The Alliance ~{Raeona and Jugger}~

Hinata hesitantly nodded her head and sighed softly. "O-Okay. See you" She said, blushing softly and settling back down to lay under the sheets.
Nathan went out to conduct his own business, which was buying some small medicinal herbs that they may need for use within the field if something like this happens again, and they're too far from the village to do immediate surgery. He then went to receive more word about what to do next concerning the bandits...and it was obvious as to what they needed to do. Once Hinata was recovered, the three of them would go and take down the head honcho, whom they assumed to be the giant bandit that injured Hinata in the first place.
Both girls took the time to rest, Temari passed out and happy under the blankets. Hinata found it more difficult and ended up tossing and turning trying to get comfy.
Nathan went home immediately after his business was concluded, wondering if Temari had awakened at all since he had left. When he came home, he saw the girl still sleeping under the covers and yawned a bit, stripped down nude, and crawled under the covers with her. He wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her into his chest as he relaxed in the bed, though he could not sleep. He was wondering how he should take out the head honcho of the bandits. He was a big fucker after all...
Temari woke up after he'd hugged her to himself. She opened her eyes and blinked curiously before turning her head slightly to glance back to him. "Welcome back... What is it?" She asked, seeing that he seemed troubled.
"Our next order is to go and hunt down the guy that did this to Hinata...They want to wait until she's fully recovered because they think only the three of us could do it since we practically exceeded expectations on our last mission. We were supposed to simply weaken the attack but we completely destroyed them until the big guy came in and wounded Hinata. I'm just trying to figure out how we're going to take him down and where he might be hiding after a devastating loss that we gave him."
"Well, he's either going to back off completely, or he's going to eventually show his face again when he feels he's safe. For now, we should just focus on the how and not the when or where." She said simply, shrugging passively. "Don't worry about it"
"I still feel its my fault though. Hinata got hurt because I couldn't tell that there was a large enemy like that...My scouting never reported this. Its like he was hiding the entire time, doing his business underground while his lackies did all the...Wait a second..." He sat up and frowned. "Underground...Thats it..." He rubbed the back of his head. "Thats going to be a pain in the ass if I'm right...Dammit..."
Temari blinked curiously as he sat up so suddenly. "What? What's going to be? Do you have an idea as to where it is?"
"I think I may know where he's been...Which would explain why we haven't been able to see him until he showed up earlier...There is an underground base under the area. We don't know why but there are tunnels leading to it and it seemed like it was the stronghold of some army during a war...Maybe he's holed up down there..."
"Seems fair enough, once Hinata is healed her Byakugan will be able to see where they are if they're really there" She said, taking a deep breath and shrugging. "But, she'll need to be healed."
"Yeah. It should only be about another day before she is ready to go." He stretched out some more and hugged her closely to his body. "Though for now...Lets get some sleep. Unless you want to fool around a lil bit for a quickie before I get some sleep?"
"Hey now, you tired me out way too much" She said, wrinkling her nose and chuckling slightly. "Maybe in the morning" She said, sticking her tongue out at him playfully.
"Of course...Though I hope you don't mind me playing with your breasts a little. Unless you really don't want me to." He reached forward to grasp them in his hands and grinned. "I love your boobs...They feel amazing." He kissed up and down her neck tenderly but then rested his head above hers on the pillow, hands still playing with her breasts. "Go on to sleep...Think of this as a relaxing massage."
Temari chuckled and rolled her eyes slightly. "More like a distracting massage" She said simply, resting her head next to his and yawning softly.
"Its your fault. You've got these great breasts and I can't control myself." He laughed and began to erect, prodding her leg with his cock. "Its your breasts' fault that I'm doing this..." He smiled and moved his hands away, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her into his body. "Mm..." His cock was just under her pussy...He could feel the heat emitting from it, and he was certain she should be able to feel the heat from his cock against her as well.
Temari smirked slightly as he pulled her in and she felt his cock beneath her. "Well, I guess we're not going to sleep." She said, turning around to face him and pressing up against him. Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled herself close and pressed her lips to his.
"Eh...I'm not gonna sleep. I just want to play with your body for a lil bit." He laughed lightly, and then felt her turn around. He felt her lips press against his and he closed his eyes, kissing her back as well. He held her close, not even holding her pervertedly as he kissed her back. He soon would break it, and smiled as he pressed his forehead into hers. "I thought you would want to wait for the morning...but if you want to get revenge on me and play with my body too for a bit then I'm all for it baby." He joked.
"Well I did want to sleep, but you're proving to be really distracting and you're kind of making it hard to focus on sleeping." She said, wrinkling her nose and narrowing her eyes playfully.
"Ah sorry for being such a distraction." He said playfully and closed his eyes. "If you want to sleep, I won't bother you any longer so long as I can hold you in my arms." He smiled and began to play with one of her hair puffs that stuck out of her head. Once he was done toying with her hair, he shuffled a little bit and really did relax, staying still and holding her in his arms, but allowing her to do whatever she wanted to him.
She smirked and nodded. "Good, you can wait for tomorrow" She said, closing her eyes and nuzzling into his shoulder.
He said nothing else. He had fallen asleep with her in his arms. He slept peacefully, and it was one of the best night's sleep he had ever had before. When morning would come around, Nathan would be deeply asleep. During the night he would have rolled halfway off of the bed with only his legs still on it, but only because they were tangled in the blanket as the other half of the blanket was with Temari and thus holding his legs up.
When Temari woke in the morning, she yawned softly and glanced around to see him half on the ground. She smirked slightly as she got up and crawled over towards where his lower half was, still resting on the bed. She smirked and slowly reached over to playfully run a hand along the shaft of his cock.
"Mmmm..." Nathan moaned in his sleep as his cock was being stroked by the girl he had slept with last night. Temari's hand felt great and it only stirred him in his slumber...though he did not begin to awaken. However, he was feeling pleasure...and his cock began to erect within her hand due to the stimulation.
Temari smirked slightly and continued with her hand for a bit, simply letting him get more and more excited for a bit. After a moment, she leaned forward and playfully ran her tongue along the shaft, wondering when he'd wake up.
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