The Hunting and the Hunted (HP/Anita Blake) Moon/Lady

Harry nodded a little. "i know he does... he says so often." Harry grumbled, shaking his head a little. "and i doubt Eric will stand behind me forever. and he certainly isn't about to follow me everywhere i go to protect me. i'd shoot him if he tried." Harry admitted with a smirk. "and while regular bullets won't kill him, it still hurts like a bitch, after all." Harry admitted before looking at Mistral. "i am a thing. everyone is a thing. can't not be a thing." Harry stated with a smirk. "after all, everyone has to be something, don't they?" "Harry it's too early in the morning for your twisted logic." Draco complained, scowling at Harry who snickered. he thought it was funny. "i forgot. Dea and Ali are half Vampire?" he asked, his head tilted. "or are they technically half human?" he asked curiously, watching the dogs race off after a rabbit. he could feel eyes burning into the back of his head, and he twisted to look behind him. Lord Choran. Prince Justine's best freind since childhood was staring at him as if he was some sort of bug that needed to be squished. but then, Choran looked at most half bloods like that. Harry stared right back at the man and then smiled a little. "that one there. what's his name?" Harry asked Mistral. "and why does he look like i'm dog shit on his shoes?" Choran was one of the most bigoted bastards the Court had to offer.
“He probably would. He’s weird like that. He enjoys harassing people, and following you, would definitely be a harassment.”Mistral grinned a little.”Of course, I could just follow you.”He smiled a little before wrinkling his nose a little. …that’s to twisted. Its to early in the morning.”The fae vampire whined a little before nodding.”Half vampire. They were born after he was a vampire, and have all the benefits of it, without being chained to drinking blood. At least not as much as I do, or eric does.”he mused thoughtfully.

“That’s Choran, my brother Justine’s best friend.”Mistral said raising himself a little in the stirrups as he watched eric race after the dogs, before looking at choran, nodding to the man next to the other fae.”That’s my brother there. And don’t worry, he looks at all halflings like that. Even Dae and Ali.”
Harry snorted a little. "i'll shoot him in the head and call it harassment then. see how he likes that." Harry grumbled before blinking at Mistral. "was that an attempt at consolation, or flirting?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow, looking amused before considering the blood status. "so really... only two of your mothers children are 'pure-blooded', right?" he asked, his head tilted. maybe it wouldn't be so bad then. after all, with so many of the royal bloodline being Half Bloods like him, surely he could find a place for himself here? it would be nice to have a family. he'd never had one before... "Choran? hmm..." Harry muttered, examining the guy, who was now openly glaring at Harry. harry didn't even twitch, Voldemort and Dementors where scarier than that idiot was. "Justine..." he muttered, looking at the person sitting next to Choran. Harry shuddered a little and turned forward on his horse again. considering he wasn't using a saddle, it was pretty impressive that he hadn't fallen off. "Mistral... i have a really bad feeling..." he muttered softly before his eyes widened as a blood red hound broke out of the trees and slammed into Harry's horse. "Hell Hound!" Draco yelled, stunned as Harry leaped away from his horse, the Hell Hound slathering as it slammed into Harry, ripping at the halflings arm. Harry was cursing violently as he drew his gun, shooting the thing in the chest cavity. not that it stopped trying to rip his arm off so it could go for his neck and throat.
“He’d probably laugh it off, and call it foreplay.”Mistral said snidely, ignoring the look Eric shot him. Despite eric being his maker and the closest thing he had to a actual father-consider Mab never settled down more then she was with eric- the two still fought like cats and dogs. “Flirting. Maybe.”Mistral mused before nodding. “Yes. Dae and Ali are Eric’s. The two in the middle, Justine and Sophie-Anne are fae children bred from the lords, then there’s me, who despite being pure fae, am also a vampire. So I am less then what I should be.”Mistral growled slightly in annoyance before jerking his horse to the side as the hound slammed into harry.

The moment’s inattention was all it took for the field to abrupt into chaos as both Ali and Dae shifted forms, their bodies flowing as easily as water over rocks, becoming hellhounds themselves, the twins easily tearing into the hound even as Eric pulled harry away. Snarling in ancient Swedish Eric sounded wickedly pissed as he lowered his head to lick the blood clear, not because he was hungry, but because his spit would start to heal the wounds, keep harry from bleeding out.

“ENOUGH!”Mab’s scream echoed through the clearing, making the fae, including her son and choran, stumble as power rode the word, her fury enough to make the air bleed and bloody noses break out among some of the fae as the queen realized that she had a bigger enemy then she thought. And she was afraid she knew who it was.
Harry snickered a little. "yes, foreplay." he muttered, looking amused as he shook his head a little. "i have my doubts about you being less than anyone Prince Mistral." Harry pointed out, opening his mouth to continue when he was cut off by the Hell Hound. he snarled and screamed as the jaws of the hound crushed the bones in his arm and he gasped in pain as he was dragged away, his arm limp and useless, the glean of bones shining through the torn flesh. he shuddered and trembled as Eric licked the long, thick gashes, but there was too much damage to be licked closed. Draco leaped into action as well, yanking Harry's bag open and pulling out vials of potions. he poured one over Harry's arm, making it hiss, and sizzle, and bubble. Harry screamed again, trying to jerk his arm free from Draco's grasp, Choran and Justine watching with wide eyes. move of the Fey had never seen a human survive a Hell Hound attack, somehow Harry had managed to get his arm in the way. was it luck? instinct? they where going to have to be more careful about having the little half blood bastard killed.

Choran groaned as he hunched over, pinching his nose to try and stop the flow of blood as Harry screamed again, clawing at Draco's hand, which kept his arm pinned. mindless in his pain and still acting as though he where being attacked, trying to defend himself. Harry fought against Draco as two vials where forced into Harry's mouth, a sleeping potion and a healing potion. he slumped into sleep, still and silent and coated in his own blood. but he wouldn't die yet. no, not yet. "there's no doubt now My Lady." Ambrose murmured softly as he looked at her. "it is one of the Lords here on the hunt. no one else could have freed a hound." his eyes where sweeping the crowd, looking for someone, anyone who wasn't acting properly. "Choran seams rather annoyed... we should start with him, don't you think?"
Eric shuddered, wincing because he knew he couldn’t close the wounds,but at least they were slowing the bleeding. Raising his eyes to look at draco he swallowed hard, looking worried even as he glanced around them. Looking at the twins as they stood over the dead hellhound, he whistled softly, drawing their attention before dae and ali moved over, pressing bloody muzzles against his shoulder, wanting comfort, even at over nearly 1000 years old, the twins were innocent, innocent in a rare way for the fae. Because they were both empaths, eric and mab had managed to hide their talents, and had managed to keep them from violence. But this…muttering comforting things to both harry and the twins, the vampire tried to focus through blood lust.

“Yes, I think we should.”Mab nodded a little as she looked over the crowd, eyes growing sad as she considered her son and choran.”Consort mine, would you see lords Justine and Choran to my study please?”Mab asked, smirking slightly. Because of all her children, only Justine truly hated Eric, and Choran hated him for not being fae. Nodding to the rest, she sighed softly.”The rest of you will stay on the grounds until I am done speaking to them.”she said, her voice promising death to those who tried to leave.

“Of course, lady.”Eric muttered glancing at harry.”Get mistral. He can help you get him back to the house Draco.”He muttered his eyes dark with worry before standing, smirking darkly as he walked towards the two fae lords, nodding towards the house.”Shall we gentleman?”
Harry groaned in his sleep, limp as a rag doll. in sleep, he didn't feel the pain, which was dulling the sensation that the Twins where receiving. Draco looked up at Mab as she spoke, his eyes narrowing as he examined the Queen and Eric. "be careful Eric." he murmured, pressing a small kiss to the man's inner wrist before letting him go and focusing on piecing Harry's tendons and muscles back together. he suddenly understood why Harry couldn't use much of his left hand. this was how he'd avoided death the first time with Hell Hounds. sacrificing his arm to save his throat and heart. Choran glanced at Justine, swallowing thickly as he realized he was about to be caught. he was the one who had arranged for all of the assassination attempts against Harry. trying to protect Justine from justice. the pathetic human that his best freind had raped had practically been asking for it, walking out in the streets alone with that pretty hair and that short skirt. besides, she was only a human, why should human's be protected against the superior Fey!? Human's where nothing more than slaves to be used as the Fey saw fit. he sneered at Eric, but he didn't dare go against Queen Mab. he just didn't dare. so he followed Eric to the study. he did wonder if he could take out Eric's heart before Mab got there though. it would suit her right to have her only grandson, and her consort killed all in one day. he was certain the Hell Hound had killed Harry, no human, or even half human could withstand that poison.

"Mistral. come help me. you lift him alright? i have to hold his arm as straight as possible. if we're not really careful, we'll sever important tendons and arteries and he'll lose complete use of his arm." Draco warned, carefully lifting Harry's arm as Mistral picked him up and Draco shuddered a little. "god... he almost died right there in front of us..." Draco whispered, seriously shaken. "i didn't realize how much Danger he was in here... i never should have dragged him here... he didn't want to come.. i should have listened to him..."
Eric walked with the two, looked bemused at their reactions.”Surely you two were not stupid enough to think you would get away with it.”He mused, sounding slightly confused.”Why?You knew Lady Mab’s ruling on what would happen to the next fae who hurt a human. Surely not even sex was worth that kind of p-“Eric’s gasp filled the room as Justine twisted around, slamming a hand out, the silver stake slicing easily through bone and heart, the only reason he hadn’t died instantly was that he was so old he could live for a little while with his heart compromised, and that Dae had grabbed justine’s wrist in strong jaws and ripped him away quickly, the hellhound shapeshifters standing guard over their father, keeping the prisoners caged until mab and ambrose could arrive to help eric.

Mistral nodded a little.”I got him.We’ll take him up to Eric’s rooms. He wont be using them, and it will be the most comfortable bed besides mother’s.”He said rambling a little bcause he was worried before shaking his head, looking at draco.”he would have been in danger where ever he was. He is lucky that he was here, we caught those responsible, the attacks will stop now.”he said walking into the bedroom and laying him down gently, his head whipping up, frowning as he concentrated on something beyond the room, sensing what was going on, feeling eric starting to die. He needed help, and soon.
Draco nodded a little and followed Mistral to Eric's room, trying his hardest not to look at Harry's nearly ruined arm. it would almost be kinder to take it off at the shoulder, and fit on a prosthetic. Muggles where rather ingenious about the types of fake arms and legs. they even had one made out of plastic, where you could even move the fingers. he carefully settled Harry onto the ground and gently stroked the boys hair before he froze, feeling an echo of the pain from Eric. "Someone has hurt my Vampire!" he hissed, his eyes going slit as he transformed so fast into full Werefox form, that he left bits of shredded skin all over the floor before he took off into the halls, leaving deep gouges in the stone floor.

Choran scowled at Eric, sneering at him again as he drew his short sword and swing it at Dae's face, intending on cutting him from the line. he would not let the Fey become ruled by a half blood. he missed of course, the twins where much faster than he was. he snarled before swinging again, he knew better than to think he could beat the twins, particularly in the Hell Hound stage, but he could keep them distracted so that Justine could escape. "just DIE you half blood basta..." he paused and choked, blood spitting out of his mouth as he turned, his eyes wide as he blinked at the snarling Werefox, which had just reached in through Choran's back, and torn out the Fey's heart. "No one, hurts my Vampire!" Draco hissed, dropping onto all fours, leaving the dead Choran where he had collapsed and advancing on Justine, snarling viciously, leaving Mistral to heal Eric. "You hurt my Vampire! i'll see you DEAD!" "Enough! Draco." Ambrose yelled, setting a hand on Draco's shoulder. "Justine has more to answer for than just attempted murder. he is Mab's to deal with." "like she'll truly punish her own son!" Draco spat, glaring at Ambrose. "don't be stupid! i know better! i'll rip him limb from limb!"
Dae snarled even as he shifted back to human form, half lunging for choran before stumbling back as draco ripped his heart out. Letting Ali stand guard both Mistral and Dae knelt at eric’s side, working quickly to clean out the wounds, to heal the man who’s eyes were glazing over. He wasn’t dead, wasn’t dying, but the silver had managed to posion him, it would be a little while before he could heal it. “Do you think I would let anyone kill my consort with revenge?Even if it is my own son?”mab muttered in a voice that sounded like metal screaming against each other as she moved to stand in front of her son, looking down at him with a gentle cruelty. “Why, Justine, why?”She said gently touching his face.

“Draco!Get over here.”Dae demanded as he shifted, fear under the rage in his words, flicking a glance towards the werefox. “he needs to feed.”He said barely waiting for draco to come towards them before jerking the man’s arm down, wincing as eric latched on like a newborn babe suckling at a tit, for once not being careful or neat about the bite.
Draco snarled at Mab before whimpering at her, half cowering before her, recognizing her rage and her power over him. Justine stood tall in front of his mother, his eyes as cold as hers. "You have let yourself grow weak mother. consorting with Vampires. letting Half Bloods like Dae take the throne. they have no place in our world. the humans should know their place at our feet, like the servants they are." he hissed, his eyes narrowed at her. "you think Harry is the only half breed i've created? i've managed to have all the others killed. he was the only one that slipped through my fingers time and time again." here he sneered. "you would side with half blood bastards, stains upon our world. they will lead to our ruin." he spat, his eyes narrowed hatefully at his mother. "they will destroy us, and you in your weakness will let them."

Draco snarled at Justine, but moved to Dea as he was ordered, yelping as fangs sliced into his flesh. he bit back the urge to try and jerk free and instead cradled Eric's body to him, trying to offer him comfort as he fed. he didn't even try to stop Eric as bloodloss started to make him dizzy. a little bit of bloodloss wouldn't kill Draco while he was still in were form after all. at least, he didn't think he would. and he'd rather pass out than listen to Justine's bigoted words.
Mab stared at her son, tilting her head a little. “Humans owned the world long before the fae, long before the vampires.”He muttered before sighing softly.”Humans are the future, son, not the ruin.”Nab nyttered even as she raised her hand, slipping her hand under his rib case, fingers closing around his heart,even as tears filled her eyes and pulled. Contrary to what the other’s thought, she would kill her son for this crime. “goodbye.”She said as tears slid down her cheeks and she ripped his heart out.

Eric shuddered as he curled his body around draco, closing his eyes as he raised his head off draco’s arm, licking the wound closed, looking up at the man to make sure he was okay.”Dae,get us to bed.”He said sitting up slowly, holding draco ever so gently, not wanting to hurt him, needing to lay down, but knowing he couldn’t get up on his own. Letting the twins help both him and draco up.”Get them to bed.”Mab ordered as she dropped the heart in her hand, turning away from justine’s body.
Justine's eyes flashed with rage, but he didn't stop his mother from ripping out his heart. "Human's destroy everything they touch... you'll.. see.." Justine whispered before he too collapsed, dead upon the floor, his eyes closed and a smile on his lips. if it wasn't for the gaping hole in his chest, one would have thought he was simply sleeping. up in Eric's room, Harry was sweating with a fever. hurt and unconscious his Fey half was battling furiously against the strong barriers that Harry had erected, and couldn't figure out how to pull down. his body in shock the way it was, the Fey induced fever could easily kill him the way nothing else had. Harry needed help, and soon.

Draco moaned softly, as if disappointed when the tongue licked his arm closed. Draco loved the floating feeling he got when someone took too much. he loved the feeling of dizzy disorientation he swayed as he was stood up, a smile on his lips and his eyes clouded over as he shivered a little. he let the daughter lead him around, staggering this way and that before collapsing onto the massive fluffy bed that was his own. he'd modified the bed with his wand, and was now almost as soft and fluffy as Mab's was. he squirmed around for a moment, trying to get comfortable, and then fell still as he dropped off into sleep.
Mab sighed quietly as she turned her head and watched Dae and Ali help Eric and draco upstairs, knowing that the vampire was going to snuggle into his werefox, and for once, not feeling jealous over sharing his attention. Sighing quietly she headed upstairs to check on harry, cursing as she walked into the room, reaching out, hands resting on his temples, “Harry!Let go, please let go.”She muttered resting her forehead against his as she started tearing down his walls. While it was going to be like a battering ram coming down, she didn’t have time to be gentle, if she wanted to save his life.
Draco didn't mind in the least bit either, being snuggled that was. of course, any touch was a good touch when he was drunk from bloodloss. that was originally how Jean Claude had found Draco after all. in the wrong place, the wrong club, being beaten and drained dry and loving every second of it. Eric wouldn't allow that sort of thing though, which was certainly good for Draco.

Harry panted, opening sluggish eyes at Queen Mab, low whimpers falling from his lips. "don't... know how..." he whimpered at her orders, screaming as she rammed against the wall. it was strong, she barely left a crack. the second strike left more, the third even more so and without warning, the barrier shattered, thrusting Mab away from Harry, the power that filled the room was like a howling pack of wild dogs, attacking anything and everything, simply angry at being contained for so long. within moments the entire room was little more than rubble. but Harry was alive, and the power was already settling down with the promise of never being locked up again. and Harry... had undergone some rather interesting changes. he had long, under control hair, and pointed ears.... in fact he looked so much like Justine it almost hurt. Harry was beautiful though, in a way Justine hadn't been. his mothers influence was heavy, and streaks of red slid through Harry's black hair. he groaned. shifted, and then stilled. no more pain, no more screaming in his head. it was still, silent, and peaceful. the way it always should have been. Harry had finally accepted his bloodline, and his powers where wrapping him up in a protective cocoon now. keeping him safe from the dangers they thought might still be out there.
Mab cursed as she gasped, stumbling slightly as she was thrust away from him, wincing as she laid down next to him for a few moments to recover before shifting to sit in the seat eric had next to his bed, closing her eyes as she looked down at her grandson.

In the morning Mab smiled slightly as she looked at the sleeping boy, “Are you hungry?”She said her voice soft with sadness, and quiet, not wanting to hurt him. Wanting to take care of him, in a way none of her children let her do anymore. And well, she also wanted to take care of eric, but she both the vampire and draco would be having issues if she tried, so she was in here, taking care of harry. And it was obvious the winter queen hadn’t slept any. Though still beautiful, she looked worn.
Harry woke slowly, confused and uncertain. something was different. something was... strange. what was it? what had happened? "hurts..." ah, that was what was wrong. every muscle, every nerve in his body ached. with the release of all that power, he felt like he'd undergone a three hour training program meant to kill him. he blinked at her with those beautiful emerald eyes, looking confused more than anything. "what happened? i remember... we where on the horses... and then yelling... and pain..." he frowned. "feeling afraid..." so he didn't remember the hell hound at all, or unlocking his Fey half. "Lady Mab?..." he asked, blinking at her. "you look terrible. are you sick?" technically, Harry was now the youngest in the Fey court. a child compared to the others. he'd probobly appreciate being taken care of for a while. "you should go and sleep. i'm fine now." well, he thought so anyway.
“You’ll feel better soon. Just rest.”Mab said smiling slightly before tilting her head.”you were attacked, harry. We caught them, but you were hurt before we stopped them.”She said before smiling at his words, it wasn’t often that someone else expressed a heartfelt concern for her well fair. Her children knew she’d just brush them off, and eric was the only one she allowed to fuss over her, so him looking worried about her, was something knew. “I’m not sick.I’ve just been taking care of you and Eric.”She said smiling a little.
Harry blinked a little. "oh. that's right..." he muttered softly. "...the Hell Hound..." he lifted his arm and blinked at it. "huh? the scars... their gone..." he frowned. "but..." he clenched his hand into a tight fist, and that seamed to shock him more than anything. "i can make a fist again... it's all fixed." he looked at Mab with wide eyes. "how could you have healed such damage to my muscles? the first two left so much damage, i was lucky to be able to lift a quill with this hand." with the release of his power, everything that had been damaged in his human body had been corrected. including his bad eyesight. after all, who ever heard of a Fey with glasses? clearly Harry hadn't realized yet. "...someone painted my nails..." Harry grumbled, scowling as he realized that his fingernails had been painted black... no, it wasn't paint... "what in the world?" Harry muttered before his eyes widened. "the barrier is gone..." he flung back the sheets and found his feet and moved into the attached bathroom as quick as a blink. "i don't have a headache anymore... because the barrier is gone.." he stared at his reflection, looking rather amazed as he touched his forehead. even the lightning bolt scar was gone... he wasn't sure how to feel about this.
“You are fae now, and fae, no matter how scarring it should be, we will heal it.”Mab said smiling slightly, looking amused. “when I released your powers, the fae corrected what was done for you before.”she said looking amused as he discovered what was going on, before nodding. “It will not be coming again. You reached your limit of holding it back. You might have been able to do it if you had stayed in the human world, but here, in Faerie?You never had a chance.”Mab said looking amused.
Harry stared at himself, amazed that he was no longer so short from Malnutrition. where he had previously stood at a child's height, he now had the graceful length of all fey, nearly six feet tall. he was no longer sickly pale from being locked in dark places for so long. he was now a softer pale, like cream, like Justine had been. he stared at himself and then tilted his head to look at Mab, staring at her. "The Barrier was up for so long... i didn't know how to take it down." he admitted. "the Fey was protesting... it hated me. it wanted me to hurt..." he smiled. "it's amazing how fast it has forgiven me." he admitted, reaching out and picking up a full glass of water. "i couldn't do this before..." he sighed a little and shook his head. "i know i should be mad, considering how long i've been fighting this... but i can only feel relief... i feel... more like myself than i ever have before." he smiled at her. "thank you, Lady Mab. for protecting me. and helping me..." he sighed. "now i have to get a bead on my new abilities... Fey come with those, right?"
Mab smiled a little sadly as she considered her grandson, hiding just how badly it was hurting to see how close her grandson looked like her newly killed son. Tilting her head a little she smiled,”It hated you, for not accepting it. Hurting you, because you were hurting it, and yourself.”She shrugged before smirking slightly, “You are welcome grandson.”She said seriously, fiddling with her skirt, for once looking nervous, worried about his reaction to their relationship.”They do. I would suspect your powers align along hunting…tracking…forest things…J..Justine was good with those things. But Eric would be the one to speak to. He teaches most of the younglings, since he says I have no patience for it."
Harry nodded a little. "i know. i understand that now." Harry admitted. "i was young, and so afraid. i had found out a year before i came into my inheritance and i didn't want to be anything like the person who raped my mother... i put the barriers up so early..." Harry admitted softly. "and as i grew older i just grew more afraid, more terrified of the half of me...." he froze and turned to face her with wide, wide horrified eyes. "Gr...grandson? then..." he swallowed thickly as he turned to face her fully. "Justine... the one on the hunt..." he whispered softly. "i am so sorry Lady Mab... i... showed you such things about your son... i..." he swallowed thickly and closed his eyes as he turned to look at the mirror again. "i will... have to talk to Eric then." he muttered softly, wondering what had happened to Justine. "Lady Mab?" Harry asked softly, turning to look at her, his eyes filled with a strange hope. "i know... that i am illegitimate, just a bastard son but... could... could i call you my grandmother?" he asked hopefully. "i've never had family before.... and you've been so kind to me.."
“We were all foolish when we were young,even I. It explains so much about Eric, if you consider he was young once.”Mab said hoping to make him feel better teasing him a little before tilting her head a little, nodding.”Yes, grandson. And…yes. Justine is the one who attacked you. And nearly killed eric, which is the only reason him, draco, and Dae aren’t in here hovering. Dae and Draco are making sure Eric stays in bed.”She said smiling a little, hoping for a smile before nodding, “Well, I suppose you must. Though I do not look like the traditional fairy grandmother.”She muttered before smiling slightly.
Harry nodded a little. "Personally i just prefer to pretend that Eric is brain dead. because trying to understand him only gives me a migraine." he admitted with a small snicker before sobering at the mention of Justine. "so Justine tried to kill Eric..." he muttered softly. "he must have been... quite certain of himself to attack Eric..." he muttered softly, blinking at her. "i am sorry that it was your Son Lady Mab..." he admitted softly, moving over to her. "i'm so very sorry." he muttered before chuckling weakly at her joke. "come on... lets go see how Eric is doing. poor Draco probobly can't handle him all by himself." he muttered, wrapping an arm around Man's shoulder's and led her out of the room. he'd let her check on Eric and then he'd make her go to bed before she passed out or something.
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