The Alliance ~{Raeona and Jugger}~

Hinata glanced over towards the door that lead to where Nathan was resting. "C-CPR?" She asked in surprised before she blushed nervously and squirmed a bit in place. "But, we did what we needed to right? The mission was a success?"
"We can only assume that big fella is dead. I don't recall hearing anyone moving any boulders around while we were stuck so I think he's dead for sure." He laughed lightly and looked out toward the two girls. "Well...It seems we accomplished a lot in the time we've been partnered up, you two. We've saved my village and ended a bandit threat...I think that should be proof enough that a unity between the three of our villages can be achieved."
Hinata slowly nodded and thought it all over. "So... I guess that means that we have to leave now huh?" She asked, glancing up to Temari who nodded and shrugged passively. "Our villages would want to hear back from us."
"For the time being anyway..." Nathan said with a smile. "Hopefully they keep us together as a team...I rather enjoy working with the two of you. Its the most fun I've had in...well...a long, long time." He smiled and stood up from the bed, though he almost fell over but caught himself. He only had a head wound really but he was still a bit weak in the legs. "If your leaders will allow it, I would like it if the three of us could remain as a team...maybe even to act as the link between our villages?"
"What like, have us be a team but do missions from all three villages together?" Temari asked, raising an eyebrow as she crossed her arms, thinking the whole thing over.
"I don't see why not. We could bounce around between villages...pretty much taking turns if you want to go into kiddy terms with it. I would just very much prefer to be working with you guys in a team moreover than anyone else."
Temari shrugged passively and sighed. "I see nothing wrong with it, but it would have to go through with all three Kage's." she said, not entirely sure how Gaara would feel about that idea.
Nathan shrugged as well. "If it doesn't happen, so be it. But hell...It was fun while this lasted, I'll tell you that." He grinned and began to walk over toward the door. "Gonna go home...Tell the docs I couldn't stand this place. Its just a head wound. I just shouldn't think too hard...but knowing me, that may not be too much of a problem haha..." He opened the door and left, heading off toward his home.
Temari nodded her head and watched him head out. "Alright." She said softly before glancing back to Hinata. "So... You want to take up the offer? See if they would agree?" She asked.

Hinata bit her lip slightly and shrugged. "S-Sure, I think we worked pretty well, and he's right in saying it would be a good way to show the alliance. Perhaps we can head home, bring up the proposal, and meet up again?"
(Sorry for the late reply. My internet was out for a few days. Also have come down with a sickness so my replies may be a bit short for a day or two)

As Nathan arrived home, he fell on his bed and relaxed in content. He was going to enjoy working with the two of them permanently...if their leaders would allow such a union to stay. Though he would definitely enjoy the times to come with Temari...especially with what they do on the side with one another to pass the time.
~{It's cool}~

After a while of discussion, both girls made their way to his place and Temari let herself in, Hianta nervously following behind. Temari made her way to where he was and put a hand on her hip. "We're going to head back to our villages to discuss your idea. Hopefully we'll be back... Can't really promise though."
Seeing the two girls walk in, and Temari explain what they were doing, he nodded. "Of course." He sat up from his bed and smiled at the two of them. "Do you want me to escort you guys back to your village? I don't mind. And it might be the last time I get to see the two of you if this alliance won't work."
Temari glanced to Hinata and shrugged passively. "Well, I don't see a problem with it, if you're allowed anyways." She said, chuckling a bit as Hinata shyly nodded her head. "Want to leave now? Or do you need more rest? I mean, you guys were kinda close to death."
Nathan shook his head. "I'm quite alright...thank you for asking. Though if you need to rest for another day,'re more than welcome to. We aren't in a rush for getting back to the villages so we can wait on you."
Hinata quickly shook her head. "N-No, we can go now. I don't like sitting around." She said softly, taking a deep breath and shrugging passively. "I get a bit anxious."
He sighed a bit, wanting to wait a little bit and get some alone time with Temari. After nearly suffocating to death, he could use something to get the stress out of his body. "Yeah. Lets get going then." He said with a smile as he stood up and walked over to the two of them. "I don't know the direction to your you two lead. Where to first? The village of sand, or the village in the leaves?"
Temari thought for a moment to herself before shrugging. "Let's go to Hinata's first. If we get the go ahead from there, the chances of getting it from my village are probably a bit higher." She explained, considering she found that the Leaf wasn't as reserved and hesitant.

Hinata slowly nodded her head in agreement and began to lead the way along with Temari. The two of them chatted slightly as they walked, rather content to see home again.
"Sounds like a plan." He replied, walking with the two girls as they headed toward the Village Hidden in the Leaves. "So...Hinata...You feeling okay?" She had to have gone through something traumatic for nearly suffocating to death, only living by him pushing what little air he had left into her lungs through reverse CPR.
Hinata blushed and slowly nodded her head. "Yeah... I-I'm alright." She said softly, sighing and running a hand through the ends of her hair. "W-What about you?" She asked, glancing back to him
Nathan smiled lightly at her. "I'm fine...Still a little light headed but that is bound to go away after a while." He said with a small laugh. "How far until we reach your village, Hinata?"
"It's... N-Not too far. We'll probably have to stay the night at least once." She said, smiling slightly and rubbing the back of her head.
"Stay the night at the village? Sounds fine with me as long as its under a roof." He said with a small laugh before turning his attention to Temari. "Hey...How long were we out...? When you found us and brought us to the hospital. How long were we out?"
Hinata hesitantly nodded, figuring that they'd be able to find a place without much trouble.

At the question, Temari frowned and shrugged. "Not sure. I dunno when you passed out. It was a few hours between us finding you and you waking though."
"Damn...That was a close one then. I'm glad the two of us survived to see this day then." He murmured as he began to walk a little bit slower so that he and Temari were able to whisper privately. "Maybe we get a room together?"
Hinata's eyes remained on the ground as she walked, not minding that Temari had fallen back a bit.

"I could see, either way, if we're split up I could always sneak over." She said with a small smirk.
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