The Hunting and the Hunted (HP/Anita Blake) Moon/Lady

Draco groaned as he was licked and he smiled a little. "mmm not so much a Power slut as a plain old slut. it's not MY fault no one wants to fuck me." he complained with a sulk. "Jean Claude has all the pretty men." he whined as he wriggled on the bed, a bulge on his pants showing how excited he had gotten just from being fed on. "don't tell me your just going to leave? that's not very nice. i'll tell Anita on you." he complained with an impish grin. because they both knew Draco would do no such thing.

Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "you guys are just Lilly livered cowards." he complained with a sniff before he laughed. "and once Hitler joined the territory under one power, he took care of Hitler and claimed the territory for himself. very smart." Harry admitted with a nod. "it will be exciting, you'll see." "Harry, every time you say that, someone get's a limb torn off." Remus complained, scowling at Harry who grinned and nodded. "your insane... i still think i should have you checked into saint Mungo's." "he'd get along with Olaf..." Anita muttered with a roll of her eyes.
“Hm, Well I don’t either, though you are a pretty pretty werefox.”Eric chirped as he pushed off the bed and headed for the door. He hadn’t avoided romantic entanglements by fucking everyone around him. It was going to take more then feeding to keep eric northman interested…and well, he enjoyed fucking with someone’s head. And having draco panting after him was definitely a game he would enjoy. “I need to see to the others.”he said heading for the door and out.

“Yes, its why we live so long.”Jean pointed out and shrugging laughing a little.”Well, if you think about it that way, it was smart.”he said looking thoughtful because no one had figured out why Eric had allowed hitler to get so much, but…that made sense. “I met olaf once. We enjoyed our serial killer fantasy by killing the last of bell’s lieutenant .”Eric chirped as he walked into the room, making jean eye him amusedly, wondering just how much of the man’s attitude was a act. “You’re chirper this evening.” “Feeding always makes me feel happy.”
Draco smirked a little as he watched the other head for the door. "fine. i'll just masturbate then." he grumbled with a shake of his head as he popped his button and unzipped his pants so that Eric could hear, well aware that the Vampire would no doubt be listening in for a good long while, so Draco didn't even try to be quiet, he put on a verbal show for Eric, long moans and squeaky little mewls of pleasure rang through the Vampire's ears whether he wanted to hear them or not.

Harry snickered a little at Jean Claude and shook his head a little. while true, it was also a bloody boring way to live ones life. "whose Belle? and whose Olaf?" Harry asked, lifting an eyebrow a little, his head cocked to the side as Anita explained who Bella Morte was and who Olaf was. Harry had to wrinkle his nose in distaste. "i'd murder Olaf on the spot. i can't stand rapists and murderers." he admitted with a scowl, chuckling a little as Anita raised an eyebrow. "what i do isn't exactly murder. yes i kill, but i only kill to protect others. i never hurt an innocent werewolf if i can help it." he admitted simply. "normally i just shift and keep them away from people, or if i have to, i can hold them down. i'm big enough for it." "shift?" Anita asked, looking surprised. "ah, yeah. i use my Magic to become a very large Timber Wolf." Harry admitted simply. "for most of the Werwolves int he Wizarding World, they don't turn into hulking monsters like yours do. they turn into slightly larger bloodthirsty wolves who have no mind. they can't control themselves." Harry admitted. "which, apparently it's a mental issue instead of a physical one since Remus has sudden control over his form..." "it is. though it has to do with the different strains of lycanthropy as well. i will still turn into my Wolf form, but it's more of an Animagus form now, instead of a curse." "good."
Eric listened looking fascinated and interested in the talk, before looking even more eager. “Does that mean you’d be like a werewolf?I mean, vampires have creatures to call. Would we have some hold on you,even if you weren’t in animal form?”Eric asked, the thought process not exactly matching up with what he was asking, since no one knew what his animal was, or if he even had one. From listening to him, you’d think it was wolves,but could it be that normal? Eric loved being a good puzzle to everyone.

Jean to looked interested in that, “I don’t think so Eric. I can feel remus, I know he’s a wolf, because my…bond with wolves recognizes it as such, I don’t recognize harry.” “Maybe you are just a child, in a adult’s world.” “Shut up Eric.” “No.Are we going to go look for the monster now?”Eric replied sounding as pleased as he ever did about anything. Itd been so long since he'd actually spent time with other vampires, that it was actually refreshing to be here now.
Harry smiled a little and shook his head. "no i'm not a werewolf. it's by my own power and magic that i change, it's not from a curse or a virus." Harry explained with a small smile. "so no, you can't command me." he admitted, Remus chuckling a little. "besides, you'd have been able to tell if Harry was having to obey you, i can feel Jean Claude tugging at me almost constantly. it's very hard not to rub all over him right now." Remus admitted. "as soon as i gained control, my human half could feel him." Remus admitted as he examined Jean Claude. "it feels kind of nice actually. i've never had an Alpha, or a pack. no one wants a 'Tame' werewolf in their Pack and the others who are like me want to pretend their not werewolves so other than Harry, i've never had anyone before." Remus admitted and Harry smiled a little. "are you going to stay here after i move on Remus?" Harry asked, honestly curious, and glad that Remus had a pack of sorts now. "i don't know. i might but i have my doubts about Richard accepting me in his Pack. i'm a lot older than most werewolves you know. and i'm a wizard on top of that, i don't think he likes me much." "well. i'm sure we could work something out." Harry admitted before grinning at Eric. "you have an idea on how to hunt this thing down? because i really want to see what could make you of all people uneasy."
“Huh. That’s saddening. You’re to pretty to not give commands to.”Eric pouted a little. Jean winced a little, tilting his head.”Sorry. sometimes my controls not perfect, and being around my animal to call is nice for me to, so I’m not always careful.”He explained tilting his head a little. “You would be welcome to stay, Remus. And even if Richard does not accept you, you can stay until we found a pack that suited you.”Jean added tilting his head a little before shaking his head a little as eric grew serious.

“Me of all people?What makes you think I am uneasy about this…creature?”Eric said raising his eyebrows, looking for all the world like a supermodel waiting for the photographer to walk by and take his picture.
Harry smirked a little. "i don't take orders." he admitted simply. "compulsion spells, love potions, none of that works on me. i've too strong a mind to be controlled by someone else." he admitted with a small snicker. "could be that's why Jean Claude can't 'call' me either but without another Wolf Animagus running around, there's no real way to test it." Harry admitted with a shrug as Remus pondered that and nodded. "it would be nice to have a family. and i'm a fairly decent teacher if nothing else." he admitted. "i know a lot of wizarding werewolf children don't get to go to school so they go into the world uneducated. do you have that problem?" "no, not normally." Anita admitted calmly. "but we could find a place for you. she promised with a smile before blinking at Eric as Harry smirked. "oh please. you can't fool me you old fossil." Harry stated with a shrug. "whatever this thing is, you at least have a suspicion, and whatever it s you suspect, it's making you nervous or you wouldn't have chased it all the way here. not even for your silly human subjects. you wouldn't have gone after something unless you where honestly worried about it for one reason or another. either it poses a direct threat to you, or it's connected to you somehow and your trying to cover your ass."
“Hm, I would like to see that. It would be a interesting thought to see if it works for all wolves like that.”Jean said,both vampires looking interested in the idea. For those who lived so long, it was rare to find something truly interesting anymore. “We’ll find a place. If not here, there will be others who need help.”Jean said. “There’s wolf packs that pass the trait on in Sweden, instead of being bitten. They have children.”Eric supplied before he shifted, stretching his legs out in front of him, resting his hands over his stomach. “…It could owe me money you know. I could need it for my own nefarious plots and schemes. Hell, I could be the one who leased it to the states.”The ancient said not even bothering to take insult at being called a fossil, but the very fact that he was admitting to all those things, definitely said that it wasn’t any of them. He was fucking around because he wasn’t ready to admit just what it was. Because he knew it was deadly, and definitely not something he was looking forward to facing. And well… harry was right, he was covering his ass, but not for the reason the others would think.
Harry shrugged a little. "Animagus forms are rather rare. i don't know if you'll come across another chance to test it. particularly with the mundane and magical worlds separated... though i don't see why they're separated here. the mundanes handle the preternatural just fine... for the most part." Harry admitted with a shake of his head as Remus nodded. "i might stay. things are getting pretty bad in Britain..." he admitted softly and Harry patted the man's shoulder. "then stay you great greasy git." "oh, now that's going to far!" Remus complained, making Harry laugh before he turned his attention to Eric. "no it couldn't." he stated simply. "your a bad liar." he stated with a sniff as he stalked off into the world. "come along Fossil, i need you to hunt this thing for me so i can catch it and study it and maybe even make it into a pair of nice boots!" Harry purred, rubbing his hands together eagerly and Remus sighed. "off his rocker... ever since he died, he's been mad as a hatter... why do i put up with this? one of these days he's going to get me killed..." he grumbled, gasping as Harry suddenly whipped around and fired a spell at Eric, the spell connecting to the Vampire's face as Harry laughed wickedly and raced away, Remus sighing. "i swear to Merlin he has a Death wish..." " that a... thought bubble?" Anita asked, staring wide eyed at Eric.
"Damn.Well, its food for thought."Eric said shrugging a little before watching the others before smirking."I'm a excellent liar. i havent survived this long without it."He said before standing up and sliding his hands into his pockets, "I could use a new pair of boots."He mused as he got ready to go. "you're just as insane as he is."jean said snickering a little before eyes widening, looking at the thought bubble above eric's head, watching the swedish...well, what he'd assume was swedish or some version of it, filling it. "yes...yes it is."The vampire said smirking as two words filled the bubble."I think thats sweden's version of oh fuck."He mused as he watched eric take off after harry.

"Potter!Get back here!"eric scowled running and easily catching up to him, wrapping a arm around his waist and picking up easily."Now, get rid of this spell."He demanded holding the wizard easily.
Harry laughed brightly as he ran off. amused to no end that the Ancient Vampire had fallen for such a pathetic prank. his only annoyance was that Eric apparently thought in Swedish, which totally ruined everything. Harry had been hoping to see the Vampire's thoughts on what was happening, but everything in the thought bubble had been complete gibberish. Potter yelped as he was picked up and he scowled at the other. "hey! picking people up without permission is rude! besides, it's funny!" he complained, trying to squirm out of the others grip, well aware Eric would know Harry's real plan for the thought bubble. which was ruined thanks to Eric's Swedish background. "who thinks in other languages anyway!?" Harry demanded. "if you would just tell me what the fuck this thing is, i wouldn't have to resort to such Slytherin Methods! now put me down you brute!"
Eric grinned as he caught up to him, smirking as he looked at the man he’d caught. “Hey, its not my fault that you didn’t consider how old I am. English isn’t what normal people speak where I’m from.”He pointed out with a snide little smile before sighing quietly looking away.”It’s…its called a koschei….its a restless dead….I’m not sure how to explain it.”Eric sighed quietly looking away as he struggled to put the centuries worth of dealing with koschei and the utter terror of doing it, and even more so with this one, into words.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head a little as he rolled his eyes. "i knew i should have learned that language translating spell." he grumbled before looking Eric, his head tilted. "Koschei?" Harry asked, blinking a little. "i don't know what that is... is it like an Inferi?" he asked, his head tilted a little. "it can't be worse than a d..." here he swallowed convulsively. "a Dementor right?" he asked, his head tilted to the side just a bit. "can you tell me what it is? can you tell me why you fear it so?"
Eric smirked as he sent a random thought about how cute draco’s ass was to the thought bubble, in English just to watch the man freak out before sighing quietly. “It’s…we’re going to go sit down.” Eric decided as he walked to draco’s room and settling on the bed as he stretched out, leaning back against the headboard as he considered what to say. “They are…more or less like vampires…and inferi, as I understand it.”He frowned slightly. “They are the living dead, without a vampire’s weakness for silver or religious items. And without a inferi’s fear of fire. They are….travelers.”He looked frustrated for a moment. “They only have one true body, but as long as it is living, they can inhabit another’s.”Eric said avoiding the question of why he feared it.
Harry snorted at the thought in the thought bubble, even though he agreed with the man. Draco had always been too pretty for his own good. he sat down next to Eric, his head tilted a little as he calmly banished the prank spell he'd placed on the other s he didn't have to see weird words all over the place. "So their basically a Vampire and a ghost mixed together..." he shuddered violently, thinking about Voldemort. "...they give up their souls don't they? to become what they are... they have to... give up their souls.. Voldemort was one, wasn't he?" there was a edge to Harry's voice, the only hint of the boy's utter panic at the thought of another Voldemort running around.
“Yes. Though I had only figured out afterwards. I…I was otherwise detained in taking care of home during the war, otherwise I would have realized it sooner. I am sorry for that. Though he was a young one, under a century old.”He said glancing at him before sighing quietly. “the one I am tracking, is ancient. I had not realized that I had missed any, I hadn’t known they were still alive until she started slaughtering people in Sweden.”He muttered staring at the floor.
Harry stared at the other for a long moment and then. "you wouldn't have been able to kill Voldemort anyway. he was a... special one." Harry admitted. "he split up his soul seven times and put them in items... myself included." Harry admitted. "i was the only one who could kill him dead, for good... and i had to freaking die to do it too." Harry admitted with a small sigh. "still... centuries old..." he shuddered violently. "i'll get my Dark Lord Slaying Kit..." he muttered, feeling very disturbed as he slipped out into the Hall. another Voldemort... another... thing, that couldn't die until it's tie to the world was gone. he swallowed thickly and felt himself collapse bare inches from his room. dimply he realized he was in shock, but couldn't seam to do anything other than acknowledge the fact that he was cold all over and had a deep desire to burst into tears.
“Well, damn. No wonder he was insane. As far as I know, this one has only her current body, and the one that is her true body. Two things, easily killed.”He said though he didn’t look as confident as he sounded as he watched the other go before frowning. Pushing himself up he followed after the man, easing him to the floor as he started to collapse. Standing he rushed back towards where he’d left remus and the others, not certain what to do. He didn’t care about humans, hadn’t allowed any close to him in so long that he wasn’t sure what to do to help. But knowing that he had to because he needed harry's help in slaying the creature out of his past.
Harry nodded a little, not entirely sure what the other meant by 'new body and true body' but he knew it was going to be a bitch and a half to deal with. he wasn't really all that aware of being lowered to the floor, and he certainly wasn't aware when Remus picked him up and carried him into a bed and forced several potions down his throat. "It will be alright." Remus promised the worried people who where watching him. "Harry has... issues." he explained. "he never had a normal childhood and his school years where all tests designed to make him strong and heroic so he wouldn't question dying to kill Voldemort." Remus explained. "to suddenly have something just as bad as Voldemort so close to him... he can't handle that emotionally, he just needs time to adjust to this new information." Remus explained simply as he poured a dreamless sleep down Harry's gullet. "he'll be back up and being annoying by morning." here he paused and then hesitated. "another Voldemort... Merlin forbid..." he muttered with a violent shudder. "Harry lost everything to that man and now there's another..." even Draco was subdued and horrified by this. "Harry killed Voldemort. he can kill this thing too." Draco finally stated. "he just needs time to accept that. he IS a Martyr after all."
Jean frowned a little as he watched the ancient vampire as he hovered, looking thoughtful. For all the stories he knew of northman, said that the man cared little for people, but there he was hovering, concerned over what was hunting them. He could almost believe it was because the creature started in Sweden, but something didn’t sound right about that. But…”Eric, who’s body is the koschei using?” “What?”the Swedish vampire glanced at him from where he was sitting on the bed next to harry, raising a eyebrow. “You left sweden, for the first time in centuries. Either this…koschei is more powerful then you’re telling us, or you have a personal stake in making sure it doesn’t get anywhere else. So I ask again, who’s body is the thing using….or who was the koschei originally?”Jean asked watching the daywalker pale slightly, smirking inwardly as he realized he was right. IT wasn’t just a eric was bored, or that he wanted to get rid of the monster, but there was something personal in it for the man.
Remus and Draco both stared, wide eyed at Eric as they realized what was going on. this Koschei was a freind of Eric. either the body it was possessing or the Koschei itself, who knew. "it doesn't matter." Remus stated suddenly. "The fact of the matter is, we need both Harry and Eric to deal with this thing. from what i understand... you need to find and kill the original body first, before you can attempt to remove the Koschei from the 'new' body. so we're going to have to find the original body first, because Harry won't let you kill the innocent person being possessed."
Eric nodded a little as he stared at the floor. “The…body’s….here. I figured out that much, before…it… left Sweden. Once I knew what to look for, it knew I’d know where to find the original body. So it ran somewhere it didn’t think I knew well. It forgot I enjoy traveling when I don’t have to observe the customs of introducing myself to the vampire in charge.” “Then why did you?”Jean said tilting his head a little, curious about the man and his motivations. “Because even I, sometimes need help.”he said, and it wasn’t because the koschei was so strong even though it was, and it was ancient, but because of the body, Eric was reluctant to cause serious harm, so he needed help.
Remus and Draco both nodded and Remus gripped Eric's shoulder in a comforting manner. "it will be alright Eric. whoever this Koschei is possessing, we can save them." he promised. "Ever since Voldemort, Harry's been working with Soul Spells. he'll know a way to safely remove the Koschei. i'm sure of it." he promised with a small smile. "we just need to give Harry to calm down. in the mean time, we'll look for the original body." he paused. "but i was wondering. if Voldemort was a Koschei... Voldemort never had two bodies. he had his original, and it was destroyed, and then he had a new body... so... was he really a Koschei or just a pale imitation?"
Eric tilted his head before sighing quietly.”As far as I discovered, he was newly bitten.”He winced a little.”Like vampires, koschei are created, not born. He was so young, strong enough in his newly found…. Form I guess you’d say, that he was able to survive to find a new body, instead of just dying. It is sort of like the Mother of all Darkness, who I hear traveled to other bodies, even after you destroyed her body.”Eric said looking up at anita with a vague curiousity, “She was interesting, my maker, and she scared me but even I would not have considered blowing her to hell. Though I am glad it is done….her death gave me more…freedom.”the vampire said looking well pleased with himself at the idea of what he’d been doing since he’d claimed the lands the mother had been holding for herself. Oh yes, eric was good that he was in charge and she was gone.
they all looked surprised. "you have to be bitten!?" Remus asked, stunned. "i just thought you had to have your soul removed... but then... victims of the Demtor's kiss would become then, wouldn't they?" he mused. "still, if it works on Voldemort then in theory it SHOULD work on the Koschei here." he muttered with a nod as Draco flinched. "so you really where created by the Mother of Darkness... one of the first then." he mused, smiling a little. "fascinating..." he muttered walking around Eric. "i would have thought something created by Her would look more... i don't know... off. strange somehow." he admitted, his head tilted. "she kidnapped me once you know." Draco admitted with a sly little grin. "it was fun. but i guess i wasn't as interesting as she thought i was because she sort of just abandoned me after a few days." "hours." Anita corrected with a snicker that made Draco sulk. he nearly leaped out of his skin though, when Harry suddenly grabbed his wrist. "Draco... what happened?" Harry asked sluggishly and Remus snorted as he stepped into Harry's line of sight. "you had a massive Anxiety attack Harry." "don't be ridiculous i haven't had one of those in years... oh... shit that's right." he muttered rubbing his eyes. "there's another Voldemort running about... well at least this time i know how to deal with it.. maybe.. i think."
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