The Hunting and the Hunted (HP/Anita Blake) Moon/Lady

Anita snarled as she melted off to the side and Edward hissed through his teeth as the Koschei drove Eric to the ground. he was useless unless he wanted to shoot Eric. Anita knelt and tried to shoot from a low vantage point, but it was Harry who made the real mark. he reared up and drove the sword straight down, slicing through her spine and driving it through her heart from behind, the tip of the sword bursting out of her chest, bare centimeters from slicing into Eric as well. and then, as if to make sure, harry twisted the sword, shredding lungs and heart before he levered the sword so that it sliced backwards, cutting through her stomach and up into her neck. only then did Harry remove the sword with a wet sound and prepared himself for another swing.
“…that sounds disgusting. I forgot how much.”Eric growled as he shoved the koschei off of him, before wrapping his fingers in that pretty blond hair and pulling.”I’ll make sure you stay dead this time.”he snarled, looking into her wide eyes.”Hm, maybe but I’ll see you dead to.”She muttered as he deheaded her with a simple twist of his twist, pulling her head from her neck as easily as opening a bottle before collapsing to the ground in a mess as eric did the same, panting as he prepared to get up again.

"Fucking hell..."Eric growled panting softly. While he had some amazing abilities, he was one of the slowest healers in the vampire world, almost human slow. As if his amazing body had to make sure he had a weakness somewhere. So the vampire was helpless, and if harry had really wanted to make sure the northman never made a mess of things again, he had the perfect chance.
Harry watched, panting softly as he recovered from the slight panic and he stepped forward, lifting his sword, as if considering taking Eric out before he too became a problem. then he used Eric's pants to wipe his blade clean of blood, strapped it to his back and reached into his bag for some healing potions, leaning over Eric he poured the first one into the wound, which hissed and bubbled and burned like hell. no doubt it was clearing out any poison the Koschei might have left behind. that was followed by a thick purple paste and then a vial was shoved into Eric's mouth, the bitter, rancid taste of a general blood clotting and healing potion forced down the man's throat. "there, that should take care of you." Harry promised the Vampire, examining him for a moment. "if you turn into a Koschei, i'm taking off your head." he warned before standing up and heading for the sound of cars and people. Anita watched him with a raised eyebrow and Edward pondered that. "odd. usually 'Famine' doesn't have such a tender heart. he would normally have killed you Northman, simply because you're more powerful than you should be." Edward admitted. "normally i'd kill you just for the sake of it. but since Harry seams to want you alive... i suppose i'll spare you... this once."
Eric raised his eyebrows as he watched harry lift his sword, closing his eyes as he thought about a death long overdo before looking up again as harry cleaned his sword. Swallowing hard, startled as the potion hissed, snarling in annoyance as his shoulder started jerking a little as the muscles knitted back together. “Hm, I am sure that was her intent. But Alexi forgot I was one of death’s first children, it would take more then a koschei to do me in.”he said though his thoughts weren’t nearly as sure as that. Looking at Edward for a moment he smirked,”The fact that Alexi nearly served me my heart, says I’m not as powerful as people think I am.”he said before slowly getting up, making sure he was well before smirking wider at Edward.”I thought you gave up on looking for things stronger then you to kill.”He mused, even in sweden, he’d heard about the woman Edward was engaged to. Not that he blamed the man for settling down, even eric, in his long life had felt the call to settle down,even if no vampire could claim him as their sire.
Edward snorted a little and shook his head a little. "you LET her nearly hand you you're heart." he pointed out. "i know older Vampire's tend to get passively suicidal but i didn't realize you where." he admitted simply. "still, it was an effective method. perhaps i should take you with me on my next hunting trip to act as bait hmm?" he offered, smirking at the other before shrugging. "i will never stop looking for things to kill. its my only source of entertainment." he admitted with a smug little grin. "so. you ever going to explain why this 'Alexi' really has it out for you? you guys seamed pretty chummy there for a moment... sibling rivalry?"
Eric smirked glancing at the other man.”I’m not. I knew she’d focus on killing me.”His eyes were shadowed as he looked around him, staring at the trees as he listened to the two talk before looking at Edward, He knew why he'd been passively suicidal with alexi, because he couldn't bring himself,even after all these years, to seriously consider harming her, even if he had thought he'd killed her once.”No, not sibling.”He muttered turning his head to inspect his shoulder before answering. “She was my wife.”He said simply absently poking at the white scar tissue that was forming from the bite. While it wasn’t common for vampires to scar without holy items, because his body healed human slow, his whole torso was littered with scars and marks that he’d gained after he’d changed.
Edward shook his head. "now your just lying to yourself Vampire." he stated with a scoff before he turned to look at the other with wide, astonished eyes and Anita and Harry had both stopped to stare at Eric in stunned shock. suddenly everything seamed to make sense... why he had come here. not just because of who was being possessed, but because the bitch... was his wife. "and... who is being possessed by her right now?" Anita asked softly, worried about it. was it the man's girlfriend? his daughter? worse? or was he simply feeling guilty because he hadn't acted soon enough to save her?
“I lie to other people, not myself.”Eric said snickering a little as he realized everyone was staring at him even as he continued walking. “….Girlfriend.The last Swedish princess, even if sweden’s technically not a monarchy anymore.”He said after a moment, picking the thought off her, because she was thinking about it so very hard that he could feel the question beating against his head. “She only got to the country without everyone realizing she was gone, because I hid it. You three are the only ones who know she’s missing, and I would like to keep it that way. If…if I have to plan her funeral, I will. But Iwould like not to have to explain the death of the last remaining member of a family I’ve protected for centuries. It would be a cluster fuck of epic proportions.”he said, playing it off as just a casual thing, a political relationship when it was so much more then that, but like eric said, he was lying to himself, and had been for the two years since he’d started dating her.
Edward snorted a little and shook his head. "everyone lies to themselves." he stated simply. they suddenly understood the real situation. his bitch of an Ex was getting revenge by playing with his girlfriend. and Anita thought she had problems. they all swallowed thickly as they realized she was a princess... and not just any princess, THE princess! "Don't worry. all we have to do is restrain her. then i'll do my soul magic shit. you'll have to be ready right away because as soon as the Koschei is free, it's going to immidiatly search for a new host, or try to escape. kill it before it can do that, because i'll be too out of it to pull her out again for a few weeks at the minimum. i might only be asleep for days, but it takes a long time for soul magic to regenerate." Harry admitted. "now how do we go about finding the princess then?"
Eric tilted his head towards harry, nodding quietly.”I’ll make sure she’s killed. I messed up once, I wont do it again.”he said sounding quietly desperate even as he tensed a little. Swallowing hard as he squeezed his eyes shut as he tilted his head up to look at the sun.”I can feel her…sort of. Not as strong as I normally do…or…but given my ties to them…I might be able to find them.”He said shuddering a little,”I need to sleep. I’m tired…”He muttered swaying a little. While he wasn’t prone to collapsing, he had been attacked by alexi, and even if he wasn’t changing to a koschei, and harry had healed him, it was still taxing to his system.
Harry nodded a little and set his hand on the others shoulder, giving it a small squeeze. "it will be alright." he promised softly. "we'll kill the Koschei and save the Damsel in Distress. it's what us Hero's do." he teased, winking at Eric as Edward laughed. him, a hero!? that was a riot and a half! "lets go rest." Harry ordered, leading the way back to the Guilty Pleasures, where Draco was waiting for them, pretending to be busy as he ordered about several people in how they where cleaning the tables and floors. Harry snickered as Draco's ears swiveled to listen to them, he was in 'neko form' again, basically just showing off. "Come on Eric, lets get you into bed before you pass out." Harry ordered, Draco's head whipping around, actual worry in his eyes as he studied Eric. he moved over, pushing Harry out of the way and led Eric to bed and fussed over him, the blond actually tucked the Vampire in and asked him if he needed anymore blood. it was rather amusing to watch Draco play mother hen.
Eric snorted looking amused, despite being tired. “Of course I’m going to rescue her. I’m the best hero in the world. Much better then you.”he grinned as he followed after the others, smiling tiredly at draco as the neko helped him.”You shouldn’t push people,draco. Its not nice.”He muttered, so sleepy he was being cute as he snuggled down into bed, asleep before he even considered getting a drink.

That evening eric blinked slowly, frowning ever so slightly as he realized that he wasn’t sure where he was.”Draco?”He sat up slowly as his mind put together where he was, and even knowing he should be rushing out to go get gabriella, he didn’t want to.because he was afraid of what he’d find.
Draco was sleeping on the bed next to Eric, all curled up in a cute little ball. he groaned as Eric sat up and rolled over, wrapping his arms around Eric's waist and nuzzled his hip. "mmph... go back to sleep 'm tired." Draco ordered sluggishly before falling still again, sleeping peacefully wrapped around Eric, a small chuckle filling the room as Harry walked in with a steaming plate of breakfast for Eric and Draco. "he never was much for waking up. it's nice to see him so relaxed." Harry admitted as he set the tray down on the end table. "he never had much of a life back home, so it's good to see him acting like a snot nosed kid instead of a pompous bastard... i wouldn't bother trying to escape him, he has a grip like iron." Harry admitted with a wrinkle of his nose. "he'll deny it of course... anyway, how are you feeling? i thought i'd come and see if you needed anything."
Eric sighed quietly as he looked at the man laying on him, shifting to lean back against the headboard as he got settled enough that draco could still rest. “Well, I guess I can deal with one little clingy fox.”He said looking amused as he reached out to eat a bite of food before smirking.”I’ll just have to tell him how cute and adorable he’s being.”He said looking amused before sighing, looking down at the man laying on him he shrugged a little.”I’m okay. I feel better now that I’ve actually gotten some sleep.”
Harry grinned a little and nodded. "he really seams to like you." Harry admitted with a smirk. "you should just give in and screw him already. make him your 'apple of blood'... i think that's what Jean Claude called it... he said it in french i think." Harry admitted, waving a hand. "doesn't matter i suppose." he mused with a chuckle as he pulled a camera out of his bag and started snapping pictures of the sleeping Draco. "there, now he KNOWS how cute and adorable he is." Harry stated, waving the pictures about to help develop them. a wizarding Camera was just like a muggle Polaroid. snap the picture and it pops out the bottom. he handed Eric the picture, which showed Draco moving, nuzzling the vampire's hip, just like he was doing now. Harry smirked. "and i have copies, so if you show that to him, and he destroys it, i have others!" Harry stated with an impish grin as Draco groaned and cracked open an eye to glare at Harry. "talk too loud." he whined. "go away 'm sleeping..."
Eric frowned a little, raising a eyebrow.”Did you forget that I already have a girlfriend?And malfoy’s definitely to pretty to be my boyfriend.’Eric snickered shaking his head a little before smirking as harry took a picture. Running his fingers through his hair as he shifted a little, absently playing with draco’s hair as he ate. “Is everyone else ready to go?”He said knowing he needed to get up, and go after gabriella, but he was to comfortable to do so yet. Afraid of what he was going to find.
Harry chuckled a little. "please. Jean Claude has a girlfriend and he's still fucking like.,... twelve other people." that was a major over exaggeration but that wasn't the point. "Asher has a girlfriend and he's fucking other people. Richard has a girlfriend and he's fucking other people. it's just what immortals do." Harry admitted with an impish grin. "besides, your girlfriend isn't here, so who else is going to give you the blood you need, and the sex you might need?" he smirked as he snapped another picture of Eric playing with Draco's hair. "no. Anita is still sleeping and Edward is cleaning his guns like the obsessive maniac that he is. we won't be ready for a few hours yet. it's still night out anyway." Harry admitted simply. "it's about three in the morning right now. which is why Draco doesn't want to wake up."
“Jean is a succubus, he gets stronger with sex. And I have no true interest in sex anymore.”eric said shrugging a little. Could it be true?that despite his desire for his girlfriend, and sometimes giving in to the need to mate, the vampire was far removed from the human he’d once been, and his relationship with gabriella was a complex emotional tangle of need, companionship and the desire to connect with someone again. And gabriella had been the only woman, or man, in a long time to make eric want to get up. Smirking a little he shrugged.”well, that explains why I feel so much better. I cant remember the last time I slept this long.”
Harry smirked a little. "yeah you and me both." Harry admitted with a shake of his head. "granted, i only had sex once... or was it twice... does a blowjob count as sex?" Harry asked curiously as he flopped onto his back at the end of the bed, shrugging. "whatever. i just don't see what's so great about it." he admitted. "it's kind of boring really." clearly Harry hadn't had a very good partner. "well you where injured, so of course you'll sleep longer than normal." Harry admitted, smiling a little. "anyway, i'm going to go pester Anita. you rest. molest pretty foxes. that sort of thing." Harry ordered, skipping off to bother Edward, since he knew bothering Anita would only get him shot.
“Yes it does, and it seems you were having sex wrong. Definitely doing something wrong if you weren’t enjoying it.”Eric said snickering a little before he shifted to lay back down snuggling into draco as harry left. A few hours later eric smiled a little as he gently nuzzled draco’s shoulder, fangs scraping over his skin but not biting, “Draco, you need to move.I have to get up.”He muttered.
Harry blinked at Eric, looking baffled. "how can you have sex wrong? you just stick it in and rock your hips!" he complained, scowling a little as he shook his head. "ah never mind." he grumbled as he left. Draco groaned as he was nuzzled and nibbled on and he shifted. "don't wanna." he grumbled, though he did let Eric go, yawning loudly. "where's scar head? he's usually annoying people this early in the morning." Draco grumbled, just as Harry arrived, smirking at Draco. "Wake up Draco! i have a mission for you!" Harry yelled loudly, sending a few stinging hexes at Draco who yelped loudly and darted out of the bed to escape the stinging hexes. "why you little son of a bitch!" Draco snarled, leaping over the bed to tackle Harry who stepped out of the way, causing Draco to fly out of the room and slam into Remus who yelped. Harry snickered and raced away before Draco could collect his bearings and chase after him.
Eric laughed quietly as draco got kicked out of the bed, getting up slowly. “Well, that was a exciting morning. I wonder what he wants draco to do?”He muttered to himself looking amused as he ran his fingers through his hair and headed for the door, looking amused at remus. “Good evening. Is everyone getting ready to go?”he muttered though he still looked tired, it was more of a emotional tiredness, then a physical one.
Harry was grinning as he waited with Anita and Edward, both of whom where wondering who had given Harry sugar that morning. Draco was nowhere to be seen by the time that Eric finally appeared. "it's morning." Anita grumbled. "too damn early in the morning if you ask me..." she complained, checking to make sure her guns, crosses, holy water and other such weapons where in place. "we're all ready Pestilence." "will you STOP with that!?" "don't yell at me Famine. everyone knows i'll kick your ass." "i'll kick your ass you pathetic excuse for a muggle!" Harry grumbled, glaring at Edward for his continued use of the 'nicknames.' which he was only doing to annoy the hell out of people.
Eric smirked as he watched the others, “I’m conquest. And I’m definitely going to see to conquering my girlfriend all over again.”Eric’s smirk widened even as his eyebrows waggled a little, already starting to do up his own weapons, though he had no guns, he was arming himself well with silvered weapons. Though pure silver was weak, there were flecks of near black metal through the swords, and it would take a closer look to see that not only would the weapon be deadly to vampires and weres with silver, but he’d last them all with cold iron, so they would neutralize most magics, since magic didn’t do well with any iron, but cold iron, the iron from meteorites, was even better. “So, today, someone gets to lead me around by the arm.”He said looking vaguely uncomfortable with the idea, but willing to do it if it meant getting to gabriella.
he snorted. "Conquest is not one of the four horsemen you illiterate viking." he stated with a scoff. "you are, therefor, pestulance... not that i even expect you to know what that means." "...i don't even know what that means." Harry complained, rolling his eyes, Edward smirking. "Pestilence is disease. pestilence is basically a plague, like the Black Plague, bubonic, and even leprosy." Edward stated simply and Harry's eyes widened a little at that and he studied Eric intently. "fascinating... stop calling me Famine!" he ordered furiously before gasping at the sight of the weapons. "ooooh, pretty..." Harry purred, gently taking one before yelping as it burned him, jerking his hand away from the silver and cold iron, Anita lifting an eyebrow as Harry smiled sheepishly. there where very few creatures that where burned by Iron, and since he had handled silver... "good lord, are you a Fey?!" "half." Harry admitted with a sigh. "no one knows. not even Remus and i'd like to keep it that way."

i had to XDD, we have vampires, vikings, necromancers, wereanimals, they needed a Fey XDD)
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