The Hunting and the Hunted (HP/Anita Blake) Moon/Lady

“Yes it is. Matters which version of the bible, and revelations you read, you illiterate American.”Eric said back, refusing to be insulted, before smirking.”well, I do get everywhere. Like disease, but I’m not pestilence, I’m conquest. At least according to the bible scholars back in Europe that came up with the nicknames, not that I’d think a American would appreciate europe’s opinions over their own.”Eric said smirking a little before looking startled at harry’s reaction to the sword, shaking his head a little. “Well, stay away from all my weapons, and you’ll be okay. Since I share a country with the unseelie queen, I thought it was important to have something to use on her, if she should take,….insult that I have a human girlfriend.”Eric said smirking a little looking amused because in the past, him and mab had shared a bed, but both near immortals had a passing fancy, and it was only every century or so they gave in to sharing a bed, then both moved on. No, Eric had a fae killing sword for the simple fact that he was just that paranoid, and mab had enemies, and since he liked her..well, he’d waged wars for less then friendship before.
Edward scowled at Eric for a moment and then. "i didn't realize that there was more than one version of the bible." "...what's Bible?" Harry asked, looking baffled and Anita turned to him, looking utterly horrified. how could someone not know what the bible was!? ", never mind... the last time someone gave me that look i was lectured for days." Harry stated with a roll of his eyes. "ah, yeah i'm of the Unseelie side." Harry admitted with a nod. "Dark creatures as wizards would call us, the ignorant fools. Queen Mab probobly has someone watching me if i really think about it. i'm only a halfling but i'm politically powerful enough to cause a hell of a lot of damage between Fey and Wizarding relations. i try to stay out of it." Harry admitted with a shake of his head. "in any case, let's go! Anita and i will lead you, Edward can't be trusted." Harry stated with sniff, Edward snickering a little. they all knew it was true. "onward ho viking!"
“There’s always more then one of things. Espicially when you get to my age.”Eric grinned looking amused though vaguely disturbed at the idea of harry not knowing what the bible was. “Jus tthink of it as the catholic rulebook, and you’re about right.”He said amused before nodding.”She probably does. She enjoys watching out for people. Even if they are capable of looking after themselves.”He said, ohhh the sulking in that voice, that said mab had looked after him once in awhile. “Well, of course he can’t.”Eric said as he closed his eyes, reaching out for his bond with gabriella, starting to walk even as he talked ot the others.”He’d lead me into traffic or something.”
Harry blinked. "What's Catholic?" he asked, looking even more baffled and Anita couldn't hold it in anymore. "You've never been to Church!?" she demanded and Harry blinked. "OH!... no i haven't. my relatives wouldn't take me because they where afraid i'd do something freakish and incite the Wrath of God." Harry admitted. "they wouldn't let me have anything to do with religion. but my freind, Hermione. she taught me about God when she realized i didn't know any religion. i tried a few others but i like God the best." Harry admitted with a shrug. "i pray most nights but i don't know anything else about religion other than that God forgives sins and gives them a place in heaven if they live their lives right." Anita was gaping at him. "and... Jesus?" "whose Jesus?" Anita groaned and shook her head. well at least Harry had a respect for God at the very least. they all snickered at Eric's statement and Harry and Anita both took the task of leading Eric around the fast moving cars.
Eric smirked a little as he listened to anita and harry’s talk about religion.”Does it offend a part of you that I’m pagan? I pray to the gods make sure they strike people down. Like Edward, who’s determined to lead me into traffic, and don’t think I don’t see you laughing back there, forrester.”Eric sulked even as he walked, pausing for a moment as he let the others direct him, shivering ever so slightly.”we’re getting closer…”he muttered tensing the closer they got to the edge of town, the wooded edge that butted up against the river.
Anita gasped at him before pausing as she recalled that he was probobly born before Christianity had ever even existed. Edward snickered at the Vampire and Harry rolled his eyes as he yanked both Anita and Eric to a halt, shaking his head a little. "Honestly Anita! Eric's supposed to be the one with his head in the clouds, not you!" "HEY!" Edward just laughed. they followed the way to the woods and paused, there where too many trees to let Eric continue with his eyes closed. "stop. we're at the woods. i'll change into my Wolf form and smell her out." Harry promised, offering him a small grin before melting into his Wolf form. it would have been easier to tap into his Fey magic, but it burned when he used it. not in an unpleasant way, but he didn't want to be walking around with a hard on trying to find a Koschei. he knew it was because he didn't use it often enough, but he didn't really like being half fey.
Eric snickered at anita’s reaction, cracking a eye to look at her.”If it makes you feel better, I was already ancient by the time Christ was born.”he reassured her before opening his eyes all the way,wrinkling his nose slightly at the scents overlapping the forest floor.”Stupid koschei…thinking I’d use scent to track her, instead of a bond.”He said wincing because the scent trails overlapped and twisted, but between him and harry smelling and sensing, they’d be okay. Glancing down at the wolf he frowned a little.”I’m taking you home to Sweden when I take gabriella home. You need help.”he told the half fey, having every intention of showing him off to mab, just to make the unseelie queen jealous.
Anita gaped at him again and then shook her head. "i suppose..." she mumbled, sighing a little. not even knowing vampires came to existence before Jesus could sway her faith. Harry whined, confused as he paced back and forth, unable to find a stronger scent than another. he paused to grown at Eric, not at all interested in having help with something he wanted no part of. he led the way into the forest, sometimes traveling in little circles, his nose to the ground before he suddenly changed back. "it's no good. her trails are too overlapped. i can't smell where she..." he paused, his pupils widening before he staggered and fell onto one knee... there was a blade shoved into his back, a knife and it looked like it was made of steal. so at least Harry wouldn't be having an allergic reaction to it, even if there was no blade showing. "ah...oh ouch..." Harry groaned before he regained his feet, shocking even Edward. "Jesus Famine! sit down before you collapse!" "shut up." Harry demanded, trying to reach the blade. "i just need a... need a... potion..." it was Edward who caught Harry as he collapsed.
Eric twisted even as Harry fell, the short sword flashing in the dull light as it came over his shoulder, a wrist flick flicking away the knife that nearly caught him in the shoulder. Already turning on his toes to fight with gabriella, and it was obvious within moments, that despite gabriella being human, she was nearly a match for eric’s centuries worth of fighting. After all, he’d taught her, and with a koschei’s inhuman speed making her quicker then normal, eric was hard pressed to beat gabriella, at least slowing her down so harry would have a chance to save her.

The scream of metal on metal, a hiss escaping as Gabriella cut him,”Silver darling. You should know better.”The vampire snarled even as he twisted, recognizing his gabriella in the koschei’s possession, she’d chosen a weapon, a pure silver weapon, that wouldn’t hold up well under cold iron. Snarling as the fighting escalated, and after a few quick blows, and nearly one that took him in the neck, eric lost sight of himself for a moment, and spitted the woman on the end of his sword, both their blood littering the ground under them.

And in those moments, watching her die on the end of his sword, Eric realized something he hadn’t known before. Because there had been so few people that he’d connected with,cared for, he hadn’t realized until then, that Gabriella had been his true north, the compass on which he judged everything he did.
Edward and Anita gasped in shock as Eric fought with Gabriella as Edward carefully yanked the blade out of Harry's back, hissing in shock. "poison!" he hissed, flinging the blade away and grabbing Harry's never ending bag in the hopes of finding something that could help Harry. being half fey, Poison couldn't kill Harry, but it would leave him quite incapacitated for days, or weeks depending on the strength. he was already going pale, his breathing and heart beat slowing down in a natural reaction to protect his vital organs from damage. Anita gasped as she looked up, her eyes widening as she realized he had killed the princess. "Eric!" she gasped, rushing forward and gathered her into her arms and took off towards civilization, hoping to get her to the hospital before death took her. Anita should have known better, Gabriella was dead before she even found the first sidewalk. Edward was gathering Harry into his arms and he paused to blink at Eric. "well!? come on you stupid idiot!" Edward snarled. "You have to get those cuts and burns looked at!"
Eric frowned, looking dazed as Anita pulled Gabriella away from him, stumbling a moment even as he stared at the the other two, before shaking his head.”Go.”He said moving to walk, as if he was following after them, but after a moment, Eric turned away, making use of that vampire speed, heading for the open ground, having every intention of getting back to Sweden. Feeling cut off from everything even as he felt his bond snap with gabriella, the man was thinking clearly enough to feel the call to go home. But…was he stable enough to do it? Most vampires would meet the sun, when feeling as suicidal as eric, but he was a daywalker….someone would need to find him before he did something rash. Thankfully, if anyone thought about it, draco had a bond with him, could find the man.

Within the hour Eric was near the closest thing he could find like home, the river. Even if it was muddy water instead of icy cold clear water, it was water, and the Viking so wanted to be home. before he had killed the only person he had cared for anymore. He only hoped he'd managed to kill the koschei along with gabriella.
no one thought to warn Draco, but the boy didn't need the warning. he could FEEL it. he could sense the trouble and had gone to Eric himself. as soon as he'd paused for longer than a minute, there was a small noise and a tiny, tiny pure white fox leaped out of the trees and into Eric's lap, it's pale silver eyes looked up at him with utter familiarity and then, without warning, there was a Draco Malfoy in the vampire's lap. he didn't speak, he just took out his wand and started healing the Vampire he had grown so attached to. he didn't know, really, what was wrong with him, only that Eric had needed him and so he'd gone. he carefully cleaned the blood off the sword and clothes and then took a pine cone and turned it into a hairbrush and silently started fixing Eric's hair with a small scowl. "i'm sorry." he finally whispered softly, pulling Eric into a calm hug, trying to comfort him, even when he knew there could be none.
Eric barely responded as the fox leapt into his lap, absently stroking his hair for a moment, and not really noticing as he found himself stroking draco’s shoulder. Lowering his head to rest his hand in his lap as he let draco take care of him, he finally focused enough as draco hugged him to respond.”…you’re sorry my hair’s a mess?”He asked after a moment, a deep frown quirking his lips, looking confused for a moment. Focusing on the stupid thing, instead of what he’d done.
Draco smiled a little at the other. "no. i'm sorry i'm going to have to shave you bald. these tangles are terrible." he complained with a shake of his head as he gently stroked the brush through Eric's perfectly untangled hair. Draco sighed a little as he gently urged Eric to his feet. "come on. to your feet. we need to get back. the sun will be down soon and there are more than just monsters lurking in these woods." Draco stated calmly as he led Eric back towards civilization. "not to mention the fact that you need a shower. you stink to high heaven." Draco complained with a shake of his head. he didn't mention that the princess was dead, or that Harry was in a dormancy that was expected to last at least a week.
“What?i’ve had this hair since I was a child. I don’t want to be bald.”Eric whined a little but relaxing as he realized draco was teasing him, and brushing his hair easily. Sighing quietly as he let the other drag him to his feet.”I don’t smell, and I am the biggest monster in the woods.”he muttered looking thoughtful, barely responding as the others took care of him.

A week later eric was back to himself, mostly. Though it was obvious he was still withdrawn and quiet, he’d spent most of the week with draco, a silent blond shadow. Though jean-claude had a interesting job for the man, and hopefully it’d draw him out. Looking at anita as she sat in his lap he wrapped a arm around his lover, the master vampire looking up at anita.”Do you think he’d do it?There’s not a lot of Vikings left, and he’s never given a interview for history channel before.”he muttered, ever since the vampires had come out, history channel had taken advantage of the extremely long lived people, and once they realized there was a ancient Viking in st. louius, they’d asked. Now if they could only convince Eric to leave Gabriella’s grave(temporary, at least until eric was prepared to return to Sweden, as they were worried about him, they’d forced him to stay state side) long enough to do it. As a day walker, he’d spent nearly day and night with the dead woman.
Draco chuckled at Eric's whining and shook his head a little. "you do too stink, and you actually look fairly pathetic at the moment." he teased with a grin. a week later, Harry still hadn't woken up, though color was starting to return to him, and his breathing and heart rate where back to normal. he was expected to wake up within the day. Draco was practically babying the Viking, making sure he was constantly comfortable and had everything he wanted. had Eric been a child, people would have been complaining about Draco spoiling him. Anita looked up at Jean Claude and smirked a little. "we could always just trick him into it." she teased with a snicker before sighing. "i'm sure he'd do it if Draco asked him too... i know Draco is planning on following Eric back to... Sweden?" she asked, shaking her head. "he likes the cold." she mused, glancing at Jean Claude. "we'll have Draco tell him. for some reason Eric seams to do anything Draco tells him to do." from 'take a shower you stinky oaf' to 'for gods sakes eat something already.' to 'if you don't get over here and drink some blood right this instant, you will wish you had never been born.' Draco was sarcastic as always, but at least it got Eric doing whatever Draco told him to do. though Anita personally thought Eric was simply more amused and was humoring Draco than anything else. so, it was Draco, a half an hour later grabbing Eric's arm. "i'm tired of you sulking. your doing something productive. say hello to the History Channel. your going to tell them about being a viking and your going to LIKE it!"
Jean-claude snickered a little nodding.”H edoes listen,which is just amusing.Probably not often he gets talked to like that.He’s probably enjoying it.”he muttered, though he found it amusing, he was glad that there was someone that eric was listening to.

Eric frowned a little at the man,”I’m not sulking.”he said, his voice soft and slightly rusty, having only spoken when he had to.”No. I don’t want to.”He muttered sighing softly. Wrapping his arms around himself he looked like a child, instead of a ancient. He was lost, shaken with gabriella’s death and was having problems finding himself again.
Anita snickered a little and nodded as she watched Draco manhandling Eric out the door. "you are too sulking you great baby." Draco chastised, pushing Eric into a chair. "and i don't care what you want. your doing it." he ordered crossing his arms and glancing at the person who would be doing the interview. "and i'll be watching YOU." he warned, growling. "remember what i said!" Draco ordered, the woman nodding frantically. apparently Draco had set up some guidelines for this meeting. the woman turned her attention to Eric, looking vaguely worried about him. "are you alright sir? you don't mind answering some questions?" she asked hopefully. "we've never been able to interview a real Viking before!"
Eric frowned even though he let the other manhandle him.”I am not a child. Nor am I sulking. I killed my girlfriend.That is not sulking.”Eric muttered to low for the woman to hear, but loud enough for draco’s sensitive fox ears to hear. Frowning a little as he studied the woman he raised his eyebrows a little.”I am fine. It has just…been a difficult week. I had to tell my girlfriend’s family she died.”He said before smirking a little,”There’s not many of us left. In fact...I think the only other, is a shield maiden about 300 years younger then me,,,,”He muttered, only eric could make 300 years sound like a small amount
Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "your a Vampire. your supposed to be made of sterner stuff." he complained with a roll of his eyes as he pulled the other into a tight hug. offering him comfort despite his words. he stepped out of the way and let the other speak. "oh, i am so sorry to hear that." she murmured softly. but he had started to talk and she perked up. "three hundred years! that's remarkably old!" the woman stated, stunned. "just how old are you Mister Northman?" she asked, curiously. "have you seen anything historic for yourself?"
Eric flickered a annoyed look at draco for getting hugged and the words before shrugging a little. “It is nature, especially when you are one of the long lived.”Eric said looking vaguely amused at her reaction before tilting his head.”300,…remarkably old…”He snickered a little before pausing, thinking. “Well…lets see..uhh…druids were my priests of choice, they ruled Scandinavia, before I did.”He frowned a little thinking harder.”Ahh..iron age? 500 BC I think.”He muttered before nodding quickly.”I met Julius Caesar while he was in gaul…I saw my religion die under the cross of Christianity to the roman emperor…”he said a smirk towards anita as he realized that both her and harry were outside making sure he was doing okay. “I worked with lord Alaric, and I was the first to set foot in the conquered rome.”He grinned brightly, thinking. “And I, am the reason William the conqueror made it past childhood to become the first of the Viking kings of England.”He said sounding well pleased with himself.
Draco, the cameraman, and the interviewer where all staring at him in stunned amazement. the interviewer even had her mouth hanging open like some sort of twit. how could one person live that long!? "that's amazing! oh is that ever amazing!" she whispered in stunned astonishment before shaking her head and gathering her wits about her. "so you where not originally a viking? you took up the title after helping found them?" she asked curiously. she asked him questions until either Draco got annoyed at missing breakfast and lunch and dragged him out for dinner, or Eric got annoyed and left himself. still, this was a historic moment for the History Channel. "that took a while." Harry stated with a grin, Draco nearly collapsing in relief. "Harry! you're alright!" Draco muttered, examining Harry who still looked sick, pale, and weak. but it was Harry, he'd probobly slipped out of the hospital as soon as he'd been able to get free.
Eric snickered looking amused at the sight of their stunned looks. “Well, I am a viking, in the sense that I was the clan that Vikings descended from.”he tilted his head slightly. “We were norsemen, northmen.”He said smiling slightly before settling in to talk, glancing up at draco when he was dragged out for dinner, smirking slightly. “It was fun.Very amusing to see them so shocked.”eric mused looking over the other.”How are you feeling?”He asked, looking pleased and for the first time since before gabriella had died, he was well and more himself.
the history channel where practically drooling as they watched the Northman talk, and talk, and talk. Draco got bored but Harry listened with rapt attention, delighting in all the information he was getting. "i still can't beleive Jesus took male whores." Harry stated, Anita snickering at that. "i highly doubt the History Channel is going to put in that part. too many people will throw a fit. but he WAS a human after all." she pointed out. "or that's what the bible says. of course he had sex. honestly." Harry and Draco both laughed. "i'm feeling ok. i still hurt a bit all over, and i'll have to rest until my energy levels come back up. but i'll be fine. how are you? Draco says you got cut up pretty bad." Harry was staying away from the mention of Gabriella. no need to put salt into the fresh wounds.
“Uhhh, dude, it was the roman empire, at the turn of the milliuiem. EVERYONE had whores.”Eric chirped before pouting a little.”And tasty, can’t leave out the tasty, as well as human.”Eric chirped, looking way to pleased with himself for the disturbing line of questioning .For the first time in a week, the playful, over the top vampire was back. Raising his eyebrows as he considered his friend he shrugged a little. “I’ve been hurt worse. Though it’s the first time something’s ever scarred since I’ve been a vampire. Silver bites.”He whined a little.
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