The Hunting and the Hunted (HP/Anita Blake) Moon/Lady

Mab tilted her head towards her knight, nodding slightly.”Good.Then I shall look.”Mab muttered, glaring at eric as he snorted his laughter. “Lady wicked, looking involves not touching your subjects, and you’re going to be elbow deep in intestines looking for this answer.”he teased lightly, for the first time since gabriella died, totally relaxed, totally back to himself. “I don’t have to torture to get answer. The threat of torture is sometimes enough.” “Not for this crime. Not since you cruxified the last dumbass.”Eric pointed out before looking at harry, raising his eyebrows a little. “No..we didn’t. I was aware…you had been nearly killed…I had not considered it was fae.”he mused, frowning.

Mab sighed quietly, her eyes that deep black, of twilight skies between stars, the endless dark, not evil, just….lightless, dark given form. No wonder her and eric got along. Mother dark’s eldest child, and the fae who was all that dark and winter represented. “No, we did not know, child. But we will soon enough.”She said slowly. Mistral sighed glancing at harry, smirking slightly.”Don’t tell her never mind. She’ll mind this a great deal, and spill blood to please eric.” “She doesn’t do it to please me. She’s just as bloodthirsty.” “Yes, but she doesn’t actually drink it.” “ “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” “Your mother has her perversions, but that’s not one of them.”

“Do either of you realize I’m sitting right here?”Mab asked staring at her son and consort, in a bewildered amusement. As much as she loved her youngest, and her oldest friend, she didn’t understand them at times. Glancing at harry as they pulled into the driveway to the mansion she tilted her head.”I will find whoever did this, harry. And not because Eric wants me to, though he does. But because I once promised that no woman would have to worry about any of the darkling throng in that way, and it seems I have been made a liar.”
Harry looked almost as baffled as Lady Mab did at the by play between Queen Mab's favorites. he was starting to realize that his terror of the Fey realms where completely biased and unfounded and he was, bit by bit, beginning to relax. "mayhaps we should promise a swift death to whoever admits to it." Ambrose mused, looking delighted. "it probobly won't work since they'll know we're lying, but we can at least catch a few suspects that way." Harry studied Eric for a moment and then nodded. "yeah. two of them tried to poison me, when it failed they leaped out of the shadows and tried to stab me. two tried to convince others to try and kill me. took me a while to hunt them idiots down, the bastards. one of them tried to seduce me into bed... would have worked if not for the fact that i don't fuck just anyone. he didn't like that much. apparently not sleeping with him was an insult... the last one just came right up and told me. "i won't let your sin against my lord and master sully his good name! prepare to die you half blood bastard." it was really kind of funny, you know?" Harry asked, looking amused despite his nerves.

"no, i don't know. how is that funny?" Ambrose demanded, looking rather affronted. "our people where trying to kill you without Our Lady's permission!" he paused. "still, that does give us a few clues. there are only a handful of people high enough in Court to allow them to convince another Fey to attack a mortal without proper authorization. and those same handful are also the only ones rich enough to hire a Wild Fea to do it so that they don't need to get permission." Harry glanced at Mab. "i honestly don't think they realize anything at all. i think their brains have long ago gone to vacation and where eaten by sharks or something. they don't seam to be able to think much, because their mouths just sort of run on autopilot." Draco laughed, amused at Harry as he crawled out of the car, actually crawling over Eric so he could be the first one out of the car so he could see the castle better.

"Wow! Eric, do you live here?" Draco asked, his eyes sparkling with delight. "we're going to live here right? or somewhere equally amazing?" "remarkable." Harry muttered. "in front of all of these overly powerful people, and he's still clinging to you." Harry muttered, flashing Eric a smirk. "you better run, for some reason, Draco actually likes you. you'll never get rid of him now." he looked at Queen Mab, his head cocked to the side before he shook his head. he doubted she'd try very hard to catch his mothers rapist. if it turned out to be someone high up, like a duke or a Lord or however it worked, whatever the case, it would be swept under the rug as it always was.
“Anyone who saw what happened to Slate, knows that we’d be lying if we promised a quick death.”Eric said tilting his head towards ambrose before smirking slowly. “We could have a wild hunt. Could you imagine putting the lords who are high enough to do this, on a hunt like that, with mab as the huntress?”Eric said sounding absolutely delighted at the idea. OH yea, he would totally enjoy the thought of doing it. “I think Mab has a idea of what she wants.”Eric said after a moment as he got out of the car behind the others, smirking slightly that draco was indeed still staying with him. “I do. I will call the court, as soon as we go inside.”mab said looking amused at the sight of vampire and werefox.

“Part of the year, yes I do. The other half I live in Copenhagen.” “He does. Its truly pathetic, really. You’ll have to stay here, draco, his apartment in the city it utterly ridiculous and small. Sorta like him, now that I think about it.”Mistral said smirking, flickering a look over eric before shrugging a little as they headed inside. “I wasn’t going to try and get rid of him.”Eric muttered shrugging a little before glancing at harry as the other’s started walking.”Don’t make the mistake of judging her by what a human would do harry. She was never human, so wont play by the same rules. But she has her own sense of rules, and rape breaks some of the most sacred ones for her. She wont let it pass.”the vampire muttered before heading up the stairs, seemingly moving away from the topic.
Harry and Draco both looked confused. "what's a Wild Hunt?" Draco asked curiously, his head cocked to the side. Harry was avoiding speaking to them. he didn't want to talk to them at all really. "Copenhagen?" Draco asked, looking vaguely dismayed. he didn't know where that was but from the sounds of it, it wasn't a pleasant place. what place could be nice after being named Copenhagen? "oh hell no! you are NOT cramming me into a tiny little apartment Eric!" Draco complained with a sniff. "i am a creature of refinement and taste... that means i deserve to live in a castle! i will live with Mab while you are in..." here he sneered. "Copenhagen." Harry snickered a little and shook his head. "Draco... are you REALLY intending to be Monogamous? i've NEVER seen you date only one person, bot even in Hogwarts you slut." "if Eric wants me to be loyal to him, and only to him, then i will be... otherwise, i'll just ask him before i go screw someone senseless." Harry laughed at that, amused as he grinned at Eric. "better tighten that boy's leash." he teased as Ambrose winked at Eric and then turned to flirt with Draco. Ambrose was as straight as they came, but he loved to screw with people's heads, and flirting with the pretty fox would do that.

"Human or not. i know better than to expect any good to come of this." Harry stated simply, shaking his head a little as he headed inside. "she set the rules, so too can she break them. and i won't allow myself to have hope. besides, i will never be a Fey. it is stupid to try and make a place for myself here." he stated firmly. "i am going home, no matter what happens in this 'court'. and this 'Wild Hunt' whatever the hell that is." he had to admit though... all the ambient energy in the castle... it felt really nice. like walking into a place that was home. even Hogwarts had failed to feel like this after his sixteenth birthday. he felt... welcomed, safe, accepted. he was only a halfling but he was more powerful because of it. he found it even harder to keep himself repressed as he followed Mab around.
“It’s the fae version of hunting. With hounds and everything.”Eric answered looking amused before smirking at draco’s reaction. “It’s not that tiny.And be my guest to stay here, Mab will find you interesting.”Eric said smirking at the queen as she looked at him. “Are you giving me permission to seduce your fox?” “No,but you must admit, he is interesting.”He said looking amused at harry and draco’s words, shrugging a little.”I’ll have to get him a leash.”He mused, shaking his head a little as ambrose flirted.

“The longer you stay here, the more you’ll fae,child.”Mab said as she paused to look at him, before leading them upstairs so they could see their rooms, wincing a little as she saw her two eldest waiting for them. She had hoped the twins would be away for the day, if only because she didn’t want to explain to draco their relationship just yet. But looking at the twins, there was no mistaking who their father was, even if they were not as tall as Eric, they were his mirror reflection, so close to him that they used to play games with the seelie fae by dressing up as eric, freaking out their cousins by pretending to be the ancient vampire. While mistral was eric’s grandson on his father’s side, there was no mistaking the vampire was mab’s son, the fact that mab had children by several different men, was common knowledge, and their bloodlines all tended to get tangled up after awhile.

“Ali, Dae, when did you two get back from Copenhagen?” “Just a bit ago.When we realized…eric…was coming here instead of going there.”Ali answered, the tall blond woman smirking a little as she skipped her usual greeting to her father, watching him hover protectively over the werefox, made her want to make sure not to risk ruining their relationship until she understood what was happening.
Harry and Draco nodded at the explanation and Harry shuddered a little. "Hell Hounds... god i hate Hell Hounds." Harry muttered softly and Ambrose whipped his head around to stare at Harry, several years ago, two hounds had went missing from the kennels... they had assumed the Dogs hadn't been locked up properly and had simply run away, but... if Harry spoke like that, then he knew what they where, and most likely, had been attacked by them. had some fey assassin stolen their hounds to attack Harry!? "you came across Hell Hounds?" Draco asked, eyes wide as Harry nodded. "yes, two of them. their viscous, and once set upon a prey they kill anything in their way until they reach that prey. they don't stop hunting until they are dead, or their prey is. i have scars." Harry admitted and Ambrose swallowed thickly, glancing at Mab. they'd best keep the hounds away from Harry then.

"i don't want to Freaken Fea!" Harry hissed at Mab. "i want to go home and be left alone!" but that was a lie, and they could all see it. he liked it there... and that was probobly why he was so upset. Draco paused as he looked upon the twins, his eyes widening a little as he examined them and then examined Eric, a sly little grin slipping across his lips as mischief glittered in his eyes. he knew exactly what was going on now. he was a clever little shit after all, and all the evidence was standing right there, slapping him in the face. but for once, he didn't start teasing or mocking anyone. he didn't want to upset Eric after he finally, finally started to feel better. he leaned back into Eric as he was hovered and he looked up at the other. "what's wrong? your hovering." he stated softly, his head cocked to the side. "are these guys dangerous or something?... your siblings? they look just like you." well, maybe he'd tease, just a little bit. Harry choked back his laugh, well aware that Draco knew exactly what was going on. Harry also knew that Draco didn't care. Eric could sleep with anyone he wanted to as far as Draco was concerned. Foxes where very Loyal, they mated for life... but they still had sex with other foxes. they mated to one fox, who was a good father and home taker and such, and then the female went out and fucked the biggest and the strongest fox she could find to raise big, good kits. Draco was the same way. Eric could go and screw anyone he liked, so long as he always came back to Draco.
Eric’s head snapped around, and mab stared at them, both vampire and fae for the moment to shocked to say anything. IT seemed that harry was going to be good at scaring the crap out of them for awhile. “…it seems I have more of a enemy then I thought.”Mab muttered as she considered what it meant that someone, had stolen her personal hounds to hunt the boy. Tilting her head at ambrose she nodded a little before looking at mab.”You will not be left alone, even if we left you there. You still have a enemy, child, and it seems that I’m going to have to find them.”He muttered.

Dae smirked at his father as he studied the fox, before tilting his head at draco.”He’s cute,eric.”He muttered. “I am not. Nothing’s wrong.”Eric muttered stepping away to make sure he wasn’t hovering before tensing a little, swallowing hard. Trying to figure out how to answer before shaking his head.”No, they are…well…I…” “What Eric is trying to say, is that he’s our father, a result of his wild youth, vixen.”Ali smirked a little at the werefox looking amused.
Harry paused, lifting an eyebrow. "what?" he demanded, feeling distinctly nervous with everyone staring at him. "nothing, it's just... not many people can take on two hell hounds and come out with only scars..." Ambrose explained calmly as Harry studied Mab intently. "you have an enemy?" he asked, looking confused and Ambrose piped up. "someone stole Queen Mab's personal property to attack you against her knowledge and without her permission. that makes them an enemy to both her, and you." Harry blinked a little, looking rather surprised, his head cocked to the side a little. "oh..." he made a face. "i'm not even going to be able to take a piss on my own, am i?" he asked, Ambrose snickering as he shook his head. "no. now that you're here, whoever is trying to kill you is going to no doubt double their efforts so that they don't get caught. everyone knows the penalties of Rape. and this one is about to be caught practically red handed." Ambrose admitted simply and Harry sighed and closed his eyes. "well... it's no worse than sixth year..." he muttered softly, shaking his head. "i can handle this... i can..." he seamed more like he was trying to convince himself than anyone else.

Draco smirked a little as he watched Dae, his eyes studying the man who looked so much like Eric. he didn't smell like Eric though, Eric smelled better. Draco rolled his eyes at Eric, shaking his head a little before smirking as Eric stuttered, mischievousness flashing in his eyes again. "so he's not Wild anymore?" Draco asked with a pout. "because eventually i'm going to want Kit's of my own, and that means he's going to have to be willing to sleep with the occasional female." he stated simply, tapping his lips as Ambrose choked on air in his shock at the brazen young fox. "not to mention i do like to watch on occasion. i won't touch women myself, can't stand how soft and lumpy they are..." he admitted before grinning at Eric's daughter and Mab. "no offense." Harry had shoved his fist in his mouth to keep from laughing at Eric. Draco had pretty much just given Eric a free pass to fuck anyone he wanted to. "you know... you really are cute." Draco stated, smirking as he examined Dae. "maybe if Eric get's bored with me, we could hook up, hmm?"
“A queen always has enemies, though whether they are in my own court, or from the seelie throng, I do not know.”Mab said before snickering a little, shaking her head.”oh no. Though I am sure if you do not feel comfortable with Eric or Ambrose tailing you, I am sure Mistral or Dae would be open to seeing that you are well.”Mab’s voice dropped to a teasing whisper, that said she was going to say something that eric wouldn’t like, but that the queen found definitely amusing.”They get their love for the exotic from Eric. Eric leaves a impression on his children more then any others, it is truly adorable.” “I am not adorable!”Eric growled.

Dae raised his eyebrows looking amused, even as Ali and Mab stared at the werefox in bemused silence. It wasn’t often that someone had the same views on sex as one of the fae, without being fae themselves. And the man really was brazen in thinking he could keep Eric from doing what he wanted, though the way his father was hovering, said that the fox probably could. “None taken, women disturb me as sex partners to.”Ali agreed, a playful, echo of eric’s smirk curled her lips. Looking at her father she was amused to see that even after these centuries, there was something that could surprise the vampire. Raising his eyebrows, Dae snorted laughing.”Oh no. Can’t. Sorry, pretty vixen. Father finds it disturbing when we sleep with the same people. Something about being mistaken for each other, or some such nonsense.”

“Having one of the lady’s say your name instead of mine, scarred me for life.”Eric growled through clenched teeth, turning his head to look at mab.”We better get some sleep. The courtiers are going to be here bright and early, and we have a wild hunt to plan then.”
Harry nodded a little as he considered that. "that's right, there are two courts. i had forgotten." Harry muttered. he was starting to relax. these people where... normal, somehow. they acted like people did, he had never expected that. they joked, and had families, and worried about the same things that he did. he suddenly wondered what it would have been like if he'd been born with his Fae side intact... would he have been rescued from the Dursely's? protected from the hateful world of wizards? would his mother still be alive? his father maybe? he shot Queen Mab a sharp glance. "are you trying to set me up?" he asked, looking utterly befuddled. "your seriously trying to set me up with your children?" well.. maybe they weren't so 'normal' after all, but from the way Ambrose was snickering, it was normal behavior for this odd little family at least. "you are SO adorable." Draco teased looking delightfully wicked. He laughed at Ali's comment and took her arm, beaming at her. "let's go paint our nails and trade stories about Eric!" he ordered with a sly grin. "did you know that he talks in his sleep? i have found the most delicious little bits of blackmail! and besides Mister Eric's firstborn son. you don't smell a THING like your father. i could never mistake you for him." he teased with a smirk as he glanced at Eric. "i'll see you later Eric! i want some Girl time!" Harry snorted and shook his head.

"he's SO gay..." Harry grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. "how i never noticed this in Hogwarts, i will never know..." he muttered, shaking his head as he looked at Mab. "i'm exaughsted... can i be taken to my room?" he asked hopefully. he had a migraine starting. he knew it was because he was still repressing his Fey side, but he couldn't help it. he'd been repressing it for so long, he didn't know how to stop. he'd nearly died when he came into his powers, because he had been repressing them, even then. they had nearly killed him trying to escape, and only Harry's fierce Will kept them tame and dormant without killing him in the end. now his powers and bloodline where roiling, woken by the ambient magic in the air, and they wanted free. and Harry didn't know how to release them. it was going to be a long, long painful process trying to keep his Fey half under control. somehow, he knew that the Fey in the group around him, wasn't going to allow him to repress himself any longer. whether he was willing or not, his powers would be unlocked, and he had his doubts about being allowed to leave after.
Mab smirked at Harry’s sharp look, giving him a shrug. “Of course. What mother would not try to set up their sons with someone they both find attractive?”She asked, ignoring the loud whistling sound coming from both boys, as if a teakettle was boiling over. Oh yes, this was normal behavior for mab, and it still disturbed her sons. And he hadn’t even met the 4 in the middle, between the twins and mistral. Oh yes, this odd little family was amusing.

Ali grinned looking down at the fox, “I did. Mother finds things to blackmail him over all the time. And dae, stop teasing father. You know he’ll still kick your ass.”She said to her twin before leading draco towards her rooms.

“Yes, lets get you to sleep.Mistral, Dae, see him there.”Mab said helpfully, ignoring the whistling sound that was their repressed grumbles whistling through their teeth before they showed the other to his rooms. Even if the twins, and Mistral allowed harry to repress himself, eric and mab weren’t. And queen and consort were definitely up to something.

In the morning Mab glanced up at Harry and draco as they walked into the dining room, a look that was full of lazy contentment, that said her consort had been well used last night, and probably why Eric hadn’t appeared at the table yet. “Good morning.”She said before tilting her head a little.”We are using shadowhounds in the hunt today, I would like if you rode with us harry. It is something that every fae, even a halfing, should experience.”She said, glad that she had a choice in dogs. While not as vicious as hellhounds, the shadowhounds were just as good at tracking prey, and since the hunt was about seeing who reacted to harry’s presence, and not the hunt, it meant she didn’t need her best dogs.
Harry snorted a little and glanced over at the two who where whistling, lifting his eyebrows at the sharp sounds, wondering what that meant. did all Fey make noises like that? why was he getting those looks? he felt uneasy again but said nothing as he was led away, Draco snickering a little as he shook his head. Draco was going to have a fun time, that he knew. granted, the blond almost always had a good time. he could be in the pits of hell itself and still have a smile on his face the creepy little bastard. he snorted a little as Mistral and Dae whistled again, now recognizing it as signs of annoyance and displeasure. well at least he wasn't the only one creeped out by Mab.

in the morning draco was practically beaming. he LOVED this place! in stark contrast, Harry looked like utter hell. he had circles under his eyes, and he looked a touch green. his fey powers where certainly doing a number on him, not that he could help it. he sat at the table, took more than his fair share of breakfast and grumbled into the food as he stuffed himself silly. the more he ate the less the Fey side of him complained. so long as he was full, it hurt less. "Shadow Hounds?" Draco asked curiously. "mmm. i haven't met Shadow hounds yet." Harry admitted finally looking up from his meal. "i have heard stories though. best trackers in the world right?" he asked, smirking a little. "alright, i'll ride with you. i'm fairly decent on a horse." he was more than decent actually. like most Fey, he was a natural on a horse. and on a griffon. and on a Hippogryph... and a Thestril. and a broom. Fey where made to go fast and high after all. "where's Eric?" "sleeping still." Draco stated with a smirk. "he had a sex marathon last night i'd imagine.." there was a flicker of something in Draco's eyes. nervous because he and Eric still hadn't done the dirty deed, and he was beginning to wonder if Eric wasn't just stringing him along or something.
"they are. And my dogs are the best of them."mab smiled looking amused, glancing over at draco."think russian wolfhounds. Big beasts of a dog."she described before growing serious as she looked harder at him."Eric is still sleeping because he's obsessive and we spent the night talking instead of having as much sex as I wanted."mab said tilting her head a little."he likes you, vixen. Even if he is disturbed by his attraction...I do not understand this, and he could not explain why he is resistant." " mother, one day Eric is going to get fed up with you playing matchmaker."Dae said as he walked in, sliding into the seat next to harry, unlike the rest of his family, he was a early riser like mab, no matter how late it had been when he went to sleep
Draco blinked at her, his head tilted a little. "no, i'm pretty sure you stayed up all night having sex." he teased at her with a small smirk and a snicker, her words easing up the worry that was in him. for now anyway. the truth was, Draco was very self conscious because of his father. he was always waiting for the bad to come, for the betrayal or the pain. he hid it very well, but he was always watching, and always waiting. "it's alright. i'm sure Eric won't run away from me." Draco chirped with a smile. "i won't let him." he teased her with a wink, looking up at Dae as he walked in, smirking at the eldest son, his head cocked to the side. "but playing matchmaker is fun... for example. your sister and i made reservations for you and Harry at some fancy restaurant. wear a tux." Harry sputtered and cursed and finally threw a knife at Draco's head... or rather where Draco had been. the Vixen was off, laughing at Harry who groaned and set his hands to his temples, massaging away the headache that was coming back with a vengeance. "i don't want to go on a date. i want to go lay in bed with a hard shot of vodka and just go to sleep." he complained under his breath, Ambrose sighing as he walked in. "Harry. your going to be in pain the longer you repress..." "you think i don't know that!? i don't even want to BE here!" he spat. "i wouldn't be here at all if it wasn't for the fact that Draco is a backstabbing druggist bastard!" Harry hissed. his headache and exhaustion making him short tempered.
"no he wont. No matter how much he's settinghis heels down about seducing you."mab said sounding amused, before laughing in delight at draco's words"good. A night out would be good for you darling." dae stared at his mother like she'd finally lost it before sighing quietly, the sound whistling through his teeth. Yep, harry was right. The whistling was a sign of deep displeasure for this family, even if it never had any affect on how mab acted."join the hunt.if you are that determined to leave, I am sure mother wold let you go after wards"dae said hiding his smirk. Cause mab might choose to let harry leave, but the heir to the dark thorne was pretty certain neither eric or mistral would allow it. His younger brother was quite adorable in his worry over the halfing
Draco smirked a little and shook his head. "well then, maybe i have to seduce him?" he mused thoughtfully, Harry snorting a little. "Draco. you can't 'seduce' anything. your about as subtle as a rampaging giant. just tie the idiot down and have your way with him." Draco looked rather horrified. "that's a little too close to raping him for my comfort." Draco admitted, shaking his head as Harry shrugged. "just remember that no means no and you'll be fine." Draco snorted at that as Harry rested his head in his arms. he was so tired, and his head hurt. "i highly doubt you people will just let me go." Harry stated with a roll of his eyes. "i'm not so stupid as to think i'm just going to walk out of here." not to say he wasn't going to try to sneak out. he just had to avoid Eric and Mab, they where the ones who would be trouble when it came to his escape. "well... can i come on the hunt too?" Draco asked hopefully. "i've never been on a hunt before!" he admitted with a grin. "i can play as Eric's cute pet fox. i'll even let him put a leash on me!" from the wickedness in his eyes, he knew that Eric was there. "i'd look gorgeous in a powder blue i think... Harry do you have any re-sizable collars?" "yes i do actually." Harry admitted with a grin. "i use them on Lupin. here." Harry chirped, digging through his bag before handing Draco a striking black and blue collar. "i'll even have Eric's name added to it if you want."
“You might just have to. Father does enjoy bondage.”Dae piped up smirking a little. The fae weren’t as shy and embarrassed at matters of love as most humans, and Dae had been alive nearly 400 years as it was, born in Eric’s youth. So he’d had a long time to get used to his parents having sex, especially since it was mab and eric they were talking about, and neither had any sense of shame. “Well, I would. Not so sure about father…or eric…or Mistral….My vampire brother tells me you smell amazing.”dae snorted laughing before shaking his head in bemusement at draco’s excitement. “of course you can come. It will be interesting.”Mab said smirking a little as eric stepped into the room, twitching a little. “It disturbs me that you use those on the werewolf, potter.”Eric grumbled, definitely not a morning person as he settled at the table, and sipped the blood one of the servants had brought him.
Draco snickered a little and nodded. "Perhaps i will." he mused, nodding a little. "i'm really amazed you could say that without horror on your face, or a blush for that matter. i'm really starting to love this place." Draco admitted with a laugh. they both ignored the comment about smelling amazing. Draco because he knew it, and Harry because he really didn't want to think about it. "sweet!" Draco chirped happily as he strapped the collar around his neck with an impish grin, lifting an eyebrow at Eric. "what do you think? how do i look?" he asked, flirting coyly with the Vampire. well aware that a man into Bondage would get a good kick to see a boy as pretty as Draco, willingly wearing a collar. "they have repressive qualities on werewolves." Harry explained simply. "Runes did what Potions couldn't. as long as Remus wore one during the full moons, he kept his mind during the transformations." he admitted simply. "he was embarrassed as hell, but he got over it when the moon came up and he didn't have to worry about accidentally killing anyone."
“I am neither human, nor young. I know my parents have sex on a regular-and loud-basis.”Dae said smirking a little. Eric smirked as he looked at Draco, leaning back in his chair as he sipped his bloodwine, reaching out and wrapping his fingers under the collar and pulling him into a kiss before leaning back looking at his son.”You’ve been talking.” “Why must it be me who talked?Mother finds your….perversions….as amusing as I do. She could have told him.” “Yes,she could have. But lady wicked would have waited till I was in the room to do so.”Eric pointed out.

“Once again, people talk about me as if I am not here…I think I shall go on a hunt now. Are you coming?”Mab said smirking as she raised her eyebrows at all the men, before sweeping out of the room. “Not yet, darling,but I am sure I will be!”Eric called after her before pulling draco and harry out of their seats.”come on then. The others are probably already waiting.”
Draco snickered a little at that and shook his head. "you poor boy... i can't imagine how traumatic your childhood must have been." he teased before blinking, startled at Eric as those fingers closed around his collar. he hummed into the kiss and broke it off with a bright grin, Harry snickering a little as he shook his head at Draco's antics. he had to admit... he rather liked this too, being here, surrounded by people who made him feel safe and content. he wanted to go home so he could be miserable again. Draco yipped and with a pop he was in full fox form, the tiny fox trotting next to Eric, tail held high and nose in the air, looking every bit a snooty, pampered pet. "if you keep up all those sexual innuendos, i do beleive i might be sick." Harry commented simply as he followed Mab to the horse stables. he took the long way around because he refused to enter the Hell Hound Kennels. he didn't want any more scars, thank you very much. he managed to impress Ambrose when Harry swung up onto a horse without a saddle or any assistance. "Harry prefers to go bareback." Draco commented, wiggling his eyebrows... an impressive thing considering he was still in his tiny little fox form and was draped around Eric's neck like a scarf.
“It was traumatic. Is it really any wonder all my siblings are the way they are?”he said snickering a little as they walked outside. Eric grinned as he looked down at the fox, “Now, we wouldn’t want you to get sick now. We’ll behave.”Eric added as he swung into the saddle. “Lord vampire, you wouldn’t know how to behave if it bit you in the ass.”One of the lords smirked as he nudged his horse closer, looking amused as they headed out into the fields. “Bali, stop being an ass. Surely you have better things to do, then harass Eric.”Mab said vaguely, annoyed that even after so many years the lords hated eric, was annoyed that he shared her bed. It was truly distressing to a woman, who was distressed by few things.
Draco snickered a little and shook his head a little as he turned to glare at the lord, growling as his soft fur bristled. Harry guided his horse out to the fields, his eyes narrowed a little his head tilted a little. "so how do we know when we have someone's attention?" he asked Mistral. "what happens if the idiot who... broke the law is one of the people on the hunt?" he asked, blinking at Mistral. Draco snarled at the Lord Bali before he settled atop the horses head. he was small enough that the horse barley even noticed him. "Lady Mab. just have his head taken off." Harry pointed out, looking at her. "if they annoy you about who you sleep with, then why should they be suffered to live?" he asked, blinking at the other woman. "you are the Queen, shut him up." he flashed her a wink, showing that he was more screwing with Bali's head than making any real suggestions. "if anything else, demote his ass to pooper scooper for a few weeks. that should make him clean up his act."
“Someone will notice you are here. Maybe slip up, we shall see.”Mistral muttered as he nudged his horse to stay close to harry, watching his siblings, frowning a little at one of the middle brothers, Justin, speaking with one of the other lords. As many of the fae that were here, he couldn’t imagine that any would betray them and attack harry, but here were the only ones with access to the dogs, and therefore, someone here betrayed them. He just didn’t like the implications.

Eric muttered a soothing sigh, reaching up to rub draco’s ears as they started walking, before looking at harry. “Ah, but if I killed all who protested to a vampire in my bed, I would have no court.”He said smiling a little before smirking.”Though, I think I do like the idea of pooper scooper. Maybe I should delegate them to cleaning up after the hellhounds.”
Harry nodded a little, his emerald eyes flicking around as he studied the people around him. he didn't like this one little bit. "and if it's a full conspiracy? several Fey covering for the sins of one?" he asked, his eyes flicking to Mistral. it was a common problem in the human realm. Lucius was very good at it. all he had to do was get three or four people saying he didn't do it, and he was off scott free. "i'd almost feel better just dosing every last one of them with Truth Serum. and even if we find out who did it, it won't stop my problems. there will still be Fey coming after me, because i got one of their own killed. guilty or not, no one will really care. they will only see me as an upstart little half-blood making problems." he looked at Mistral again. "if you really think about it. i was safer having never come here in the first place..." he sighed a little and stroked his horse, shaking his head. "i like it here too much... but i can never stay. a thing like me would never be welcomed here, no matter how you want it to be so." Draco whined at Harry who smiled at Draco. "don't give me that look. you know it's true." he smirked at Mab then. "make them clean your toilette with their own toothbrushes. make them scrub floors, darn sheets, and other 'servant' things. find the nastiest, most disgusting things you can think to make them do. they might still hate him, but they'll stop bitching about it where you can hear them."
“Then, eric’s going to get great enjoyment out of personally interrogating everyone. He likes fairy blood.”Mistral said shrugging with the careless grace of a man who was used to the violence that surrounded them. “You will be a upstart with eric northman standing behind you. Any fae will hopefully have the sense to not give him a excuse to look in their direction.”Mistral sighed softly, because he knew things wouldn’t be simple. “You are not a thing, and you are not the only halfing here. Due to…dae and ali’s unique bloodline…the fae see them as less…at least they did, until Dae proved violent enough to stop them from protesting his right as heir.”He shrugged.

“I think I like that. Toilet cleaning.”Mab hummed a little to herself thinking, shifting a little in the saddle as the dogs started running after a rabbit the twins had flushed from the forest.
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