The Alliance ~{Raeona and Jugger}~

"Heh....Then maybe I could show you something that we do around here at night to keep each other warm during the cold, cold nights?" He flirted teasingly. When the two of them were ready, he'd cross his arms and smile. "So then...We've gotta ambush them before they can arrive to the camp. You girls sure you can handle this? It'll be the three of us against a small army."
Temari smirked slightly and shrugged "I doubt Hinata would agree to anything you have in mind" She said before hearing his question. "We'll be fine with Hinata here, her ability will certainly come in handy, right?" She asked, elbowing the girl slightly. Hinata blinked curiously and blushed, nodding her head. "Y-Yeah" She said shyly.
"Good. Then lets make haste. The last thing we need is for them to attack early." Turning on his heels, Nathan began to lead the two girls out into the snow-clad forest. Everything was white, save for some small pricks of green and the brown trunks from the everest trees that would make up the forest they dwelled in. Their snow suits would help them blend into the snow as they ventured forth. After some minutes of walking, he stopped the group and pointed forward. There would be a large camp of bandits chilling out around a fire and some tents, waiting for the go-ahead for the fight. "We need to surround them..." He handed each one a paper kunai bomb. "When I give the signal, throw these from your directions...Temari, take a right...Hinata, go left. I'll stay here and watch you all. Watch for a smoke bomb to go off and then throw your kunai bombs..."
Both girls nodded their head and hurried off to their positions. Hinata activated her Byakugan and perched herself on a tree nearby. Her eyes scanned the area, making sure everything was alright. Temari kept herself ready as well, staring down at the group of people below them.
When he saw the two girls get into position, Nathan pulled out a small smoke bomb from his pocket and chucked it toward the campfire, causing a large flame to fly about as the smoke was flammable. Just then, Nathan tossed his kunai bomb toward his area of the camp, and hoped that the two girls would follow suit. When the bombs would go off, he'd rush in and take them by surprise...getting as many as he could before they either escaped or began to fight back their invaders.
As soon as they saw the smoke bomb go off, the girls followed suit, throwing their own kunai bombs before jumping into the now panicked group of bandits. Hinata moved quickly, able to see alright thanks to her Byakugan, while Temari just went with instinct.
As Nathan rushed through the crowd, he cut down bandit after bandit as they scrambled to get a hold on what was happening. They screamed and ordered one another to fight back the intruders, but the fires of burning tents and wood, as well as corpses, mixed in with the smoke from the fire and the smoke bomb made it all the more troublesome for them. It wouldn't be until a bigger bandit, one who was unusually large and wielding a tree as a weapon, stepped forth and slammed the tree down hard in the middle of the smoke, gusting it clear.
Both girls moved skillfully through the fog, taking out whoever they could. When the fog cleared, Temari's head spun around towards the large man. Hinata bit her lip and glanced over to him. "Time to go?" She asked, tensed up and ready to bolt if they needed to.
"Lets bail! There isn't a need to kill them all! Thats a bonus if we can! This guy's too big to fight right now!" Nathan called out to the girls as the giant bandit began to berserk, swinging his tree trunks around furiously to protect his comrades, even though the tree sometimes hit a few of them who were wounded or trying to get away from the midst of the battle. "Their numbers are thinned, we're good to go!" Nathan called out as he threw another smoke bomb to fill the area, giving them their opportunity to escape. Nathan escaped by the trees, jumping from tree limb to tree limbs back toward the village.
Both girls nodded in agreement and ran after him. The trip wasn't too long, and soon enough they were back in town. Hinata, who was behind them all, slowed to a walk first. Her eyes glanced down to see a splinter of wood in her side. It must have been from the man swinging around the tree trunks, a piece must have hit her and she hadn't noticed in the adrenaline rush. Wincing, she slowed to a stop and felt herself getting dizzy until she suddenly collapsed.
Nathan panted as he slumped over, panting hard from how fast he retreated from the scene. "That was a close one..." He murmured, and looked over to see Hinata collapse onto the ground with blood from the splinter covering her clothes. "Oh no...! Temari, Hinata's been hit!" He exclaimed and ran over to hold the girl in his arms. "We need to get her wounds patched up...Tch...You wouldn't happen to be a medical ninja, would you?"
Temari rushed over and bit her lip, shaking her head quickly. "N-No, but Hinata brought medical supplies just in case! Let's bandage her up and bring her to one" She said, digging through Hinata's bag and pulling out the bandaged before beginning to wrap up the wound to try and slow the bleeding.
"Alright...We should have a few of them in the village ready for us. They were expecting us to take a casualty but I reassured them that there wouldn't be any...hopefully we can keep that promise." He replied and held the girl in his arms. "Lets go." Nathan began to walk on toward the village. Upon entering, he would be greeted with two medical ninja that took Hinata away on a stretcher. Nathan frowned and crossed his arms. "Dammit...I should've reacted sooner to that big guy's appearance..."
"It wasn't your fault." Temari said, not one to be overly sensitive or sentimental. "Let's just focus on making sure she's okay, and figuring out our next move." She said, wanting to simply move on with things and get everything prepared. She began to walk, following the medical ninja's so that she could wait to hear news. Hinata was strong, she knew that it should take more than this to take her out, but she couldn't help the slight worry.
"Yeah. You're right. No sense dwelling on what already happened." He replied and followed after her. He looked her up and down and grinned lightly to himself. "So...Temari..." He wanted to change the subject to get rid of the foul air in the atmosphere from the situation at hand. "You never really explained to me your...status. And if you wanted to know how some of us decide to keep warm when we need that extra bit of warmth."
Temari glanced over and rose an eyebrow. "My status? It's not to much, I just... I'm the sister of the kage in the village" She explained simply. "And I figured, that when it got too cold, then you'd just have to show me" She said, smirking slightly.
"I'd say I'm feeling a bit chilly...What about you?" He snickered a little. "Why don't we retire to my hut for a bit...So I can show you first hand as to what it is we do to keep warm when it gets cold."
Blinking curiously, she rolled her eyes slightly and chuckled. "I suppose we could, then we'll come back to see how Hinata is doing"
"Of course...I'd honestly rather check on her well being than show you this since its more important, but the medical ninja are caring for her now. So all we can do is wait with something to do to kill some time, yeah?" He grinned. "Shall we head to my hut?"
Smirking, she slowly nodded her head and headed towards the door with him. "Alright, let's go then" She said, glancing back towards the door that Hinata was behind. She knew that the girl was getting worked on and only hoped she would be okay, though she was sure that she was.
Nathan proceeded down toward his hut with Temari following behind, and upon entering, he walked over to the fireplace and put in a few pieces of firewood before igniting them to set it on fire to warm the room and illuminate it in a romantic glint of light. He sat down on a couch and smiled as he patted the seat next to him. The couch would be facing directly toward the fireplace so they would directly feel the warmth and be illuminated by the strongest of the lights it gave off.
Taking a deep breath, Temari slowly made her way over to the couch and sat herself down next to him. She crossed her arms over her chest and closed her eyes as she let herself soak happily in the warmth and light.
"Temari...I want you to know that you don't HAVE to go through with this." His hand was placed on her thigh and he began to rub up and down her leg. "But if you are up for it...I'll guarantee that you'll have an amazing time. I've already set the move, yes? Here by the fireplace...The two of us warming each other up...Alone and together..."
Temari rose an eyebrow and nodded. "I know, trust me, if I didn't want to do something, it wouldn't happen" She said, smirking slightly at the thought of someone trying to force her to do anything.
"Good." Nathan began to kiss up and down her neck and lower cheek tenderly as his hand began to rub up and down her inner thigh lightly, going more up each time he did a full cycle until he was pretty much brushing his hand against her clothed pussy lightly. "You ready for this?"
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