The Hunting and the Hunted (HP/Anita Blake) Moon/Lady

Harry smirked a little at her, his eyes glowing red with sadistic glee. "why in the hell would i have let him live Grandmother?" he asked, his head tilted. "i can show you what i did, if you like? i got sick after it was all done, but he deserved it all." he admitted with a lick of his lips as he gently tugged Mab into his mind, letting her see the memory. Harry had literally skinned the man alive using only a scalpel and a special spell that would keep Lucius alive, no matter the amount of bloodloss, until Harry released the spell. "being connected to Voldemort, did have it's advantages. one of them was the know how to do that. i guess, if i really think about it, it was my Fey side coming out." he mused. "but he is dead, and so is that bitch Narcissa." Harry promised her. "Draco was my freind when in Hogwarts. i wasn't about to let Lucius get away with that." "mmm Harry? i smell Chocolate..." Draco mumbled sluggishly. "i want Chocolate too." "Good Merlin, are you awake already? i expected you to sleep for a few hours." Harry admitted even as he raised his hand and summoned the last cup of Hot Chocolate, handing it to Draco who refused to be budged from his comfortable location.
“Well.That is true.”Mab said tilting her head before laughing quietly as she watched the memory. Pleased even as she nodded to eric.”He suffered, love. Do not fret.”she muttered reassuring the vampire before looking at harry. “Well good. No one should have gotten away with that.”He muttered, the vampire shifting, resting his head against mab’s chest as he calmed. The man might be physically healed, but he wasn’t back to full strength yet. Laughing quietly at draco’s words he yawned, pressing a kiss to draco’s hair as he let draco sip the hot chocolate. “You know, for a gay man, you’re touching a awful lot of me.”Mab muttered teasing him a little, amused that both vampire and werefox were snuggled up against her, using her as their pillow.
Harry smiled a little and nodded a little. "yes he suffered, but never talk about it when Draco is conscious enough to understand you." Harry ordered sternly. "you won't like what happens." he warned calmly, sighing a little as he watched Draco snuggling into the two. "mmm shush... 's not like i'm kissing you or anything nasty like that. you just happen to make a very nice pillow." Draco mumbled sluggishly as he sipped at his hot chocolate. "you went hunting, right Harry? did you catch anyone?" "nah. not in the village, too close to Mab i guess. i'll go out into the further stretches when i have a few days to spare." Harry admitted. "i'm hoping Lady Mab will call in the Lords, claiming that she thinks she might be being betrayed and let me examine all of them at once. so the lot of them can see what happens when you break Mab's Laws." Draco smirked a little and nodded, finished his hot chocolate and slowly sat up. "i'm going to take a bath." Draco stated with a yawn as he staggered off to he bathroom, Harry chuckling as he watched before fixing Eric with a very stern glare. "your hurting him Eric." Harry hissed, a silencing spell snapping up. "your constant attempts to deny your feelings for him? he can see it, and your making his heart bleed. either cut Draco loose, or admit that you love him but i won't let you string him along anymore." Harry growled before he walked out of the room. there, maybe that was the push that Dae said Eric needed.
“Well, I wont then.”Eri said frowning slightly as he looked down at draco. “Hmm its all those curves and squishy parts you don’t like.”Mab teased a little. Thet two ancients looking amused at draco’s words before mab nodded.”I will summon them tomorrow.”Mab agreed laughter filling the room as she looked at eric’s stunned face, and harry’s words.”Oh, you know he is right.I am going to go see about something.”She said before following harry out of the room.

Eric grumbled a little looking confused and amused as he walked into the bathroom, looking worried. “Are you okay?”he muttered as he sat down on the toilet, absently leaning over to kiss his forehead.
Harry grinned a little as Draco sulked. "no. it's the vagina i don't like." he grumbled, annoyed. "it scares me." Harry laughed outright at that, amused by Draco. he knew very well that Draco wouldn't have any problems being romantic with Mab, but if it went into Sex, Draco would just never get hard. a woman could try for days, with Viagra in him, and never get a reaction outside of annoyance. Pansy had tried. she'd drugged him to the gills with love and lust potions, and he still hadn't gotten 'it' up. Pansy had been utterly furious. Harry smirked at Mab's promise to summon the lords and he stalked out, humming a little to himself.

Draco was in the bathroom scrubbing himself until he was pink and he jumped wildly and stared at Eric for a moment, shocked that he was in the same room as him when he was naked. "i'm ... i'll be alright." he wasn't fine right then, but he would be. "those dreams... they just..." he shuddered and started scrubbing again, looking rather wild eyed. "i keep... feeling the knife..." he muttered, shuddering wildly again as he just dropped the cloth and watched it sink to the bottom. "i wish i could just... forget the entire first seventeen years of my life...."
Eric laughed softly as draco jumped, looking amused as he settled in just to talk, blushing ever so slightly as he considered the naked man."if you really want, there are fae who are good with memories..."he muttered sighing softly, looking out of sorts. The man really was awkward with emotional dealings, at last in a relationship that hadnt stood the test of centuries.
Draco stared at the water and then shook his head. "no... Harry would kill me if i did that." he muttered softly before he hauled himself out of the water, not bothered in the least by his nudity as he moved intot he other room to get dressed. "Eric?" he asked, looking back at the other. "is there something wrong with me? do you think?" he asked curiously. "i don't seam to be like normal people... and i just can't figure out why.."
Eric looked up startled at the other, tilting his head slightly. Slightly off kilter having been expected something about his resistance to seducing him, not this.Swallowing hard he smirked a little as he followed the other into the room, wrapping his arms around him gently.”Hm, well, you are more beautiful then most others, I will give you that.”He muttered nuzzling his face into the shorter man’s neck before sighing.”No normal person could have survived what you did draco. You are better then normal.”
Draco blinked a little at the other and then smiled at the praise of his looks. honestly, Draco knew that being beautiful was one of the only reasons why he had survived as long as he had. if he hadn't been beautiful, Asher and Jean Claude would never have been interested in him. his looks where a tool that he had used time and time again to get anything he needed to survive... but now... he wished he wasn't so pretty, so he could know if Eric liked him for him, or liked him because he was pretty. and then he jerked, shocked by the next words and he stared at Eric before a wide smile spread across his face and he leaned into the other, hugging him back. "thank you Eric..." he muttered softly. "that's... what i really needed to hear." he muttered softly. his self confidence had gone back up with those few words, and he already felt better. "i'm going to get dressed. i heard that Remus is actually attempting to flirt!" Draco admitted with a grin. and he was, the poor Wolf was attempting to flirt with Mistral... it wasn't going well. Remus had never flirted with anyone before, let alone talked to someone he had a crush on. so he was beat red as he tried to talk to Mistral and he finally gave up with a thud of his head hitting the table. Harry was barely resisting the urge to laugh at his freind.
Eric smiled pleased with himself that he had managed to make him feel better. Leaning down to steal a kiss he sighed as he straightened, looking bemused and pleased that he had managed to make draco smile.”Your welcome. And lets go see to the werewolf. I am sure Dae and Ali are enjoying the sight. Mistral is infamous for not giving any hints away if he’s interested.”Eric said looking amused as him and draco headed downstairs.

“Remus, you okay?”Dae said as he walked into the room after the other two, looking amused.
Draco snickered a little and nodded as he returned the kiss, happy for just that little bit of contact. he didn't know why Eric was still so hesitant though... he'd ask Mab, maybe she'd know? "Harry's probobly turning purple to keep from laughing." Draco admitted with a snicker as he yanked his pants on. he didn't even bother with underwear. he snickered as he watched Remus's head hit the table and Harry started to snicker aloud as Remus groaned. "i broke myself." Remus complained, only making Harry laugh more. it was funny as all blazes! Draco sniggered a little to himself and shook his head as he headed to the table and grabbed some food for himself. "poor fuzz butt. just can't flirt can you?" "shut up harry." "your never going to get laid like that you know... unless it's a pity fuck of course." "shut up Harry." "granted, you do look cute when your all mortified with yourself so you might get lucky." "Shut up Harry." "by the way Mistral. if you really want to get Remus hot and horny, you have to... mmmph." Remus's hand clapped over Harry's mouth. "Shut UP Harry!!!"
Mistral smirked looking bemused at the man’s conversation, smirking.”Do what?”the vampire asked looking interested. Eric rolled his eyes a little, shaking his head as he considered the scene before leaning over to whisper at draco.”Are they always like this?”He said looking amused because human behavior confused him sometimes, and he couldn’t decide if remus was doing this to be endearing to mistral, who was falling for it, or was really this adorably clumsy in seduction.
Draco snickered a little and Harry smirked. "Nothing! you do nothing!" Remus squeaked before hissing furiously as he jerked his hand away from Harry's mouth. "you BIT me!" he complained, looking rather shocked as Harry snickered and glanced at Mistral, lifting an eyebrow as he lifted a piece of paper behind his back. Remus didn't see because he was trying to sanitize his hand. the paper floated over to Mistral and on the words where 'bite the back of his neck. or stroke it. or lick it. drives him wild.' "yes, they are always like this. Remus Lupin has been afraid of getting close to anyone because he didn't have control over his werewolf transformations, and so was afraid of hurting, or even killing someone that he loves. without that problem, he's much more willing to explore his feelings, but he's as awkward as an eight year old with a crush on his teacher." Draco admitted with a grin. "if i'm not mistaken, this is the first time he's ever attempted flirting... he's not doing too bad for a first time i suppose."
Mistral grinned at harry, fangs flashing in the light. “Oh, I am sure I can take a bite into things.”He said snickering, looking pleased. And he was more then a little enjoying the sight of remus so embarrassed. It was so weird to see someone so awkward within the walls of faerie. “Well, then I must say, he is indeed doing a good job at flirting. He needs practice. Maybe Dae could help him?Dae will flirt with anything that moves.”Eric mused smirking at dae as the man sputtered a little, even if he didn’t protest that he flirted, a lot.
Remus went beat red and he glared at Harry. "however he told you, whatever he told you, it's a LIE!" Remus complained to Mistral. "it's a dirty stinking lie!" he sputtered in horror at Draco's words and simply stood up and fled the room. this was what he got for showing an interest in someone. Merlin almighty now he really WAS going to be celibate for the rest of his natural born life! Draco and Harry where both laughing now, good strong belly laughs as Harry handed another piece of paper to Mistral. 'Remus will do anything, and i mean anything for Dark chocolate. and he loves to be bossed around. he's not an Alpha wolf.' was what was written there and Harry smirked as he walked out, humming to himself as he went to find Mab and inform her of his 'disguise' and plans. he was fairly sure Eric and Mistral already knew about his 'Famine' Persona... he was just glad that Edward wasn't there. he'd never hear the end of it.
Mistral grinned looking amused as he watched remus leave the room before bounding to his feet. Eric smirked as he watched mistral go, shaking his head.”Boy’s going to go get chocolate. He’s going to be annoying.”Eric grumbled looking amused even as he settled down at the table to eat.

Mab smirked a little as she looked up from the paperwork she was doing, sliding her white blond hair over her shoulder as she looked at her grandson.”Sit, grandson. And tell me whatever is on your mind.”She said leaning back in her seat, glad to have a excuse to stop for now.
Draco snickered a little as he watched Mistral. "he has no idea... what he's getting in for. i accidentally had a bar of Dark Chocolate while at school." he admitted. "Remus went nearly nuts. he practically killed me to get it." Draco admitted with a snicker. "i was SO pissed, that i bought some more, and set up traps and such with the Dark Chocolate as Bait... Remus walked into every one, and simply didn't give a damn." Draco admitted with a grin. "sort of ruined my revenge, but it was funny seeing him hanging upside down and stuffing Chocolate in his mouth without even caring." Draco admitted. "as soon as Remus smells that Chocolate, he's going to be all over Mistral."

Harry smiled at her as she greeted him and he sat down in front of her, looking a bit anxious. "i'm using another 'identity' as a cover for the moment, when i'm doing my 'Hunting'. i'm hoping it will give me the cover i need. i doubt it will last long but i didn't want you to get startled tonight... i was also wondering... the Lords aren't going to be happy about executing their own. will they try anything? i feel... something very bad." Harry admitted. "someone is up to something very big. something very bad. and i'm concerned about your safety, and Eric's for that matter... also, you really have to do something about Draco and Eric. Draco won't say anything because he doesn't think it's place, and Eric is too afraid to. you need to make them sit down and talk about it. Eric is afraid Draco will break up what he has, and Draco is terrified he'll be abandoned because Eric has a family already. they're both bleeding inside and i can't intervene because... well they'll both tell me to piss off."
Eric snickered listening to the werefox, “oh, he definitely doesn’t know what he’s in for.But he’ll enjoy it.”He said looking amused and pleased that his adopted son was going to finally have someone.

“Good. It would do well to have another identity.”she said looking thoughtful before frowning a little. “They are not. I will be careful. They most certainly be working on something, but I cannot know how they will react, beyond not being happy.”He sighed softly before frowning.”We will watch out for each other.”HE said before frowning, tilting her head.”Well…I will speak to them. They are both being very foolish.”She said looking annoyed with both men as she ran her fingers through her hair
Harry smiled a little and nodded. "it would be helpful if i could put up a Glamor of some sort to hide both my scent and my appearance while i'm disguised as Famine." Harry admitted. "i know that some Fey can see through a wizards illusions. so i'll have to find another way to alter my appearance." Harry admitted with a small sigh. "the longer i can keep Famine separate from Harry the better." he muttered with a grin. he was enjoying himself again. "oh. by the way. Mistral is about to get laid." he admitted with a grin. "they are being silly, but you can make them shape up." Harry admitted with a chuckle as he stood up and stretched.

downstairs, Remus slammed into the same room as Mistral. the second the crinkle of that black Chocolate being unwrapped, the smell had entered the house, and Remus had been close enough to smell it. his eyes zeroed in on the Chocolate Bar and he glanced from it to Mistral, clearly wondering if he could beat the Fey in a fight for the Chocolate bar.
Mab frowned slightly before biting her lip a little.”I think Mistral can do that. Glamor his scent I mean, because vampires find fae intoxicating, its easier for him to suppress what he smells like, then to deal with it. You may want to ask him.”she said before nodding.”I could create a fae charm for your appearance, if you would like grandson.”She muttered. Looking startled at his next words, she stared.”….but not by you. The werewolf?”She said snickering a little at her son’s choice.

Mistral smiled as he sat on the bed, raising a eyebrow as he slowly unwrapped the bar.”Would you like this?”He said holding it out towards him, in a teasing manner that said if he made a grab for it, he was going to take it back.

Mab frowned slightly before biting her lip a little.”I think Mistral can do that. Glamor his scent I mean, because vampires find fae intoxicating, its easier for him to suppress what he smells like, then to deal with it. You may want to ask him.”she said before nodding.”I could create a fae charm for your appearance, if you would like grandson.”She muttered. Looking startled at his next words, she stared.”….but not by you. The werewolf?”She said snickering a little at her son’s choice.

Mistral smiled as he sat on the bed, raising a eyebrow as he slowly unwrapped the bar.”Would you like this?”He said holding it out towards him, in a teasing manner that said if he made a grab for it, he was going to take it back.
Harry nodded a little. "i'll talk to him then." he agreed with a smirk. "i don't want the Fey to recognize me for my scent after all." he admitted with a nod. "so i'll use the suppressor when i'm Famine, and drop it when i'm Harry." he mused. "it's been a long time since i played two people, i'm rather excited." he admitted with a small chuckle. "i would love a Fey charm!" he admitted, clapping his hands together eagerly. "i'm not sure what that is, but it sounds perfect! will it be a necklace? a ring? a Tattoo?" he asked curiously, his head tilted before a smirk lifted the edges of his lips. "i don't have Sex grandmother. but yes, my werewolf is going to be screwed by your son." he promised with a chuckle.

Remus narrowed his eyes as he stared at the Chocolate Bar with dark, dark, almost wild eyes. "Yes." he growled the word, taking a step deeper into the room, leaving the door open. what did he care? all that mattered was the chocolate. he wanted the Chocolate... well, he also wanted Mistral, the man smelled almost as good as Chocolate. Remus would bet he tasted pretty close to it too. he would have both, he just had to get his brain to function on more than a primal level to get it. with those smells lingering in his nose though, that was doubtful to happen. "Give it to me." Remus demanded, baring his teeth, trying to intimidate Mistral, but he didn't attack, because the Wild Side of him knew Mistral would pound him into the dirt.
“That sounds good.”mab said looking pleased before smirking a little. “whichever you want. You can choose.”Mab said shrugging a little before smirking. “I am sure my son will have something to say about that .Dae would not be happy with a sexless life.”She said teasing him a little before sighing. “I am sure they will enjoy that.”She said amused.

Mistral smirked looking amused as he let the other take the chocolate, looking amused that the man was having such a reaction to chocolate.”Are you going to attack me to get it?”He teased even as he held it out more,.
Harry chuckled a little. "a Tattoo would be best, then i can activate it anytime i need to, even in an emergency, and i can't loose it." he admitted with a nod. "besides, i'm sure Dae will get bored with me eventually." Harry stated with a dismissive wave of his hand. "i'm going to go take a nap. when will the lords be summoned?" he asked, his head tilted. "i'll have to learn how to mask my scent before they start showing up. i don't want them to catch on."

Remus took another step forward, his eyes narrowing as he tensed, wary of a trap but too eager to get the chocolate to care. "..." his eyes flicked from Mistral to the chocolate, tired of waiting, he did indeed attack, he pounced, slamming into Mistral and scrabbling to grab the chocolate and flee before the other man could recover.
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