wasn't actually worried about it or performance either. He figured that he would do the best that he could and well, he was sure his genius would figure out the best way to keep his new wife very happy as he picked up on things.

"Your welcome, I don't think we would of been able to do much without this," he said softly to her, "I think I might of passed out before I saw you nude," he admitted openly as he looked at her. He knew that the words would put her at ease too, but it was the truth. The next day was the day of final preparations for their marriage the day after, and it was going to be exciting to have go on. He couldn't hardly sit still or lay still but he felt calm with Hinata near, and soon as asleep, snoring lightly, something else it was good that the Hyuuga would know about.

Kakashi looked at the map as he heard her statement, he paused as he remembered something, "The desert, their leader recently died under mysterious curcimstances, a new leader just took over, um he isn't any older the Naruto from what I have read," Kakashi said as he looked at the spot on the map, this wasn't good. "What if they pick off all the small kingdoms, say force their populations into service and use their supplies," he mused as he looked at the map, "then they would be a much more powerful force don't you thing, more powerful then now. I am sure they could use the war to train their knights, and then use the best as new teachers, who knows what else they might do as well.

He blinked as he ehard Anko and looked at her, "Well, that is natural I think, I guess if there is anything that we need to do, is to help you rest, well, that is my job now," hes aid as he kissed her softly for a moment letting his lips linger on her own for a extra bit, "to think friday we get married amazing isn't it?"

As Neji gave the hint he didn't yet want to go all the way - but still seemed to wish to experiment a bit, her mind began to think. There was probably a way to balance the request out ... foreplay perhaps? It seemed fair enough. It'd be complying with him and their bodies at the same time. It was clear that they at least wanted to do more than merely kiss. So .. yes. This could work. As she felt herself guided and led to the bedroom, she pulled away and let her lips leave the side of Neji's neck.

The dress left her body as she set it carefully down. A teasing smirk crossed her face as she kept her eyes upon Neji. "Wouldn't want that to get ... wrinkled or anything of the like." She explained, straddling his lap. Her mind had begun reciting some of the more seductive parts of the book Anko had given her. Her lips went back upon the side of Neji's neck. She'd heard and noted the gasps of shock and delight that had left his lips and figured it wouldn't kill them to stay up a bit longer.

But for now, she'd keep it as that for now. Tayuya would allow Neji time to adjust to the new sights and sensations.

Once again, Naruto had his points. They wouldn't have been able to make any progress unless this had been at least tried out. Her chest began to steadily rise and fall. It didn't take but moments after Naruto fell asleep for her to join her. Dreams of their very soon-to-happen marriage visited her mind and made her smile even in her slumber.

"... Lovely." Anko muttered, a groan leaving. So now there was the mysterious death plus what may be happening soon. Just ... great. "While we do have a start on this ... " She patted the empty space beside here. "You're off duty still. When the need to worry on these things comes up, then we'll do so. But until then, it won't do either of us any good to fret on this." Leaning up, she eagerly returned the kiss, a moan leaving and even still lingering as they broke away.

"It's incredible to think of." She replied wearily. "Mmm ... don't make me drag you into the bed. Or is that what you're aiming for?" She teased, waiting to see if this would need to be done the easier way or more difficult one.
Neji watched as Tayuya slipped out of her dress, it was so elegant or had been on her, and he smiled at her comment, as he sat on their bed now. He could understand her reasonging, but also blushed a bit as the blush stood out a good bit against the Hyuuga's slightly naturally pale skin. He felt her straddling him and looked at her as he wasn't sure what was on her mind at the second. He was the only person who hadn't read those books, or help in the research for such books like Naruto had. He felt her lips again against him, causing him to gasp with surprise, and delight as well as he let his hands lip around her waist holding her firmly as he held her in his strong arms, as he pressed up agianst her doing so. His stroing body pressing up agianst the musicians body.

Whatever, Tayuya had read it had shown her a whole lot of things, he mentally thought to himself as he slipped his hands gently up and down her back rubbing her back firmly with his fingertips as he went with what seemed like the most natural moved to him, as he did he pressed her forward a bit as his body rubbed up more against her body. In a way the training of all kind had prepared him well for the bedroom skills he would need, even though his knowledge and experence levels were zero almost.

Kakashi looked at her after looking at the map, the pieces were already in play, he had no idea what they were, but he knew that it would be something very big. He looked back at her, it wasn't there move, or rather his or Anko's move nor his teachers either. It was up into hands he couldn't control at all. He looked at Anko and smiled at her statement as he grinned just a bit, it was to tempting, "well, you think you can drag me to bed, I am not so sure, I mean you might even half lost your edge with all the time off you have had," he said teasing her right back and challenging her in a playful way as well. He knew that chances like this didn't come along all that ofter, and it was more then a bit fun to press them when he had the chance to do so. He let this events that might take place slide form his mind for the moment, he was sure Minato, and Kushina were looking into it as well as Jiraya, they would be able to handle such things too.

On the border with the Wind Kingdom, the preparations were underway, as a group of skilled Uchiha knights and rangers were marching out and around into Wind Kingdom lands to fake the attack on their own base. At the front of the unit leading them, was the Uchiha ace in the whole, the one they counted on the most, the brother of Sasuke, Itachi, who led his men with skill and all the experience that the genius of the Uchiha had at his hands.

The knight moved with his party, looking back he motioned the group though a passage he had already scouted. The white haired man was the quiet arrogrant heir to Orochimaru, as well four others one rather large man with a orange mohawk, a another white haired youngster who had actually been a Mist Kingdom exile carrying a large sword, a young woman with long dark hair who carried bells around her waist as she traveled, and lastly a strange blue skinned shark like looking warrior who was also a Mist Kingdom exile. They moved though the desert countryside quietly know that they were not to cause any noise at all along the path, to get into position the next day and if possible attack then even if the chance arouse, to burn the supplies at the camp and drive out its defendants. If it happened the next day, it was possible they might even mess up the wedding between Naruto and Hinata, thus breaking the alliance between the two sides making them weaker even.

Truth be told, the bard had read that sometimes the simpler gestures could be the more powerful ones. And it held true. With their bodies so close against one another, he could feel her pulse and vice versa. Instinct and desire finally took their toll on Tayuya's body as her nipples hardened slightly under the bra she was still wearing, seeming to stiffen more as Neji gasped in surprise. It was good to hear she'd made the right move. Her eyes closed slowly as she let her body relax fully against him, her lips continuing to gently assault the side of his neck with light kisses and nips.

"Mmm ... "

Her own moans echoed softly into his ear as his hands and fingers trailed along her back. A light shiver trailed down her spine, intrigue and curiosity getting to her as she wondered what he'd do next. Neji seemed to be following his own gut instincts and honestly, that was probably one of the better things to do in this instance.

Poor Meizumi had tried her damnedest to sleep. Sasuke had been able to a while ago. But she couldn't. The sudden letter of them having to return right after Hinata and Naruto's wedding had been genuinely bothering her. Something was very off and she didn't like it. It was a major loophole, she knew. But while the swordswoman had agreed to be loyal to Sasuke, she never said it would be immediate. And if this was as drastic of a measure as she was fearing ... she couldn't. She owed Minato and Kushina too much to just ... forget about them. No, she had to do something.

A low sigh left her lips as she glanced towards the still sleeping Sasuke. Gently slipping out of bed, she put on a quieter pair of shoes. "Sorry ... " She murmured before sneaking out of the room, taking the coded note with her. It was bad enough she was being forced to miss Kakashi's wedding. But this new turn of events had helped her make up her mind. As head of the knights, he deserved to know.

While the code was from the Uchiha lands .. wasn't he getting wed to one? On the off-chance her comrade didn't know how to decipher it, maybe his fiance would. If it was only a request to come back .. she doubted there would have been a need to make the message so hidden. No, there had to be something else he hadn't told her .. another thing that annoyed Meizumi in itself.

"Tch, please. I don't know about half; not yet." She managed to give his lower lip a nip before panic overtook her as a knock was heard at their door. "Who in the ... ? Um... you get it. I'm not exactly decent." She whispered, turning on her side and feigning sleep. Besides, common sense hinted it was more likely to be for Kakashi as opposed to herself.

Upon arriving, Meizumi gave a quick consecutive set of three knocks. Hopefully she wasn't too late and at least her ... comrade and mentor of sorts was still awake. Mixed eyes quickly darted around as she looked back to the door, ensuring she hadn't been found. Part of her truly did feel horrible on going against Sasuke like this. But she would have hated herself more for forgetting the reasons she wasn't living a life of forced labor or worse. And that came in the form of the Uzumaki kingdom.
Neji slipped his hands over the back of her bra, he figured it wasn't so complex, and it wasn't against his touch, he unsnapped the bra and smiled as he leaned back and removed it from her, breaking the kiss that Tayuya was giving to him at that moment as well. he smiled as he looked at her topless. Tayuya wasn't near as big as others like his cousin or the girl hanging onto Sasuke, but he didn't give a damn about that, she was so sexy in her own special way, and in his opinion far sexier then any other woman too. The look he gave her said such a thing without words beeing needed as he looked at her.

He let his lips find her own again, with the same passion as they pressed firmly against her own lips. He pressed against her again as he only after her removed his dress shirt and tossed it over to the ground leaving them both topless. Thus when he kissed her, he could feel her body ever more against his own as he held her firmly in his strong embrace. It was magical, this fun they were having.

Kakashi put his hand to her lips as he looked at her and then kissed her cheek, "Well, there are a handful of people it could be, I am guessing that Tayuya is busy in bed with Neji, so that cancels out the possiblity that it could be for you. Then it could be Gai wanting to make some bet, Minato with important news or Kushina, or Naruto worried about the wedding, maybe Hinata too," he said as he got to his feet and walked over to the door and opened it, and saw Meizumi and paused as he looked inside at Anko faking being asleep.

"So, what is up, Meizumi, I thought of a number of people who might be looking for me, and well, none of them actually were you," he said raising an eyebrow at her as he wasn't sure why she would be looking for him. True she had been a student of his, but that had been a long while before. "Is there trouble between you and Uchiha Sasuke, did he try to get you kidnapped or something," he said looking at her, he never liked the pairing, it seemed off to him, she deserved better then Uchiha Sasuke that much he was sure of.

Her own small gasp and whimper left as the bra was removed. She'd almost been ready to apologize, knowing compared to other young women her age she was ... smaller, for a lack of better wording. But the expression that could be seen in his eyes gave the quiet message that Neji didn't care. Her cheeks darkened and heart quickened. Soon her lips were guided away from Neji's neck and back upon his lips. She didn't stare though Tayuya did note that both of them were now topless, which made her feel a bit more confident. It would have been a tad awkward if only she had remained half-nude.

One hand rested on a now bare shoulder as the other slowly trailed down, going past his chest and finally resting in between Neji's legs. She'd keep to her promise; after all, there were other forms of stimulation to the groin area without consummating marriage. But she wanted to get a feel - literally or otherwise - on possibilities to expect for the actual honeymoon, a bit of practice, things of the like. And she didn't deem it cheating; not when she'd vowed to remain pure for a bit longer.

Slowly, Tayuya began moving her hand up and down along his clothed shaft, staying mostly silent to gauge his reaction to the touches.

"... Not yet. And some could argue it was technically Fugaku who did that. But none of that's really the point now." She'd never forgotten the coercion of the Uchiha lord threatening to cancel Naruto and Hinata's wedding and certainly hadn't forgiven him for sinking so low. But for once .. that wasn't something that was Sasuke's fault. "Forgive me for leaving my manners outside ... but this is vital." Inviting herself in, she shut the door behind her, handing over the coded note to Kakashi.

"We have to leave right after Naruto and Hinata's wedding so .... " Her sentence trailed off, knowing Kakashi could fill in the blanks. "I really am sorry. I wanted to be there, hell I still do. I agreed to court Sasuke; not get caught up in ... whatever the hell's about to go down. But that note ... I can't read it. But I refuse to believe it really only says just to come back. There'd be no point for coding otherwise. So I figured you or the lady could understand what it meant."

"... Is it that obvious?" Anko finally asked, seeing there was no point in feigning sleep.

"Only to me. Kakashi could have warned you my senses have always been more keen due to my fighting style."

That clearly got Anko's attention as she turned, an amused style crossing her face. "And that would be?"


".... Really? I suppose I can understand why then. So ... " A sigh left her lips and after reminding herself it was another woman - and thus would make it less awkward to be half-nude in front of - she stood up and walked beside Kakashi. If this had been written by anyone from the Uchihas, she would likely know to decipher it.

"...Oh, sorry ... " Meizumi had begun to turn around before she caught Anko's head shaking no, her eyes remaining upon the note.

"It's fine. You are a woman. It's not much different than looking at your own body. This would be worse if it were another male, trust me."

That was all the encouragement the swordswoman needed as she nodded and turned back around. She'd leave - quicker than she desired to at that rate - but not before hearing for herself what was being hinted on happening.
Neji looked in her eyes as he felt her hand resing agianst his shoulder, he knew that his own hands helped her hold herself up as she moved back a bit away form his body. It was nice in a way, as he got a much better view of the musician's body, it was toned and it was a slim sexy body, one that he was sure any man would love to be with. With her only in her panties there wasn't much to the imagination, which caused the buldge in his pants to grow rather quickly as he felt his own heart beating quickly in his own chest.

Neji felt her finger press against his buldge rubbing it, he moaned as he felt it, his buldge only getting larger from the attention that was given to it from Tayuya, "your book reading has given you a number of playful tricks I can see, it is really nice. I am glad you got it," he said to her as he looked at her, letting out a second moan as his member quickly grew to what would be his full size under his clothes, pressing against the clothese as he desired to slip from under the clothes that were holding it down due to its size. Neji's face a good deal red as he looked at his readheaded wife. Neji couldn't believe the bliss that could come from something as simple as what Tayuya was doing at that moment.

Kakashi looked at the note and then looked over at Anko, "yeah, it would be more awkward, having your future wife half naked in front of your former student," he said looking between them, "okay, Anko, go put on one of my shirts or yours, and I will show Meizuki the information I have, I think it best that we work together to figure out what the next best move is," he commented as he let her make herself half decent. He had a feeling that this was important.

After Anko left he put the map down, "Anko is from Uchiha lands like Sasuke, I am sure she doesn't have the best opinion of your future husband either, neither does her um..sort of friend who got married as I am sure you know," he said as he looked up at her for a moment, "Jiraya found reports that the Uchiha were moving troops away form their borders with us and Hyuuga, they are moving them to the border with the Sand, we think," he said as he looked at Meizumi and nodded his head, "it might be connected to your note, maybe a sign to come home and prepare for war."

"No, it isn't," a new voice commented as Sasuke himeslf walked in, Meizumi had woken him up when she left, just having her away was odd now for him while he slept."The note, honestly, I only knew a bit ot the note, the rest it said was for Orochimaru and it was done in a different way, that even I don't know. "the part I read said to come up, that our kingdom might be in danger and that my duty as prince would be highly important in the coming days," Sasuke commented as he looked at Kakashi and then Meizumi. "I also haven't gotten any updates on anything else in the last couple of days, actually sense my courting of Meizumi, I have been very much out of the loop. I must say I don't like it," he commented his over confident tone apparent from the start. "I do know that my father has been trusting the council of new people recently and Orochimaru far more then before, but that is all I can help you with."

"Yes ... " She replied, her cheeks darkening. "To say I was astonished Anko really gave me such a thing was an understatement. But then she explained it was technically from Kakashi. Still though ... I didn't see that move coming." As he continued to harden, Tayuya fairly assumed she was rubbing the correct locations. After a bit, though, it began to feel a bit too restricted. So she moved both hands down and helped Neji undo his pants. It was nothing short of a miracle that the poor bard wasn't having a fever by now with how much her face and hair were matching so well.

Pausing to think for a few mere seconds, she let her hand resume gently moving up and down for now. It'd give herself time and chances to adjust to the feel before moving to oral. And now that Neji was actually blushing, she deemed it fair to give him the same courtesy back; not wanting to seem as if teasing too long but not wishing to rush either.

No sooner than Kakashi spoke up did Anko leave to grab one of her robes. In the midst of slipping it on, however, she heard a voice that hadn't been heard in years. Truthfully, she was astounded that he had dared to arrive here. The prince was infamous for many things; this didn't tend to be one of them.

Meizumi's heart halted as Sasuke's voice was heard behind her. For a split second, she feared he'd lash out at her, scold her for making such a move. But .. he wasn't even beginning to do that, actually. In fact, he was rather calm on her having shown up here. That was definitely a rare treat. She stayed quiet as he spoke and only when she finished did the swordswoman turn and face Sasuke with her own eyes. "Please ... think on all you just said. Maybe this is your chance, your cue to finally take action. Can you honestly say you believe any of that? From the time I've been with you .. I've noted that you've seem ... restricted. And it isn't just from your turn to take over not arriving yet. Even with all you should be able to do - politically especially - those rights seem to be ... out of your reach. Maybe ... maybe now it's time to make a change for the better."

She wouldn't dare suggest anything drastic like taking his father's life. But clearly, he didn't deserve to be in power. There were, however, other ways to go about that without taking a life; like coercion. It wasn't a perfect method but it was probably preferred over killing his own kin. Or ... if he didn't wish to do that, get rid of the true source of the problems; Orochimaru. Still, there were multiple possibilities. Now hopefully Sasuke could actually begin to see that for himself.

Gods help her, Meizumi truly did want to love and continue courting Sasuke. She had enjoyed the more generous side he'd been displaying as of late. But if he sided in a way that would lead to an eventual downfall ... she didn't know if she could keep her vows on wanting to remain beside him.

After the swordswoman finished speaking, Anko walked out. She wasn't perfectly decent but the robe would suffice. Giving little more than a silent bow of her head to Sasuke, her attention then went to the note. It pained her heart to hear from a distance that Orochimaru was slowly beginning to show his true colors. He'd been like her father; and yet he was clearly the true traitor among the Uchiha. "Do you know who exactly is in this new council, Sasuke?" She inquired, her eyes staying down towards the note as she began to decipher it.
He was kind of glad they were not going all the way this night, he wasn't sure he would be able to do enough in this moment, perhaps cause he had never done so before, but whatever the case he was glad they were going to take it slow in that they were no going to have intercourse till their honeymoon. He felt that would be wonderful, and he felt he might need to borrow this book too, so that he coul keep up with her a bit better on the said honey moon.
Neji looked at Tayuya as his member was revealed, it was a nice thing to have it free of the confines of his pants. He looked at her as he felt her starting to rub her hands over it directly. It felt a great deal more exciting then her touch against his pants. "I think I must borrow this book in the next couple of days," he said blushing still before a soft moan slipped form his lips as he knew that he would need to learn more before the honeymoon bliss that would follow at some point.

The Uchiha looked at Meizumi and raised an eyebrow, boldness was the things she seemed to be stressing. He shook his head, "no, now is not the time for such boldness, it is a time to be careful, well for the moment," he said as he looked at her and moved closer to her, she had a great effect on him and he truely had feelings for the woman, he wasn't mad cause he understood her reasoning, she seemed to bring the good out in him the better out in him anyhow.

"No, but it isn't the time to follow orders either, things that would break down the peace won't be good, and I think my father is blind to this. I think someone these new council that has his ear, is leading him down a path," he said looking at her, "the kidnapping wasn't a kidnapping, as far as the purpose, it could of been against anyone, it was done to test the skills of the mercenaries that were hired, and see if they were good enough to fit into the new growing army of the Uchiha, The council seemed to have a great deal of interest in them as they were suppose to be skilled," he said explaining something that seemed rather odd and random from long before to the people gathered, he put the scroll he kept from that mission down showing it to them, it had actually troubled him some even. The truth of the mission was oh so worse, he knew it would start the war to tell it, it has been as much of a catalist for change in the Uchiha as Meizumi even. "I changed the target for the mission and the mission altogether, this council, doesn't trust me, it is why I know nothing of what is going on, if I was not the prince, I would already be dead."

"The mission wasn't to go after Tayuya, I changed it, the target was suppose to be Hinata, her sister and Naruto Uzumaki. Hinata would be then deflowered in front of the man she loved and her sister would be dead long before that, before leaving the heirs to the kingdom broken making it seem like to each side that the other did it, leaving the Uchiha out of the chain or respnsiblity and weakening the alliance between the two sides. Then the Uchiha would march in and take advantage of the weakness and conquer the weaker side formering an alliance with the other one before breaking said alliance and defeating the other side."

This was not to say, Sasuke liked Naruto or Neji, he saw both as the princes who were his natural rivals in life, and one wasn't friends with your rivals, especially ones who you had to be better then. "I will wait here and say I lost the note, and stay for the wedding on friday. Meizumi will stay as my future bride as well as by bodyguard, as for the council, I don't know them, I know that two of them are uchiha, one of the a old man, who seems rather powerful, and the other a younger man who I had never seen before in my life," he explained answering him, "I can't give any more infromation on this, but I know my father has long wanted to make the Uchiha master of all

After the swordswoman finished speaking, Anko walked out. She wasn't perfectly decent but the robe would suffice. Giving little more than a silent bow of her head to Sasuke, her attention then went to the note. It pained her heart to hear from a distance that Orochimaru was slowly beginning to show his true colors. He'd been like her father; and yet he was clearly the true traitor among the Uchiha. "Do you know who exactly is in this new council, Sasuke?" She inquired, her eyes staying down towards the note as she began to decipher it.

"Alright. It's still in my secluded room. I ... read a bit while waiting for your uncle .... " She confessed, blushing even more. After another bit of contemplating, Tayuya sank slowly to her knees, gently parted Neji's legs, and began bobbing her head up and down. The pace was slow but not so much he'd go insane from it but it wasn't too fast either. Her tongue flicked along the head and undersides of the shaft. With every sensation, every time he'd twitch, she'd moan around his shaft, her lips vibrating gently around him. She continued to move up and down, testing the waters as it were and seeing how deep she could take him without choking or gagging.

For a bit, Meizumi's heart sank. But he continued on and said he would go against them; just not in the way she'd thought of. A sigh of relief left her lips and finally, he confessed. She didn't know how to feel; glad for it or horrid at what he'd still done. True, in the process he'd saved three people. But still one had suffered a great amount regardless. It took a lot of thinking ... and finally, she went with the first option. It took a lot of courage to dare speak the truth on such an event, let alone in front of her own mentor especially and a fellow Uchiha. Temporarily forgetting where she was, her arms wrapped around Sasuke in a hug, especially to hear they'd remain here. "Thank you, Sasuke."

Anko, on the other hand, was struggling to keep from having one hell of an outburst. She was very much like Meizumi; shocked, angered, astonished and yet content he'd bothered to confess at all. She, however, followed Meizumi's train of thought. "It's good to see you making steps in the right direction, Prince Sasuke. Keep doing that. However .. if you two want to keep your guise on losing the note and whatnot, it's likely best you both head back to where you're staying for here. Besides, you'll both need rest even if for different reasons than myself and Kakashi."

It was the kindest way of hinting they both had interrupted and part of her was still irked at that. However, it was made up for with all the hints and information .. but still. She did want to pick up where she'd left off. And now that they had more of a head start on the issues, they could even more easily figure a plan of action.

The more she thought of and glanced at Meizumi though, it took tons of willpower to hide her smirk. She'd known both Prince Sasuke and Itachi for years; and it took a hell of a lot to change the youngest boy. So whatever this girl was doing ... it was definitely the right thing. If she kept helping him out like this, Anko had better faith in the future of the Uchiha lands. For now, it was .. an uncertain thought that was still racing through her head.
Neji nodded his head as he looked at her, he figured that she had learned something most interseting form the said book. He watched her for a moment as he saw her slide down, he wasnt' sure what she was going to do. He was surprised as she showed that she was intending to part his legs, doing so as was needed. He blinked as she took his member into her mouth, he gasped and then let out a soft moan as he felt her slide her lips along his member, her breath was so warm, her tongue so wet, he started to twitch a great deal as he was sure that this was unlike anything he had thought he might feel in his life. He knew he wouldn't last much longer actaully, he felt embarrashed as he just wasn't used to this feeling or any of the lustful passionate actions that Tayuya was doing to him. He closed his eyse as he felt himself unable to go on and blinked, "Tayuya, I am going to cum," he said warning the musician that she was playing his member far to well perhaps.

Sasuke nodded his head as he looked at Anko and then looked at Kakashi, whose look was similar to the others, the idea anyone wanted to harm his teacher's son, in a way his student made him more then a bit mad, but the kid hadn't. Perhaps he had been to quick to judge Sasuke, perhaps he wasn't as bad as he was made out to be, or perhaps his other student was doing a good job. He looked at Meizumi and nodded his head, "do as you wish, but I also suggest you stay though friday, that order could very easily be a order of assassination for your death, and they haven't found the right way to do so," Kakashi mused as he looked at Sasuke.

Sasuke took Meizumi's hand, "that is why I am having her remain as my bodyguard, I do not think I have any worries as long as this woman is near," he said as he walked away with Meizimi, leading her away from the room. He walked closely, so that it looks like he had been working at courting with her if anyone saw it, "Well, what a lovely day," he said with a smile as he opened the door for her and then waited for her to enter before entering after her.

Once inside, Sasuke Uchiha kissed Meizumi and slipped his arms around her waist, "I must admit, I have grown rather fond of you, if you haven't been able to tell," he said as he looked at her, having stopped her at the door and pressed her up against it before kissing her again, and then breaking it, part of it was for show, incase anyone was keeping track of them, but it was true, his words were true.

His warning, if anything, fueled her on. Simultaneously, it did hint he wasn't too naive. After all, he understood well enough on what an 'orgasm' meant. That wasn't just something any person could randomly guess. Her head continued to move up and down as she eagerly licked and sucked, paying special heed to the areas which had made him twitch the most. When she'd pulled up so only the head was in her mouth, Tayuya let herself speak in a soft voice. "Go on, Neji. I want to taste you. Don't be afraid .. follow your instincts." And with that, she moved back down as far as she could, sighing and moaning in delight as she felt his shaft back in her mouth once again.

Meizumi felt her heart race as Sasuke spoke again, hinting he had quite a bit of faith in her. She hadn't known it was that much and it honestly made her proud and flattered. Before she got out of sight of Kakashi and Anko, she gave both a polite bow of her head and then gave her full attention to Sasuke. "Thank you ... " That was as far as she got before his lips found hers, making a low sigh and moan leave her lips. Her cheeks darkened as the confession echoed in her head a few times.

"I must admit, I have grown rather fond of you .... "

"You .. you honor me with the words, Sasuke. I'm .. very proud of what you just did back there. It must have been difficult, let alone to say in front of Kakashi of all people. You did the right thing. I'm very happy with this." As the second kiss got initiated, she leaned into it, deepening and adding more passion into the simple but powerful gesture. That had no doubt been one of the most nerve-wracking tests .. but Sasuke had passed far beyond her expectations. If this could continue .. she felt better for the future of the Uchiha kingdom, not realizing Anko had already had similar thoughts.

The ranger waited for both Sasuke and Meizumi to leave. Her body went to her cloak, fished her hunting dagger out, and tossed it angrily at a target which she used for indoor practice. It hit the bullseye easily despite her hand shaking. Anko's head shook in disbelief as a new set of tears finally fell down her face. "I don't understand ... " She finally replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "We never used to dare think of such tactics. When .... why .... ??"

But what was no doubt the most heartbreaking part of everything was knowing that the man who raised her was behind each and every idea. It didn't just pain her but made her tears fall faster. ".. Has my whole life - mine and Tayuya's at that rate - just been a big lie? Fuck if I'd known he was anything like this .... " Her head continued to shake from side to side and for a bit, she almost actually felt sick to her stomach. That cue, however, was more than enough to make the ranger begin taking deep breaths.

".... I don't .... " Her head just continued to shake. She used to have a huge amount of pride in being able to say she served Orochimaru and Lord Fugaku. But now .. that was all beginning to vanish. Still, she did realize these new bits of information instantly made both herself and Kakashi a target; though a bit more her. After all, she was supposed to be the Uchiha loyalist. And suddenly, she felt as if - for the first time in her life - that her life was in danger.

But ... they wouldn't really dare try anything ... would they? It'd be as suicidal if not more than if they had tried to attack the Hyuuga or Uzumaki lands rather than the desert. Her head shook once again.

You're over-thinking ...

That was what she wanted to believe anyways. But until Friday came and went, she wouldn't let her guard fully down. This did help her figure one thing out; Tayuya truly was the only from who had been from the Uchiha kingdom that she could even begin to trust. But now .. there was otherwise no one else. It stung her heart once again and while her tears had slowed, they definitely hadn't stopped altogether.
Neji had know the basics that was very true, he had learned them when in his studies, but this was so much better then he thought, Tayuya was so tender, and so sexy, he looked at her and nodded his head to her statement, he let out more moans as he let his long slinder fingers slide though her red hair as he closed his eyes, he knew that this was pretty much at his end for him. It made him wonder just how amazing sex was going to be with her and how great their honeymoon was going to be as well. A moment later the Hyuuga cummed into the mouth of Tayuya as he hit his limits.

"It was the truth, to be honest, I have worries, this council, they have made a lot of changes, I worry who they are and what effect they are having on people. Even Orochimaru has changed since this group took over the council," Sasuke commented as he looked at Meizumi for a long moment and then let go of her. "Well, we shall be here for your mentor's wedding, I hope you don't mind being my bodyguard, if they find out that I knew of that note, then I will be here in exile a prince in title only," he said as he looked at her calmly and then worked his way over to the bed pulling down the covers for himself and Meizumi, "I think we need some sleep, we can spend more time talking with your mentor tomorrow if you want."

"Your are very correct, your side never did used to use these tactics, they never fell to such low things," he said as he looked at the scroll for a moment longer, "we, can't make assumptions though, there is so much more to learn, like who this council happens to be made up with, what power they really hold. It could be that Orochimaru and Fugaku are nothing more then figureheads at the moment and the council really controls the kingdom," he said as he looked at Anko. Of course Kakashi knew that no words were going to help her, in this situation that she now faced. He hugged her in his arms, and smiled as he looked into her eyes.

"We will get by, we will find a way to fix things, but don't fret, everything will come out in time, I know it, those who lied and faked themselves will pay for it, but again, who knows who is on what sides, or even what the sides are as of yet," he said as he knew that his words were important for her to hear. He would have to advise Minato and Kushina on what to do, and how to handle the coming crisis, that was going to be hard, but he had to be here for Anko too, that was the priority for him actually now, family first.

""Why would the council even send Orochimaru away before going to war, if he was the brains behind it," he mused as he looked at the note, "can you read the rest of the note, I know you know this code, if it was meant for your mentor," he asked softly as he looked at the note. "I might have to suggest that Minato go to war with the Uchiha with the help of the Hyuuga, if that happens things will get ugly, and I will fight your people, I am sorry."
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