The Alliance ~{Raeona and Jugger}~

He lay down beside her, grinning as he scooped up the cum from her face with his finger and brought it to her lips to taste and soon it would all be gone from her face, except maybe some slight remnants that she would have to wash off later. "God damn that felt amazing..."
She chuckled softly and put her hands behind her head as she gazed up at him. "Agreed" She said softly before sighing in delight and tilting her head slightly. "So then, should we go check on Hinata?"
"I'll go check on her. You stay here alright?" He stood up and stretched. "Of course you can come if you want, but I won't be coming straight home after I check on Hinata. Wouldn't want to drag you around with me the entire time unless you want to come."
Temari shrugged passively and yawned. "Well, I'm pretty tired so I'll just stay here for now. I'll catch up with you later" She said, turning onto her side and pulling up the blankets to happily nuzzle in the warmth to get some much needed rest.
He nodded and began to get dressed in his usual attire. Once finished, he let Temari slumber away while he went to the hospital to see how Hinata was doing. The nurse let him in, and he went into the room they were keeping Hinata. "Hey...Are you alright?"
Hinata glanced up and smiled slightly as she saw him come in. "O-Oh, I'm alright" She said as she tried to sit up, only to wince painfully as it pulled on her wound. They hadn't done much aside from stitch it and bandage it up, but it wasn't too bad. "You didn't have to come check on me."
"Aw come on...You're my team mate aren't you? Besides I sort of feel guilty for you getting hurt like this." He smiled and moved over to sit down in a chair near her. "Everything going to be alright? You look like you're in a bit of pain."
"Ah, well... Yes" She said, taking a deep breath and shrugging slightly. "It's a bit tender, b-but it's not too bad." She said softly, shyly glancing down.
"Where does it hurt?" He questioned, not knowing exactly where she was feeling the pain, only that she was feeling it. "Maybe there's something I Can do to help you?"
"I-It's just on my side." She said, putting a hand on her hip and biting her lip slightly. "I got a cut there from a bit of wood from that big guy" She said, shrugging slightly.
"Ah..." He reached over and held her hip lightly and began to rub it. "Does this hurt?" He wasn't doing it too roughly, just enough to provide some pressure and to rub it a little bit.
Hinata's face turned red and she squirmed slightly in place. "It's um... It's not that sore when you do that, no."
He noticed her face turn red and laughed lightly. "Whats wrong Hinata?" He removed his hand from her hips and moved it to her forehead to feel her temperature. "You don't feel hot in the head...why's your face all red?" He was faking ignorance just to play a friendly joke on Hinata.
Hinata shifted a bit and lowered her eyes. "Not, nothing... Just not used to being touched really, people kinda ignore me back home."
"Ignored you?" He slowly stopped the joke and removed his hand from her forehead. "Why would people ignore you? Is it cause you're so quiet and shy all of the time...?"
"I guess. And my dad kind of... intimidates people I guess." She added, shrugging her shoulders passively and staring down at her lap .
"Well...I can only assume. You ARE in a clan after all...That makes your blood practically royal, right?" He smiled. "Though...That doesn't really make you different from anyone else, does it? You're just another regular person like me, aren't you?"
"Well... I-I guess so. I don't really consider myself anything special." She said softly, biting her lip and playing with her fingers nervously. "But, I'm kinda used to being ignored now."
" long as you're on my team, I won't ignore you Hinata." He smiled and leaned back in his chair. "If I may speak, as a friend...I'm wondering why anyone would ignore a beautiful woman like you honestly."
Hinata shrugged and glanced down. "I don't think people really consider me beautiful. B-Besides, it's strength that matters to most people and my sister is stronger."
"Strength is probably what matters in your clan...most people don't look for strength in a person to find their value. I myself look for their beauty and personality..." He moved to sit on the bed with her, though being mindful of her wound. "And if you ask me...I'd say you're a catch."
"Yeah well, maybe you should come back and tell other people that" She muttered, sighing softly as her brought a hand up to shyly brush some hair behind her ear.
"Eh...Forget them, Hinata. If they can't see the true value in you, then why do you need to care for their opinion? You're young, beautiful, and your personality makes you cuter." He laughed lightly and laid down beside her. "You need some self-confidence, girl."
"Yeah well, when you have a crush on a guy who hardly realizes you exist, self-confidence is kinda hard to come by."
"Ah. Thats gotta suck. Well he doesn't know what he's missing then." He hopped off the bed and smiled at her. "Well...Just keep in mind what I said, alright? I just came by to see how things were with you and you seem to be doing alright. I've some business I have to take care of, so I have to get going. I'll drop by later if I can, alright?"
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