A Middle Age Naruto RP (Yajirobe and LadyYunaFFX2)

"Oh come on, Hiashi. I can't walk myself..... I don't think .... " Tayuya added, having placed the book with the rest of her belongings which would go with her to their honeymoon by now. She was literally pacing restlessly, feeling more and more nervous with each passing second. Was there such a thing as the bride walking herself down the aisle? Part of her was tempted to just do so herself .. but that would be a huge sign of disrespect, let alone to Neji's own uncle. And she didn't want to make a fool of herself or her future husband. A frustrated sigh left as she resigned to sitting back upon the bed, grabbing Neji's ring in the process as she glanced at it up close, smiling nervously down at it.

Anko had to keep from chuckling aloud. Weren't the men - groom and his best man, etc. - supposed to arrive first? Oops .. ah well. The order had otherwise been mostly correct. The tension in the atmosphere, however, suddenly seemed to increase by ten fold and that in itself was a feat that was ... difficult to feel. And especially from a normally calm individual like Neji. Stepping out of her place for a few moments to get closer to Neji, she gave him a reassuring smile. "She's fine besides anxious like you. Right now, she's waiting for your uncle though. But even despite her nervousness, I could tell she is otherwise happy for this."

Hoping the words helped him out somewhat, Anko's mind wandered as she stepped back into her place. When her and Kakashi got wed ... would Orochimaru and Kabuto be there? She hadn't heard from either of them since sending the letter regarding her pregnancy and that honestly worried her. She didn't know if they were displeased, had disowned her, something of the like. It pained her to think of .. that they'd end up resorting to a more negative reaction than positive .. but then her head shook as her hands rested in front of her stomach, helping Anko calm herself.

No sense dwelling on what you don't know of for sure yet. Give it time .... Even though she'd done the last three words of advice, the ranger knew there was no point in trying to make things hurry up and happen. Not like she could anyways, at that matter.

Hinata, like Anko, gave her cousin a smile. For today, she was clad in a dark red dress as the choice from Tayuya had been requested as such. And since it was custom for all the women to wear the designated color, Anko and others also had it. "Deep breaths ... " She suggested softly to him, trying to keep him from having a panic attack then and there.

"These people and I don't like each other."

It made Meizumi's mind go back to the supposed rumors nearly two months ago, during the fiasco of Tayuya's kidnapping. There had been quite the heated argument that Sasuke had been behind it but never an accurate verdict on whether it'd been true or not. And now ... she couldn't help but wonder how accurate these 'rumors' had been. It made her slightly uneasy to be standing next to him then and there, but her face remained calm on the outside. If it was true - and he could somehow redeem himself for the acts - she'd forget of it. But until then, a small part of her was genuinely uncertain. What if he tried a stunt like that or worse against herself?
The elder Hyuuga looked at his future in law and paused for a long moment as he stood in the enter since of the building, this was the first marriage, and it made him feel,old. He felt oh so old from the effects of giving away the woman. He looked at her for a long momment before he walked into the room,"I am sorry, my lady, it is sometimes hard to grow old, and see you birds leave the nest," he admitted to Tayuya as he walked into the room and offered her his hand. He looked at her, Neji was pretty much his son, and he looked at him, he was giving watching over him to this woman in his mind. He had made peace with it and she seemed to care greatly for his nephew, which was good.

He smiled as he held her hand," you shall do well, I am sure that he is as nervous as you look," the elder Hyuuga said as he,walked with her into the building quietly for there. Words would not be of any note, or importance as he walked. He knew this day would come, and he felt more at peace with it as it was advancing, time moved on and nothing could stop its advance.

Neji stood there hearing the words he took a deep breath as he waited, unsure of himself, worried about things that most likely didn't matter at all. He remembered his cousins words and took deep breaths as he stood there, his pupiless eyes focused ahead of himself as he stood there saying nothing, when he heard the music. It was a sign of what was happening would be about to starts. He could feel the eyes of others on him.

Many thinking many things from, Naruto thinking about his own marriage a couple days later, sasuke wishing to be somewhere else. As well as orochimaru, thinking about how he could use this alliance to secure a front, before the Uchiha would advance on some of the small nations and start their expansion plans against the other minor kingdoms, which he figured would give them a chance to challenge the Hyuuga or the Uzumaki if they were able to split them up, which would be his goal much later down the road. Perhaps his new news from the marriage between Anko and a knight from the Uzumaki would help that in time, when it would be right to split the two kingdoms and divide and conquer them each in turn. Others had more positive views, though when, the old former Uzumaki leader saw Tayuya, he knew who she was,he remembered very well who her parents happened to be. He knew why he had been asked to attend the marriage, but he wouldn't ruin the joyous affair he figured that they needed time to enjoy themselves.

Tayuya's head finally glanced up as a voice spoke up. A small sigh left as she saw it to be Hiashi. Well, that concern was gone. She'd feared for a second that he'd avoid walking her to keep herself and Neji from being wed. But thankfully, that hadn't been the case. "It's .. it's fine. Thank you for doing this." Slowly getting up to her feet, she took his hand, her pulse quickening even more. Finally they started doing 'the walk' ... and it felt like forever. But soon, the music began to reach her ears.

It was odd in it's own way. This was a melody that she wasn't playing for once. No, rather it was being played for her.

When she came into view, Neji would finally be able to see her in her dress. Her right hand was keeping his ring held firmly, the left still holding onto Hiashi.

Oh fuck ... now what?!

She too abruptly felt all the sets of eyes upon her. So Tayuya quickly thought ... and remembered Neji suggesting to focus on him. So, she did. She allowed herself to forget her very soon to be uncle-in-law was walking her, imagining Tayuya to be doing this herself. Incredibly nervous but otherwise content eyes looked into the white ones as she continued to take step after step, approaching closer and closer towards Neji. Each advancement made her heart race faster. It felt like forever but finally, she was across from Neji, still barely holding onto Hiashi's hand.
Neji stood thee as he heard the music started up, as he did, he could feel his heart beating so quickly in his heart. He said nothing, though his naturally stoic demeanor,was easy to notice by all around him it was skin deep. He felt himself so nervous at that moment as he looked ahead till he felt her closeness to himself as he blushed a tiny tiny bit, as he looked over, towards the woman that he was going to marry. As he did, the nerves faded away completely as well.

His uncle let go of the hand of the woman, and he slipped back, he knew it was a deal that was going to pay great things for both sides. He smiled as he knew the future somehow was going to be placed in good hands if these two were the future of his lands.

Neji waited till, Tayuya switched hands with her flowers and held her closer hand as he walked with her the rest of the way, before being up, at the front. He heard the words, before making his degree to,watch out, care for and love her all his days. A bit later he had his new ring and he gave her the ring which he had gotten from his uncle that belonged to his late mother, before he kissed her slowly and long fully as he was than her husband and she his wife. He felt a natural sense of well being was at a new high as he felt so joyous in that single moment and couldn't help but feel as if he were on cloud nine.

Every second was so very nerve-wracking. Her heart especially halted when it got to the portion of anyone having the ability to halt the wedding if they so desired and would be asked to give incentive on why she couldn't wed Neji. Thankfully, no one had spoken up. And she'd mainly been worried on if anyone had realized that the deal was technically being broken. But now ... it wouldn't matter! Thank fucking gods, it wouldn't matter! A sigh of relief that had likely seemed out of place left her lips, leaving only Neji and the priest to hear it.

The flowers had gone to Anko and the entire time, her right hand kept the ring for Neji kept firmly in her right. By the time they did the exchange, there was a light imprint of the circular shape, in fact. Her hand trembled as she opened it up to reveal it and honestly, Tayuya was amazed she didn't drop it with how much she was shaking by now. Letting Neji slide her ring on first, she returned the favor and gave him his ring.

Though she had contemplated altering to a ruby, his birthstone, she'd kept it a diamond. White truly did suit him, his family name .. and now hers. In fact, that was what the engraving on the inside said.

For your eyes only, forever my shining knight and now husband. ~ Tayuya

Poor Tayuya was still shaking even during the kiss ... but there was a far more content feeling that could be felt around her. "I love you ... " She whispered as they slowly broke, her hands staying intertwined with his.

Anko couldn't help but sneak in a smirk .. but not at Tayuya. Nope, she'd noticed something that poor Hinata hadn't. Somewhere in between the speaking, exchange of rings and vows, the poor Princess had broken down. "Here... " She offered, giving her a handkerchief.

"... Oh .... " She hadn't even noticed the tears up until she saw the cloth and then felt her face. "Thank you .. " Her face reddened slightly. Even though this was a normal reaction, to have done this was still somewhat - if not very - embarrassing for her. Still, she understood it all upon thinking of it. It wasn't just because this was a wedding though that was a good contribution to it. Subconsciously, her mind had gone back and peeked through an array of flashbacks. And needless to say, even before he'd found Tayuya, Neji had endured an unnecessary amount of hardships. She was incredibly happy for her cousin right now.

Not that she wasn't for herself. But she could afford to wait two more days before thinking of her own bliss. For now though, her mind was strictly on the here and now.
The whole affair was like one of those wirlwinds, so fast so intense in a way, and so amazing in others. Neji looked at her and smiled, as he looked at Tayuya, "As I love you," he mused softly to her as he slipped his hand around her and kissed her a second time. It wasn't needed, but it was cause he wanted to kiss her. It was a special moment for him, things were going along a path which he very much approved, his destiny and her own were connected then and forever afterwards. He looked around for a moment and smiled as he noticed some people who were around them, before he slipped his hand around the musician's waist gently and leaned close to her, "Well, Mrs Hyuuga, I think we shall take our leave, the after party is pretty close though," he whispered to her as he knew that she most likely knew this fact very well too.

Neji walked with a pride that even his stoic nature couldn't hide at all, nor did he try to hide it. He was married to the most amazing woman, he had ever known, and he wasn't afraid to share this fact or show this fact off. It was as if he were a young man who had just gotten his first great prize and wanted to show the whole neighborhood who was gathered. He of course though of Tayuya as far greater then a prize, more like the greatest of treasures, one that was to near and dear to ever let slip away. He walked down the isle and out the door as he could feel his heart beating with excitement alone now, "So, you did wonderful," he said as he walked with her, as he stopped in a different hallway for a moment, "you look very beautiful as well, I have forgotten to say this too," he added before he headed towards the party area.

Inside various people celebrated were happy, Sasuke couldn't care less, he was here cause he had to be. He couldn't stand the Hyuuga, the only way he would even would want to be with a Hyuuga was to rub it in Naruto's face that he perhaps had slept with love. Yet, that seemed far to trivial and not worth it, as she wasn't worth his time. He got up calmly and looked over at date to the event, "do you mind if we skip the after party, I prefer avoiding these people as much as possible, and we shall have to do this two more times," he said coldly as he got to his feet, he had to celebrate Naruto's wedding that was something he wasn't looking forward to, or that crazy snake woman Anko's wedding either, both seemed unworthy his time to even get to know.

Even with the second kiss not being needed, Tayuya more than eagerly returned and appreciated it. Her body began to relax as it rested against Neji's though her hands were still lightly shaking. Had this really happened? The cheerful audience suggested yes and it only made her heart race more with each step she took. Now she wasn't just beside any male. No, now Neji was her spouse. And the technical aspect of her having been an Uzumaki was no longer a concern. Even if anyone found out, it didn't matter. Vows had been made and the only way the marriage could be officially broken was by the new couple. But given how they felt about one another, that wasn't a worry.

Tinges of red danced across her cheeks upon hearing the compliment. "Thank you. You .. look very handsome yourself." Truth be told, she wasn't overly worried on heading to the party area. Oh no. That had activities she knew how to do, including dancing. It was more the honeymoon .. though there was still time to read up before that. And while she'd gotten a lot of helpful - if not slightly crude - tips, Tayuya had still noted them all the same. Reading the words and executing them though ... that was a major difference. Hopefully that would go well when the time arrived.

... Wait. Isn't the first dance with the bride supposed to be with her father? Goddamnit ... how's that gonna work?

She assumed Hiashi would take up that role as well. There were few others whom could even attempt to .. and some made her the slightest bit uneasy. She'd do it though .. but it wouldn't get rid of her feelings. That would be something that she'd think of when the appropriate time frame arrived also. For now, she continued walking beside Neji to the party area.

Meizumi shook her head no, staying quiet to pay heed to Sasuke's tone. Hopefully it really was just the people he disliked and not the concept. Because otherwise ... that would bring up more complications between them. "No, I don't mind." Getting up to her feet, she began following beside Sasuke. It seemed a tad foolish to even skip the after party. After all, he wouldn't be able to avoid people he disliked forever and this especially applied when he did end up taking over as King and ruler of the Uchihas. Unfortunately, it was probably a lesson he'd have to learn best the hard way.
Neji walked towards the party area, and was meet by a elder man, he had a long beard that was white and a fancy robe showing that he was someone of importance, he looked at the two and smiled kindly, He had made sure to slip out of the party early, Hiruzen was the man, that Neji had contacted earlier he wanted to see this Tayuya, he hadn't seen her while she was in the Uzumaki lands, while she was in the lands, he had been busy, though mostly he was retired and lived away from the capital. He looked at her and blinked looking closely at her when he first noticed who she was.

"Neji, Tayuya, it is a great honor to meet you, I am HIruzen Sarutobi, the grandfather of the young one who someday will marry your cousin, Neji Hyuuga," he said politely as he focused his attention on Tayuya, up close it was impossible to not notice. "Tayuya Hyuuga, it is a honor to finally meet you in person," he said with a bow to her, "I came to talk to you later, I must say, Tayuya, you do look very much like your mother, Uzumaki Ame," he said with a smile, "I am sure Uchiha Hiru would be spinning in his grave to know that fact," he let out a small chuckle as he looked at her and blinked at the stunned faces of the two of them, not saying anything at all as he rubbed the back of his neck. It was why he wanted to meet them before anyone else got close, so only they would hear him.

"It was a long time ago, and it was a long story, Lady Tayuya, but I wish to depart your true origins to you, it is a tale of star crossed lovers, doomed from the begging and why neither is now allowed to go into any record at all. Though, I must say there are many question, for which I have no answers that will help you as well, I do know it will help you know who you really come from my dear," he said kindly, "so, after this party tomorrow, or whenever, come see me, I shall not be leaving. Minato was my student's student, as is Naruto, Orochimaru was also my student and his studen is getting married to, it is a week where I seem to be rather connected to most of the people involved in the marriages," he said as he moved out of the way and let Neji and Tayuya though.

Neji was taken aback, and was a bit stunned at all the information, it was a lot even for him to take in, he held Tayuya's hand tightly as he wanted to make sure she was okay. He knew that this might be a break though, and whenever she wanted to meet with this man, it would be fine with him. He wanted to support her in her quest, no matter what outcome happened because of it.

The abrupt appearance of another face made Tayuya halt, not wishing to run into the male. Soon he introduced himself as the same individual whom Neji hinted knew of her background. And it had seemed that her husband had indeed done his homework correctly. Her head bowed politely to him as the greeting was given to her. "Thank you ... " Her voice trailed off as an actual set of names were heard; those of her mother and father. To say she was stunned by now was a huge understatement. She'd been told for years that Tayuya had been without parents. And now ... she was just learning that wasn't true? Her head bowed slightly as it seemed to spin harshly.

Her head quickly looked up as Hiruzen revealed Orochimaru had been his student. Honestly ... that was some of the best news she'd heard thus far. Tayuya had been meaning to ask on the odd mark of the back of her neck. She doubted the Snake Master would reveal those answers .. so maybe this man knew. And she hadn't had it in her to tell Neji of it yet ... so that could be done while - hopefully - getting the riddle solved tomorrow. "I ... would like to know the rest tomorrow. And I actually have a question that direly needs answering. For now though ... "

Her head bowed again. "I'll take my leave. Thank you for this though .... " Even though her voice had been stable, the trembling hand suggested she had all but forced herself to stay calm. Still, the bard managed a small smile to Neji. "I ... I'm fine, really. And I'm not going to go back on those words. For now, we spoil one another. The news and revelations can wait. Come now. I doubt it'd be good to be late to our own party of all things."
The answer had surprised Neji, he hadn't thought the answer would be the answer, but he could tell by the look on his now wives face told him it was time to drop that subject for the time being. He knew that it was, it was time to have fun and enjoy themselves as he took her hand, interlocking his own fingers with hers as he smiled at her. It was a big day, a great day, something that didn't happen that much. He looked at her and lead her into the room. It was nice, everything was done with such style in the after party room, the origami was so fancy, it was hard to believe that any person could do such art, the blue haired woman who had done so had done far better then he dreamed when he made the deal with her for the work.

Neji looked around as people started to work their way in, "Well now, we have first dance with your father, he said as he wondered what that could be. He guessed that would be with his uncle again, which he knew his uncle didn't mind, and then the tossing of the stuff and the cutting of the cake and their dance and that was about all of the big stuff he could think of as he stood there for a moment as he didn't hear the footsteps as they came up towards them.

"Congratulations, I never thought this pairing would work out so...well," a voice commented from Orochimaru as he looked at Tayuya, for a moment, "it is good to see that you are now some place where they will treat you well, and with someone that will treat you well," he commented as he looked at her. He saw her as one of his own, and even though he was a slippery man, he did think of his subordinate, well most of them as sort of family. "Tayuya, I must request, the first dance, it would only be right for you to dance with the man who saw you grow up," he said looking at her. "First, I must find Anko, it seems we have much to talk over too."

Orochimaru slipped by her and went to find his other subordinate nearby, one who had as much of a connection as any other, maybe more than any other. "Anko, so, you have let your guard down why around the son of the Silver Fang," he said calmly not showing his hand to her as he walked up, letting her fret what he would say to her. "I can't say I am not disappointed, your request, the marriage, it is hard to remain loyal to someone when you are so far away," he mused as he looked at her pausing for a good long moment as he stood there.

He had other plans for her down the road, but they could be adjusted, "It is fine, I am not going to stop you from marrying the man, or having his child," he said pausing again, "yet, I do ask you one thing, there most likely will be a time that I shall need your aid again, not now, most likely not that soon either, but it will come, and when it does, I will need you to remember where you come from and act with the best interest of your homeland, understood," he said as if he were making a deal with her for his permission in marrying Kakashi, and living in the Uzumaki Kingdom.

As they entered the room, Tayuya took the time to admire how everything had turned out. Her smile widened, amazed and impressed as all the origami caught her eyes. "She really overdid it ... " She mused softly, her fingers rolling over Neji's palm. Her mouth had opened and for a bit, she'd been ready to assume it would indeed be Hiashi. But soon a voice that she hadn't heard in quite a while would be heard. Her heart almost instantly sank. But just as she'd done with Hiruzen, Tayuya kept a strong front in front of Orochimaru. Her smile managed to remain upon her face as her head bowed politely.

"Honestly ... you're not the only one slightly astounded. I didn't know how it'd work at first myself. And yes ... yes we do need to talk when you return." Only when Orochimaru was out of sight did an eyebrow raise slightly. She knew Anko was his student .. but was that the only reason he needed to speak with her? Her head shook as she decided not to worry about it just yet. If she came to Tayuya and spoke up .. maybe. Until then though, she'd focus on Neji. Or try to.

Unfortunately, this had been one of the few things she hadn't expected at all. Now, she found herself at a loss on what to think once again, let alone react.

Of course, Kakashi had slipped away to ... somewhere. Anko let out a weary sigh, annoyed at herself for having lost him in the crowd. As footsteps were heard approaching, she turned, thinking it was her fiance. But instead, she saw her ... mentor? She swallowed slightly and felt her pulse race. The reply ... wasn't necessarily as bad as she'd feared. But she didn't know how to take it either. Part of her was honestly a bit infuriated with some of the words that had been selected. And yet, she was simultaneously grateful just because they were .. better than she'd expected.

Tch, like you could begin to stop me from marrying someone ...

That had by far been one of the worst things which had left Orochimaru's lips, really. Just the mere suggestion that he could have otherwise dared to think of it. But .. he'd sworn not to and that was good enough for her. An eyebrow raised slightly as her arms went over her chest. "... I see. What makes you so sure though? Peace has been rather well distributed among the three nations. Even Sasuke has found someone, or so the rumors have been said as much. We'll see, regardless, when that bridge arrives. Until then .... I'm not going to think on a scenario that might not even happen."

It was the best answer she could give while being completely sincere with him. If he didn't like it ... she gave him a look which almost dared him to make a scene here and now. But her own determined glance proved that the ranger wouldn't change her answer so easily.
Neji blinked as he watched, he had no clue who Orochimaru was other then rumors, and he figured they were wrong or incomplete. He figured he would give her that moment before he returned and took her hand and lead her to the table where they were to sit ad the ones who were the newlyweds. He pulled out the seat for his wife and smiled, "so, what do you think of the place, you won't believe it, but it was almost by chance I was able to find the person to fix this place up for the party," he mused out loud as he worked his way than into his own chair. "I must admit one thing to you," he said turning to look at her, "I am rather glad to have that behind me as amazing as it was, I was pretty nervous the whole time," he admitted, something not normally him, but he could let that slide for this one time. He thought about the how he was worried about somehow messing up, and how much Anko and Hinata had been able to help him deal with this worry and cause to fade a way it a great deal.

Neji watched the people walk in, it was the perfect spot to do so, he smiled as he noticed his friends walking in at different moments, it was nice to know they had been their to support him. He wasn't sure how it was suppose to feel to be married, but he figured he felt rather excited and happy. He moved closer to Tayuya as he slipped an arm around her and smiled content in the moment, the smile on his face pretty much showing as much as he broke his stoic form a great deal this night, it just was to important to hold into his normal stoicness. Which was saying something in and of itself on how he felt.

Orochimaru saw Kakashi and he knew that he wasn't going to have much time around her, he figured she would focus on her date as soon as possible. He looked at her and nodded, "that is fine then, just don't forget where you come from, is all I ask," he said as he looked at her, he couldn't get her to come back. He could tell from her tone that she was stuck in her ways. He knew that this woman could be more stubborn then any other, he hoped that he would figure a way to show her down the road that her loyalties would then be best served as a Uchiha Loyalist. Yet, that was down the road, and he figured he had many hands he could use till that point. He smiled, "Well, I shall walk you down the isle, I demand this right, your not my daughter by birth, but I raised you, understand," he said as that was a point he wasn't going to let up on either, it was a point, he hoped that the stubborn purple haired woman would allow, and figured she would.

Kakashi stood there now having found Anko and heard only the last part as he blinked waiting for the conversation to be over before he took Anko away and lead her to the happy couple so they she could talk to her own student in a way. He figured that Tayuya looked up to Anko, and as such, talking to her after that big moment might be something important for her, and her now husband.

Taking her seat beside Neji, she nodded to him, her smile widening. "It's gorgeous. I didn't think anyone knew the art of origami. It's rare to find people with such talents and incredibly technical, much like doing an instrument." A low chuckle left as her head gave an affirmative up and down motion. "Yeah, I am too. For a while your uncle didn't show up .. and I started ... " Her head shook quickly. "That doesn't matter. It is indeed over now and things are official." Her hands gently rested upon Neji's as her own content sigh passed her lips.

It was still slightly nerve-wracking, the thought of the first dance more than anything. But honestly, Orochimaru was perhaps the most appropriate person to have that honor. Not that she'd expected him to show up in the first place .. but now that he had, it seemed like the right thing to do. Her relationship with the Snake Expert was ... complicated. It wasn't like they got in fights constantly. But he really had given Tayuya an uneasy aura. And now that she knew the supposed 'birthmark' wasn't one at all ... it'd made her question why he'd placed it there in the first place. She'd assume it had been random except for the fact Anko had one as well.

"I won't. Simultaneously ... if nothing needs to be done, I'm not going to aid out in a reckless situation." She added. And finally ... he did indeed give out an offer - demand as it'd been worded - that Anko couldn't refuse. She hadn't expected it but since he had brought it up, a part of her couldn't help but feel honored, relieved even. "Yes, I understand perfectly." She replied, bowing her head as she walked away with Kakashi.

"Shame on you." The ranger teased Kakashi, giving him a small smirk. "Disappearing in the crowd like that. Where did your manners go, hm? One second you were across from me. The next ... I lost sight of you."
He smiled and nodded his head in agreement with Tayuya's statement and then thought about her statement about his uncle, it seemed like something that would happen to him. He had been rather quiet, perhaps he had been in denial about him and Hinata growing up and he didn't want to deal with that reality, he wasn't sure, but he was glad he showed up in the end. He could of seen the looks that would of happened if she had walked herself down the isle, and knowing the personality of Tayuya as he did, he could actually see that happening, which was both funny and worrisome at the same time. "So, they are indeed," he said his tone more calm, and stoic in his normal fashion as he looked around, this night was amazing to Neji.

"Yes, the first dance, then there is the mother son dance too, it seems that two orphans will have a hard time with any of the traditional types dances," he said as he laughed softly. He had no aunt or uncle who could even take that role, it seemed the role of elder woman was Hinata, and that would just be to strange to dance with her, so he figured it would most likely be called off. He smiled as he wasn't worried about that though as he started to notice the gifts that were being left for them, it was ever so generous of people to do so. He would have to remember to send a thank you personally to each and every single one of the people who sent them something.

"Well, I had to um, enjoy the walk," he said as he rubbed the back of his head, truth be told, he had seen Orochimaru before her. He slipped away cause he knew that he and she needed to talk. "Well at least it sounds like it worked out at least," he mused as he looked at her and then nodded his head, "Well, I am here now, and that is the most important thing after all, I believe," he added as he walked with her up to the couple who had just been married, bowing slightly as he gave the pair a bit of a lazy smile.

"Well, it was a remarkable wedding, thank you for having us there, it left a lot to live up to later this week thought," Kakashi commented as he looked at the pair of them. "Anyhow how congratulations, and I wish you both nothing but the best moving forward," he commented with a friendly tone to his voice before stepping back, he was sure that Anko would have far more to tell the pair then him. He knew this was a at least somewhat big event for the purple haired ranger.

Hm, that's true. He's in the same boat as me.

With all the family he still had alive, Tayuya had nearly forgotten said relatives were cousins and an uncle. But actual parents ... his own had been deceased for years like hers. "Hm, we'll see." She replied, giving him a reassuring smile. Letting her hand stay intertwined with Neji's - at least until the first dances began - her eyes began to wander with Neji's. It didn't seem as crowded in here for some reason. Though truthfully, that made her feel better and less nervous. Maybe because there was less attention on her for the time being? It seemed like a fair enough assumption. Her head found an arm as she let it rest there. For now, she'd enjoy his company and the music to help keep her more calm composure.

"... Fair." Anko wound up deciding, nodding with Kakashi. And then, he began to lead them to .. the newlyweds? It only took her aback just because she hadn't seen this action coming. The same easily applied as Kakashi seemed to excuse himself and .. leave? Her head turned as Anko blinked. "... What in the .... ??" Her face was slightly dark as she faced Neji and Tayuya. "Heh ... you'll have to excuse him. I .. didn't expect that from him at all." In fact, she had to stop and think ... try to understand why he'd just done all he had.

There had to be some reason. Thankfully, Kakashi never did anything without a motive. He had arrived near the end of the talk with her and Orochimaru. She supposed it was connected with that, if for no other reason than to hint it to Tayuya. Or .. had she completely missed something altogether? It may very well be both, the latter making her inwardly curse. "So .. I'm sure you already saw him here ...."

A teasing smirk crossed Tayuya's face. "There's tons of 'him's'. Mind elaborating?"

"Yeah, sorry. Orochimaru."

An affirmative nod left Tayuya. "He's ... going to be my first dance in fact."

"... Oh?" Anko paused, wondering if he'd demand that role as well. She'd find out in four days, the ranger supposed. "Well .. he's kinda copied that with me. Except walking me down the aisle."

An amused chuckle left Tayuya's lips. "It's kinda funny, really. He didn't take much note of either of us, me more, until now."

When the bard worded it way ... Anko realized she was kinda - no very - correct. It was indeed an interesting point to note. "Well ... people change with time anyways. He's ... a complicated man but he did still raise me all the same." And even upon her own words, she began to see more connections with herself, Tayuya, and both of their marks.

They were both orphans, both taken under Orochimaru's wing at one point in time. Suddenly, this was all feeling less and less coincidental. In fact, if Tayuya didn't ask him of it, she would. No, she may anyways just to hear the explanation with her own ears. Until then though .. she couldn't help but feel like Kakashi had forced Anko to steal their spotlight, per se. "Well ... excuse me then. I need to go chase down my elusive fiance." In her mind, it wasn't the ranger's obligation to notify them both of the odd marks upon herself and the newlywed Tayuya. No, she'd let her friend initiate that talk when she was ready. Besides, now would be the worst possible time to bring it up. They were supposed to be celebrating, not worrying.

Giving both a bow of her head, she turned and began trying to seek her future husband out. Had he really just left here? Oh the talk he'd get when she found him.

Hinata had finally calmed down by now and was keeping to herself in a corner. Finally, however, she had made up her mind. But she would bring it up to Naruto; mainly for notification at least. It was fair to give that much. Giving Naruto a gentle tap on his shoulder, a smile was on her face. "Love? You know how the bride has her first dance with her father? There's an equivalent for that with the groom. And technically .. Neji doesn't have an appropriate mother figure to do this with. But after thinking long and hard .. I do want to take up that role. He's done so much for me in my life and I've never been able to properly thank him. So ... you won't mind that, will you?"

It was only a dance and besides, she trusted Neji to not make any stupid or bold moves with his hands. Hopefully Naruto would have the same train of thought.
Neji watched the interaction between Tayuya and Anko. He smiled at the fact that Kakashi had been able to slip away so skillfully. Oh so many times in meetings over the years the Hyuuga wish he had such a skill to slip away and find something more rewarding to do. Neji looked over at Tayuya and then to Anko, as he found the interactions between the two to be similar to that between himself and his cousins in a lot of ways. They were in many ways similar in personality, though different in personality in a lot of ways as well.

"Well, First dance, then cutting the cake and opening the gifts, but there is something which I want to do with you at some point, it has been a nother suprise I have been working really really hard on over the last while. I hope that you don't mind the surprise, but I felt it was something that we can do that would maybe in someway symbolize our marriage," he mused softly as he looked into Tayuya's eyes as he was sure this might backfire but he felt most likely it wouldn't and would be something memorable for the both of them. He had spent hour praticing music, he wanted to so play a piece with his new wife, on this day, that he spent much of his free time trying out instruments till he settled on working on a piano. He hadn't told Tayuya of this, saying it was just other time he had been preparing for the wedding and in truth it was more time he had prepared for the wedding.

Kakashi had a play up his hand too, he had found his own mentor, and was talking to Minato. The two of them were talking about random things as he knew that would be the best way for Anko to find him. He knew she would come to him after she was done with Tayuya and he smiled at her giving her a happy look as he motioned to her with his hand, "Well, I think you meet her maybe once, but this is the woman who I am going to marry and is going to have my child," he said to his mentor.

"Yes, she is amazing, she is a skilled and very smart woman, she is the most amazing woman, I know," he said with a kind tone as he looked over at her knowing that he was using his mentor as a some cover to avoid the talk he would get otherwise.

Minato smile as he looked at Anko and looked at her, "it is a pleasure to meet you, Anko, I was rather surprised when Kakashi said he was settling down, but I can see what would want him to do so now," he said with a kind tone as he smiled at the young woman. He bowed in respect as he then kissed the top of her hand as he took it. "So, you shall be moving in with Kakashi after the honeymoon, I will make sure to set things up as well as possible if you are."

Naruto blinked as she made the comment, she was so adorable this night, he thought. He figured that made sense, she would dance with her father and he would dance with his mother, it would work out perfectly fine, he blinked for a moment. It was true Neji had no mother at all. He looked at her and blinked for a moment as he heard her comments and nodded his head, "Well, that is fine, you two are more like sibling, it seems to be then cousins, and he has been helpful, then support him now, I don't mind at all," he replied as he looked at her. He figured it made sense, she was the only female family that he had other then her little sister, and even though she was younger, there was a kind sweetness to such a dance he figured.

"Thank you, Naruto. Excuse me then ... " Bowing her head to him, she turned carefully on her heels and made her way towards her cousin and Tayuya.

".. Oh?" A small smile crossed Tayuya's face. "I look forward to it. It .. can probably be initiated after the night is over ... " Her mind wasn't at all on the same train of thought, though she blamed that on Anko for giving her such an erotic book. But then again, she wouldn't be picky anyways. In fact, as she thought over it more, she knew her guesses were likely incorrect. After all, their honeymoon had been purposely scheduled for after all the weddings. So they still had a bit.

Huh .. now I do wonder what he means ...

Before Tayuya could inquire, though, Hinata had made her way over.

Taking a slight deep breath, a smile managed to cross the Princess's lips. "Neji ... Tayuya. Congratulations to you both." Her gaze finally went to her cousin. "I finished speaking with Naruto. And .. if you would allow it, I would be honored to be your first dance." Her cheeks had tried to go red but she fought against the desire. Her mind quickly reminded herself on why she'd brought this up to her own fiance. Hinata could trust Neji to behave. And given this was a big deal, it just didn't seem fair that he didn't participate in everything.

If Neji had anymore doubts, hopefully they would fade away once Tayuya gave him a nod and smile. "I don't mind. I'm going to have mine with ... someone else. It seems fair you get the same privilege back."

Once Anko found Kakashi, she shot him a look that suggested he'd have to make up for his vanishing act when this was over. But as quickly as it had appeared, it left as her attention went to Minato. Her head bowed slightly to the Uzumaki ruler and her own smile widened. "It's an honor to meet you as well. And .. quite frankly, you're not alone. I was astounded another workaholic like myself wished to settle down. But... I don't see myself with anyone else either."

Letting one of her hands snake over and intertwine with Kakashi's, it squeezed slightly, reassuring he hadn't imagined things when the glare had been seen in her eyes. But aside from being slightly irked ... the grip was otherwise gentle and genuine. Even with him pulling such stunts on her at times, Anko did love Kakashi. Besides, it was easy enough to find ways to tease and get back at him. In fact, quite a few ways began trying to form. They'd all have to wait until the night was over ... but that was fine. Anko could be patient.
Neji looked at his cousin and nodded his head as he looked at Tayuya, he didn't want to offend her in some way at all. He knew that him dancing with someone almost the same age as him might be seen as bad on his part, so he was more then a bit glad to hear her give her permission to the dance. She would be married two days after, he wouldn't dance with her, his uncle would. It wouldn't be that long after she would go her way and he would remain their. In a way it was sort of a good bye dance, they had grown up so close to each other, lived within earshot of each other as the grew to adulthood. It in many ways was going to be odd for Neji to not have Hinata within earshot and all. Still he was so very happy for her, and he knew she was going to do great things.

"Well that answers it then, Hinata, we shall have that first dance," he said as he looked at her, "think of it as a good prep for your own first dance with uncle then with Naruto," he said with a kind tone as he looked over at her and said nothing more. He knew that next day his uncle was going to be fretting letting his eldest go, it was going to be interesting how that played out, but that time would come and for this moment it was his time to enjoy himself and the fact he was married finally.

Kakashi wasn't surprised by her look or her grip, he knew that he had asked for it by leaving her out for Orochimaru to deal with, then leaving her with the newlyweds. He figured he would find some way to make her forget this before the end of the night. He could do something to cause the purple haired ranger to forget about the incidents and focus perhaps on something far more positive and maybe win enough brownie points to cover himself.

"Well, I know the feeling, and I look forward to getting to having you around, I am sure my wife will love to challenge you at some point on who the better shot is thought, just a warning," Minato said kindly before he looked over and saw his son. "if you will excuse me, I am going to have a little father son talk," he said bowing to the both of the kindly before he went over and had a little talk with his son, checking up on him and seeing how he was doing.

Hinata nodded, knowing perfectly well that not only would Hiashi give her away to Naruto. No, he'd also be the one dancing with her in two days. There hadn't been many times he'd broken down .. but a part of her feared when she left for the honeymoon, that was a very good possibility. Still, she managed to remind herself it was in a good manner and not a sad one. Hinata would at least be alive and well just ... not living in the home she'd been raised within for so long. It would definitely be weird. But she couldn't just forget of her desires for so long. And those had been to be with Naruto.

Now .. it was going to be official very soon.

Her feet had instinctively helped her move onto the dance floor, staying close beside her cousin. "How do you feel?" She inquired softly, letting her hands rest upon his shoulders.

Tayuya offered Neji a smile, both while he walked away and arrived on the dance floor. Her heart raced and now... she knew it was her turn soon enough. Unfortunately, Orochimaru was good at slipping away like Kakashi. Otherwise, she would have gladly tried to seek the man out herself. For now, she was more than content with watching Hinata and Neji dance.

Oh yes. Anko had likely the same train of thought. For now, though, she was fine with watching the new couple as Tayuya was doing. Her head bowed politely and only when Minato left did she finally speak up. "You are not pulling that stunt in four days." She murmured lowly. "Not unless you want to test my scouting skills anyways ..." The tone was mixed, part of her joking and the other having a very real warning.

A low sigh left the ranger's lips as she turned and gave him a soft kiss. "Really though .... " She added after pulling away. "Don't do that again, not without a damn good reason. Deal?"
Neji smiled to Tayuya as he went to the dance floor with Hinata, he was proud of his cousin for having the courage to even ask him to dance. He knew that it wasn't that long ago that she wouldn't of had such courage and then when the event was over, she would be upset with herself for not doing so. He counted it to the good effects of her being with Naruto were having on her life. He trusted the blonde with her and he knew that he cared about her a great deal as well. He was so very happy for her and her marriage, and that she got what she had so always dreamed of.

"I must admit, I am glad you asked, I am going to miss you Hinata," he said as he started to dance with her slowly as he enjoyed the time with his cousin, "I must say, I think of you as more of a little sister then my little cousin, I guess cause we grew together," he said as he admitted the fact to her. "I am glad that I could help your dream come true, and I can't wait to see you become a wife to that blonde of yours," he said softly as he moved skillfully and with the experience of the pratice he had done. "Remember when your in Uzumaki lands, that your welcome home anytime at all, just yourself if Naruto happens to be busy too."

Neji enjoyed the dance till it ended and bowed kissing the top of his cousin's hand, "now remember no matter what happens we are always family," he said with a smile, "now I do need to check up on my wife, and you might want to check up on your future husband, he is over there talking to your future father in law."

Orochimaru found Tayuya before the dance, and tapped her on the shoulder bowing he took her hand and lead her to the dance floor. He looked at the young woman, she had grown a great deal since he last remembered. He was losing a pawn in a way with this marriage one he hadn't been asked if he wanted to lose. Still, these things happened, and he wasn't nearly as sentamental as most people happened to be. Still it was nice to dance with the woman, once, after this she wasn't his subordinate anymore.

"Well, I must admit, I didn't see your and the Hyuuga working out, it seems I can be wrong about things a great deal. I even told this to Lord Uchiha when he was picking the person for the agreement. It seems I was mistaken, and I stand very much corrected," he admitted, it was true, he had tried to get someone who at least wasn't working for him to be the person, and he figured that the Hyuuga would be to stoic for Tayuya, it seemed he was wrong there. He bowed his head slightly as he finished the dance and slipped away in normal snake fashion.

Even on the dance floor, Hinata was still nervous. But it was for the reasons Neji had hinted. She was essentially preparing for her own dances in two days. Also, she was still the Hyuuga Princess and thus she did have a reputation to keep and maintain. But her main emotion was bliss, especially for her cousin. She would spoil and indulge herself in a few days. For now, most of her focus would be on Neji. Her smile widened as she gave a small nod. "I will miss you too. But I could never begin to forget we're family. I'll likely come back ... " Her cheeks went a bit red but she still finished the sentence, "If not for holidays and things of the like, when I'm .... copying Anko."

She couldn't think of a better way to say it and even with trying to use terms like 'expecting' or 'with child' would have made her cheeks darken more. She'd literally felt it so Hinata had stayed to using a more tame, in her mind, set of words.

As the dance ended, her head bowed politely to Neji. "Enjoy the rest of your night. May nothing but blessings come to you two." And with that, she turned and took up his advice. It'd been like she'd said; most of her attention would have been on Neji. But now that their dance was over, it could easily shift back to her fiance.

Poor Tayuya damn well nearly jumped upon feeling the tap on her shoulder. Her focus had been so heavy on Neji and Hinata, she'd almost forgotten of her own. The very new side of him .. was so odd to see. From all the times Tayuya had seen and spoken to him, he came off as a workaholic, a worse one than Anko even. But tonight, he proved to have a gentleman-like side to him. Truthfully, she'd nearly asked when he requested to have the first dance if he even knew how to. Orochimaru didn't seem like the type to bother himself with normally mundane tasks.

But then her mind went back to the mark on the nape of her neck. If he had figured a way to create that, he had indeed self-taught himself simpler concepts, the bard figured.

"I didn't even think I'd be a worthy enough wife, honestly. Especially not for someone like Neji." And she wouldn't admit it aloud.. but there were still a few parts of her which did fear and feel that was true. But more than anything else, she was genuinely content to have wound up marrying Neji. She really couldn't see this having worked out with anyone else.

"Hold it .. " Before he got too far, an arm shot out and took one of Orochimaru's. "For one, that was far too fast. But more importantly ... mind clarifying the odd mark on the nape of my neck along with why both myself and Anko have one? It's not just art, at least I don't think." The tone in her voice hinted that even if he wanted to insist it was nothing, she would get answers. In fact, if he refused to give an appropriate reply .. well ... she had promised to meet Hiruzen tomorrow. And clearly, he wouldn't mind helping fill in all the blanks of her past. Maybe he knew of what it was?

But it did seem easier to ask the creator himself so the bard would give that a shot first and foremost. If he didn't reply and Hiruzen didn't know, she figured the latter had ways of being able to gather information to help her out properly. So to Tayuya, this was more of a win-win than anything.
Neji looked at Hinata and smiled softly, he was glad to have danced with her that dance. "Thank you, I am sure I am going to, I look forward to being there when you tie the knot, if you need any help at all, just remember I don't mind helping," he said to her kindly as he watched her head back to talk to Naruto. Neji looked over and looked to see Tayuya and Orochimaru interacting, he figured it best to leave that one alone for the moment. He knew that Tayuya could handle herself in an arguement and his help wasn't needed at all at that moment.

Naruto smiled at Hinata as he watched her walk over and looked at her, "Well, that was really kind of you," he said with a smile as he looked at her. He was proud of his rather soon to be wife, she was the type of person he always admired. Naruto figured that was part of the reason, he fell for her after the announcement. She was a woman who cared for others and was sweet and kind, and beautiful. He hugged his future wife and kissed her lips ever so softly as a way to show his pride in her.

"Well, no disapaearing, huh," Kakashi mused as he looked at her, "I guess I will have to live up to that," he said as he looked at the purple haired woman, "Well you do think that the long way around will most likely be closed that day, so I might as well take the shorter path to the wedding hall," he said as he knew he couldn't be his normal late for that day. He wasn't sure just how well Anko knew of that horrible habit of his, and how he tended to take his time in going places, like meetings.

Orochimaru looked over at her as he paused wondering what she was up too. He blinked as he heard the statement about her neck. He hadn't expected them to put those pieces of the puzzle together, though perhaps he should of been prepared for that fact, it wasn't like the two of them were the only ones with such work done on them afterall. He blinked and looked at her as he blinked, "hmm, I never thought about it, you two have the same mark on your necks, well most of the time marks on the body aren't art at all, unless you put it there on purpose," he said with a shrug, of course he knew the answer quite well, he just had to think quickly a way to deal with that answer.

"Well, sometimes people have similar birthmarks in the same areas as others, I know a dozen other people who have such similar birthmarks," he added. "I am guessing your assuming it isn't natural, well, perhaps it isn't but what would cause that. I mean seriously, one would have to do something akin to experimentation on a youngster to be able to produce something like that. You have seen my base of operations, do you really think I would have such impressive equipment laying around using it randomly on orphans," he said actually answering it in a way of putting a way of attempting to hide the thruth in plain sight. "Anyhow, I must be going, I have to write a report to my Lord about the event and future plans," he said excusing himself from the party all together.

Orochimaru would send a letter that night telling Sasuke's father that their plan was ago for the day after the next, that Wednesday. Orochimaru had men prepared to make a fake attack on Uchiha territory, these men would pretend to be fake Desert warriors from the Wind Kingdom. They would attack the outposts and they would claim that a Desert army was rising up against them. They would then mobilize and attack the Wind Kingdom. It would be the start of a defensive offensive campaign that would gain the Uchiha a power base to deal with either of the other two kingdoms one on one as long as they didn't combine and maybe even enough to threaten them if they stayed combined.

"Don't you dare bullshit me." Tayuya replied, keeping her voice audible so only Orochimaru could hear. And yet, a very dangerous tone was entering each and every word that had left her lips. "Anko told me you gave the one she has to her along with the fact mine's the same. Why? Why did you give me that? Hey!" Her body shook in anger as he left, refusing to answer her. Exhaling deeply, Tayuya turned on her feet and walked back to Neji. A smile did manage to appear on her face albeit her rage had definitely not fully gone away.

It was, however, under control for one good reason. This was still their wedding and she wasn't going to let anything ruin it so easily. However, it did seem that she would have to inform Neji later tonight. For now, though, she gave her attention to her new spouse. "So .. love. Now that we've both had our first dances, shall we have the one strictly between us?" She offered, holding her hand out towards him.

Hinata's own smile returned as she found herself back in front of Naruto. "It's the least I could do for him. He's helped me so much in my life. It only seemed fair enough. Besides, we get to spoil one another in two days. For now, though, the focus can be shifted even if only for a bit." Her head rested against his chest as she wrapped her arms around him in a gentle embrace. "I love you ... " She whispered softly, a low sigh passing her lips.

"Mhm. Definitely not in four days, anyways." A small smile crossed her face. "I guess we'll find out, won't we? Until then ... " Taking one of Kakashi's hands into her own, she looked up into his eyes. "Maybe we should have our own? Unless you had another plan in mind?" She suggested, giving a nod to indicate the ranger was referring to a dance between them.
Neji looked to see Tayuya walking back to where he was. He smiled as he looked at her and nodded his head, "yes, I have been praticing for that very thing," he said softly in reply to her request. He had been wanting to do this a great deal. He figured that his work would be paid off if he could impress her with his own improved dancing skills. He led her to the dance floor and slipped his hands to her sides. He danced with her close, enjoying the sounds of the music as he relaxed, and just enjoyed himself. He figured that this moment was one worth remembering for a very long time as he danced with the redhead, unworried if anyone was watching them or paying any attention at all in their general direction, his movements smooth and well praticed.

"After this dance we should cut the cake, then I wish to do the thing I told you about after that," he said as he looked into her eyes, with his own pupilless ones. He was so enjoying this day, granted he had nothing of the worries that Tayuya had with her dealing with Orochimaru that day, which most likely made it easier for him to deal with the good times a bit better then Tayuya.

Naruto blushed as he looked down at Hinata and thought about it for a moment. He looked down at her and kissed her, "as I love you," he said as he led her onto the stage, "this is to good of a chance for a bit of pratice for our own dance after the wedding," he mused to her as he took her into his own arms and started to dance with her as well, granted not as well as Neji, without his natural grace but not bad himself. He had been doing a bit of work, and this was a good test to see how that bit of work had helped him out.

"Well another dance, after that first one, I am not sure that this place could handle it," he replied teasing her as he thought back about the first dance they had back in the masked ball. He went to the floor and danced with Anko. He moved slower without the natural agression that was in that sensual dance they had done before. It was very much more tame, he figured than that first dance had been. He looked at Anko and smiled softly as he looked around and saw the younger couples dancing as well, both seemed blissful at that moment. He smiled, it seemed so nice, he hoped they were both able to enjoy what they had. He for sure knew he was happy with the woman he was going to marry that week.

A coded message slipped under Sasuke's door, it called for his attention, and it summoned him back home that wednesday after the marriage of Naruto and Hinata, right after actually. It gave no other information, nothing being said as to why he was being summoned home, or what was going on. He wondered what was up, but he said nothing at that moment as he let his eyes look over the paper before he shook his head and figured it was for the best, he didn't like being here anyway, a way to get back home seemed like a rather nice thing.

"As have I." She replied, her smile widening as Neji guided her toward the dance floor. Her hands slid upon his shoulders. Thankfully, this was much easier to do than when she'd danced with Orochimaru. The height difference had been .. annoying for lack of better wording. And she had wound up having to mimic him, placing her own hands upon his waist. Her mind couldn't help but drift back to his obvious lie. What had he been hiding? And why? It made her worried; not just for herself but Anko. After all, she had one too and ... there had to be a reason for it. Regardless of what he'd said, it hadn't been random.

"Personally, I thought you did well even at the masquerade." She replied, a smile on her face. "But ... I can feel the movements do seem a bit smoother to you." A slow nod left her head and she thought long and hard on how to word the next thought that had entered the bard's head. "After .. your surprise, I have one of my own. But it's not really an activity as much as it is .. another revelation."

Hinata's head glanced up as Naruto began to move. Her cheeks darkened slightly but .. he had a good point. Now would definitely be one of the best times to practice dancing. And especially when their own wedding was so close, it did seem like a wise move. Letting her hands slowly slide up and upon Naruto's shoulders, she began to move as he led and initiated the dance. Her smile widened to feel his own foot movements seemed much smoother than before. He had far more confidence .. and poor Naruto needed it. He'd been way too harsh on himself.

"I see - feel - you've been training in other things as well." She mused softly, smiling as she looked up into the blue orbs. "How are you feeling, anyways? Knowing there's only forty-eight hours until it's our turn to get married?" She had the natural sensation of slight anxiety ... but not nearly as much as poor Tayuya had felt. In fact, she was more content and calm; for now, anyways.

A sly smirk crossed Anko's lips. "Very well. I definitely look forward to that. I'm holding you to that, in fact." Her mind went back to the masquerade and their first intimate encounter, mentally noting the differences. And especially with the latter, Anko knew this was very tame. But it had also started out that way. But sure enough, with time, it'd gotten more .. wild, aggressive and not at the same time. But that was more than fine with the ranger. At least it had happened with someone she wished to spend her life with. In fact, she'd soon become official in a matter of days .. and it made her smile. The happy atmosphere plus just being with Kakashi had made her temporarily forget of the annoying talk she'd had with Orochimaru minutes ago.

Meizumi had stayed in her dress even after they returned. But her attire hadn't ceased her from meditating. When the sound of Sasuke moving caught her ears, however, her mixed eyes opened as she saw him reading. "... Hm? Something up, Prince Sasuke?" She inquired, ready to get up to her feet at a moment's notice if needed.
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