The Alliance ~{Raeona and Jugger}~

He finally rolled off of her and rubbed his eyes. "It looks like we're stuck here..." He murmured and sat up, feeling the walls around them. "Do you see anything with your Byakugan, Hinata...? It looks like we're stuck here for a while...Hopefully Temari will reach the village and get some people to help us soon."
Hinata slowly shook her head and sighed softly. "I can't see much, there's so much rock and dust everywhere." She said, frowning as she sat down and glanced around. "I can spot a few people laying down, but it's probably the bandits."
"Either survivors or they're holding onto their last bit of life before passing on..." Nathan tried to stand up, but fell over and his head fell in her lap. He coughed lightly as he gazed up lightly, eyes half opened. "Gah...Hinata...I hope this isn't the end of the line for us...Dammit...I was hoping to work with the two of you for a long time..."
Hinata jumped a bit when he fell and ended up with his head in her lap. She smiled nervously and brushed a hand through her hair. "D-Don't worry about it, I'm s-sure Temari will come back."
"Hopefully..." He murmured. His head was throbbing and he held his head. The silence was awkward, and he felt it was even more awkward what with her walking in on him and Temari going at it in the bedroom at his place. "Hinata...Er...I'm sorry that this is awkward since you had walked in on me and Temari earlier...Is there anything you'd like to uh...Talk about...?"
Hinata squirmed slightly and shook her head. "N-No I'm okay. Don't worry about it." She said, biting her lip and glancing up at the sky. "You should just focus on resting."
"No...We can't leave it like this. You've been straying from Temari and I ever since you found us like that. You act like we haven't noticed you straying behind us as we walked here and you hesitating when it came to us...Hinata...If you must say something, then do so. But we can't have you uncomfortable with us if you're going to work with us..."
"That's not the problem. I'm just really shy about everything. It's just a bit awkward, especially knowing that we.... You know, we've only known each other for such a short period of time. It seemed so easy for Temari to connect with someone, when I've liked the same person since I was a kid and he doesn't even look my way."
"Temari and I were just doing it just to keep warm and get some tension out that apparently both of us needed to get rid of for a long time now..." He sighed and shook his head. "Hinata...This boy you're going after doesn't deserve you if he can't fucking see you in a crowd." He smiled as he looked at her as best as he could through the darkness. He would have lit a candle, but that would've took away more air from the two of them. "Hinata...You're a beautiful woman...You deserve someone who will always notice you..." He managed to sit up, though it sounded like he was in pain as he sat next to her. He leaned his head on her shoulder and seemed to breathe a bit harder due to the exhaustion he felt. "I notice you, Hinata...I know you're special and you're an amazingly cute girl..."
Hinata squirmed slightly in place and lowered her eyes, sighing softly. She wasn't sure what to say, wasn't sure how to reply, but luckily she had a scape goat. He sounded like he was hurt, and it worried her quite a bit. "Are you alright? Did you get hit?"
"I hit my head a bit when I covered you from the rocks..." He murmured, and held his head only to feel it wet a bit. "I am possibly bleeding but it doesn't feel severe...Don't let me fall asleep. A concussion will kill me if I fall asleep...but if I sleep, that means more air for you to breathe so you survive longer for Temari to find..."
"No.... Don't. We'll be okay. Temari will be back soon." She said, biting her lip and glancing down nervously, taking a deep breath and sighing.
His eyes were getting heavy as he sat against her. It was a little harder for him to breathe. "I would normally...Create a barricade with some rocks and then throw another paper bomb in hopes of clearing out the area...but there is so little room and you're here as well...I might kill you in the explosion if you don't take enough precaution..." He sighed. "Hinata....Can I ask for a kiss?"
Hinata shrugged slightly and sighed. "It's fine, we just need to wait it out, that's all." She said softly before she heard his question. She instantly blushed and squirmed a bit in place. "What? W-Why, what about Temari?"
"What about Temari...? We aren't even serious like that...Its just for sexual relief, Hinata..." He chuckled lightly. "I would like a small kiss from you though...Hopefully it might prove to knock you out of...that funk you've been having...over that idiot who can't notice you..."
"H-He's not an idiot! He just... Has a lot of things going on." She said, hugging her knees to her chest and sighing softly. "I'm fine with being alone, I'm used to it." She said, lowering her eyes and sighing softly. "I just don't know... Does Temari know what you think about it?"
"Temari seems like she's using it for the same reason I am...But I guess I could talk to her about it." He shrugged and stood up, and began to feel around through the darkness. "There has to be some way out...some weak point in the rocks...otherwise we'll suffocate before anyone can help us."
Hinata watched him stand and sighed softly, slowly getting to her feet as well. "Well... I suppose we could check." She said as she began to feel around as well, hoping to find something. Already the air was getting a bit thin, but she tried not to let it bother her.
"Its no good...We're walled in pretty hard here." He murmured as he leaned against Hinata somewhat after he gave up. His breathing was a bit harder yet slower now as the air became thinner. "Gah...Hopefully that stupid girl...can make it here in time..."
Hinata smiled softly and nodded. "She'll make it" She said, her own breathing starting to change to try and adapt to the lack of air. She slowly leaned back against one of the boulders and closed her eyes, trying to keep calm.
Things were just getting worse as time went on. He could hear some rumblings every now and then but he just assumed it was the bandits trying to claw their way out of their own stone prisons as the sounds had been going on for a while now...some of them stopping. Nathan eventually fell over, sweat covering his face even more as he could barely breathe, mostly because he was holding his breathe whenever he could to give Hinata even more air to breathe, and more time.
Hinata ended up collapsing on the ground, leaning against the stones as she panted softly. She began to fade in and out on consciousness and eventually, she passed out. Not too long later, Temari arrived with a large group of villages to dig them out.
When Nathan saw Hinata pass out, his eyes widened and he weakly walked over to her. 'Damn...Damn damn! Stay with me, Hinata!' He opened her mouth and began to blow whatever air he could spare into her lungs. He sucked in whatever air was left in the small space they were in and blew it into her mouth to fill her lungs and soon, Temari and the other villagers would arrive and dig them out. Nathan smiled lightly at the sight of them and then passed out as well once a surge of air filled his lungs.
When Hinata woke up, she was in a soft warm bed back in the village. Temari was nearby and it dawned on her that they were back in the small cottage near Nathan's house where he had been brought as well. "You... Made it?" She asked softly, smiling nervously. Temari smirked and nodded. "Yeah, but don't scare me like that again, got it?"
"Yeah. Seriously." Nathan murmured from a separate bed in the room, his head wrapped in bandages as well as a few bandages on some cuts and bruises he had sustained. He sighed and relaxed back into his pillow and closed his eyes. "You should be taking deep breathes Hinata. We nearly bit the dust there and you might've died if I hadn't given you CPR with what little air was left. You passed out moments before Temari showed up."
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