The Hunting and the Hunted (HP/Anita Blake) Moon/Lady

Mab smiled a little, snickering.”You know, him being brain dead really does make more sense of his actions sometimes.”Sthe queen said before sighing quietly, looking away.”He was. He was…very determined to make sure that Eric, and you, were gone, along with catching Eric by surprise. Damn near succeeded in killing him.”She said smiling a little as he got up, letting him lead her out of the room, “I am sure the werefox if fretting.”She muttered.

Eric meanwhile was sleeping on the bed, curled up in the fluffy bed, while dae was relaxing in the window seat and draco was fussing.”You better leave him alone. He might kill you if you wake him up.”The heir of faerie smirked a little before brightening at the sight of harry.”Well. Its good to see you up. Mother was worried.”
Harry smiled a little and nodded. "it really does, doesn't he?" he asked playfully. "honestly i think he's just not thinking at all. he just coasts through life on autopilot and only does what he wants to. really it's amazing he hasn't lost a limb yet. walking into so many dangerous situations." he shook his head a little and then blinked at her. "it's not often that someone as old as Eric is caught off guard..." he muttered softly. "and i know Draco is fretting. he's a terrible worrier." Harry admitted shaking his head smirking as Draco looked up from where he was trying to adjust the blankets on Eric, his head cocked tot he side as Harry smiled at them. "yes, i'm alright now. Mab was able to break the barriers." Harry admitted, Draco blinking as he stared at Harry. "you look... good." Harry smirked. "yes. yes i do." Harry stated calmly before looking at Dae. "you weren't worried about me?" he asked, a playful smile on his lips. without the constant pain, he wasn't as serious as he had once been. without the pain, he could find it in himself to be playful again. "Draco... if you keep bothering Eric like that, you're going to wake him up."
“I think you’re on to something.”Mab smiled looking amused as they entered the room, shaking her head a little. “No, but he wasn’t expecting to get attacked by someone he raised either.”She muttered shaking her lead looking at draco. “I wasn’t. I figured if the world hadn’t exploded yet, it meant mother saved you before it was to late. Besides….you’re one of us. We’re damnedly hard to kill.”Dae said smiling a little, shrugging with a careless grace of a man way to used to being near immortal. “…you’re all to loud…and stop messing with the blanket,draco.”Eric muttered shifting, snuggling more into the bed.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded before he grimaced at the mention of Eric having raised Justine. "well... i doubt the world would have exploded, but Remus might have gone on a killing spree." Harry admitted with a shrug. "he always seams to know when i'm close to death, the annoying little bastard. he's probobly half way here already." Harry admitted. "he was my surrogate father after i left Hogwarts." Harry explained to Mab. "he'd love to meet you. he's always wanted to meet a Fey." he admitted with a shake of his head. "and i wouldn't know anything about that, Lord Dae. i've almost died so many times in my short life that i think Death is taking bets with Fate." Draco snickered at that and then nearly crawled out of his skin when Eric spoke. "... sorry Eric.. i just wanted to make sure you where comfortable..." he muttered, setting his hand on the others back and rubbing it slowly. "i was so scared... i was afraid you wouldn't wake up..." he muttered, sounding distressed and Harry sighed. "Draco... for the love of all that is holy... or unholy as the case may be... don't cry." "i'm.. not.., crying!"
“I shall have to see that he is greeted at the gates then. Ali or mistral will go get him.”Mab said deciding on the idea, easily accepting that remus was going to show up soon. Raising her eyebrows a little at harry’s words she barely stopped the growl that wanted to escape at the idea of her grandson dying before she’d known him. “Well, that’s because you’re a idiot, and didn’t want to be fae. You’ll be harder to kill now.”Dae pointed out though he snickered a little. Eric laughed a little at draco’s reaction sighing softly as he cracked a eye to look at the werefox.”Don’t cry. You’re scaring harry.” “Eric, for odin’s sake, stop being a bastard.You’re fine. Would you get up?”Mab ordered, knowing the vampire was fine, and was just enjoying the attention. “No.”Eric grumbled smiling al ittle.
Harry snorted a little. "it will be hard to miss him. he's a werewolf." Harry informed Mab before blinking at Dae. "actually i was marked for death before i was even born." Harry admitted simply. "and not just because of... him." Harry stated simply. "there was a prophecy that named me as the only person able to kill the most recent Dark Lord in Britain. the second i entered the wizarding world i had a target on my back. i almost died three or four times my first year at school alone." well no wonder Harry hadn't wanted to trust the Fey. "the Dursley's where a whole different problem..." "Dursley's? those muggles that raised you?" Draco asked looking surprised. "didn't you kill them?" "mmm yeah. shouldn't have, but i did." he shrugged. "it was more or less an accident." Harry admitted. Draco sniffled and wiped his eyes and crawled into bed, practically laying on Eric. "no! he can't get up! he's injured!" Draco protested, glaring ar Mab, practically protecting Eric from all angles from idiots who wanted him to get up. Harry just snickered. "don't bother trying Lady Mab. Draco get's insane when the people he cares about are hurt. and he's going to pamper and baby Eric for days."
“Well then. That will be easy enough.”Mab said smiling a little as she stepped out long enough to send both mistral and ali after remus before smirking a little at harry’s words.”well, it seems you are fae in more ways then just blood. You survived when others wouldn’t have. We are all at heart, survivors.”Mab muttered frowning glancing at harry in annoyance.”What is this?Muggle parents? Shall I see about bringing them back?”She saidi sounding annoyed, and ready to cause pain, to get rid of her own heartache and if meant hurting the dead muggles by returning them to their bodies, he was all for it.

Eric groaned whining quietly as he shifted, sighing quietly.”Draco.”he grumbled shifting to get comfortable. “But he’s not. He probably healed it within a hour of being hurt. He’s just feeling lazy.”The queen frowned looking annoyed at her consort, annoyed and angry with him because he had caused her so much worry, even if it hadn’t been his fault for nearly dying.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded as he watched Mistral and Ali head off, his head tilted a little. "i suppose so. i always thought i was just too stupid to die... or too stubborn." Harry admitted with a small chuckle. "i know i'm pretty damn lucky... or unlucky. depends on how you look at it i suppose." he admitted before he snarled at her. "those... THINGS, where not my parents!" he spat before cringing as he realized he'd yelled at Mab. "sorry... no the Dursley's where never anything more than 'caretakers'. i was their living slave from the time i could walk." Harry admitted with a shrug before looking horrified. "Good god don't bring them back!" he pleaded, looking so terrified at the idea of the Dursley's being brought back from the dead that you almost had to wonder if he wasn't still afraid of them, despite them being dead. Draco just glared at Mab. "he's still going to be tired and sore!" he growled, the hair on the back of his neck, rising, as if he was trying to raise his hackles at her. "so leave him alone!" he ordered, nuzzling Eric's neck before leaning forward so that his neck was near Eric's mouth. "do you need some more?"
Mab’s eyes widened a little at harry’s reaction, but quickly nodding.”I wont bring them back harry. I wont.”She promised but there was a quiet anger behind his eyes, that really really wanted to punish the dursley’s for making such a strong child fear them this badly. Raising her eyebrows when she saw draco glaring at her she smirked a little.”You are adorable, vixen.”she said snickering a little. “No…not yet…feeling kinda sick actually..”Eric muttered sighing softly as he shifted to get comfortable with draco laying on him, closing his eyes. While he was healed and not feeling to bad, he knew silver could make even the most tolerant vampire sick, and eric wasn’t that tolerant of it. So while he was healed, he was still feeling out of sorts.
Harry relaxed as he was promised that she wouldn't bring the Dursley's back and nodded a little. he would never admit to still being afraid of his Uncle Vernon. but the fear was there and he knew if he saw the man again he'd break in ways he couldn't fix. "i am not!" Draco protested, sulking. "i'm beautiful." he stated with a sniff, Harry snickering a little as he shook his head. Draco had SUCH an ego. Draco pouted at Eric and glared at Mab and Harry. "See!? he's sick! he needs to be shown a lot of love, and compassion, and kindness! so you mean people have to go away!" he ordered, hopping off the bed. a very impressive movement considering he hadn't shook the bed at all. "go! go away, shoo, Eric needs to rest!" "your the one that's keeping him up Draco." Harry pointed out, though he left as ordered. he stepped out into the hall and gasped, stunned as he nearly ran head first into a Fey, his head cocked to the side. "your a sick bastard." Harry stated suddenly, scowling. his powers had kicked in, you could practically feel the energy rolling off of him like a waterfall. "Harry, what are you doing?!" Draco asked, shivering in the wake of Harry's power. "what's going on?" "this man has killed human babies." the man gasped, paled, and then turned to flee. he had clearly never been expected to be caught. "he killed human babies so he could EXPERIMENT on them!" Harry hissed, watching the man. "i see your Soul! you can hide NO secretes from ME!"
“Uh-huh.You keep cryin, you’re going to look all mopey and bloodshot.”Dae said snickering a ltitle before looking at his mother.”Now lay down mother. You need to sleep to.”He said as he moved to get up himself. Glaring at mab until she caved and crawled in bed next to the vampire, snuggling down into him, asleep within moments.

“What?”Dae said his head snapping up as he walked into the hall with Harry, frowning a little. Eyes widening at his words Dae snarled as he shifted easily into his shadowhound form, running after the fae, easily working on getting to the fae, but he couldn’t get close enough to bring him down without hurting himself to.Letting out a howl, knowing that soon enough siblings, not to mention eric and mab would be running to see what was going on.
Draco snorted a little and shook his head as he watched Mab crawl into bed with Eric, and much to Harry's... no doubt everyone elses, shock, he fussed over Mab too. making sure she had a pillow and was covered up with enough blankets and he turned out the lights and covered the windows so that it was nice and dark so they could sleep. it was weird, but Draco clearly saw Mab as Eric's 'Superior' lover. like a Harem. Mab was the first wife and Draco was the second.

Harry hissed, baring miniscule fangs as the man tried to run away, but he was dizzy and disoriented and weaponless. the sudden use of his powers had left him feeling weak, but his Fey half wasn't about to let such an injustice go, and had activated in the face of evil like that. "oh i don't feel well..." Harry groaned, sliding down the wall he'd been resting on as Draco shot down the hall after the howling Dae, shifting in mid leap so that a massive white werefox slammed into the child murderer, knocking him flat on his stomach with sharp fangs pressed against the sides of his neck. if he moved even an inch, Draco would bite the man's head off. Harry just sat on the floor and tried to stop being so dizzy.
Dae growled as the fae whimpered, trembling as both werefox and shadowhound pinned him, the fae changeling snuffling his nose along the other’s skin, knowing that the touch would freak him out a little. Snorting as he looked up at mistral coming down the hall he sat back on his haunches, “Whatever are you two doing?If father sicced you on someone, what did they do.”Ali said as she rounded the corner from the opposite hall that mistral had come down, looking worried.

Mab stumbled a little as she got out of bed, crouching down next to harry, even as eric picked harry up, the sick vampire holding him easily. “what happened?”The vampire said, sleep making his voice low and gravelly as he moved towards the bedroom, wanting to put the other down to rest.
Draco snarled at the whimper and tightened his jaws just a little bit, warning the Fey from doing anything stupid and glanced over as Mistral and Ali popped up out of nowhere. he didn't speak... couldn't speak with his mouth full of neck. he himself was wondering what was going on, but he hadn't bothered asking, he'd seen Harry on the ground and that was enough to know that this fey was in trouble.

Harry groaned a little as he shook his head. "don't know..." he muttered. "i just... i saw all of his sins..." Harry muttered. "and not normal sins like stealing or lying... but bad ones... he was experimenting on human children. he made them scream and cry and bleed!" Harry cried out, shaking his head hard. "and then everything went dark and dizzy a..and..." he shook his head, burying it into Eric's chest. clearly whatever had happened had seriously spooked Harry. but it was information on what Harry was at least. Soul Searchers where very rare. there hadn't been one seen in almost a hundred and fifty years. and they where always swift to punish those who truly deserved it.
Ali sighed quietly, shaking her head as she studied the two before leaning down, and with mistral, picked up the man before frog marching him towards the bedroom,having every intent on finding out what the hell was going on. Mistral leaned down and picked up draco under one arm, shaking the fox a little bit.”You are adorable in this form you know. No wonder Eric likes you.”He teased.

Eric frowned looking startled, staring down at him, before laying him down on the bed, and sitting down on the bed next to him, both mab and eric watching him worriedly, both looking like overanxious grandparents, instead of ancients. “Well then, at least we know whats going on now.”Eric muttered looking bemused at the fae child in front of him,glancing up at ali and mistral.”See him to the tower. We with him later.”he said flickering a look at the captured fae
Draco smirked a little, growling again as the enemy was frog marched out of the way. he blinked at Mistral, looking annoyed at being shaken. "oi! i'll have you know i'm adorable... i mean beautiful in ANY form." he grumbled, shoving his nose in the air like the snobbish lord of an ancient family that he was. "besides, he likes me because i'm amazing as well as pleasing to the eyes." Draco stated with a sniff. "people can't help BUT like me."

Harry snuggled into the blankets and bedding, trembling a little as he tried to recover from the shock of what had happened. Draco watched as Mistral and Ali dragged the new enemy off and sighed a little, shaking his head. "it seams like no matter where Harry goes, he just cant catch a break." he muttered softly, leaning against Eric a little bit, watching Harry as the boy tried to work through what had just happened to him. it was more shock than it was anything else. "so... what was that?" Harry asked after a moment. "what was it that i just did?" he asked, looking at Eric with those emerald eyes of his. "did i really just see into the man's soul?"
Mistral grinned a little at draco’s words.”Oh yes, beautiful, adorable. Similar meanings.”He said looking amused as he headed out with ali to get the fae locked up.

Eric looked up at Draco, smiling slightly before nodding.”well, at least no one tried killing him this time.”he said looking amused as dae rested his head on his thigh, amused that his son was as much at home in a dog’s body, as much as he was in a human one. Absently scratching Dae’s ears as the dog pressed his head into harry’s hands, wanting petted, before nodding.’You did. It is…a rare talent among the fae. It has been nearly two centuries since we’ve seen it.”
Draco scowled at Mistral. "they do NOT mean the same thing!" he protested, sulking a little at the other. "i'm telling your father that you tried to seduce me!" he stated with a huff, Harry snickering a little as he heard that. "it's only a matter of time before someone tries to kill him again." Draco grumbled. "it's like a curse. he couldn't go a full year without almost dying back in Hogwarts." Harry snorted a little and scratched the dogs ears. "it figures... i would be the freaky half blood born with the one power that's rare." he grumbled, rolling his eyes. "do we know how to control it at least? will i always get so dizzy?" there was a pause and then. "my ability to manipulate souls is from my Fey bloodline, isn't it?" Harry asked with a small sigh. "figures... oh well. i'm feeling better now at least. Mab still needs to sleep and i doubt Eric is feeling any better. go to bed the both of you, shoo." Harry ordered even as he himself laid down for a nap. Draco just snickered a little, amused that Harry could tell the Queen of the fey what to do without getting killed for it.
"well, that just means I'll be your bodyguard." "eric, harry will kill you within a week. Besides, Dae's going to be his bodyguard."mab said, at least she showed no signs of ever changing. Always willing to try and set her children up with people, laughing as dae's tail whipped through the air as it wagged.

"We do. After we rest, we will help you gain control." eric said smiling a little, refusing to look disturbed and only looking amused at being ordered about. Shifting as he tugged mab down next to him, despite her protests that she needed to help harry, the two ancients were asleep within minutes.
Harry snorted a little. "i don't need a body guard!" Harry complained petulantly, scowling as he snuggled deeper into his bedding. he didn't protest again, he was asleep in moments, breathing softly as he rested from his rather shocking ordeal. Draco snickered as he watched the three sleep, shaking his head as he motioned for Dea to follow him. "just so you know. if you plan on... seducing Harry. he's a hard catch." he warned the... er, dog. "he's stubborn, and is convinced anyone close to him is going to get hurt. that's why he never takes lovers, never has one night stands... never does anything really. Mab is the first person to get close to harry in YEARS." Draco warned the vampire Fey crossbreed. "be patient with him, he'll come around in a year or two." he promised, giving the dog a nice scratch behind the ears before finding a place where he could curl up for a nap of his own.

later that evening Harry was the first one up, as he usually was, and he slipped out of bed and found himself a nice shower. he felt gross and sticky. he lathered up in soap, and smiled as he thought about how right he felt. even after the experience he'd had with the soul thing... he felt happy, content even. he hummed as he washed himself up, completely uncaring that he had left the door wide open and that he hadn't closed the shower curtains. what did he care of someone saw him naked? one did not live with four other boys in the same dorm room and have a worry about being seen naked. it just wasn't possible.
Dae raised his eyebrows as he paused outside the door, looking bemused at the sight of the man showering. While he was used to the fae’s loose sense of privacy, he hadn’t expected to find a human,even if he was half fae, with it. “Feel better?”He said sticking his head into the bathroom, looking amused having come to see if the man needed anything.
Harry blinked as he looked over at the other, his head cocked to the side. "hmm? oh yes, loads better." Harry admitted with a nod. "i just felt... gross." Harry admitted with a small smile. "is Remus here yet?" yes, the man was. he had practically run all the way from England from the looks of him, and he was sleeping in one of the many guest rooms. "quite staring at my ass and hand me that razor." Harry ordered, pointing to the muggle razor sitting on the sink. it was girly of him, but he tended to shave... certain places. like his legs, and his arms, and his armpits... and... other, areas. he didn't like being hairy... and he didn't care if Dea made fun of him for it the way the other Gryffindors had. he was used to being teased about it, so much so that he barely even noticed it anymore.
“Well, you don’t look gross.”dae teased looking amused before nodding.”Yea. I was coming to tell you he passed out in one of the guest rooms. He’s okay, just tired.”He reassured before frowning, looking bemused at the razor,”Why are you doing this?Is this not a muggle thing?”He said looking thoughtful because he had no idea what to think about the razor. It was just something so weird to be in faerie. And well, he really was distracted with staring at the mans ass.
Harry smirked a little. "well thanks i guess." he muttered, amused by the man's reaction. one would think, being that he was a Fey, he'd be used to nudity. "yeah Remus probobly did a repeated Apparation. he's probobly exaughsted... made good time though." Harry admitted with a small chuckle. "yes it's a muggle thing. it's a blade, that takes the hair off of my body." Harry explained, reaching over and snatching the item from the Fey. "there's a spell that will do it too, but it doesn't work as well." Harry admitted as he started running the Razor along his arms. "see? no more hair. smooth as a baby's ass... wanna feel?" Harry asked with a smirk as he offered his long leg to the other Fey. he'd already done his legs, so it was nothing but pale, smooth, creamy skin.
Dae shrugged a little.”you’re welcome.”he said, and it wasn’t so much the nudity that was getting to him, it was just…well fae didn’t have to shave. So this human thing was fascinating to him. Smirking slightly he studied the man before leaning close, running a hand over his leg before leaning back again. “Very nice. Thank hyne though that fae are naturally smooth. I think it would bother me to shave.”He frowned a little before smirking.”Do vampires have to shave?We could shave father’s head if it’d just grow back.”He said looking bemused at the idea.
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