Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

She shook her head as she continued to ride him through out the moments of him releasing deep within her.

In all honesty she hadn't seen him lose control, yet. Tia sighed as she sat in his lap as her tail wrapped around him. "I don't know, Sweetie. She doesn't want to keep the child but she doesn't want the asshole to go free either. She has already made reports of her being raped but the police said they can't do anything."
Tony moaned and made her ride him more. "Mmm don't stop baby." He moaned in bliss as he fucked her having her slam down on his cock roughly now.

Sam growled softly. "Well if they won't do something, I will, I'm gonna talk to Ariel when she wakes up." He said softly then kissed Tia and held her close to him. "Anyone hurts my family, or the people I love, then they're going to pay." He said softly. He had a friend who was a cop he could talk to if anything. Sam wasn't one to break the law but this was going to be pretty big.
Lillian had leaned in with her holding his shoulders to ride him but she was cumming more.

"Sam no!" Tia snapped as she pushed him away when he tried to kiss her. "I told you if you talk to her about this...She won't trust me again and she may do something crazy!" Laying her ears back seeing Sam wasn't listening. "Go...Get out! You're not listening so get the fuck out!"
Tony moaned and kept thrusting into his wife. "Mmm baby, I love you so much." He spanked her perfect ass a few times as she rode him holding his shoulders down.

Sam's ears fell back and sighed. "Fine......." He got up and looked at her with upset, sad and hurt eyes. "I love you....." He said softly before leaving for the time being. He went for a walk to clear his head and on the way he saw a wanted poster. It as of a rapist with a small article under the picture. ".........young women........latest victom....." Sam read a description of an eyewitness account of a nugging, the description fit Ariel's. He took the poster down and put it in his pocket. Sam continued walking looking for anything unusual or to hear the cries of a woman being violated so he could step in and get revenge for his sister. Sam wasn't overly strong but he could be quite hard to handle when provoked. He had his brass knuckles with him and he was going to use anything he could to make sure the guy never hurt another woman again - that is, if he was able to find him.
"I love you to!" Lillian leaned in as she kissed him.

Ariel heard the argument and she was pissed as well at Tia.

"YOU TOLD HIM?!" She screamed at Tia.

"He wanted to know..." Tia responded.

"HE HAD NO RIGHT TO KNOW AND NEITHER DID YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO TELL HIM!" Ariel's hackles were up as tears were running down her face.

"He wants to help-" Tia was cut off.

"HE WANTS TO PLAY BIG BAD WOLF. ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL!" She screamed at Tia and stormed out and ran off without grabbing her things. Tia stood there hurt as she was right Sam wanted to play big brother and beat up everyone but he can't do that anymore nor does his sisters want that. Sitting down a she remembered turning to her older brother when she got her heart broken. By then he was engaged, his fiancé at the time told him all Tia wanted was brotherly love not a shining knight in armor. Ariel needed her brother not an avenger.
Sam walked back to the apartment complex when he stumbled across just what he was looking for, but to his shock the purp was returning to his former victim.

Tony moaned and kissed his wife making her cum over and over again. "Ohhh fuck baby....don't stop......." He groaned in pleasure. Even at their age their sex life was still just as spicy as it was when they first got together. Tony figured that was the key to their blissful marriage. Sure they had their ups and downs but what relationship didn't have those?
Ariel was in so much distress she didn't hear the horn or the screeching of tires. By the time she looked up the truck slammed into her and sent her to the pavement. Tia heard faint sounds of brakes being hit but that was it. To her it was normal everyday city life so she grabbed Ariel's things and took off to check her things off her list.

Lillian's legs were suddenly locking up. "I...I got to stop..." She said as she slowly got off of him and laid on her belly. "My thighs were starting to hurt."
Sam saw this and the rapist was standing over his sister once more. "Remember me, sweet cheeks?" He grinned . Sam walked over to him. "Hey, scumbag!" Sam turned him around and quickly planted three blows to the face. "She may not wish to remember you, but you're sure as hell going to remmeber me." Sam kicked the mugger in his gut sending him holting forward and another blow to his jaw. "Get up you piece of shit." Sam grabbed the man who had pulled a blade out on him but that didn't phase the angered wolf. He grabbed the mugger's arm and slammed it into a nearby dumpster, causing the mugger to drop his knife inside. Sam tossed him out into the middle of the street, cars speeding by trying to swerve around him to not hit him however one car was coming too fast and ended up running the man over as he got to his feet. Sam was about to call the cops when his friend Tommy grabbed him from behind. "Sam...." The wolf turned to see the tall tiger anthro standing behind him. "Tommy.....he.....he mugged and......" He took the poster out of his pocket and showed his friend. "Take me to jail if you must, but, I had to defend my sister....." He said softly now calming down. Tommy went over to the mugger after giving Sam a sign to stay where he was. He rolled the mugger over who was still alive but hurting badly. "You're under arrest." He read the man his rights and loaded him into his nearby police car then returnd to Sam. "Sam,I should book you for's assualt and manslaughter were protecting your little sister, I probably would have done the same thing in your i'm turning the other way on this...." Tommy gave his friend a handshake. "Make sure she gets home safely." He muttered then left in his patrol car with Ariel's rapist in the backseat in cuffs.
Ariel was hit by a god damn truck. If she was sent home she would have died. Sirens were blaring as medics soon arrived and shoved Sam away from Ariel to get her to the hospital. The whole day went by in a flash as Ariel was in the operating room for hours on end and it was Aiko's boyfriend operating on her. Aiko was alerted and she alerted the others which stopped Lillian's fuck feast with Tony. Everyone but Tia was there.

The next day Tia heard about it through the grape vine and she broke down crying. It hit her that hearing the brakes and the tires. That was Ariel. Tia was sitting on her stoop crying her eyes out not caring for all of those who saw her and gave her weird looks. Ariel was in ICU recovering and no one knew if she'd pull through.
Sam didn't leave the hospital until they told him to go home. Aiko's boyfriend told him he'd stay in touch and update him on Ariel's progress. Sam went to the apartment and saw Tia on the front steps hysterical crying. He went over to her and put his arms around her kissing her lovingly, kissing her tears away. "'s okay's going to be alright.......I got that sonuvabitch.......Tommy came and stopped me from killing the bastard, i showed him a poster I had found and he arrested him and took him away......Ariel is in recovery now......" He whispered trying to get Tia to calm down a bit.

Tony was in the waiting room waiting to hear any info about his daughter holding Lillian as they waited patiently for any kind of news.
Tia shook her head. "She knew! She knew you'd do this bullshit of rogue avenger." She said as she pulled back from Sam wiping her own tears away. "I tried to tell her you were wanting to help but she screamed at me then took off. She didn't need you to go kill the guy." Tia said in a trembling voice. "She needed her brother for support not her private guard dog." She felt sick and weak as she told Sam this.
He put his arms around her again. "I know......I'm sorry.....I just went for a walk and he happened to show up again.....I caught him just in time, he would've raped her again, Tia...." He said softly. "What was i supposed to do? Just stand back and watch? I had to stop him......and I didn't kill him, thanks to Tommy showing up......." He said softly. "But he's going away for a very very long time......" Sam whispered. "Come on honey......let's go inside and get you cleaned up.....Ariel is a strong girl, she'll be alright, I know she will......" He took her hand and helped her up not taking no for an answer he lead her into the apartment building to get her cleaned up.
"Do you even listen to me? Is this what it will be like to be your wife? I have to scream for you to listen a partial of what I'm saying?!" She snapped as they reached her door. "I know you. You didn't go for a casual walk. From what I heard you were there but you didn't help Ariel. You beat the guy and let you sister lay there in the road!" She was pissed and couldn't believe this. "If you're not going to listen to me then there is no way in hell I'll ever be your wife." She didn't like saying it but she didn't want to marry him and have to scream at him to listen to her then divorce him later for feeling like she was being ignored.
"Baby....." Sam stopped for a minute. "I......." Sam had a flashback then to when his parents had fought like this and him as a cub crying to his mother. "Please don't leave daddy, Mommy." rang in his head. "..........I'm sorry......" He fell to his knees and started to break down crying. She was right. He was so enraged with anger he hadn't checked if his sister was alright first he was more focused on beating the crap out of her mugger. Sam sat there and cried for a bit, letting his emotions finally get out after being built up for so long. He hadn't cried like this since he was a cub. Now with his vision blurred by tears he got up, his ears flat on his head. "I'm sorry Tia.....I love you......I'll......leave you alone now if you want me to..." He got up from the stoop and looked back at her. "I'm sorry......." He said softly. "I'm going to go back to the hospital......" He started to walk back towards the hopital to see if they had heard anything. Sam walked with his head down and his ears flat. He was falling into a depression from everything going on around him and now he love of his life basically said she wouldn't want to be his wife in not so many words. He was crushed but he didn't care all he wanted was to see if his sister was going to pull through. He arrived at the hospital and sat down next to his father. "Son, are you alright?" He said softly looking at Sam who had clearly been crying. He shook his head. "I'll be fine once we know how Ariel is......." He sighed and looked down at his feet. "I think me and Tia are over......she.....she was right." He said softly. Tony twitched a bit and put his arm around his boy. "It's okay son.......i'm sure you and Tia will be fine....." Sam shook his head. "I don't know.......all I could hear was me as a child begging mom not to leave us........" He said softly tears starting to roll down his face.
Lillian knew what this was about, roughly. Moving to his side as she nuzzled Sam's shoulder. "Sweetie..." She didn't know what to say to her son as she didn't know what was going on between the two. "If she said you're over then you are but if she didn't say you're done or over then don't think you two are broken up." She had hoped she was making sense to her son. "I...I can't fix this for you. All we have to do is worry about things one thing at a time. Perhaps she's so worried about Ariel that she's panicking."
He nodded. "I guess so......I'm worried about Ari too Mom....." He said softly and hugged his mother burying his face into her shoulder. He had a stronger sense of smell than her and picked up that she was pregnant. He smiled and gave her a kiss cheering up a bit. "Son, i'd give Tia the night to cool down and then maybe try calling her tomorrow morning." He suggested. Sam was in agreement with that. He hoped things would be okay but he was more worried about his sister. She was always there for him when he needed so now he was returning the favor as her big brother.
Lillian sat there but noticed David walking out with his gloves coming off. "David?"

"She's fine but lost the baby." He said casually but noticed the wide eye looks on everyone's faces. "What?"

"She's pregnant?" Lillian asked as she looked to Joshua who put his hands up.

"I always used condoms and pull out just about I was to release Mrs. Meek. I know she made an appointment to get birth control months ago. If she was pregnant by me I would have stayed by her to raise the child." Joshua looked scared.

David cleared his throat. "Either way, broken ribs, collapsed lung and broken arm. She will be awake in a day or so but you can head home."
Sam didn't tell his parents what he had done. He pulled David off to the side. "He's gone, when she wakes up, if we ain't here, tell her, I got him, that i'm alright, and he's behind bars.......Tommy stopped me from killing the fucker......" He said softly patting David on the back after giving him a hug. Sam left to go home he decided to stay with his parents. "Mom, Dad, can I stay with you guys tonight? I don't feel like going to my apartment......" He said softly. Tony nodded. "Sure son but your mom and I....." Sam shook his head. "I know Pop, don't worry, i'll keep my door closed....." He said softly.
Lillian touched Tony's hand. "Honey, you know we can put it on hold." She said but winked to him as she took the boys hoe while everyone else hovered for awhile then took off. When Sam was asleep or thought he was Lillian was back fucking Tony.

Tia was back at her apartment getting drunk. She had thought of getting her ex to fuck her tonight but yet her and Sam wasn't done. This was the first bump in their relationship. Her head swam as she passed out on the couch. When morning came her head was throbbing from her massive headache that she didn't leave her apartment.
Tony moaned loudly forgetting his son was at home with them for the night as his wife rode his cock. He roled her over so he was pounding her love tunnel deep with her legs wrapped around him tightly.

Sam woke up the next day early and saw his parents passed out naked on their bed, a clear sign they had fun, however they were uncovered so he covered them up and gave his mother a kiss not wanting to disturb them further he left a note and headed to his apartment to shower before trying to talk to Tia.
Tia was in a dark bathroom enjoying a hot bath when she turned her phone on. Seeing she had several messages from her family, contractors and such. Sighing as she went through to deal with them all. Once she was done she went through her apartment and closed her blinds and curtains.

She didn't expect Sam to be coming by so she was naked with her silk robe wrapped around herself.
After his shower Sam did swing by. He had been given a key so he let himself in. He saw the woman he loved wrapped in her robe. He walked over to her and put his arms around her kissing her head. "I love are the most important thing in my life." He said softly. He knelt down beside her and took her hand. "Ariel is going to be alright, she has a broken arm, collapsed lung and a few broken ribs, David said she'd be awake tomorrow....." He looked at her his eyes pleading for forgiveness.
Tia's head was throbbing right now and her hiding her eyes would have been a dead give away. "Sam...I know we just hit our first bump in the relationship. Which I'd say its a good thing we hit it after what? Three months of dating?" Smiling as she patted the spot next to her. "I had to much to drink last night and that's not a good thing when I'm upset." She was wanting to tell Sam what she ad thought of doing in her drunken state. "I'm happy Ariel is going to be fine. But for now on the whole avenger thing is reserved for me. That role is reserved for your sister's boyfriends. If they decide not to go after assholes then you can go without me getting pissed at you." Smiling weakly as she laid across Sam's lap. This felt wonderful to just curl up into his lap!

"I...I don't want to be ignored. Or be asked for advice then be ignored. I mean if you were trying to tell me something important I imagine you'd be upset I wasn't listening, right?"
Sam nodded. "You're right honey, I'm sorry......" He gently caressed her hair slowly. "It won't happen again....." He leaned down and kissed her lips lovingly. He looked into her eyes and just smiled. "Just rest up babe......i'm not going anywhere." He said softly. If she wanted to fall asleep in his lap then he wasn't going to stop her he'd just sit right there and let her sleep off her hangover. Sam probably would've had his heart broken if she had told him the thoughts that went through her mind when she was drinking but at the same time he did have every right to know. He wanted them to be open and honest with one another.
Tia didn't know if he wanted to know since well she was drunk and didn't act upon it. Though if she was in his shoes she'd feel heart broken and walk away from the relationship. So she wrapped her arms around his waist while she buried her face into his stomach. "I feel so bad right now..." She spoke softly as she closed her eyes just wanting her hang over to end. Though after awhile she got up and went to the tub where she ran ice cold water over her head. She stayed bent over the tub's edge knowing for now on she can't go nuts on her wine when she's upset. She just hung her head as the ice cold water tighten the skin over her head and it stopped the throbbing.
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