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Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

"Ow!" She jumped when the tip slashed across her ass leaving a mark. While he kissed her she smiled but moved getting dressed and left with him to the hospital. Once there Lillian had turned to see Tia and Tia knew the look of trouble. Though Tia walked over to the pair. "How's Ariel?"

"Awake. She told me you knew of her being pregnant, Tia." Lillian was basically pissed off.

"She called me crying and-"

"You didn't think to call me?!" Lillian hissed in a low voice in the waiting room.

"Don't start with me, Lillian." Tia growled back as she laid her ears back. "If you want to open up a can of worms I am more than welcome to return the serve."

"I'm her mother!" Lillian was hurt that Ariel didn't come to her but went to someone else.

"And?! She didn't know what to do and didn't think you'd approve if she aborted the fetus since you disapprove a woman on saying no to any man. Even to an act!"

"What?!" Lillian was seething mad as she was confused as well. "I taught my children to stand up for themselves an-"

"Oh! And a no actually means a yes! Next time you're getting fucked up the ass be su-" Before Tia could finish Lillian punched her that sent Tia to the ground. Tia glared at Lillian as she got to her feet feeling blood dripping down her split lip. "If you didn't want your daughters to feel ashamed to come to you then you may want to grow a fucking back bone for once." That was all Tia said as she turned walking outside, spitting blood to the ground.
Sam couldn't believe what just happened his ears fell back on his head. "Mom.." Sam hugged his mother and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "I love you but that............this wasn't necessary........" Sam said softly. He sighed. "Let me go see where Tia ran off to....." He went to the front of the hospital and he found her sitting on the steps. "Baby....." He sat down beside her and put his arm around her. "This was completely uncalled for......" He said softly. "We're here for Ariel, you two didn't need to blow up on each other....." Sam tried to be fair to both his mother and the girl he loved.
Lillian didn't respond to Sam's hug but watched him disappear. Tia was sitting on the steps getting the blood to clot with her split lip when Sam arrived. "We were here for Ariel but it seems Mrs. Meeks was insulted her own daughter didn't come to her but took it out on the person her daughter trusted." Tia wasn't going to make Sam chose between her or his mother but he may not know that. "Sam, I'm not going to make you chose between me or your mother. Nor will I hold it against her for lashing out. I know I didn't handle the outburst well."
"Come on....." He said softly helping her up. "Let's get this cleared up now, I want you both to apologize to each other, you know, my mother was the one who kept saying she preferred you over Rachel...even though I had no interest in her, my father kept pushing me towards her simply for being his friend's daughter." He said softly.
"Yeah...I'm not going back in there." She stated as she stood there but looked at him showing she meant what she said about not even getting close to his mother. To Tia what she said felt like it was the truth that needed to be pointed out to Lillian. If Lillian had a goal to teach her children then she fucked it up bad.
Sam sighed. "Fine......" Tony came out a few moments later. "Sam, you gonna come in to see your sister?" He said softly. Sam nodded. "Yeah Pop....." Sam walked into the hospital to go see Ariel. Tony looked at Tia with a sad look on his face, a look of disappointment about what had happened between her and Lillian. Sam felt hurt the most because it felt like by his girlfriend insulting his mother about not raising her children properly she was kicking Sam in the nuts so to speak.
Tia saw Tony and shook her head. "You're lucky in not me jumping your throat either, Mr. Meeks. I fought your son for hours before coming here about anal sex. He thinks if he begged long enough I allow him to fuck my ass because he thought I'd enjoy it like your wife. It seems he doesn't get the concept when I say no...I meant it!" So it came out she was still pissed Sam still begged tofuck her ass because he thought she'd enjoy it because his mom did.
Tony didn't say anything he just sighed and left her alone. After spending time with his sister Sam started not feeling too great and decided he'd go home and rest. He walked out of the hospital and sighed. "Babe, i'm gonna head home.....I don't feel good and don't wanna get anyone sick if i'm coming down with the flu or something." Sam explained. He walked the short walk to his apartment from the hospital with is head down. He wasn't feeling good but he was also upset with both his mother and Tia.
"Feel better, Sam." She said as she watched him walk away but she turned going home. Once she got home she locked everything down as she grabbed a over night bag to settle in at her father's vacation home. After settling in she began to cook a single dinner for herself. "I hate family drama..." Wincing as she tried to enjoy her meal but ended up with a glass of wine in her hand.
Sam was coming down with the flu and ended up in bed for a few days after. Unaware Tia even left to her father's vacation home. He didn't have enough energy to even lift his head off the pillow. Sam had a hard time staying awake but his body was also fighting his sleep. It was a strange feeling and he hated it. He had a lot on his mind as well which didn't help the process of him getting better.
At this point she was talking with her friends and Aiko was among them. "I don't know what to do! I say no and he begs!"

"He learned it from Dad. When mom says no he'd beg and even if he thinks we're not aware...We are. But Tia, mom does stand her ground but she knows when to give in to shut him up!" Aiko was in her pjs with some of the girls who had the same issues with their boyfriends and such.

"I don't want to do the one thing he does. He claims he loves me and he wants to do it..."

"Then tell him you're no-"

"I did! He still begs!" Tia was annoyed at this point as she was close to tears. "Its either me in pain to shut him up once then him fucking my ass or....For me to be comfortable we'd break up..." Tia didn't want to break up nor did she want anal sex.
Sam had no idea about the conversation Tia was having, if he did he'd feel worse than he was. After a few days and no improvement he tried getting up to grab a phone to call an ambulance to take him to the hospital but he fell over and couldn't reach it, the room spinning and Sam being dizzy he laid there trying to prevent himself from vomiting due to the sensation he was feeling, however he was able to grab a pale and puked in there instead of all over his bedroom floor. He laid on the floor after he was done and just closed his eyes so he didn't watch the room spin around him, hoping his parents would come to check on him or something.
After a week of no call from Sam Tia decided to see what was going on since it was two days before the trip. Her having a key she let herself in and she was hit by the scent of sickness. "Sam?" She called out but she went to his room seeing he was on the floor. "Oh no.." She grabbed her phone calling the Ambulance and in no time he was admitted with his family there once more. When Tia saw Lillian, Tia was ready to walk out.

"Tia, we need to talk." That was all Lillian said as the two walked off to talk. Tia did apologized and said she was worked up that day from fighting Sam on anal sex. How he claimed she'd love the first time of having it. "I'm sorry, Tia. He got it from his father and I told Tony I didn't want his son learning this thing from him....I felt hurt when Ariel didn't come to me. So I lashed out..."

"So did I....I didn't understand why Sam didn't understand I wasn't comfortable with anal sex. I don't want to perform it." Tia sat with Lillian with a water bottle in her hand but Lillian hugged her tightly.

"Sweetie, if he doesn't want to let it go....Then walk away. He may not be ready for a woman like you or perhaps gotten so use to being around whores that he doesn't know how to treat a lady. Maybe...You need some competition in there for him. Allow him to think theres other men in the picture hoping you'd look their way. It worked with his father and still does." Lillian smiled as Tia looked shocked about this piece of information. "Come on. Lets go back inside and you need to see Ariel...There is some good news there." Tia nodded as she left to go see her friend as Lillian went to see Sam.
Sam was trying to sleep, his mouth was dry and his voice raspy but he didn't try to speak much anyway. He just wanted sleep. He heard the doctors say that if they hadn't found him in about a day he would've died that's how bad he had this flu. Sam often wondered about the afterlife. When he heard about what happened to his father all those years ago he wondered why his dad would abandon him like that if he did choose to take that route. He didn't understand it then but being in a similar situation now with the woman he loved he could see why Tony was willing to leave that night so to speak. Sam just closed his eyes and listened to the machine he was hooked up to hum and beep slightly.
Lillian was in his room and seeing his mouth was dry. She took a straw and gently laid droplets of water in his mouth. She didn't know how Sam felt but she felt hurt that the man she lived long ago wanted to die because he thought she wanted Rick. God, she would have walked away from Tony for that but he would have died either way. It hit her if he planned to keep her there through the threat he'd kill himself or he'd live if she stayed. Shaking her head as it wouldn't have changed.

Tia sat with Ariel and learned her boyfriend proposed to her and they were to be married later on. "That's wonderful!" Tia smiled faintly but she had more on her mind. After visiting with Ariel she left to see how Sam was doing but saw Lillian had tended to his thirst but she sat in a chair and fell to sleep. So far she's canceled the Europe trip.
Sam looked over at his girlfriend sleeping in the chair beside him. He smiled weakly. He was a lucky wolf but he felt he didn't deserve her. That was always a problem with Sam. He had low self esteem and very low self confidence. He didn't get that from Tony but he felt that way ever since he was little probably due to the lack of a caring mother the beginning years of his life. He was nearly 10 when his father and Lillian got together.

Sam sighed and closed his eyes. As he fell asleep he had a dream about Tia and him splitting up. Sam muttered in his sleep but he didnt make any sense verbally. No one would know that this flu Sam suffered from would leave him with a life changing issue, one that would push his relationship with Tia to the very edge and only if she truly loved him would it last.
About two weeks later Sam would be out of the hospital and so was Ariel. Tia wasn't living at the apartment complex but at her father's vacation home. There she didn't invite Sam to stay or to come over. To her their relationship was on borderline of ending. One evening she arrived to his apartment with stuff to make homemade stew as snow was starting to fall outside.
Due to the flu he had contracted. Sam was left with a small limp when he walked and he lost a decent amount of vision in his left eye. He went to the door and opened it seeing Tia thre he smiled. "Hi babe......" He said softly. He gave her a hug then limped back inside allowing her to enter so they could have supper together and snuggle on the couch or in bed if she wanted. Sam had stopped asking her for things like anal when they were making love in fact he stopped asking her for pretty much anything he was afraid of saying the wrong thing so most of he time he kept quiet and just went with things.
Tia had noticed he stopped kissing all together expect when she made the first move. To her he became a zombie. "Hon, why have you stopped kissing me?" She asked as she began to make him dinner in hopes of getting his diet back to normal. Since the flu their sex life was just dead basically. He offer no response what so ever so she often stopped with no satisfaction.
Sam didn't realize it but she was right. He hadn't kissed her in a long time. "I....don't know....." He said softly. He looked down and sighed to himself. He was so scared of losing her. He turned to her and wobbled his way over putting his arms around her waist from behind while she prepared supper for them. He kissed her cheek and then her neck gently. ".....Do you love me?" He asked softly. Since he had gotten sick he felt like she didn't anymore and that was partially why he had stopped kissing her or being affectionate in return because he felt like she had no more love to give him of course that was in Sam's head and he could've just been overlooking it completely.
"Of course I do...If I didn't I wouldn't be coming over here often to make sure you ate." She smiled softly at him but it faded. "Perhaps its time we talked instead of pretending everything is ok." She said as she got to a point she didn't need to hover over the food as it cooked on low. Taking his hand she lead him back to the couch as she sat with him.

"Sam, I was lost...I mean I didn't want to ever perform anal sex. Before the flu you didn't seem to get it that I don't want to perform it but now you stopped asking it. At first it was heaven but with your lack of...Sexual desires for me it feels like you've checked out of this relationship. You've stopped kissing me, when we make love you don't put any effort or any expression of pleasure. Often you have a look of 'Are you done yet?" God this was killing Tia as she loved Sam but she had hoped for a life full of adventure with Sam but if he can't enjoy it then was she stuck with him in a life she wished for death
Sam sighed and put his hand on her lap. "You're right.....I'm sorry, I just have a lot on my mind.....I just feel like......I don't know........" He looked into her eyes. "I love you Tia, more than are the most important thing in my life.......I guess i'm just scared of losing you......I know you deserve better than me......." He looked down at his hands folded in his lap. He looked into her eyes and caressed her cheek gently. "Now that i'm 70% blind in my left eye and have that stupid limp, i just feel like i'm a burden........and I dont' want to be a burden for you Tia......" He said softly, a few tears falling from his eyes.
"Sam..." She wrapped her arms around him. "You know they are doing experiments to restore sight like yours. I was afraid if I told you no anal sex you'd kill yourself." She wiped his tears away. "Yes, I wanted an adventurous life with you but....I don't know what kind of life we'll have now."
He just rested his head on her shoulder. "I don't know.......I love you baby......I'd do anything to make you happy......" He said softly. He turned and kissed her neck. "I'm sorry for being such a burden....." He saidd softly he sat back on the couch, his tail limp underneath him and his ears folded a bit. "Can I ask you something baby?" He looked into her eyes. He hd noticed a few times she seemed distracted, like she was thinking of leaving him. ".....were you ever thinking.....of leaving?" He said softly. "I mean, was it something you were........really considering?" Sam was just asking a simple question he didn't mean to upset her if this question would have he just wanted to know. "I....I only want what would make you happiest....." he muttered softly.
"Sam you knew what would make me the happiest woman in the world....Yet you didn't care it was all about your desires." She said as she looked down. "I was considering leaving you before you got the flu. Even your mother said if you kept forcing or trying to force me to do something I don't want to do....That I should either walk away or introduce male competition into the picture." She told him the truth as she got to her feet. "If you kept asking for anal sex I would have broke up with you in a heart beat. I wouldn't entertain the thought of dating another man while I was with you. I mean what would have hurt you more? Me with another man while I dated you or me leaving?"

She walked over to the stove as she pulled the stew off seeing it was done cooking. "Dinners done."
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