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Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

He got up and went into the kitchen. As she dished out the stew he put his arms around her and kissed her gently. "Howabout tonight.........I make you feel like the queen you are to me." He said softly resting his chin on her shoulder. "How's that grab ya?" He whispered softly in her ear kissing her neck in just the right spots. He would've ended up dead either way but he didn't tell her that, the thought of walking in on her with another man would've done more than just hurt Sam. He let go of her and sat down with his bowl waiting for her to join him before he started to eat the stew.
"We'll see about that." She said with a smile but with a bowl she walked over to him and sat beside him but she didn't dig in just yet. "Has our talk settled any fears or brought any up? It feels like the talk we had might have helped both of us." She spoke softly as if afraid they were in a dangerous area. "Found our Ariel is engaged."
Sam nodded. "Yeah...." He smiled and held her hand tightly. "Yeah i heard, i'm happy for her....." He leaned over and kissed her lips. "Do you still want to get married someday?" He asked softly. He wasn't going to suggest it just yet but he was curious if she even entertained the idea of being Mrs. Samuel Meeks.
Tia smiled softly as she held his hand. "Sam...I was entertaining the thought of proposing to you on the trip." She said to him with her ears laying back. "But that would have depended on you and that one stupid act you're obsessed with. Your parents still don't know that you were a virgin before you met me." She smiled as she kissed his right cheek. "Sam, are you happy being legally blind in your left eye?" The limp didn't bother her at all. If they stuck to the America's back yard and explored then all they would do was go slow. Perhaps get a dog to help them out.
He sighed and shook his head. "No, not really, but if it can't be helped then that's fine too as long as I have you baby....." He said softly. He leaned over and gave her a kiss on her lips. "I Love you....." He touched her cheek gently. "I want to be your husband....." Sam smiled warmly at Tia. He was going to buy her a proper engagement ring any day now. He just needed to get the time to go to the store but he couldn't really surprise her since he did need help with his blindness and limp he had now.
Tia smiled as she gave him a long soft kiss. "I want you to be my husband. But how about we handle things one at a time. So we're not overwhelmed. I said we because I feel like we're in this together now even if its not official right now." She nuzzled against him as she looked at his leg. "Darling, I know a woman who may help you out. She's a leading bio-researcher and last that I heard she'd making wonderful progress on nerve damage." Tia didn't tell him it was the same woman she had sex with when she was dating Lance and she was friends with to this day.
He nodded. "Okay baby." He kissed her back gently and smiled. Little did Sam know upon meeting this bombshell that it'd be the same woman who slept with Tia. However, he did find it kinda sexy and hot that his girlfriend had slept with another woman and wondered if she would ever open up to the idea of having a threesome with her again or if she'd be okay with Sam having fun with her friend while they had their threesome. Of course he'd only entertain the idea if she was okay with it and trusted Sam that he'd remain faithful to her after all was said and done.
Tia wasn't really up for a return sexual adventure since Sam met all of her needs and more! Handing Sam his bowl as she grabbed her own. "Then its settled. I'll call her tomorrow when I wake up and see what she can do. She may do some painful tests to see what needs to be done. But I'll be with you every step of the way."
Sam smiled at his lover and kissed her gently. "It's okay baby." He ate his stew slowly. "Mmm you are an amazing cook honey." He smiled. He always loved it when she cooked for them. He took her hand in his and smiled. "I want to get to a few stores tomorrow, maybe I'll call up Zack and have him take me if he's off from work." He said softly. He wanted to get her an engagement ring but wanted it to remain a surprise.
"Alright and if I can work anything out make sure Zack sends you over." She smiled at him as she finished her dinner and walked over to bring two slices of apple pie with ice cream.
"Mmm dessert too?" He giggled and kissed her pulling her into his lap this time. "I'd love your pie more." He grinned and kissed her neck gently Sam would be sure to have his brother bring him back here after they were done shopping. Sam knew what type of jewelry Tia liked so finding a ring he knew she'd love wasn't going to be too difficult.
Giggling softly as she kissed him. "I know you love my pie, Sug." Winking to him as she grabbed his plate and got a fork full of the apple pie with ice cream on it. "One of the rare times I'd do this for you." She fed him bite by bite of pie.
He smiled and ate the pie she forkfed him. He kissed her lips with a mouthful of ice cream. " wouldn't do it for me when we're married?" He pouted cutely but was only teasing her.
She smeared ice cream on his nose. "Nope." Smirking as she licked the ice cream off his nose before eating her own desert. After it was done she had washed the dishes with her storing the rest of the stew into the fridge. Returning to his side she cuddle with him while they got another movie started.

When it got late she'd help him to bed then changed into pjs. Laying beside him as she cuddled up against him on his bachelor style bed.
He cuddled her close and kissed her lips. "I love you baby....." He smiled and nuzzled her gently holding her close to his warm furry body. He pulled the covers over them and they snuggled up like an old married couple. "Babe...i'm sorry about the trip.......we can still go, howabout for our honeymoon after we're married?" He suggested.
Nuzzling against him as she thought about it. "I..."She stopped as her phone and Sam's phone vibrated at the same time. Sighing Tia looked at her and gasped. "Aiko's engaged as well!" An idea hit her as she looked to Sam. "How do you feel about a triple wedding ceremony?"
Sam smiled and kissed her lips. "Sounds good to me baby." Sam took his phone and replied to the message, happy for his sister. He snuggled against Tia and kissed her lips again. "Triple wedding, that'd be interesting." He smirked.
"Well I didn't know if you were wanting to have the wedding as our day or not. I mean I imagine you had to share one day as a birthday with your siblings." She said as she really didn't know how they did it in his household. Setting her phone aside knowing it was late but she was wanting to take care of Samuel first. "But if they don't want to do it then its fine. I want to take care of you first."
He smiled and kissed her gently. "Thanks babe, you're so good to me...." He snuggled closer to her. "It's up to you what you want babe, we can do whatever you'd like." Sam smiled at that. "And my birthday is the only birthday different from my siblings." He chuckled.
"I know that but I don't know if you celebrated it separately from the others." She said as she yawned into his shoulder. "Either way we got time to discuss it all." Slowly she fell to sleep with her leg wrapped around his own.
He pulled her close and kissed her once more good night before falling asleep with his arms around her protectively. He loved her more than anything else in the world and he wasn't going to lose her. No Sam was going to make sure of that. He was happy she was entertaining the idea of marriage too which was nice to see. He smiled and fell asleep. Sam dream't of their honeymoon and them making love as husband and wife, starting on their family together and their trip ending with a few surprises. Sam was still recovering so he slept late whenever the opportunity would present itself.
When morning came Tia was up talking to her friend. "Please, Darling? He-" she stopped as her friend babbled on and on. "I'm sure its nerve damage to his left eye and right leg." Her voice was soft while she spoke. Smiling as she see her friend will do the tests to find out how bad and if anything will help.
Sam woke up and found Tia on the phone with her friend. He put his arms around her and kissed her neck gently. "Morning....." He whispered. He hoped her friend could help but if not he was fine with the way he was as long as he had her by his side he wouldn't mind living life the way he was forced to live it now.
Tia smiled to him as she didn't like it he was blind in his left eye it just felt like his life would be taken at any moment. "Alright. I'll bring him over today in an hour." She said as she turned her phone off. "Get dressed. We're heading to the labs to get some work done." She said as she got up and lead him into his room and got dressed with him. After they were done she drove them over to a large industrial building. Once inside Sam was put there painful tests and it was a good thing he didn't eat.

A female tiger looked over his test results and x-rays and such with Tia. "He's a perfect patient for Stem Cell research or well putting it into practice. He may be a wonderful example that this material will help others get their lives back."
Sam got dressed and they were on their way. In the lab he was in an examining room waiting for more tests but he could see his love and a female tiger through the open doorway. He just waited to see what they'd be doing next. He sighed and waited for more shots or something. He wasn't squeemish or anything s that was a big help.
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