The Hunting and the Hunted (HP/Anita Blake) Moon/Lady

“Soul removing helps, but sometimes the koschei decides to keep their original body, and still have the benefits of being what they are. Its weird and I don’t exactly understand what they are, I just know that they’;re annoying, damn near as immortal as me, and they have some really fucked up rules they live by.”Eric snorted before looking at draco with more interest. Jean smirked snickering a little. “Draco cant tell time, we keep trying to teach him, but he never listens.”Jean teased a little watching eric’s interest in the werefox sharpen.”Well, I can’t tell time either.” “…when you can measure years of your life as how many thousands you’ve seen, I think you can be forgiven not knowing how to keep track of time.” Eric smirked before raising his eyebrows at draco.”I might not look strange, but I have my own little tricks.”He mused because he really did, he was so different from the others, one of the mother’s first children, that no one really had a measuring stick to measure him with.

“Well, we have more help this time.”Jean reassured the vampire looking amused though he was worried. The amusement hide just how worried he was about what they were going to be doing.
Remus blinked a little at that and then nodded. "i can understand that. creatures as powerful as Koschei wouldn't just let people know their secretes after all." he agreed as Draco glared at Jean Claude. "i can TOO tell time!" "oh he's just insulted that he couldn't keep her entertained longer." Anita pointed out with a smirk. "after all, he's just a werefox. who cares if he can do things that others can't do?" Draco snorted and rolled his eyes. "your just annoyed that i'm more powerful than Richard and Micah." "as if!" "i don't see THEM being able to do the thigns i can do." "so your a freak, so what of it..." she paused as Harry snarled viciously at that and he advanced on Anita, feeling poorly or not. "don't you EVER call a person a Freak in my presence again!" he snarled, Anita actually stumbling backwards, away from him, shocked and frightened. "Harry! Calm down, you know she didn't say that to be mean." Remus ordered, gathering Harry into his arms before the boy attacked someone. his memories, and his emotions where running close to the surface and Draco looked a little stunned before a pained expression flitted across his face as he remembered just why Harry hated the word 'freak'. "..sorry..." Harry muttered. "my Wolf is... close to the surface at the moment... i didn't mean to frighten you..." Harry muttered once he'd forced himself to calm down. Occlumency was wonderful. "so... er..." Draco stuttered. "when are we going after this thing then?" "...we?" Harry asked, lifting an eyebrow at Draco who smirked and nodded. "yes. we."
Jean-claude and Eric watched the exchange, both vampires reaching out and catching anita as she stumbled,settling in next to the necromancer to protect her if harry actually ended up attacking her. Calming after a moment before eric shrugged.”It’s going to be daylight in a few hours. We can go then. All magic’s weaker in daylight.”he said looking at draco, raising his eyebrows. “There is no ‘we’. Theres a me and harry, and maybe anita if she wants to come. And maybe Edward if he’s landed yet.” “….why do you think Edward’s on the way?”jean said not knowing what to say, even if he to, suspected anita had made a call when she’d figured out she had no idea what they were dealing with.

“….Because, you have two of the four horsemen already here. With me and Edward on the ground, it makes four.”Eric said simply, laughing out loud at jean’s confused look.”What?” “You don’t know what the European vampires are calling potter and blake?”Eric smirked looking pleased at the idea. “Conquest, War, Famine and Death.The four horsemen that usher in the apocalypse, and are the last judgement of man.”

(I couldn't help it. I had to steal a actual thing from the books about the four horsemen...though it doesn't come in till after the book you stopped on, but it was amusing. XD)
Harry nodded a little. "He's right. especially magic involving the dead or the soul." Harry admitted now that he had gotten himself calmed down. Draco pouted at being left out but he nodded anyway. "i'm coming." Anita stated roughly, scowling a little as she realized Eric knew that Edward was coming. she had indeed called him as soon as Eric had shown up. just in case. "oh come on!" Harry protested. "i did it ONCE!" he complained, Remus snickering as Draco looked baffled. "Did what?" "hunted a creature so relentlessly it starved to death because it couldn't stop to eat..." Harry grumbled, sulking a little as Draco gaped at him. now THAT was impressive. "they call me that too because no Vampire's ever been able to bite me. they seam to think they'd starve to death if they where locked in a room with me." Harry admitted with a snort. "which is ridiculous of course."

(you want me to play Edward or do you want to?)
Eric grinned pleased.”Now we just need horses. Can you ride?We should get some.”Eric said looking amused even as jean claude stared at him. “….you enjoy playing the insane old guy don’t you?” “Oh no, this is how I really am.”Eric said looking bemused at the man’s words before smirking at harry.”Yes, but its so famous I heard about it in sweden, which doesn’t have the best rumor network. So it was well known.”Eric said smirking a little.”Maybe. Though you do smell amazing, like death and sunlight.”Eric mused before shrugging.”Besides, Death and War were already taken, not to mention conquest. You just happen to starve someone, so you got famine.”

(you can, cause I sooo want to see eric and Edward interacting...for some reason they seem like they should get along. XD)
XDD ok.)

Harry snorted a little. "i've never ridden a horse, but i have ridden Thestrils on many occasions. and Hippogryphs, i can't imagine a horse being too much more difficult." Harry admitted simply as he shrugged. "besides, as old as you people are, your ALL insane." Harry quipped with a smug little grin. "at least i have the excuse of torture and brain damage for my insanity." he admitted with a grimace as Eric commented on it. it was a particularly famous story, that was STILL being told! Harry had been going after a particularly violent werewolf. one of the 'muggle' kind, the ones that could transform at will. Harry had stalked him relentlessly for weeks. pausing only long enough to collect food from his pack. just enough to keep himself alive, not to mention whatever he found along the way. the Werewolf hadn't had any time to do anything but run, because Harry was faster in the forest than the werewolf had been. the few times it had managed to catch something, Harry had chased it off it's meal. by the time Harry fully caught up to the thing, it had been dead. starved to death.

"There was no 'just happened' about that." a new voice stated. "Potter was simply a ruthless, relentless hunter." "Edward!" Anita cried happily, beaming at him. "you got here faster than i expected!" "hello Anita." Edward stated smugly. "i came as soon as i heard Harry 'Famine' Potter was here. he's known for hunting and killing unusually difficult beasts. like that Ukranian Ironbelly that contracted rabies." "oh, that was easy." Harry stated with a shrug. "the Hungarian Horntail in my fourth year was harder." Edward snorted at that and shook his head. "they did say you where modest, but i didn't realize you'd actually downplay your own achievements." "i am not! i'm just not that remarkable!" Harry complained. "besides 'Death', not all of us have as much of a bloated Ego as yours!" that actually made Edward laugh.
Eric snickered as he watched the man arrive, leaning back against the wall as he watched harry and Edward together, wrinkling his nose a little.”I owned a horntail once, it wasn’t fun. I’m disappointed I don’t get greeted with tales of my own exploits.”Eric mused raising his eyebrows a little as he looked at harry and Edward, sighing softly. “Eric, stop being a ass. You’re only upset because you’ve never met them before.”Jean said amused that the man was sulking at the two. “…I’d never met any of you before. I don’t like company.” “No, but you do like people paying attention to you. You and draco are alike like that. Besides, your own exploits would give people nightmares.” “I do know where you sleep jean.” “I’m to old to be playing this game with you. YOU are definitely to old to be playing. Now stop.”Jean ordered looking even more nervous because he had a feeling eric was stalling which meant he was more worried then he let on.
Edward lifted an eyebrow at that and studied Eric intently. "and your The Northman, sometimes referred to as 'Conquest' and occasionally as 'Pestilence' because of the Area you've conquered and how the people you don't like seam to die of strange but natural causes." Edward stated, a slow smirk on his lips. "you have a great talent for making deaths look completely accidental." he mused, examining the other. "which makes me wonder why you're still here? why haven't you killed this monster yet?" he asked curiously and it was Harry who answered. "because it's possessing someone that..." there was a breif flutter of an almost smile. "Pestilence knows in some manner. he doesn't know how to get the Koschei out of the victim." he paused as Edward twitched. "a Koschei? those things are a bitch." Edward grumbled, shaking his head. "alright, lets get to work then." Edward demanded. "we just have to find the original body... unless it's the original body that's got you so upset?" he demanded of the Northman. "because while i'm all too happy to let Famine..." "Hey!" "save the Victim. i won't be letting the monster escape with it's life."
“Ohhh, its so nice to know that someone knows me. See, I was serious about the horses. I used to hunt on horseback, we should get some.”Eric said, he really could be labeled as insane, truly. He was odd at the weirdest moments before smirking.”Well, its not my fault that humans are so fragile and accident prone.”Eric said looking down before giving harry a little before smirking a little.”…its both. I know both the victim, and who the bitch was originally.”He said looking a little disturbed because he so didn’t want to go into why it bothered him, or why the koschei had so nicely chosen a victim tied to him,but he knew he couldn’t avoid it forever. "But either way, both victim and koschei are probably dead, after...a certain time, its almost impossible to separate them alive."
Harry and Edward and Anita all snorted at Eric's antics and Edward grinned a little. "i know how to ride horses. Anita too. we could forma club." "Don't encourage him Edward!" Anita protested before looking surprised at the sudden information. Edward nodded. "the 'bitch' as you called it, possessed someone close to you to hurt you then." he mused as Harry smirked viciously. "you know... after Voldemort died... i discovered a shocking new talent." Harry admitted. "that i tested on Dementors and muggles who where being possessed by violent ghosts." he admitted. "have you ever heard of Soul magic? and i mean REAL soul magic? not just taking out a soul, but manipulating, healing, or even returning one?" Anita was staring at him, wide eyed. "yes. only someone who has seen Death, and come back, can become a true Soul Mage. once the Kochei's real body is destroyed, it will be easy for me to manipulate the two souls in the victims body. it will leave me very drained. i'll no doubt be out for weeks. but i can remove the spirit without hurting the victim. no matter the length of time. it hurts more than you want to imagine though... oh, not the victim, they don't feel a thing, but me and the Koschei are going to be screaming bloody murder." Harry admitted simply.
“I need no encouragement, pretty lady.”Eric grinned nodding quickly. “I think I will look into getting horses while the vampires sleep for the day. Surely someone in St. lous have horses.”He mused as he looked at Edward and nodded slightly. “She…yes.I believed I had killed her once. She took someone I cared for, because of it…though she waited a enormous amount of centuries to do it, which means she might be planning something else…but I do not know.”Eric said frustrated because he didn’t. Eric northman wasn’t used to not knowing things. Staring at harry he perked up a little before frowning.”Good. Then we will get the girl back…but do not risk yourself for her, needlessly. As much as I care for her, she would not want you killing yourself, or nearly doing so, to bring her back.”
they watched Eric carefully. "so she's set on revenge... and some other task no doubt that we don't know about..." Anita muttered, frowning. "i really don't like this." she complained with a small sigh and Harry shrugged. "Soul Magic, while painful, is not really all that dangerous... well it's not dangerous for me. if i pull out the wrong soul then we'll be in a heaping hell of trouble, but i'll make certain to be very careful." he promised. "i haven't practiced all that much, being that there isn't many people to practice ON, but i'm certain of my capabilities." he admitted calmly. "it will hurt, and i'll be exaughsted afterwords, but i won't be in any real danger." Harry promised with a reassuring smile. it helped that Remus didn't look too worried.
“Yes, I would think that.”Eric said staring at the floor, not really listening as he considered what the woman was to him. He so didn’t want to hunt her, but he knew he needed to. If only because he was worried that none of the others would be able to kill her, and well….he needed to know she was dead. Looking up at harry’s words he frowned at the man a little before nodding.”Good.Then we’ll see what we can do.”He said. “Now, I must go to sleep.”Jean muttered bending down to kiss anita before heading towards the door. “We should go gather the things we need today, while the koschei is at her weaknest. She doesn’t like sunlight. She can move in it, but it hurts.”Eric said looking at the others as he straightened, getting ready to go out of the day.
Edward shook his head a little as he watched Jean Claude kiss Anita. he really hated how much she liked him. if she hadn't absolutely demanded he do nothing to Jean Claude, he'd have killed the vampire master years ago. Harry snorted at Eric. "i always have what i need." Harry stated, lifting a small coin bag... or at least it looked like a coin bag. he proved them all wrong by reaching into the bag, and his arm vanished up to the shoulder with a smirk. "never ending." he admitted with a snicker at Anita and Edwards gobsmacked expressions. Edward just patted all the weapons he was carrying hidden on his body and Anita headed to her room to 'weapon up'. it took ten minutes and then she was ready too. "so. how do we find this thing? i really don't want to have to sniff it out in the middle of the city. it stinks here!"
Eric’s jaw dropped a little as he considered the bag, “I want one of those. You should make me one.”he said before smirking.”Or maybe I can get the pretty fox make me one. I think he would be glad to help me.”he said pleased with the idea before sighing softly, rubbing a hand over his face as he considered how to track it.”Anita’s a necromancer, she can get us to the general area. At least for the original body, it’s a dead thing, but it’ll stand out like something alive. It might be weird enough to be recognized. If not, we’ll have to think of something else.”
Harry chuckled a little and reached into his pocket, pulling out a little purple velvet bag and tossed it to Eric. if the vampire reached into it, he would find it both empty, and bottomless. if he could have fit his head in there, it would have been a nice hiding place... or a prank. Draco sulked as he realized he wouldn't get to 'help' the vampire. Anita nodded. "i'll look." she promised as Harry pulled out a massively bejeweled sword and Draco gasped. "that's the sword of Gryffindor!" "soaked in the poison of a Basilisk, yes. even the undead cannot help but die int he face of a Basilisk." Harry admitted with a chuckle. "it's my favorite weapon." "you can't use the sword of Gryffindor to kill the undead!" "why not? he's not using it." "it's HISTORY!" "you sound like Hermione!" Harry countered, effectively shutting Draco up, but only because he was sputtering and spittering in his rage. Harry just roled his eyes and pointed at Remus. "Stay." Remus snorted and turned and left the room, amused with Harry as the by scowled. not what he meant, but it would work. Anita snickered and led the way out intot he city, spreading her senses and trying to find something. "...this way..." she muttered, leading the way forward and hoping she was following the right thing.
Eric grinned pleased as he reached into the bag, before starting to mubble to himself as he considered what he could be putting into it before looking at the wizards fighting over the sword. “I’ll share my sword with you, if you want one.”eric said nudging draco a little looking amused at the anger before moving over to stand next to anita, gently sliding his arm through hers.”Close your eyes, and use your arm to guide me. Sometimes our eyes play tricks and tell us its not possible even if your magical sense is saying yes that it is.”He said letting her direct them, a long knife, see the definition of sword, hanging loosely in his hand.
Harry chuckled a little as he shook his head. "you can put anything you like in it. i myself keep a few hundred emergency things." Harry admitted, patting his bag. "if you put a drop of blood on the drawstring, only you will be able to touch the bag." Harry admitted with a nod as he followed Anita out into the street. Anita sighed softly and closed her eyes and paused for a long moment and then simply turned to the right and walked right out into traffic. or would have if Eric hadn't held her back. apparently she HAD been going the wrong way. both Edward and Harry fought back the urge to snicker. they followed her through the city and into the natural parts, where the thing was no doubt hiding in a nice damp dark cave.
Eric yelped a little as he stopped anita, swallowing hard as he let her direct them through the city, even if he kept having to stop her from taking the shortest distance between the points, and cutting through traffic. “Now no snickering boys, its not fun teasing her if she’s not paying attention.”He said looking at the two men before stopping at the edge of the park, swallowing hard as he closed his eyes and nudged anita.”You can look now.”he said taking a deep breath as he tried to sort out the scents he was getting. His sense of smell wasn’t as strong as a were’s, but it was pretty good.And he knew this woman, surely he can find them.
Anita ignored the slight snickers and Harry and Edward did their best not to laugh at how ridiculous Anita looked walking about with her eyes closed. Anita blinked as she was nudged and stared out into the forest. "Damn! i lost it." she complained, scowling at Eric. "what did you do that for!? i could have led us right to her!" "it's too dangerous in the trees for you to be walking about with your eyes closed." Edward stated, yelping in shock as Harry suddenly shrank down and became a massive, pitch black timber wolf. Harry was so big that standing, he came up to Anita's hip. sitting his head would brush her elbows. he took several deep inhales and then started to pace back and forth in front of the trees, nose twitching before he paused, looked back at them, set his nose to the ground and set off. "...he really can turn into a Wolf!" Anita gasped, stunned before taking off after Harry, who was, apparently, not waiting for them.
“That, and I want both hands for weapons now that we’re this close.”Eric said smiling slightly at Anita even as he reached for his swords, the blades nearly as long as his thigh bone, and obviously old,even if they were well taken care of. Ancient weapons, for a ancient warrior. Looking slightly startled down at the wolf he smirked a little, looking amused at anita’s surprise.”Most wizards can. At least the ones I know. Though not all are wolves. I found a otter once.”he said thoughtfully before starting to follow after anita, keeping his eyes out for the koschei, feeling his back muscles tighten even as he remembered the last time he’d hunted her. Swallowing hard as he tried not to totally lose his focus.
Anita nodded a little at that and drew her gun as Edward pulled out a semi auto pistol in both hands. he had a fully automatic Rifle lay across his back, and with so many 'refills' he wasn't going to be going down anytime soon. "is this the original body, or the possessed one, can you tell?" Anita asked Eric, wondering what kind of firepower they where going to need. if it was the one being possessed, they'd need to knock her out. if it was the original body, they'd riddle it full of wholes... if it was both... suddenly Harry growled and bared his fangs and went tense, his legs stiffening, as if he was a real wolf. Harry must have spent a great many nights as a Wolf to be so in-tune with his instincts like that. he snarled again and both Edward and Anita brought up their guns, waiting. it was close, but which one was it!?
Eric swallowed hard as he tensed, closing his eyes, fairly vibrating with his anxiety as he turned his head this way and that, thinking. “The original.She’s…”he swallowed turning his head this way and that, sensing the magic, feeling it before turning, and slicing through the air, eyes still closed even as blood splattered the air. The sword in his hand glowing ever so slightly in the sunlight, a blue white glow of magic, even as he stepped to the side before the koschei could respond, eyes opening slowly. “Alexi, I had not thought your body would be able to move, without you in it.”he muttered eyes sad even if he vibrated with the need to strike her down. “…there are many things you do not know, Northman. This is one of them.You will not stop me.”The beautiful blond snarled, and for a moment there was a eerie look alike between both of the former swedes.
Harry snarled, baring his teeth as the woman stepped into the little area and Edward brought his gun up to aim for her heart while Anita aimed at her head. Harry appeared in a shimmering of Magic and swung his sword , aiming for her neck as soon as Eric snarled. Anita released her trigger and started trying to blow holes in... Alexi's head and Edward simply pressed the trigger and tried to blast her in half. neither of them realized that they had worked almost perfectly together. it was simply instinctual, or they noticed where each other was standing and aiming. no one thought it would be so easy however, and Edward had a feeling that she'd be out of the way before the first bullet even reached her. Anita worried that she simply would get back up, even when riddled with bullets. Harry didn't worry, not much lived without their head, and those that did couldn't hold up to Basilisk venom. his only concern was making sure she didn't escape if he missed.
Alexi simply melted to the side, moving towards Eric even as they other’s tried to kill her. Snarling as harry’s sword brushed against her arm, delivering the venom even as she pounced on the vampire. “You are a dead man.” “I know.”Eric muttered even as he let her ride his body to the ground, letting her get to him even as he cleaved her sword through her stomach, trusting the other two to get the koschei off him before she ended his life totally, ignoring as she gnawed at his shoulder like a terrier with a bone, using his own body as a distraction while he waited for the others to kill her.
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