Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

Sammy smiled. "I know that baby....." He laughed and kissed her lips lovingly. When her phone rang he waited patiently for the conversation to end.

Tony smiled and kissed her back. "Work is fine, love.....Tia might be taking over the company in a few years." He said softly. "Kinda funny how Sammy's girlfriend might be my boss." He chuckled. "Well, i'm still VP and I think her father wants her to keep me in that position and i would act as president in her absence anyway." He smiled.
Bit annoyed she grabbed her cell phone and held his hand as she spoke on the phone.

Lillian smiled. "Well I didn't want to say anything but since Jennifer split from her husband we've been talking still. They've been divorced for some time now. To come out clean Tia's father agreed when he retires he'll give the company to Tia."
Sammy just squeezed her hand gently and sipped his coffee.

Tony nodded. "Yeah, that's what i've heard. It'll be fine baby. Tia is a bright girl, and i'm starting to think you're right, she's good for our Sammy......he seems to be fond of her." He said softly kissing his wife lovingly. "I think everything will work out...." He spoke softly to her. It had been a long evening for them and now all Tony wanted was to relax the day away in bed with his wife.
"You're certain that's your bid?" Tia asked with a smirk. "That sounds awfully high for what I want done and there is another contractor who'd do exactly what I want, give me what I want with his top quality work." Listening as she got two of the best men competing for the work. "Alright, you got the job for $500,000. If you go over budget let me know but I will have someone else dealing with you while I'm away." Tia hung up the phone as she looked to Sam. "I figured you'd be out for hours more after last night."

Lillian nuzzled Tony. "It seems Sammy had been fond of her for years or so." Lillian shrugged as she felt relaxed now.
Sam smiled and kissed her lips. "So, wanna tell me what that's all about?" He smirked at her holding her hand.

Tony nodded. "Yeah he does......she's a sweet girl too....." He smiled and nuzzled against her softly kissing her lips. "Howabout you stay in bed all day and I'll take care of you honey?" He said softly caressing her cheek. "It'll be a spoil Lilly day today." He grined a bit. Tony got out of bed and went to the closet to look for something he had bought her but had actually forgot about it.
"Have you ever noticed anyone else living here?" There wasn't anyone else living there. "I bought this complex and I'm planning to turn this into a large mansion. You see this building was built a century ago but I figured while they do the updating they bring this place up to code. I figured while we were out on our trip they'd be working here and my sister in law can keep them in line."

"Tony, you don't...Wait..." She thought of it then smirked. "I guess I can make this my spa day instead of taking it this weekend. How about we do a double date with Rick and his wife Jasmine this weekend?"
Sam smiled at that. "That sounds like a really good idea babe." He kissed her lips gently and smiled. "Looking forward to our trip." Sam said softly.

Tony smirked at that idea. "That sounds good baby, please let me pamper you, i'll give you as many massages as you want." He said oftly. Tony didn't want to be alone in the house all weekend by himself. He took the small box out of it's hiding spot and gave it to Lilly. It was a gift for their wedding anniversary he had forgotten to give her. "For our anniversary the commotion i forgot about it....." He said softly giving her the box with a nice piece of jewelry in it that would show her just how much he loved her. It was quite an expensive piece but she was worth every penny.

"And a double date would be nice this weekend." He said softly putting his arms around his beautiful wife.
Tia smiled as she kissed him softly. "Got things to do today. Dinner tonight at the French restaurant?" She asked as she got to her feet letting him finish his coffee at his leisure.

Lillian smiled as the necklace had a large stone on it but a slender bracelet to go along with it. "I love it. Besides you know the spa day ranges from half a day to a full day. Depends if I get full body massage that leaves me tired."
He smiled and nodded. "Sure babe, sounds great." Sam said softly sipping his coffee a bit more.

Tony smiled at her and kissed her lips. "I love you baby, you are the center of my world." He said softly "And have been for over 20 years." He smiled warmly. "I'll give you any type of massage you want darling, today is all about you....." He said softly kissing her neck gently holding her in his arms, his big strong arms. Tony had stayed in shape, they both had and Lillian was definitely quite the cougar, a real MILF, and she was all Tony's now. He loved that and part of that was the reason he wanted her to have another baby. He missed drinking her milk and fucking her while pregnant but it was mostly because they both missed hearing tiny little feet of a cub running around the house or climbing in bed with them when they had a bad dream.
Tia walked back to her room with her robe slipping off her frame. Silently she searched through her drawers to find some panties that would catch her interests. Though with Sam being close to 30 and was a virgin sounded odd. Letting her hair down as she thought it over. Hell she didn't wait as when she turned 18 and in the girls' dorm she was a hound dog so to speak. Laying her ears back as she had several partners and Sam only had her in his life. Feeling dirty about this she sat down in the chair and his jacket fell over her shoulders. Her fingers curled into the jacket and pulled it tight around her.

"How about a foot massage? Its been to long since you done that for me." Smiling as she took care of her feet and when they went out for dinner she had a routine. Lillian would get a manicure and a pedicure before the dinner date with Tony then get dressed up while wearing the gifts he got her. Sam earned extra money when he babysat his siblings but Tony insisted he'd get an allowance so he can focus on his school. So Lillian worked things out with the two that if Sam needed extra money he can babysit for them or tutor. If he had to tutor it had to bee either library or while one of the parents were home. They didn't want a he said she said story if a girl was trying to get Sam in trouble.
Sam finished his coffee and slipped into the bathroom to wash up and get ready for the day.

Tony smiled and nodded. "Anything for you my love." He smiled and kissed hsi way down her body he got to her feet and gently took them in his hands, one at a time he slowly began to rub them down and massage them for her. "I always thought you had such lovely feet, babe." Tony complimented his wife, she had taken care of herself even now in her old age he was amazing at how beautiful she still was. How Sam's friends used to snicker and joke about how they wanted to bang her.
When she noticed Sam was getting dressed she released his jacket to him. Though she got to her feet, still naked, and went back to her dresser and pulled on her white bra and white laced thong. Her mind was still stuck she was near the double digits on sexual partners and she was younger than Sam. To her Sam deserved someone other than her. Hell, she was done with the whole experimenting phase of her life and she had fun to. Once in her black skirt and green blouse, she brushed her hair away from her face with her pulling her heels on.

Lillian did recognize the snickers and the way Sam's friends made him feel up to the point he stopped inviting them over. She couldn't do anything other than leave when his friends did come over and let Tony set the boys straight. "Honey, how about a movie night for us?"
Sam got out of the bathroom and saw she was dressed. He got dressed and then sat down beside her. "Everything okay baby?" He said softly putting his arm around her cuddling her as they sat on the bed together.

Tony smiled. "Sounds good to me my love." He massaged her feet a bit more and when he was done he kissed her lips. "Any movie you want to see in particular?" He smiled. softly.
Tia was looking at her hands. "I don't know honestly. I..." She couldn't look up at him. "I feel so filthy compared to you. You're the 9th person I've had sex with within 7 years." She linked her fingers with his own as she looked up at him.

"There is a new murder mystery on and also a new action movie." She loved it when he massaged her feet. Even from a night of dancing he'd sweep her off her feet and went to work but she thanked him by sucking him off. Getting her robe on not realizing one of their girls had found something out. "Order pizza, Chinese or Italian food?" She planned on making this a night in.

Back at Tia's apartment there seemed to be an agreement among the group of Sam's siblings and Tia they get their own special ring tones that everyone knew. It was Ariel calling and normally when she was communicating casually and kept it short she'd text so her calling alerted Tia.
Sam just smled at her and kissed her lovingly. "That's the past babe......come on....." He pulled her into his lap and kissed her neck gently. "I love you.....I don't care how many people you've slept with." He said softly reassuring her that it was alright.

Tony smiled at his wife and kissed her lovingly on the lips. "Whatever you want my darling.....I'll eat any of that you know me." He giggled and hugged her tight. He didn't care what they ordered, whatever she was feeling like eating would be fine with him.

"Ariel?" Sam said softly. He knew that tone, it was Ariel's favorite song. Sam just sat there and waited for Tia to answer the phone to see what his sister wanted. He didn't mind the interruptions though. Sam could be very patient at times.
Tia curled up to Sam and returned his kiss but when she heard Ariel's ring tone, her ears perked up. Getting out of Sam's lap she went to her phone as it was on the table. "Hey Su-" She was cut off by sobbing. "Ok Ok...Come by my place and we'll be alone." She glanced to Sam seeing if he was listening on the last bit. "You know you're always welcomed here, Ariel. Ok...See you in ten minutes." Tia hung up the phone and turned to Sam. "I'm going to need you to take off now. My plans have suddenly changed..." She kicked her heels off and went to the fridge as she pulled out a couple bottles of water.

Smiling as Lillian went to the kitchen and looked through menus. Picking the dishes out as she ordered them alfredo dish, plate of garlic bread and one other dish that had plenty of meat inside it for Tony. Once it was done she walked over to him kissing him softly. "Its nice to have the house to ourselves after years of having kids here."
"Sure....but what's wrong babe? Is Ariel okay?" Sam asked curious about his sister's well-being.

Tony kissed his wife back and pulled her into his lap. "Mm yeah, we can run around butt naked all day and not worry." He grinned a little. He kissed his wife lovingly on the lips. "Mm babe you know i was thinking........howabout we go out back in the hot tub tonight? We haven't used it in years.......howabout after the movie tonight, we end the night with some naughty hot tub fun?" He smiled at his wife hoping she would like that idea. "We'll turn the overhead light on, put on some soft music....and just enjoy each other." Tony whispered in her ear softly before kissing down her neck slowly.
"I don't know. She called crying and wanted to come here." Tia said as she was worried like he was about his sister. "She's scared and that's all I know. If she's okay with it I'll call to tell you." One final kiss before she rushed him out of her home but it wasn't long before Ariel arrived trembling at Tia's door step. Both women had their cell phones off and Tia locked the door behind Ariel to create a safe place to talk without men or simply men with to many people to over hear.

Lillian sat in his lap and shook her head. "Tony, I was hoping tonight would be a sex free evening for us. I know we had plenty of that and plenty of sex free evenings if we end up with a child either through me or adopting. But...a evening that's willing to be sex free will be a rare treat."
Tony nodded. "Okay babe." He kissed her lips gently. "That's fine with me. I was just thinking about your spa day is all." He smiled at her and cuddled her close to him. "So did you order for delivery or am I gonna have to go pick it up?" He asked softly regarding the food. He didn't mind either way he just was curious he had assumed delivery.

Sam left and went back to his apartment. He was feeling a bit tired so he took a quick shower than went into his bedroom and collapsed on his bed an fell asleep leaving his phone on for Tia to text him what was wrong if she was able to do so.
"Delivery." She said as she nuzzled up against him and settled in for the night.

During the day she spent the day and night with Ariel but when the next day came Ariel was sleeping in Tia's bed and Tia herself was out on the front walk way with coffee in her hands. Last night was rough as Ariel was mugged over a month ago then rapped by the same man several times over and over until she moved in with her boyfriend. Now Ariel was pregnant with the raper's child.
"Mmm smart girl." Tony giggld kissing his wife lovingly and the two watched movies, ate dinner and relaxed the rest of the evening.

Sam woke up the next day and went back to his girlfriend's house seeing her in the doorway with coffee he smiled. "Hey babe.....what happened with Ariel?" He said softly. He walked up to her and gave her a loving kiss on the lips before putting his arms around her waist and pulling her into a hug the way he loved to do. "Is everything alright?" He asked softly. Of course when he'd hear the news he would flip out knowing someone did that to his baby sister.
The morning Lillian was riding Tony's morning wood to help ease his need to mount her.

Tia wasn't sure about how to say this. Sitting Sam down as she told him Ariel was mugged about six weeks ago and the same guy followed her home and continued to rape her for two weeks. When Ariel's boyfriend invited her to move in with him she took the offer. "Yesterday when she called...She found out she was pregnant and hasn't told Joshua yet but she's terrified to tell him what happened."
Tony moaned and grabbed his wife's ass as she rode him. "Mmm baby girl this is the best way to wake up." He teased and kissed her neck as he began to thrust deep into her.

Sam growled angrily at this but then calmed down. "Alright........" He kissed her lips. "Where is Ari now?" He asked softly. He wanted to talk to his sister, to get an idea of what the guy looked like. Sam was out for blood at this point and he was going to make sure he found the guy responsible and made him pay dearly, even with his life if necessary.
Moaning as he kissed her neck but shoved him back down in the bed. She knew this feeling. This feeling of needing to be fucked for hours was strong. Lillian rode him hard as the bed creaked and swayed to her fucking him and shortly was cumming over him to the point of leaving his balls soaked.

"Not saying where." Tia stated as she sipped her coffee. "We were up all night and she cried herself to sleep. I had to shut her cell phone off when her boyfriend tried calling a third time. Told him it was a girls' night out and bidded him a goodnight." Tia said faintly. "Ariel, made me promise not to tell anyone without discussing things further. If she knew I told you she may do something stupid."
Tony moaned and came deep inside of his wife. "Mmm baby i hope we ain't done just yet." He grinned up at her licking his lips his cock pulsing inside of her soaked pussy.

Tony sighed. "Alright, fine......" He said softly kissing her cheek he walked into the apartment and sat down. "So what now?" He said softly pulling Tia into his lap. "What happens now?" He asked softly almost in a whisper. Sam was clearly upset by the news but he calmed himself down for his girlfriend's sake. She had only seen him lose it once and he didn't want to bring that side of him out again.
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