The Alliance ~{Raeona and Jugger}~

Temari glanced back a moment before looking forward again to reply. "Well, she's kind of naturally shy and awkward. Could be cause of us, could be just her being her, she tends to stick to herself whenever possible."
"Should we something...?" He was confused as to what to do. Things felt awkward between the three of them after Hinata walked in on them. "We can't have her straying from us purposely the entire time we're doing this mission...I'm worried she might get injured again."
Temari shrugged slightly and looked ahead of them. "I dunno, I'm not good with that stuff. Once we're in the tunnels, I'm sure she'll snap out of it, she knows when to work and when to worry."
"Yeah hopefully...The last thing I need is for her to get distracted cause of us and a memory..." He sighed. "We're getting closer to the entrance of the tunnels. Be prepared for guards or anything..."
Temari nodded her head and took a deep breath before sighing softly. "Okay, let's get going." She said, stretching her arms out and yawning a bit.
"Its dark so..." He pulled out a lantern and a match, and lit it. "This should help us light the way for those of us who don't know how to use a byakugan." He smiled and proceeded into the tunnel. He was barely inside of it and he was already lost from sight except for the light from his lantern.
Temari quickly followed behind and Hinata as well, though she was also looking around with her Byakugan to see if there were any people lurking around.
"Do you guys see anything?" Nathan called out in a whisper. "These tunnels are deep...No telling how far they actually go and where...I'm counting on you to get us to safety if we get lost, Hinata."
"Not yet." Hinata replied, sighing softly as she hurried along. "I'm going to guess they're deeper in, they wouldn't want it to be too easy to find them"
He nodded. "Be...Careful. They may know we're looking for them down here and probably set some traps of their own..." Within the distance, however, if Hinata should look that way...she would be able to see faint signals of a group of people conversing and moving about in the tunnels.
Hinata slowly and continued walking, her eyes continuing to wander. Just before the group was about the pass the intersection they were coming up to, she quickly grabbed the back of their shirts and pulled them back and against the walls as they passed.
"What is it? Do you see something?" He whispered before seeing something very vague begin to pass in front of them. Nathan had tossed the lantern in the distance so the light wouldn't give the two of them away though the cracking of glass made the two men run forward to investigate. "Lets go before they come back...This just proves we're getting closer and that I'm right..."
Hinata sighed softly, not used to having the pressure of keeping people safe like this. "I guess we should head the way they came from? It looks like they were on a mission, so I'm guessing they were on their way out." Temari said, biting her lip. "Unless we want to split up."
"I think thats a bad idea, Temari...If we split up, we're more liable to getting caught down here. Lets just stick together...There should be the main base coming up. If anything...Thats where the target is located."
Temari nodded her head and sighed softly, starting to lead the way with Hinata watching their backs and towards the sides.
Upon entering the main chamber, they would find it was lit up already. In the middle of the room, the large bandits was chained down, obviously enraged and trying to break free. Other bandits were trying to console him. "Boss! Boss calm down! You scared them off! They wouldn't dare mess with a guy as big as you! Calm down boss!" But the bandits was still raging and trying to break free. "It looks like we found them...How should we do this exactly? Rush in and take him out while he's chained?"
"I'd say so. It would be better than if he was free, right? Take out the little ones first and then focus on him?" She asked, raising an eyebrow curiously.
"Good...Alright..." He pulled out a smoke bomb and grinned as he began to get all of them out. About five of them. "I'll toss them into different spots and let the area fill up. We rush in...Take them all out one by one and then we'll go for the big guy as soon as the smoke clears. Alright?" With that, he began to toss in the smoke grenades. Each one had burst on impact and filled the area around it with smoke. Nathan acted immediately and rushed in and began to start taking out bandit after bandit.
As soon as the smoke began filling the room, the men inside began all talking at once. Taking a deep breath, Temari ran in after him, her fan in hand as she moved to help take out the smaller guys while Hinata nervously ran in behind.
One after the other, bandits fell. The smoke was beginning to clear and reinforcements were swarming the main room from the tunnels. Those were probably squads that were out patrolling the tunnels for intruders. Within moments only a few would be left...but one bandit managed to free the big guy, who immediately grabbed him and began to use his body as a weapon as he slashed and pummeled the area around him. "YOU'RE DEAD MEAT. ALL OF YOU!" He roared as the big guy rushed toward Hinata in hopes of killing her this time.
Hinata glanced up in time to see the large bandit barreling towards her. She braced herself and once he got close enough, she jumped to the side, knowing that his size and speed wouldn't allow him to stop before smashing into one of the walls behind her. She quickly ran over to him and Temari.
Nathan pulled out the paper bomb and glared at the large bandit. "We're collapsing this place. Go ahead and get a head start while I distract this fucker!" He replied, and tossed a few paper bombs into the entranceways except for the one behind the three of them. Nathan ran forward and tossed several ninja stars into the large bandit's arm and was easily distracted as it tried to take out Nathan. The paper on the bombs were burning and getting dangerously close to the explosives on the kunai.
Both girls hesitated, but Temari was first to bolt out, knowing she needed to secure their exit. Hinata hesitated further and eventually ran back to grab his hand and try to pull him away. "Come on! You're going to get buried too!"
"Hinata no!" He called out before the bombs went off. Explosion after explosion would cause the foundation to crumble. Nathan jumped onto Hinata to cover her as the debris came down. A rather large chunk of rock fell and crushed the larger bandit as it tried to claw its way out of a barricaded exitway. When all would calm down...Nathan and Hinata would be trapped together in a very cramped area. "Hinata...Hinata are you alright...?" He said weakly, not getting off of her. He had hit his head and was feeling a bit woozy and dazed.
Hinata slowly opened her eyes and glanced around, hardly able to see anything in the dark. "I-I'm fine... What about you?" She asked nervously before she coughed as the dust that had been kicked up filled her lungs.
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