The Hunting and the Hunted (HP/Anita Blake) Moon/Lady

Harry snorted a little and rolled his eyes as Anita gaped at him. "you fed on JESUS!?" she demanded, utterly horrified. "you... you can't feed on the savior!" "i thought God was the savior?" Harry asked, looking confused. "Jesus is the one who died for our sins." "...but we pray to god for that." "yes, Jesus died so we could pray instead of slaughter helpless animals." "...god condoned ritual sacrifice?" "what!? no... i mean... oh god it's impossible to talk to you!" she yelled at Harry, Draco's fist in his mouth to keep from laughing. "doesn't bite as much as Cold steal." Harry complained, rubbing where the knife had been lodged in his back. "shockingly enough, it was the steal in the knife that saved my life. cauterized the wound before i bled out. when Ed yanked out the knife, there was only just a little bit of poison in my system." Harry admitted, shaking his head. "hurt like a bitch!" he grumbled before grinning at the other. "so i hear Draco's been bossing you around?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "your not whipped already are you?"
“Why not?You do it all the time in church. You even say let this be the blood of the savior, or something. I’ve never actually attended church. Its awkward.”Eric mused before smirking a little, “Heyyyy… worshipping pagan over here, don’t go hating on the ritual sacrifice. Its in the bible to. Abraham sacerfices a lamb, and damn near sacrifices his son.”Eric chirped before laughing a little. “Yea, cold iron sucks. You need to go to Sweden. Mab has the coolest toys in dealing with iron.”he said before raising his eyebrows at the fox.”No, I’m just enjoying not being in charge for once. If I go home, it means I have to be in charge again. And I don't want to."he whined. Liar, liar. For a man who said he didn't enjoy it anymore, he'd spent wayyyy to long of a time this past week helping jean-claude out with some management things.
Anita scowled and grumbled and scoffed and sulked but even she had to admit... they where right. dammit. still, she still had her faith. "i am not having anything to do with the Fey Eric so you can just drop it." Harry hissed, his eyes flashing before he spun on his heal and stalked away and it was Draco who spoke. "it was hard to beleive." he murmured softly. "but there was a rumor floating about our seventh year... that Harry wasn't Jame's Potter's son... that he was the son of a rapist, who caught Lily Potter unaware in a dark Alley somewhere." he glanced at Eric. "i doubt that's the truth, or that it's the full truth anyway... but i wouldn't push him too hard on that one." he warned softly before following Harry into a restaurant where Harry was getting them all a table. he was hungry after being in a Coma for a week. "...hey Eric?" Draco asked suddenly, looking at the other. "when you go back to Sweden... can i go with you? we'll talk Harry into going with us. his continued refusal to accept his Fey side is starting to make him sick."
Eric made a face, watching harry go.”Potter!Caesar once told me he wasn’t going to Egypt!And I just wrapped him up in a blanket and went with him.”He yelled after him, because he had every intention of making sure mab met the boy, willing or not. Eric Northman could pretend to be nice, and was one of the more human of the vampires, but even Eric had the limits of what he was willing to put up with. Wrinkling his nose at draco’s words he bounced on his toes a little, like a little kid who was thinking to hard before nodding.”I shall talk to Mab.”he said deciding to call, at least to get the ball rolling and see if she had any news on this rapist, after all even the unseelie sidhe had their rules, and rape was definitely one that earned the harshest of punishments from the queen of air and darkness. Glancing at draco he raised his eyebrows a little before nodding.”Yes, you may go. Mentioning mab, reminded me that I must keep collecting exotic things, and people, otherwise she will never talk to me.”he mused teasing the other a little, because him and mab had a weird, goal oriented relationship that few understood, and only eric and mab truly got. Settling into the seat he absently rested a arm over the back of draco’s chair as he watched everyone talking and chatting as they ate, turning his head slightly, frowning a little. As if sensing something, but not sure what he was feeling.
Harry didn't even twitch at Eric's words. he just kept right on walking as if he had heard nothing at all. Draco smiled a little and wrapped his arm around Eric's. "Potter is stubborn. even more so than you are. he won't want anything to do with the Fey. especially when Harry's few encounters where of them trying to kill him." here Draco paused. "i don't know why, but considering it's Harry, whoever raped his mother was probobly high up on the ladder and has been trying to kill him ever since he came into his inheritance and found out he was half Fey." Draco admitted. "so i don't know if talking to Queen Mab would do anyone any good. for all we know the rapist was her own son. what then?" he paused and then smirked a little. "and i'm exotic?" he asked with a small snicker. Harry gobbled down his food like a madman, and like most Fey, and wizards, he could eat twice as much as the others. granted, Draco didn't eat much to begin with, and Anita was a woman so that wasn't saying much. but considering Harry ate two half pound bacon cheeseburgers and two sides of fries plus a milkshake, it was pretty impressive. "... so this Mab..." Harry stated suddenly. "she can find out who raped my mother?" Harry finally asked, his emerald eyes fixed solely on Eric. "you can promise me he'll suffer tot he highest extent of the Law?"
Eric hummed as he considered what he was hearing, wondering what he was going to figure out before snickering,coughing ever so slightly. Shaking his head at draco’s look he shook it off. “Just considering mab’s reaction if it was her son. It would be….interesting.And delicious. So much fae blood spilled.”He said sounding slightly creepy, and a lot drunk at the very idea.

Eating a little after they got their he looked up slightly tilting his head. “Ys. She can find out.”he said simply before snickering a little at the idea of someone not suffering for the crime. Looking at harry’s face as he calmed he shrugged a little in explanation of his laughter.” Think of every fairy tale villainess you’ve ever heard of. Think of wicked witches, the evil queens, and the mad enchantresses. Think of the alluring sirens, the hungry orgresses, and the savage she-beasts. Think of them, and remember, at one time they had been real, and worshipped at Mab’s feet, as one would praise a goddess. She was their teacher, their Svengali, and she has her own twisted sense of morals. She will see that they are punished, and will glory in the spilled blood.”

“You forgot your favorite quote from her, Northman. ‘The white Christ never suffered so long or so terribly as did this rapist. Three days on a tree. Hardly enough time for a prelude. When it came to visiting agony, the romans were hobbyists.”The vampire walking towards them was as blond as eric, or at least it appeared to be until you realized his hair was actually spun silver, and his eyes were looked like shattered ice, his pupils broken into jagged lines like ice instead of the usual circle.

Eric turned his head,raising his eyebrows slightly.”You are far from home, Mistral.”
Draco lifted an eyebrow at Eric, his head cocked to the side, startled before he realized that if Harry WAS her son's son... then Mab wouldn't really need her son to continue the royal line because she'd have Harry for that. as far as he could recall, the Few didn't really care if you where half something else. Power was what was important, and Harry had a lot of power. Harry blinked at Eric, a small frown on his face as he tried to understand what the man was talking about. "yes, i understand that Mab and Tatiana are the queens of the universe." Harry finally stated with a roll of his eyes before tensing violently as he realized that there was someone else talking, someone who was distinctly just like him. a Fey. he snarled under his breath and tensed as he realized he was trapped on the inside of the table. he couldn't get free if he was attacked! he growled again and wondered what this bastard Fey was doing there? was he there to try and finish the job that the six fey before him had failed to do? or was he here for something else? he didn't know, he didn't care.

Draco was openly gaping at the new man, recognizing him as a Vampire even as Harry recognized the man as a Fey. the stranger was beautiful, and thickly powerful but much to Draco's shock... he didn't really seam to care. yes the man was very nice to look at, but he felt more of an urge to snuggle into Eric and glare at the newcomer than he did to flirt with him.... which was very odd behavior for him, really. Draco had never made a claim to anyone before and now that he had... it was freaking him out a little that there was someone who was prettier than he himself was hanging around. "Far from home? then he should go back before he never gets to go back." Harry growled, slipping a gun out of it's holster, a very special one. he had to load this one with gloves, because the bullets where made from iron, instead of copper. Harry had burned his fingers more than once loading the thing, but it had saved his life six times now, and he didn't doubt this would be a seventh. one could never trust the Fey. not even the child ones.
Eric winced a little looking amused."you asked if she'd punih who raped your mother. Maybe a simplier answer is yes, she'll spill so much of their blood that it'll be a vampire's feast day." "cold iron wont work, halfing, I have a foot in either world, and am of neither" Mistral sqid realizing harry was arming himself.

"mistal, stop being annoying. What are you doing away from leanasandre?" "Her Wickedness asked me to fetch you. You made a mess at home, you need to come fix it." mistral smirked a little at draco"I was also told to tell you to bring the fox, and the halfing. And the nercomancer if she wants to were always a collector of the exotic and rare, but this is riddiculous eric."

"Jealous mistral? That I found others?" "not really. The sex wasnt that good."

Really, for two men who'd been alive as long as they had been, and mistral was only a few years younger then eric, it was like listening to teenagers
Harry nodded at the answer and his eyes narrowed at Mistral. "i could take your head off with a Basilisk Venom lined sword. bet that would kill you." Harry hissed, baring fangs that he hadn't let down in years. in fact, he hadn't hissed in years, not since the last failed 'assassination' attempt. Harry glared at Mistral and Draco scowled and leaned against Eric, baring his teeth at Mistral much like Harry was doing. though Harry's was defensive, and Draco's was possessive. "your both acting like idiotic children. Harry stop hissing like that, Draco, be nice!" Anita ordered as she stood up. "Dinners on Harry i beleive?" Harry just nodded, glaring at Mistral as he slid out of the booth. he refused to turn his back on the Fey, so he walked around the other, always keeping his face to Mistral as he walked backwards to the counter, his eyes flashing dangerously and Draco looked rather furious that Eric had sex with Mistral and he sulked. was that why Eric didn't want anything to do with Draco romantically? he was used to prettier men? wow that was a blow to his Ego.
“I wouldn’t do that Harry. Mab is fairly fond of him, and you want her help.” “Oh thanks, dad, I appreciate it. I feel about five now, having you talk like that.” “You are five,youngling.”Eric said snickering a little because while it was…true in a round about way, the fae’s terms of what incest was and wasn’t, and the fact that both mistral and eric came from a time when it wasn’t a big deal, made their relationship even odder. The fact that eric was Mistral’s not only great-grand father, along with being his maker-at least the vampire half- just made things interesting. “I could just order you to shut up.”

“You could,but you wont. Leanna finds me to amusing, and you dislike it when she tries to jump you. Stick with the pretty fox, he’s good for you.”Mistral said snickering a little as they headed for the door. “You okay?”Eric muttered nudging draco again, looking at him worried. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to have sex with draco, he did. But it was that…he was mourning, and hiding just how deeply gabriella’s death had wounded him, and in doing so, he had to keep draco at arm’s length so the man wouldn’t realize just how broken he was.
Harry snorted a little. "i don't NEED her help. i don't NEED to see the bastard who sired me punished. i just WANT to." Harry growled. "and if this bastard so much as looks at me funny..." Harry hissed his warning, Draco grimacing a little at the warning and threat in Harry's voice. Draco's eyes nearly bugged out of his skull when Mistral called his would be lover 'dad' and nearly had a heart attack soon after. he looked up at Eric, looking distinctly uneasy. "he... called you Dad... is that just a weird kink or...?" he asked, looking vaguely horrified. "i'm ok." Draco stated, sulking. "just annoyed that he's prettier than me mostly." he grumbled, glaring at the back of Mistral's head. as was Harry. both for very different reasons. "still. as long as Harry get's help, i guess i can handle being the second best.;" he mused, studying Harry who was walking as if he expected Mistral to spin around and attack him at any moment. "...i don't think Harry likes the Fey very much..."
Mistral frowned looking at the other man, tilting his head al ittle.”You are more like the fae then you want to be. We enjoy watching blood being spilled in repayment.”he said thoughtfully, snickering at draco’s reaction. Eric shrugged looking at draco.”Well. Not father.At least not closely, in the way its usually meant. He is my…..mistral, whats the word.” “Great grandson, and he’s the one who changed me when I was dying. So father in the vampire sense, distant relative otherwise.”Mistral clearified but not going out of his way to say why he had been dying. It was a personal story, and not something he usually talked about.

Eric smiled a little looking down at draco,nudging him a little.”he’s not prettier. He’s a whole other race, so his prettiness doesn’t count, since ALL sidhe are that unearthly beauty.”he muttered before smirking slightly.”I don’t think he does either. But it seems we’re about to see a lot of them. If mistral doesn’t come home soon, we’ll have his Lady Evil and Her Royal Wickedness showing up to find out why.”He muttered, oh yes, Eric was one of the few beings in the world that got to make fun of Mab and her daughter Lenna anymore.
Harry huffed. "i hate blood!" he snarled, though that was a lie. he loved to watch red beads trail down unmarked flesh, and loved even more to see it on the wicked. the more sins a person committed, the more Harry loved to see their blood. how was he supposed to know he was a Punisher? not so much a race of the Fae, but more a duty he was born into. it was his job... or rather, it was supposed to be his job, to pass judgment on the evil denizens. but with Harry fighting every single instinct he ever had, he could not see who was wicked, and who was only a little bit naughty. Harry was supposed to be able to see into people's very souls, which was where his ability to manipulate souls actually came from, not that he was admitting that.

Draco smirked at Eric, his head tilted. feeling pleased that he had been defended, even if it was only against himself. he practically strutted the rest of the way home, glowing under the assurance that Eric thought he was pretty. "i have no idea who you're talking about Eric, but i very much doubt Harry is just going to agree to go to Sweden with us. particularly since a Fey ordered it. he probobly thinks it's a trap of some sort, and considering how many Fey have tried to kill him in the past, it's likely to be one." Draco admitted with a shake of his head. "it might just take Queen Mab coming here to boss him about before he'll go to Sweden, willingly or otherwise. he admitted as they headed into the club, stretching a little, letting his shirt ride up to flash a bit of his pale, smooth stomach. "i'm going to go pack his stuff. if anything we'll stun him and then drag his ass onto the plane unwillingly."
“Uh-huh. Shall I let you keep fighting yourself this much, or just let Eirc stun you like he wants and go home to Sweden? Leanna will like you. Even if I am the only person she likes having sex with, she is very unfae like in that, but she will like meeting you none the less. You are very pretty.”Mistral said following the other as they got back to the house, because the man was so very fae in everything, he wasn’t seeing just how weird this conversation should sound.

“Her lady evil, is Mab’s daughter Leanna, and of course, her royal wickedness, is mab herself. Getting to make fun of them, is one of my few joys in going to the courts. You can’t make fun of me for it.”he said pouting a little before swallowing hard as draco flashed him a little, looking him over before nodding.”We should. But first I want to sleep.”he decided.
Harry snarled at Mistral, baring his teeth at the other. he felt very off kilter, and being so close to another Fey, his fey side, which he worked so hard to repress, was fighting for control. he didn't want to admit that he was pretty either. Draco was just snickering as he shook his head. "fuck off Fairy!" Harry hissed, well aware that calling a Fae ah Fairy was like calling a human a monkey. he stormed off, making very sure he wasn't about to be attacked in the back as he left. Draco just sighed as he watched Harry leave. "he's going to make himself sick if he keeps pushing back his Fey like that..." he muttered. "he was sick for weeks after he came into his inheritance. it almost killed him actually." he informed both Eric and Mistral. "we're going to have to drag him there." he glanced at Remus Lupin and smirked as he moved over to the werewolf and spoke in quick tones and the Werewolf nodded, accepted a vial from Draco and walked off. "there. problem solved. we'll just have to borrow Jean Claude's plane so that we're not seen carrying an out of it Boy-Who-Lived. don't want people to think we're kidnapping him... even if we are." he muttered with a snicker. he headed off to the bedroom with Eric, flashing Mistral a smirk as he left with Eric. all too smug.

in the morning, Harry was laying over the table, over top of a half eaten breakfast, drugged to the gills with a sleeping potion. "i got Jean Claude's permission." Anita stated, studying Harry. "how likely is it that he's going to kill us all for this?" "very." Draco stated simply. "here Eric, help me lift the bugger." he ordered, half dragging Harry to the Limo that would take them to the Plane. and then draggign Harry into the Plane itself. he woke half way through the flight with violent curses as he realized, not only had he been drugged. but that Remus had given Draco most of his weapons so he couldn't kill them for it.
“Well, we’ll just lock him in a room with Mab and mistral and let him try to kill them.”Eric planned grinning a little as he got to the plane. “It will be funny. And interesting.”Eric said sitting down across from harry as he started to wake, sitting back on his heels as he studied the man.”How do you feel?”He asked not bothering to touch him, knowing better then to try that because he just knew that harry would attack him if he tried.
Draco snorted a little. "you have a very odd sense of what's funny." he complained with a roll of his eyes, making sure to sit so that he was out of Harry's line of sight. no need to upset the little bastard after all... or rather, no need to draw the brats wrath... "i feel like i was fucking drugged, dragged off, and stuffed into a plane!" Harry raged, glaring at Eric. "i TOLD you i didn't want to Come, and yet here i am! when i find your little bitch of a fox his guts are going to be spread up and down the isles!" yep, Harry was pissed. and considering how quickly he yanked the window cover down, he didn't much like Planes either. "can't even travel like civilized folk... a plane... it always has to be the goddamn plane..." he grumbled. "can't be an international portkey.. or Floo, or even a few dozen apparitions... no, you pick a goddamn plane."
Eric snickered a little,”Leave my fox alone. He’s upset enough as it is, he doesn’t need you threatening him.”Eric said refusing to be upset before looking at the fae vampire reclining near a window before looking at Harry.”Well apparition makes me sick, and portkey is upsetting to mistral. So seeing as we were the two going to be awake the whole time, we decided to do what was comfortable for us. We could always put you back to sleep.” “Eric, if you nibble on him, he’s going to go for your heart.”Mistral drawled sounding vaguely amused.
Harry glared furiously at Eric, his eyes flickering with rage and fear. he was going right into the 'foxes den' as it where on this one. he had avoided area's with Fey in them for so long, it was almost like walking willingly into a death trap. "i don't see why he's upset anyway!" Harry growled. Draco wasn't upset in the least really, he thought it was funny as hell, Harry being kidnapped the way he had been. but he was hiding because if he saw Harry and busted into laughter, Harry wouldn't hesitate to kill him. "you come within five feet of me Northman and i'm going to watch your guts spill to the floor!" Harry hissed, stalking off to lock himself into the bathroom until the flight was done, Draco snickering as he popped up next to Eric's elbow. "who would have thought it. youngest Hogwarts seeker in a century, and he's afraid of flying! at least i don't have to worry about him trying to shoot me. he won't dare shoot us while we're still in the air!" he admitted with a snicker. "so. where are we landing? and when?" Harry practically bolted out of the plane once he landed, and only Draco tackling him into the ground... er, Snow, kept the brunette from Apparating away.
“AH, well I guess that means I’ll stay over here.”Eric smirked a little watching harry before glancing at draco. “Well, probably cause he’s not in control, and its not magical.”He said looking amused before they stepped off the plan, smirking as he glanced towards the sky. “It’s about 5 pm. Welcome to Stockholm.”Eric smirked. “Damn. I hadn’t thought they’d come out of faerie to pick your ass up. I should have known mother would.”Mistral grumbled glaring at eric, twitching a little at the sight of mab. While he wasn’t her only son, Mistral was Mab’s youngest, most beloved child. The baby she doted on to the point of insanity, which explained why he was a vampire when most fae sneered down at the vampire community.
Harry scrapped with Draco, who was doing everything in his power to keep Harry from running away. which he was trying to do, there was a very powerful Fey woman right there and Harry knew he was about to die. even an uneducated sloth like him knew that this was Queen Mab. he was an illegitimate child of one of her sons and she was going to kill him before her and her son's reputation was tarnished, he just knew it! "Let go of me you apeshit little rat!" Harry hissed, trying to kick Draco off of him before he froze as Mab got closer and he drew his iron gun, not about to walk into this unprotected, before shamelessly hiding behind Eric. if they where going to kill him, they'd have to go through Eric first! the Winter Knight barely restrained a smirk and leaned over to whisper in Mab's ear. "The halfling is feisty. perhaps Mistral might find him more appealing than the people you keep trying to set him up with?" he asked the Queen with a sly grin. the Winter Knight loved betting, and he knew all too well that Mab would bet him on the outcome of Mistral taking a liking to Harry.

(you have to play Mab!^^)
Mab smiled slightly as she stepped out of the car, her long winter white hair tied back out of her face with vines of thorns, looking as wintery white and icy as her son…without mistral’s…life. As much as Mistral was a child of the winter court, he was still of eric’s bloodline, and as such, still had the man’s passion for life, for sunlight. Mistral of all the fae, lived more with one foot in either world, even more then most of the halfings.”Mother.”Mistral muttered in greeting tilting his head.

Eric turned a little looking startled to find that he was being hid behind he sighing quietly, tilting his head towards the knight.”Lord Winter, Lady Wicked.”he muttered. Mab laughed softly as she looked at her knight, nodding quietly.”I am sure my son will find him suiting, as it seems he’s determined to keep from having a appropriate wife.”mab mused before looking at the halfing.”Are you hungry?” She asked. She didn't care either way, but she knew eric would expect her to pretend to, so she would.
the Winter Knight, also known as Ambrose, chuckled a little as he held the door open for his Queen, even as he examined the newcomers to their lands. "i could still cut his tongue out for you My Lady?" Ambrose offered, as he always did when Eric lipped off, an amused little grin on his lips. he liked Eric, the man was always good for a laugh. he smirked at her as she agreed that Mistral would probobly like the little halfling. "he doesn't trust us at all." he muttered, examining Harry who scowled darkly. "i'm not about to eat Fey food. i've read the stories!" Harry hissed and Draco rolled his eyes. "Harry! your half fey! it won't affect you even if the stories where true!" "you don't know that! this could be an elaborate trap to make me shut my mouth! well... it will work, i promise to never say another word against you or yours so can i go home now?" Draco gaped at Harry for a moment.

"good gods your a COWARD all of a sudden!" "of course i'm a fucking coward! these people have been trying to kill me since birth! you think that Prophecy just propped up out of nowhere!? no! that was just the first time the Fey Rapist bastards tried to snuff me out! well it won't happen! i won't let you kill me so you can just piss off!" Harry hissed at Mab and Ambrose, the Knight lifting an eyebrow as he glanced at Mab. this was all news to him. rapist? no Winter Fey was a rapist, Mab didn't allow it. the last rapist had been tortured for months before finally being allowed to die. that had been centuries ago. well, that they knew of anyway. being a halfling, perhaps the Winter Fey where seeking their jollies in the mortal realms instead. it would bare looking into.
Mab smirked as she glanced at Ambrose, shaking her head.”Don’t. I have uses for his tongue, later.”The winter queen smirked as she looked at the vampire, they really, really had the oddest relationship. Truly. “Ambrose, I knew you wanted to get closer to me. Just give up on the tongue cutting, and I’ll just kiss you.”Eric offered before they all stared at harry in utter bemusement. Mab of all of them, looked utterly bemused, which meant that harry had managed to actually surprise her, not that he’d actually show it.

“Eric. You do find the most interesting toys. What is he speaking of?” “His mother was raped by one of the winter fae. Or wild fae. His…magic is to wonky to get a good handle on, I cant tell. He’s repressed.”Eric responded even as he climbed into the car, and pulled draco in after him, tense and angry. Mistral’s eye twitched a little as he resisted the urge to beat his head against the window,anger flairing through dark eyes. He’d known eric and harry had been hiding something from him, but this…ohhh, mab was going to decorate the walls with blood, and if she didn’t find out who it was soon, she wasn’t going to care who’s blood was spilled to sate eric’s bloodlust.

Mab was mab, and though she had no official consort, the one who played the part, and was a father to two of her children-the two oldest, her heir and eldest daughter- was eric. And it seemed eric had a interest in harry, which meant mab was going to be eager to make the fae hurt for raping a human. Not only for the crime of raping a human, but because Eric enjoyed the rarity of fae blood spilled while they were scared. And mab was someone who scared any sane fae.

Eric meanwhile was resting his head on draco’s shoulder, closing his eyes. He was truly bisexual, to the point that he didn’t care, he liked draco. He liked mab. So he would be happy living with them both, if only the man could figure out how to bring it up with draco. Which was part of why they were here, because he was trying to figure out how to do it.
Harry scowled a little as he lifted his chin, daring someone to strike at him, daring someone to even give him a funny look. no one did so he finally crawled into the car next to Eric, scowling and muttering under his breath low enough that not even Eric could actually understand the words. Harry had so repressed his Fey side, that he didn't even have pointed ears. by all accounts he was human, save for the Fae magic that he was letting off in his anxiety and nerves. he was starting to relax though as he realized that he really wasn't going to be attacked and Ambrose glanced at the halfling. "i have to ask little one. how do you know that..." "'that it was rape?" Harry asked, his eyes narrowed at the other, who simply nodded. Harry reached into his endless bag and pulled it out, holding it out to the other. it was a tiny leather journal, with truth spells layered in it. it was Lily's journal. the Fey had come from the darkness and had struck her from behind, using strange magic to render her helpless. so helpless that she couldn't even try to fight back.

"He's right My Lady." Ambrose muttered, handing Mab the leather journal. "there's... an Echo." because Ambrose was Empathetic. he could 'taste' lies and truths. and feel the echo of emotions. what he must have felt holding that little accounting of her rape. if he said that Lily Potter had been raped by a winter Fey, then she had been. the question now was, who had dared? Harry was watching the two, his head cocked to the side. "you honestly didn't know..." he muttered, looking amazed. "ever since i turned sixteen, Fey have been trying to kill me, and you honestly didn't know!?" Ambrose looked at Harry sharply. "what do you mean Fey have been trying to kill you?!" "well, just that. there have been six attempts at my life so far if you don't count the cock up that was Lord Voldemort." "..." Harry snorted and shook his head. "never mind..."
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