The Hunting and the Hunted (HP/Anita Blake) Moon/Lady

Mab nodded a little, glancing at the twins. “Harry, please, for my sanity, take one of the twins with you when you hunt the fae. While I know you can take care of yourselves, Dae is the heir to my throne, he will know the political problems you will face when confronting them.But even if it will cause problems, I want them punished.”Mab said, sticking dae and ali with harry not for the political reasons, but because her twins were two of the fiercest warriors faerie had to offer, and she wanted him protected. Laughing eric shrugged.”No I didn’t, but that is indeed very cool. Myself, I got to pose as a Aztec death god, so it seems we’re all going to be things muggles fear.”he said snickering before looking down at draco.”Well then, I shall make sure he is well taken care of.” “You make him sound like a pet eric.”mab muttered. “He WANTS me to treat him like a pet. A beloved pet.”Eric muttered. “Well then, we shall make sure he’s well taken care of then.”Mab muttered reaching over eric’s side so she could absently stroke the blond’s hair, looking pleased he trusted them that much.
Harry blinked at her for a moment and then nodded. "of course Grandmother." he stated with a smile. "i promise not to hunt alone." he was used to that Rule. Remus insisted on it, not that Harry always listened but the Fey where not an enemy he wanted to face alone. they where a whole new ball park. "i've already told Dae he was going to tutor me in the politics. these could be good lessons for me." Harry admitted with a small chuckle. "although, if i'm being honest, my actual power is quite weak. i have my wizarding abilities of course, but my Fey powers always come with a condition attached it seams." he grumbled, crossing his arms. "damn Universal rules... if i didn't have those damn conditions... i'd probobly be the ruler of ALL the worlds by now." he sulked.

Draco groaned again as he was stroked and snuggled deeper into Eric, Harry smiling a little. "Draco doesn't know what he wants Eric. he just wants a place to belong, where he won't be hurt." Harry admitted simply. "try to treat him as just more than a pet, alright?" he asked, smiling at the Vampire. "because if you hurt Draco... i'll hurt you." he promised. he hadn't warned the vampire before because he had expected Draco to get bored with the Vampire, or to put up his protective personality and back away from Eric lest he get hurt. but neither of those things happened. Draco was Eric's now, no matter how much Harry didn't like it. and Harry wasn't about to mess with Draco's chance at being happy and loved.
“Good.”Mab said nodding a little before smirking. “Oh, I am sure Dae will be quite willing to tutor you in whatever you wish.” “mother!No discussing dae’s sex life.I’ll be scarred.”Ali whined though she looked amused before looking at harry.”All our powers come with conditions.Except eric’s…sorta. He gets all these nice benefits, but he’s extremely vulnerable to silver.” “Hey!” “Its true, and he needs to know so he doesn’t accidently kill oyu or something.”Ali said ignoring the look her father was giving her.

Eric smiled as he looked down at draco, and the soft look on his face said that no matter what he said, the boy wasn’t just a pet for him.”I’ll take care of him however he wants.”He said though there was a slightly worried look in his eyes, because he was worried draco,despite his calm acceptance, would demand the one thing he couldn’t do. Walk away from mab, and the family he had here.
Harry smirked a little. "i don't need tutoring in that." he stated simply. although it probobly wasn't true. he had told Dae he didn't have sex after all. that didn't mean he was a virgin, but Harry probobly hadn't had a lot of experience in the bedroom. "oh i wouldn't use Silver on Eric." Harry stated simply. "Grandmother might kill me herself if i accidental kill her bed toy." Harry teased, looking delightfully wicked. he studied Eric for a moment and then smiled a little. it was funny how Eric couldn't see... Mab had probobly noticed, how Draco acted towords her. he wouldn't touch Mab with a ten foot pole when it came to bedroom activities, but he was treating her almost the same way that he was treating Eric. Draco wouldn't dream of trying to squeeze Mab out of Eric's life, Draco knew better. instead, Draco was trying to make himself a part of both Eric, and Mab's life. trying to be useful, so that neither of them would have a reason to send him away. he didn't want to ruin the little happy family Eric had built there. he wanted to join it. "well. he's going to be out for a while. that he hasn't woken up yet, indicates he took a sleeping potion." Harry admitted as he studied Draco. "must have been worried about nightmares." he muttered with a shake of his head. "come on Dae, Ali. let's go hunting." Harry chirped with a smile. "it will be nice to do something i'm good at."
“Well good. Dae will be well pleased then.”Eric stated smirking a little. Maybe he wasn’t a prude at all, he just didn’t want to consider himself, and his children in the same thought. “Yes, no killing the boy toy. I still have uses for him. It has gotten quiet without a little one.” “Mab….I was just getting used to not changing diapers.”Eric whined as he absently stroked draco’s hair, looking at his female lover in amusement. Looking at harry he nodded a little,”Well, we’ll just make sure he wont have a reason to have nightmares anymore.”Eric smirked a little before glancing at harry as the twins and him moved towards the door. “then you should consider having sex with my attention starved son. Show him just how good at sex you are.”He quipped. “…you are so weird…”Mab said smiling in quiet bemusement at his sense of humor.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head before he choked a little, his eyes widening at Mab, wondering why he felt jealous over a baby that hadn't even been conceived yet, let alone born. he supposed it was because he'd never really had anyone pay attention to just him before. not even Remus did that really, he tried but he was a teacher, not a father. Harry smiled as Draco continued to sleep, his head tilted to the side. "i think you might actually manage that." he admitted simply "i don't have sex." he stated simply, without even a pause in his step. he just left without another word, leading the way down the hallways before he paused and closed his eyes, reaching deep inside for that power, which leaped into his hands. Harry's eyes snapped open, his usually emerald green, where now a sparkling ruby, glittering in the light, proving that he was indeed searching people's souls. he checked Dae and Ali, just to make sure he was doing it right, and was satisfied to see no true sins on their souls. "now to find the other Fey. i can't just follow a trail of Sin after all. i actually have to look at people to see if they've sinned or not. thankfully, this part doesn't have any conditions on it, other than a bit of eye strain if i use it for too long. i can keep this up for several hours... well, in theory anyway."
Mab laughed a little at harry’s look, tilting her head a little.”Don’t worry little one, it will take forever to convince Eric that we should try again.”She said teasing him a little as she watched him go.

When the twins shuddered as harry’s power brushed them they sighed quietly. “Now, that was a weird sensation.”Dae muttered before nodding. “That’s good. Well it makes sense that we have conditions, if we didn’t, we’d end up having god complexes.” “You mean more then what we already do?” “Exactly.”Dae said snickering a little even as he moved to the front hall to head out, even though the fae gathered at the castle, they were more likely to be found in the town closeby.
Harry smirked a little. "you felt that? i didn't realize you'd feel it." he admitted as he pondered that. "well, i doubt we have to worry about god complexes. the humans are too dangerous to know about us anyway." Harry admitted simply as he followed the twins out to the castle grounds and looked at the Fey in the village below. they where too far away to scan however, and he tilted his head a little. "well. shall we take horses?" Harry asked, closing his eyes and loosening his power, tucking them back inside. there was no point in keeping up his Soul Gaze when there weren't any people to look at. he didn't want to hurt his eyes or anything. he slid onto a horse and grinned as he patted the horse. "well... i suppose i could take up the name Famine... for a little while." he mused. "Harry Potter doesn't have much of a place here. he's a half blood wizard after all. the Fey might take me more seriously if they don't know who i am, don't you think?" he asked the twins with an impish grin. he was playing a prank on the entire Fey world is what he was doing. he transfigured a white mask and slid it into his face, the pure bone white skull mask reminiscent of something he'd seen in a Japanese Anime once when Dudley had been going through a phase... it was close enough to Death Eater masks to make him feel like it was funny.
“Normal people wouldn’t have, probably. We’re empaths, we spend our lives feeling other people’s stuff.”Dae said with a slight teasing smirk as he flickered a glance over harrys body, showing what he meant by stuff. Nodding a little he started saddling the horses, and soon enough him and ali were following harry out of the barn. “That’s true. Everyone saw father drag you in here, for the moment it would probably be a good thing them not knowing who you are.”Ali said thoughtfully.
Harry blinked a little and then, much to his own surprise, he felt himself going red. he hadn't blushed in a good long time.... what was it about Dae that made him feel so off kilter? "so anytime someone has sex in the house... you..." what a thing to focus on! "i am so sorry." he muttered, shaking his head a little as he sighed a bit and locked the white mask into place. bone white save for the black and red Yin Yang symbol in the middle of his forehead. he looked truly frightening like that, particularly when he transfigured a stick into a long Scythe, and strapped it to his back. he looked like the first Soul Searcher, the one who had created the image of death in muggle history. and that was what Harry wanted. "and one final one..." with a small spell, his voice changed into another, rendering him completely unrecognizable. "being the Grandson of the queen, i would have a very large target on my back. being a 'Soul Reaper' will also paint a large target on my back. by hiding my identity, half of the attacks, will be diverted away from me, simply because they don't know who to attack. it won't last long, not unless the Fey are as stupid as Wizards are, but it will protect me for a few days, hopefully a few weeks." Harry admitted with a wry grin as he headed down into the village, turning his eyes back on as he studied person after person as they gathered and whispered about the frightening man with the red eyes and the bone mask.
Dae grinned, waggling his eyebrows.”Why do you think our rooms are so very far from our parents, and I am in a constant state of hornieness?” “Because your male, and fae?”Ali said rolling her eyes a little looking amused, before paling slightly. If she hadn’t been aware of who the masked man was, it would be very disturbing.”No, we are definitely not as stupid as wizards, but you are right, it will buy a little bit of time, and give both mother and father time to recover before having to deal with someone attacking you.”Ali said tilting her head a little thoughtfully
Harry smirked at Dae. "ask Eric if you can borrow Draco. the poor blond still hasn't gotten laid yet. i wonder why Eric is so hesitant?" Harry mused, pondering that a little. he smirked behind the mask, well aware that she couldn't see it and pulled on his black basilisk hide gloves. now not even his skin would show, making it even harder to guess who he was. "my thoughts exactly." Harry admitted with a nod to Dae. "with Eric and Mab weak at the moment, i'm rather vulnerable. while i have my guns and my iron weapons, as well as magic. politically, i'm not capable of just killing anyone who attacks me. without them behind me, i would be sentenced to death by the lords before i could sentence one of them to death. i have no doubt that many of the Lords have committed grave Sins. they will need to be dealt with politically, as well as physically." Harry admitted as he paused, his horse snorting. "remember to call me Famine while we are in the village." he warned before heading inside to start the search for the sinners. Harry's presence on the pale dapple white horse... with the scythe on his back and the mask on his face, it greatly uneased most of the people in the village, and those with children with them, quickly fled the scene. Harry ignored them, he didn't expect to find anyone truly despicable while in town. "that one there? he's stealing from muggles." Harry commented simply. while not a true Sin that he himself needed to be concerned with, he wasn't about to let the crime go unreported.
“father is…”Dae bit his lip trying to figure it out. How to explain something that her and dae had grown up with, hadn’t understood until they were older, a lot older.”Father dislikes loving someone. Mother left him once, abandoned him for centuries. It made him…dislike the feelings.So he fights it, fights falling in love.”Ali added sighing softly. Nodding a little the female fae smirked slightly. “They’ll be better soon. And with the heir of faerie standing behind you, with its queen and consort, you are well protected.”he muttered looking amused nodding.”I’ll remember.”

Dae leaned against the pummel of his saddle, tilting his head a little, smirking slightly. “Well, we all steal from muggles. It’s like taking candy from children.”Dae said tilting his head a little, looking amused though thoughtful about it.
Harry nearly fell off his horse when he heard that and he stared at Dae for a long moment. "oh. i see." he muttered, chuckling a little. "well Draco will destroy that all by himself." Harry stated. "because he's... just afraid to love." he admitted softly. "your right, they'll be better soon, because eventually Draco will get tired of being shunted to the side. he hates being ignored." Harry admitted with a small chuckle. "and i am well protected, so long as they are able to back me up." Harry admitted simply. he paused and cocked his head at Dae. "do you? hmm... i wonder why that turned up as a sin?" he wondered, examining the man more intently. "oh... that's why... he feels guilty about it..." Harry snorted a little at that. "how ridiculous." Harry muttered with a small snicker. "well lets keep going then, i don't want to waste time with silly children with over abundant guilt complexes." the Fey in question went bright red and ducked into his house to hide. Harry had to snicker a little at that and shook his head a little as he turned his horse with his knees. still not using a saddle. "for Unseelie Sidhe, the people here are rather Tame. i don't see any sins at all. well, nothing that needs to be reported anyway."
“Well, maybe you should mention it to him?While father enjoys his company, and I think really does love him,even if he wont say it, he needs a shove in the right direction.”Dae said smirking a little before laughing out loud at the man’s words.”wE do. Though most of us are children when we do.”he mused snickering that the fae was so embarrassed before smirking.”There are more…untame fae further out. But here, they live on the doorstep of mab’s palace, is it any surprise that they are well behaved with her and father living close enough to be violent if their crimes were found out?”
he chuckled a little. "no. i'll let Draco do it himself. it's only a matter of time before he has a nightmare. that's when both Eric, and Mab will really be tested." he admitted simply before laughing a little as he studied the blushing Fey. "well he's certainly not a child. perhaps that's why he feels so badly about it." he mused with a grin as he glanced at Ali. "so we need to go further out then. you have a good point." he admitted with a nod. "Mab wouldn't allow such crimes this close to her children." he muttered as he chuckled a little as he turned his Horse again. "lets go back for now. i and Thanos are satisfied for now." Harry chirped, patting the handle of his Scythe, making many of the Fey still watching wince. what kind of crazy man named their weapon 'Death'? "besides, my pet should be waking up soon. i don't want him to panic when he finds out i'm not there." ah, the werewolf. Harry was clearly enjoying himself.
“Though, oddly enough, we are the ones committing crimes a lot.”Dae mused as they road, “…Dae, the crimes you commit to get laid are not the same kind of crimes he’s talking about.” “I’m sure Harry would think that allowing the semi-straight men of the wizarding world think I’m female is a crime worthy of being dealt with.” “Are you trying to get punished?” “Oh yes.”Dae purred waggling his eyebrows even as his twin gagged, the two as obviously as harry, enjoying themselves. "Well, I am sure mistral will be there to be reassuring to the pet."Dae said after a moment as he calmed himself.
Harry chuckled a little. "i don't see any crimes there. after all, if they like it, it's their own fault..." he paused and then shot Dae a strange look. "do you really pretend to be a woman?" he wasn't about to admit it, but Dae would look very nice in a dress. "i wouldn't punish you if you where the last man.. or woman, on earth." he stated with a small snicker. "besides, my Pet would try to get laid." Harry commented simply. "and i doubt Mistral would object. the Wolf is handsome in his own way, and recovering now that he has control over himself." Harry pondered. "you know. it would be rather fun to play matchmaker." he stated with a small snicker as he headed up tot eh stables, where as expected, Remus and Mistral where waiting. "so... that's creepy." Remus commented, blinking at Harry who snickered and took off the mask. "isn't it though? i thought it was funny." "you have a sick, sick, twisted mind." Remus complained with a roll of his eyes. "i felt you die." "i didn't die." "you came fuckin close!" Remus snarled and Harry shrugged. "Eric protected me." well, that was a lie. Harry didn't actually remember really what happened, but it was close enough to the truth for his care.
Dae grinned at the look he was given before nodding.”I do. Its great fun seeing them realize I’m male under the skirt and top.”He said smirking a little before pouting.”Ohh…you know you just want to punish me.Its what you dream about.”he smirked. Ali rolled her eyes at her twin before shrugging. “mistral is mistral. He likes sex, and doesn’t care who it is with.Even a older werewolf.”she snorted looking amused before nodding. “Don’t let mother hear you say that. She’ll get even worse then she already is.”she warned before laughing at remus’ words. “He does have a twisted mind.”

“Well. Not true. Eric was busy dying of silver poisoning. Mother enjoyed herself by protecting you. And of course I and Draco took care of the hound.”dae said smirking a little.
Harry snorted a little. "you'd look pretty cute in a dress, i have to admit." he admitted with a grin. "but playing pranks on foolish mortals still isn't much of a reason to punish you. besides you wouldn't like my punishments." he stated simply. "and it would do Remus good to get laid." Harry was well aware that both Remus and Mistral had heard him because Remus went bright red and started to sputter. "is that what happened?" Harry asked, his head tilted. "i wondered why Draco was so fretful over Eric, i didn't realize he'd been hurt that bad." Harry admitted. "in any case, i'm alive... oh! and i'm Fey now." Harry admitted with a grin at Remus who rolled his eyes. "yes i can see that... you look good... you don't look like your in so much pain now." "i'm not... i feel better than i've ever felt in my life actually." Harry admitted. "i'm actually more 2/3'ds fey than i am a halfling due to my mothers bloodlines... did you know she was part fey?" "she was!?" Remus asked, looking wide eyed. "i didn't know that!" they walked off, talking about Harry's new powers, completely ignoring the three Fey that had been left behind.

up in the bedrooms, Draco was still asleep, his fingers twitching as he was submitted to one of his nightmares. they where usually violent, bloody, and terrifying on the inside. but on the outside, he never made a noise. he had been trained to be silent unless directly spoken too, and even a cry of pain could result in more punishment. she he lay there and shook with silent tears trailing down his face while his fingers twitched in a desperate attempt to protect himself, though he had been trained out of that too. he wouldn't life a finger to stop a beating, because that only made the beating worse.
Dae and ali smirked a little as they watched the two walk away, shaking their heads as they went in search of their siblings to see how the rest of the day had gone.

Eric leaned back against the window he was sitting against glaring at the woman in front of him. “No!Mab, I’m serious. No kids.”He growled before stopping the argument frowning a little as he stood to walk over to the bed, growling quietly as he leaned over to look at his werefox, leaning down to press a kiss to his head, gently shaking him, ignoring the faerie queen hovering over draco on the other side of the bed. “Draco.Draco!Wake up.”He growled looking worried.
Draco cringed, curling up on himself as he was shaken, his trembling only increasing as he mouthed words that couldn't be heard. he was clearly begging someone to stop, but didn't dare utter the words. and even though he had curled up, he wasn't trying to protect himself like most people. his eyes snapped open and for a moment they where blank with pain and terror, staring at Eric with no recognition whatsoever, and then they cleared and he blinked. "...Eric?" he asked softly, shuddering a little. "i... i dreamed you... had just been a dream." he admitted, wrapping his arms around the other tightly and burying his face into Eric's shoulder. "please don't leave me..."
Eric growled looking worried, and very annoyed that he couldn’t do anything else. Swallowing hard even as he stared down at the blame, swallowing as he wrapped his arms around him tightly, pressing a kiss to his hair.”yea, only a dream. Its me.I’m not going anywhere.”He muttered smoothingly nearly jumping out of his skin as mab wrapped them both in a hug.”He’s not going anywhere draco, I promise.”Mab said her fingers gently running through blond hair.
Draco cried into Eric's chest, trembling violently as he was held. it took half an hour for him to calm down and fall back to sleep, and by that time Harry had arrived with Hot Chocolate for Eric and Mab... he wasn't sure if Eric could have Hot Chocolate, but if he couldn't then Draco would drink it later. "hows he doing?" Harry asked, gently examining Draco. "this is good. it usually takes him hours to calm down from one of 'those' nightmares." Harry admitted, glancing at Mab. "... nightmares about his father." he explained. "Lucius was a sadistic bastard who demanded total compliance and perfection from Draco. when Draco refused to take the dark mark, Lucius tortured him ruthlessly in the hopes he would break his son completely... he damn near succeeded." Harry admitted as he pulled out a dreamless sleep potion. "here Eric. give him a few drops of this tonight before he goes to bed. when he has one, he always has more." Harry admitted. "i'm honestly surprised he hasn't had one before now, what with all the emotions that he's been going through lately."
Eric smiled a little when harry came in with the hot chocolate, shifting the boy a little so he could take the cup, absently sipping it as he considered what he was going to do to Lucius if he was still among the living. Nodding a little as he took the potion from harry he sat it on the nightstand, a absent smirk curling his lips as mab asked the question he wanted to know. “Is Lucius still alive?”she said her voice soft, almost kind, but there was nothing kind about her look as she looked up at him, fury in that look.
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