The Hunting and the Hunted (HP/Anita Blake) Moon/Lady

“Such a power whore.”Eric snorted looking amused that the man was flirting this much, but he understood his own appeal to some people. It also was why no one had ever heard of Eric having someone in his life like that. He was definitely not one to take being used for something lightly. “Hm, you mean I make a gorgeous sight. You just need to stand there in awe at my beauty.” “….you know, all the stories about you, none of them say that you are this vain.”Jean-claude pointed out having a feeling that the ancient vampire was fucking with them all, before looking vaguely relieved-which said he was a lot relieved to be showing it at all- that harry was okay. “Good.He should rest the rest of the night though.”He said before flickering a glance towards eric who was still doing a very good job at pretending to be human, and even though they had seen him take that leap, eric was doing well at charming the police around him.”we might have someone else to ask about what it might be.”He added wondering how they could make a ancient talk if he didn't want to
Draco smirked a little. "you are very beautiful." he agreed with a grin, but things where starting to pick up, so he'd have to continue this seduction later. "he has every right to be vain Jean Claude." Draco purred with a small chuckle as he wandered off, his hips swaying and his tail curling this way and that, causing many of the people to pause to watch his ass as he walked. it was a very nice ass. "Harry protested but yes, he'll be resting the rest of the night." Remus admitted simply. "and i'm sure i can find a way to make the man talk." Remus admitted, subtly patting a pocket where he had a small vial of Veritaserum. i just have to get him alone and to eat or drink something." he admitted with an impish grin. "i'll find out anything i need to then." he admitted, studying Eric out of the corner of his eye. "we should get these people out of here. you might have to close your place of business for a few days though." "it is no problem. i'm not concerned with the loss of revenue, i just want this thing, whatever it is, caught. it is bad for business to have murders happening all the time. how am i supposed to prove we are not monsters, when people are being murdered by one of us?" Jean Claude complained with a sigh and Remus nodded. "we have the same problem in England." He admitted. "humans like to bunch everything in the same group. last year a werewolf bit a child and they rose up and started demanding that all werewolves to be killed. it was only Harry calling them bigoted racist bastards that made them stand down. he doesn't look like much, but he's the biggest political player in Britain." he glanced at Eric again, wondering how to get the Veritaserum into the ancient, he hated having to play Slytherin, that was Harry's expertise.
Eric smirked as he watched the man walk away, shaking his head a little as he watched the crowd. Though pretending to not be listening around him, he raised a eyebrow as Remus looked at him.”Are you going to feed me whatever you want to now?”He asked, proving that his hearing was that much better then the human he was pretending to be.”Can we at least go inside before you dose me?”The man asked, but didn’t wait for a answer and headed for the door and making his way to where he could feel harry resting.

Jean claude rolled his eyes as he looked at remus.”Well, so much for the element of surprise. We better be going in to.”He said heading back inside.
Remus flushed brightly and grimaced. "dammit... Vampires and their hearing... forgot about that shit." he grumbled. "Harry wouldn't have made that mistake... stupid Remus... so stupid..." the werewolf grumbled as he smacked himself on the forehead. he followed Jean Claude inside and followed Eric to Harry, who was resting in Asher's massively comfortable bed, looking very tired, but otherwise fine. "has my house arrest been lifted?" Harry asked hopefully, grimacing as Remus glared at him. "i'll take that as a no." Harry complained, holding his hand out. "feed me." Harry ordered, Remus rolling his eyes as he pulled a chocolate bar out of nowhere and smacked it into Harry's palm, which Harry nibbled on happily. "so. what are you all doing here then? i'm supposed to be 'resting' you know." Harry complained, sitting up and looking annoyed at Remus, who rolled his eyes. "we're using Veritaserum on mister ancient here." Harry sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Remus... why do most potions not work on Vampires?" Remus looked confused. "there's no blood flow so the potion isn't carried to the brain or other various parts of the,.... oh." "Exactly. so why are we dosing a vampire with very expensive potion when it most likely won't work?" Remus flushed and put the potion back in his pocket. "er... we weren't?" "...Remus?... just stick to paperwork, alright?" Anita was snickering. Harry really was good at what he did, it was just that Remus was either new to this, or wasn't used to doing anything more than casual sniffing and paperwork.
Eric smirked as he settled in the chair, stretching those long legs out in front of him. Watching the scene he tilted his head a little.”But we can have a heartbeat if we want to.Would it still work then?After all, you need a blood flow to have a erection…which I am sure Jean-claude would be happy to prove is possible.”Eric mused sounding far to amused. Jean-claude flushed twisting to look at the ancient vampire sitting near him before frowning at harry.”He’s right though, no matter how much I would like to disagree with him.”He said scowling a little before looking at Eric. “What are you doing here?” “I told you. I came to vacation.” “You haven’t left Scandinavia in a thousand years Eric, what are you really doing here.”Asher said scowling at the vampire, very obviously wanting to hit him. After all,even the council let Eric alone because he had a bad habit of killing things, and Belle Morte herself found the man fascinating. So fascinating in fact that instead of sending a proxy, she’d gone to his fortress in the heart of Sweden to seduce him herself. And much to everyone’s amusement, failed. Though no one was sure if it was because he’d been genuninely unattracted to her, or because he knew him refusing would piss her off.
Harry's eyes couldn't help themselves, they followed the length of those long, long, gorgeous legs. "Harry, focus." Remus ordered and Harry snapped back to attention. "shut up Fleabag." and then the speech of erections came up and Harry's eyes flew from Jean Claude, to Eric's cloth covered crotches and he swallowed convulsively. "dammit... your doing this on purpose!" Harry accused Eric with a scowl, Remus snorting. "i TOLD you to get laid before we left." "shut up Remus!" Harry demanded before realizing Asher was there as well and his eyes trailed along the delectable plains of the others body before he flushed as Anita snickered. "it's been a while ok? and the men here are pretty.... much better than back in Britain..." he complained sheepishly, only making Anita laugh more. "in any case... i don't think it matters what Eric is doing here. it's fairly obvious." Harry stated simply, looking the Vampire straight in the eyes. "he's bored. he's here to have fun. he might be here for another purpose too, most likely the monster that we're hunting, did something to catch his attention, but mostly he's just here to piss off as many people as he can." Anita and Remus both looked shocked at Harry's statement, but said nothing as they waited for Eric to react. "he's like a kid. keep them inside too long and they get grumpy. he's here because he was 'kept inside' too long."
Eric smirked flexing those long legs a little as he watched Harry watching him, tilting his head back as he laughed.”I would never do anything like that to a fellow hunter. It would be mean.”he said responding to the accustation of doing it on purpose, though he was watching the group with a child’s glee of watching things go boom. “Well, does it count that we’re originally from Europe, and from all rumors Eric’s mother was from England?”Asher said tilting his head towards jean-claude.”its not americans that are this pretty.” Eric raised his eyebrows at the hunter, not reacting otherwise to the accusation that he was being a child. “…No one tells me to stay where they put me. I enjoy Sweden.”he said after a moment, because he was so not going into what his problem with the monster was.
Harry snorted. "yes you would." Harry stated with a small sulk, Remus snickering a little as Harry blinked at Asher. " it doesn't count because your not there now and therefore i have not been able to properly ogle you." he stated with a sniff, sounding so very much like Draco that Anita was laughing again. "i see. you enjoy Sweden." Harry stated with a smirk. "yet, your not there now. either you enjoy it, or your bored with it. if your not bored with it, then what in the world caused you to leave it?" he asked, leaning forward so that he was almost nose to nose with Eric. "you are up to something, and if i find out your getting people killed because you won't share information... i'll kill you, just like i killed Dumbledore." Anita gasped in shock at that as Harry leaned back. "i can do it too, old man." Harry stated, his eyes a burning fire as he watched Eric. "i'll probobly die doing it, but i WILL do it." Harry promised as he leaned back into his pillows, staring at Eric with barley concealed fury that this stranger was trying to play him.
“Ah, well I will have to go back to Europe, to please you lord Malfoy.”Asher said snickering, the three vampires looking amused that he sounded so much like draco for a moment. Eric raised his eyebrows as he watched the human get close to him, wondering just how suicidal this human had to be. Shifting he rested his head back on the couch before sighing.”This monster started in Sweden.”He said simply, shrugging, knowing the vampires would understand why he was there then. He’d come to hunt a monster because it, like so many other people, had trespassed through his land, but unlike the others he hadn’t managed to find it yet.There were other reasons, but that was the one he was willing to share. “It became….unhealthy to stay in sweden when I could not find this beast. So I followed it here.”

Jean-claude frowned, he sensed the truth in the man’s words but also the lie. There wasn’t anything that could actively be unhealthy for eric unless he was allowing it to be a threat to him, at least nothing that he knew of. So what had made Eric leave a land he’d guarded for thousands of years, to hunt one little monster?
Harry looked startled and then utterly horrified. "oh my GOD! Remus! get me soap! i need to scrub my mouth out! how could i TALK like that!?" Remus was laughing as Harry sobered and scowled at Eric. "unhealthy?" Harry asked, suspicious. "oh, i think i understand... the people you protect there wanted revenge and blamed you." he mused. "you need the monster to clear your name, right?" he asked as he laid back into the pillows again, scrubbing his eyes. "i don't know much about creatures not from England..." "i do. it was my best subject." Remus admitted. "there's a few dozen creatures that can do what this thing is doing unless it's naturally invisible... but if there's a wizard helping it..." Harry shook his head. "this is a mess. whatever i felt it was distinctly inhuman, but it was very smart. it knew exactly what i was doing when it hit me..." he ran a hand through his hair, nervous as Draco came in with hot, properly British tea for everyone. "revitalizing potion potter. drink it." Draco ordered shoving a vial in Harry's face who chuckled a little and drank it obediently. he was asleep in seconds. "oops... i suppose that was a sleeping potion... oh well." Draco stated with a shrug, Remus snickering. "he's going to kill you Draco." he stated as he took his tea. "still, he really does need to sleep and he won't with us discussing the case." "i know, stupid self sacrificing idiot." Draco complained, shaking his head at Harry. "out, all of you, Potter needs to recover and your not helping!"
Eric laughed a little nodding.”I am a very….present person in Sweden since I can move during the day, so if someone needs something I can do it whenever they need it.”he shrugged a little carelessly. “Of course, as soon as they realized it was a monster killing the people around them that no one could catch, they blamed me for failing. I would like to go home without having to kill a lot of people to have my house back”he shrugged snickering as draco put harry to sleep before standing, looking down at the werefox, blond eyebrows raising.”Shall I look after you, pretty fox?Make sure he doesn’t hurt you when he wakes?”He said even though he was leaning towards anita and smelling her. He hadn’t been lying before, she smelled like power and sunlight.
Harry nodded a little. "makes sense. people in large groups tend to lose all common sense that they possess... which usually isn't much." he admitted with a small chuckle before falling asleep. Draco was going to get the beating of a lifetime when Harry realized what had happened. Draco smiled at Eric and leaned against him with a happy little grin. "you would protect me?" he asked with a sly little grin. "against the only person who could actually have a chance in doing permanent damage to you? that's so sweet!" "Stop Smelling Me!" Anita hissed at him, jabbing her finger in his chest before she moved over to Jean Claude, practically wrapping herself up in his clothes to prove who she 'belonged' to. Draco just snickered. "don't worry. she'll only hate you for a while. she just thinks your here to kill all the innocents and eat our souls." "shut up Vixen!" Anita ordered, Draco laughing as he twitched his tail at Anita before shifting back into his full human form as he realized that Micah and Richard was in the building. they didn't like the reminder that some upstart Fox was more powerful than them. particularly a fox without a pack, because Draco didn't follow anyone but Jean Claude, and occasionally Asher and Anita... depending on their moods.
“Hm, well its not every day I find someone interested in fighting me. Must keep the new experiences coming.”Eric mused before smirking at Anita, leaning closer, putting his face dangerously close to jean’s fangs, even if the master vampire was resisting the urge to smack him. “Hm,but you smell so good. Like sunlight and fairies.”he mused before smirking as he headed for the door, “Come on fox, I do need to sleep.”He muttered pausing in the doorway, for a moment entranced by the werewolf and wereleopard walking down the hall.”….I should travel more. I want a harem like this.”

“I didn’t think you liked people eric.”Jean pointed out as he wrapped his arms around anita, smirking a little as he pressed a kiss to her hair, nudging her slightly.”You better go greet the men, it is nearly dawn and I need to get to my coffin.”He muttered sounding reluctant, because he didn’t trust the daywalker to not cause even more problems while the rest of them slept.
Anita actually snarled at him! baring her teath as the Lioness rose up inside of her, feeling threatened by a male that was NOT her Rex. it only backed off when Eric left and she sighed a little, laying her head on Jean Claude's shoulder. "i freaking hate you old bastards." she complained, tired and grouchy. Draco had to grin at the comment. "i can get you some very pretty people... how do you feel about Twins?" he asked, grinning impishly at Eric. not many would know it, but Draco had stayed in contact with the hidden Weasley Twins, who had gone into hiding after they took out almost twenty Death Eaters in one go trying to protect their family. only Ginny and them remained of the Weasley Clan. "sleep well Jean Claude." Anita muttered, giving him a small kiss. she headed out to Micah and Richard, offering them a tense smile as Draco side stepped them, not about to get in their way. they'd beaten each other up enough when Draco, full of testosterone and fear, had first shown up. "do you require a Coffin?" Draco asked Eric, his head tilted. "we have a very nice bed in my room if you would rather sleep there. i have errands to run, so you wouldn't be disturbed in any case." he assured the other, wondering if Daywalkers went 'dead' like most Vampires did.
Eric snickered looking way to amused for a man who’d nearly gotten bitten. Yes, he was definitely bored, if a little suicidal because of it. Laughing as he left the room. Jean smiled down at her, pressing a kiss to her hair.”Hm, I will pretend you didn’t say that.”He muttered kissing her before leaving himself.

“Hmmm twins are always good. Tasty always.”Eric mused perking up a little before looking down at the man as he let Draco lead them towards the werefox’s rooms, “I can sleep in a bed.”He said raising a eyebrow, seeing the curious look in the others eyes.”I sleep like a human would, instead of when the sun demands it. I can rest, whenever I want. I die,but its not regulated by the sun.”he answered being open because it wasn’t anything that any of the vampires didn’t know. Unlike some of the others, Eric Northman from the moment he’d been created, had been a daywalker, instead of growing into it. And it was one of the reasons most of the other bloodlines tried to get him to create others, but as far as anyone knew, there were no vampire that could claim eric as their maker.
Draco chuckled a little. "i don't know if Fred and George would let you make a meal of them, but they are pretty, and their always loyal only to one man once they find someone willing to date them both." Draco admitted with a small chuckle. "a bed it is then." he agreed, leading the way to his bedroom. "this is my room. you can use it anytime you want if you don't mind sharing from time to time." he admitted, the room was every bit hedonistic. it was comfortable in soft bright colors, not at all you would expect a dark wizard, and the Slytherin Prince to sleep in. there was even a charmed 'window' on the far wall that looked out onto a massive green field that was filled with beautiful flowers and animals. the ceiling was also charmed to look like the sky, always beautifully bright or if he wanted it dark, filled with the night stars.

Vampires never intruded on Draco's room because the 'fake' sunlight bothered their skin. weaker vampires even burned. with a wave of his hand, the 'sun' set and the moon rose, turning the room dark and pleasantly so. "the sun won't come back unless you will it to." Draco promised with a small smile. "sleep well." he stated before leaving Eric to sleep in peace as he went to hunt down his own entertainment for the evening. Remus Lupin and Richard. Draco was hoping that Richard could help Remus, so with that in mind, he dragged Remus away from the sleeping Harry and practically shoved him into Richard. the battle scarred werewolf bouncing off the stronger, younger werewolf with an Oof! "Draco you little pissant!" Remus complained, shaking his head. "Slamming me into Alpha werewolves is not going to help me get control of my wolf!" Draco just laughed and fled the scene.
That evening Eric smirked as he went in search of the others, walking through the crowd with a amused look. While it was nice to pass unnoticed through the club, at least for a moment, he knew the guards were aware he was there. Whistling to himself as he walked outside he smirked as he posted the sign on the door, glad that jean-claude had been so obliging in having glass walls so it was hard to find the door. Looking amused as he headed back inside to see what everyone else was doing, and wondering just how much of a mess it was going to be when everyone figured out he was pointing people towards a door that didn’t exist. Harry was very correct, the vampire was seriously bored, and despite being there to get the monster, he was having fun while he was there.
Harry had woken, as expected, and had immidiatly pummeled Draco into the ground. completely ignoring the fact that Draco was nearly as powerful as Jean Claude, which was making the rest of the 'immortals' in the club very nervous. a hunter that was strong enough to take on Draco, when even Richard and Anita couldn't make that claim... yeah they where nervous. thankfully they ignored it for the most part and did everything that they needed to, to get ready for the show. Harry was also very grumpy from the headache that the potion that Draco had forced him to take, and that was making him very grouchy. still, Remus was in an incredible mood. he finally had a complete connection to his wolf, and he had taken his very first run in the sunlight, in full control, for the first time in his life. he was a rather weak werewolf, but thanks to Richard, Remus never had to worry about loosing control again. Harry had noticed the sign, but left it as it was simply because it amused him, and made his bad mood go away to soo people pushing the door, looking at the sign, pulling the door, looking down, and then with looks of rage going to look for a door that didn't exist. Draco was also watching, still quite battered from Harry's beating, with a grin on his lips as he watched the prank like it was an all time favorite movie.
Eric smirked as he moved over to lean against the table Draco was sitting at, “You think they’ll figure it out and go take down the sign?”He muttered lowering his head a little, smelling the werefox. Just because he could go awhile without feeding didn’t mean he would bypass on the pleasure. Which was probably why he was focusing on anita, and draco more, because they smelled so amazing to a man who hadn’t fed a lot in the most recent years.

Jean claude sighed as he looked up at anita, drawing her into his arms.”You think I can send eric away? He’s being a child.”he grumbled annoyed because he wanted so very much to go out and take the sign down, to tell eric to leave anita alone, or everyone for that matter, but he knew they needed help catching the monster, and who better to catch the monster then the monster even monsters feared?
Draco smirked a little. "i think they already know." he admitted with a small chuckle as his eyes flicked over to eric. "Jean Claude is just wary of making you annoyed." he admitted with a small snicker. "you'd think they'd notice the 'Closed' Sign just above the sign that you put up." he pointed out, looking EVER so amused. "we won't open for another half an hour yet." he admitted. "people always come too bloody early, hoping they'll be let in to ogle us before we get all dolled up." he admitted with a shake of his head as he looked at Eric. "are you hungry?" he asked, sweeping his hair up and out of the way, letting the man see his long, graceful neck. "we could... retire to my room for a... sojourn." he offered with a small smirk.

She chuckled a little as she snuggled into him. "i have my doubts about him listening." she admitted. "just go out there and remove the sign. the people should know better anyway. they know we're not open yet." she admitted with a roll of her eyes. "let him have his fun for now, at least he's not out there killing things to alleviate his boredom." she pointed out with a small grin before she scowled. "besides, as much as i hate it... we need him. Harry is almost as helpless against this thing as we are, Eric seams to have some small idea of what it is at least.."
“Hm, they might.”Eric agreed smirking before shrugging as he looked at the man.”well, with beauties like you in here, why would they want to pay attention to a closed sign?”Eric said charmingly, with so much oozing charm that you just knew he was laughing on the inside at the utter ridiculousness of the words. “Hmmm,starving.”he muttered before standing, slipping his arms around the werefox and running, as easily and gracefully through the crowd that one minute he was there, and then he wasn’t. Settling draco back on the floor he smirked a little looking down at him.

“I know,but I could still try.”The master vampire said before sighing softly, nodding.”I could, but you’re right. They should know better, and it’s amusing him. He’ll get bored soon enough.”he said shrugging before scowling himself, “You’d hate to have to rely on anyone, much less a man so ancient even without your talent for telling ages, it makes my bones hurt to consider.”he teased a little before smirking. “I think he knows more then what he’s saying,but he’ll tell us in his own time.”
Draco chuckled a little and nodded. "you must be right of course, though Jean Claude tends to attract more attention than i do." he admitted with a smile. "still, it's nice to be reminded of my near perfect beauty." he purred happily, flaunting himself playfully. he squeeked as he was picked up, and was laughing by the time he was set down. "now TAT was a head rush!" Draco admitted with a grin as he settled onto the bed, taking off his expensive silk shirt and sliding it down his pale, perfect body with a sly little grin. "and where would you like to bite me?" he asked softly, his fingers trailing from his neck, down his chest to stroke his inner thigh. "you can have any part of me you want. i don't mind."

Anita chuckled a little and shook her head a little. "he will get bored... at least i hope so." she admitted with a small shudder. "who knows what else that bastard might come up with." "he's mostly harmless i think." Harry piped up suddenly. "unless you make him angry he seams to be a fairly laid back fellow." Harry admitted as he ran a hand through his hair. "he's so old though. he's old enough that it makes my head hurt." Anita admitted with a scowl. "he's not as old as some we've come across but he's old enough." she admitted. "what DO we know about him?" Harry asked. "all i know is that it's very stupid to try and go up against him." he admitted simply.
“Hm, well I’m not a fan of dark haired people. To much time spent in Sweden with blonds.”He said snickering a little, teasing mostly. Looking over the man as he sat him down he laughed,”Hm it is. Fun though.”he mused at being able to run like that before looking over the man. “hmmm..maybe I’ll take a nibble on you everywhere.”He snickered a little as he stretched out next to the other man, before lowering his head and biting the other’s neck, sucking slowly.

“He’ll come up with something equally sadistic and childish.”Jean said snickering a little before glancing at harry. “Laid back,maybe. But then again he’s not at home.Maybe he’s being cautious.”jean said though he wasn’t really buying that anything would make eric nervous about anything. Leaning back in his chair he thought about it. Thinking about the long life of eric northman, the bogeyman that all little vampires were told about. “He’s one of the mother of the dark’s first children. But….even as a youngling, his…nature was the exact opposite of hers. He’s been able to daywalk since that first night rising…after that, he just kept adding talents to his list of things, though no one’s quite sure how he does it.”Jean frowned harder as he thought. “Eric originally was from what today is Sweden, he’s one of the orginal Vikings. Spent a few years sailing and doing the pilliaging crap the Vikings are so famous for…after that… he disappeared. The vampires as a whole thought he’d gone to sleep, because mother dark had done so, after so long awake.”He shrugged. “No one knew what he was doing until he reclaimed sweden, became the power behind the throne of the Swedish crown, and forbid anyone from trespassing without asking him, on pain of death.”

"as far as anyone knows, he's not ruled by logic, or any other...emotional tie. Whatever controls him, its purely something that only makes sense to him."
Draco chuckled a little bit, his head tilted. "yes, us blonds ARE superior on all ways." he purred playfully. "yes, very fund, i enjoyed that even more than i enjoy those muggle roller coasters!" Draco admitted with a wide grin. "only, don't tell anyone i said that." he ordered with a smug little snicker before sighing happily as he watched Eric's oh so gorgeous body unfold in front of him. "mmmm" he leaned into the warmth of Eric's mouth. he really was a bit of a slut, but he tended to be very loyal to the one who was fucking him. not that he'd had sex in a while. Jean Claude wouldn't fuck him anymore because Micah and Anita complained. Nathan would still give him the occasional screw, but Draco was always on top when they did that. and Draco preferred to make someone else do all the work.

Harry smiled a little as Anita snorted. "he's not the type to be cautious. he's the most powerful Vampire there is, isn't he?" Harry asked, lifting an eyebrow. "i think i have him pegged pretty well. whatever it is that he's hunting. it scares him, and he wants to enjoy life a little bit before going off and trying to kill it." he admitted. "and if he's scared of it, then i am too." Harry admitted. "but then... there's a lot of things that scare me." he admitted with a grin. "yes, and you desire to beat all of them to a pulp." Remus stated dryly. "the more afraid of something he is, the more he want's to catch it." he complained. "ever since he killed Voldemort he's been practically suicidal." "it's called being an Adrenaline junky." Harry complained with a roll of his eyes. "i wonder if he knew Hitler?" Harry mused, pondering about Erik. "i can't imagine he would have been too happy about some human trying to take over his territory like that." he shrugged a little. "i suppose it doesn't matter." he mused. "still... this thing..." he muttered with a small little grin on his face. "yes this is going to be exciting."
Eric laughed around the blond in his mouth, amused that the blond was such a slut before raising his head after licking the wound closed, looking vaguely amused as he looked down at the werefox.”You look all pretty and innocent laying there, but you’re not that are you?You’re just a power slut…”He teased looking amused as he sat up. Definitely teasing the other man.

“If he isn’t, he’s among them.”Asher agreed as he joined them, sighing quietly. “I don’t want to be near something that scares Northman. That’s a disturbing thought.”Asher grumbled looking disturbed at the idea that even eric could be scared by something. Listening to the two go back in forth Jean sighed a little, a quick smile flashing across his face. “From all reports, he joined Hilter’s SS and was playing chess with the men while he watched them take over.”He shrugged as everyone stared at him.”What? He controls Scandinavia, are you really surprised he’d get behind a government that allowed him to control all of it at once instead of having to deal with different kings and queens?”He pointed out shrugging before nodding.”It’ll be something, I’m not sure if excitings the right word.”
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