The Hunting and the Hunted (HP/Anita Blake) Moon/Lady

Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "i hate being hairy." Harry admitted with a small scowl. "the other kids at school didn't understand so they teased me a lot until i started getting all the attention for my pretty skin." he admitted with a smirk. "from both men, and women. that shut them up pretty damn fast!" Harry admitted with a laugh before he paused and considered that. "hmm. i don't know if Vampires have to shave. i have seen some with facial hair, and chest hair and stuff but i don't know if it would grow back... we should test it." he muttered, turning off the water once he was perfectly smooth and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel and using it to dry his now long hair. "it's weird though, i've never felt so comfortable in my own skin before. usually i'd have thrown a fit when you walked in on me naked... maybe it's a fey thing?"
“Well, you should get attention.from everyone. I do. You are definitely as pretty as me.”Dae said grinning a little before snickering slightly.”I think we shall have to find out. Father locked me in a room for disobeying him last week, so I deserve revenge.”Dae said grinning, leaving off that he’d probably deserved it since he’d been the one to take gabriella to the opera, and in the process lost track of her. But because he didn’t know what had happened to the human his father had loved, he didn’t know that he’d really, really fucked up. “Definitely a fae thing. We’d go naked all the time if father let us. Eric tells us we’re scarring him,even those of us not related to him. So we dress when we are in the house.”
he rolled his eyes a little. "i don't want attention. i got enough of that as it is. being the savior of the wizarding world just because my mother died and i didn't... put's a bit of a dampener on ones liking for attention." Harry admitted. "not to mention drawing attention to myself usually ended up with me in pain." he shrugged and wrapped the towel around his waist so that he wouldn't terrify Draco or Eric as he headed to his room for a change of clothes. he wanted to try some of those soft silky things that the Fey wore. "mmm, yeah, if he tried to lock me in a room i'd probobly kill him." Harry admitted with a small chuckle, though he didn't bother to explain why. as far as he knew, the entire world knew he'd been abused, thanks to that bitch Skeeter. "what about out of the house?" Harry asked with a smirk. "what if he where to take you shopping, and everyone he came across was naked? could be a fun prank."
Dae shrugged."very good point. Here you wont get that. They might stare if mother is still cooing over you, and father's fussing, but its not so bad."he snickered. Laughing a little as he got one of the outfits out for harry and handing it to him. "well, he's not your dad. It seems even after four centuries, I am still a child"he pouted a little before grinning wildly."we should do that. I bet draco would help. We should totally do it. Father is such a prude for a ciking"
he chuckled a little and nodded. "yeah... it's kind of nice. i've never really had someone to fuss over me before. i mean, Remus does a bit but..." he shrugged. "he also knows when i'm in real danger and when i'm not. he knows when to worry and when not to." Harry admitted as he took the clothes and examined them before slipping them on, smiling as he stroked them. "i love these things." he muttered softly. "i really do..." he snickered a little. "sorry, but you're always going to be a child in the eyes of your father, it's what they do best." Harry admitted with a nod. "i know! i still can't beleive how OLD he is!" Harry muttered, frowning a little. "it's kind of scary really... well, come on, i'm hungry. i want food... whatever happened to that guy anyway? the one that was... killing children."
“Well get used to it. Mother fusses even if we’re fine. And most definitely over whether we’re dating someone or not. She finding it fascinating to try to find someone for us, as you no doubt have noticed.”He teased a little before laughing.”Well then, you’ll just have to stay here.”He teased a little before wrinkling his nose a little.”That’s not fair!I’m old enough to not be a child.”He whined before grinning, “Ohhh…mistral’s indulging his need for fae blood, and making sure father has enough bloodwine to last for awhile before we decide whats going to happen next.”he mused.
Harry smiled a little and nodded. "it's something that i'll probobly enjoy." he admitted with a small chuckle. "besides, considering that she's trying to set US up..." he shrugged. "what do the fey think of incest anyway? the Wizarding world practically encourages it." Harry admitted as he started brushing his hair, studying his reflection. "well, considering your whining like a child, i'd say that they're not that far off the mark." Harry teased Dea with a shake of his head. "so they're bleeding the bastard then? good... we should just leave him alive for a few months, let him slowly, slowly bleed to death. it's a fate he deserves..." he looked at Dae. "do you have a library here? i need to look up something."
“Nothing really. Its not like we suffer from the genetic fuck ups that humanity would be concerned about. As long as the two in the relationship are consenting adults, we really don’t care.”Dae said before pouting, “I am not whining!I am conversing about a unjust action set upon me by my parents.”He grumbled before laughing, nodding a little.”It is. And eric’s loving the fact that he’s not having to barter with anyone to have nearly pure bloodwine. Its making him escatic.”he snorted looking amused before tilting his head a little, nodding a little. “We do. Come.”Dae said smirking as he led the other towards the enormous library, the sole collection of both eric and mab’s long lifetime of collecting books.
Harry blinked, looking amazed. "really? well that's good at least." he muttered with a chuckle. "no wonder Draco fits in so well here, he has pretty much the same mindset." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i also think he's hoping to get into a threesome with your mom and Eric... which is creepy. considering he doesn't like girls. though, i guess so long as he doesn't have to touch her..." here Harry made a face. "it's just too gross to think about... it might be the human in me, but she IS my grandmother..." he muttered, shaking his head hard. "i can imagine he's ecstatic. he's a weirdo." Harry admitted with a grin as he followed the other out of the room and out into the Library. he stalked the shelves for several long minutes, and finally came back tot eh table. all of the books where about Soul Readers. he was studying up about himself, so he wouldn't be caught unaware again. "so i'm the judge, the jury, and the executioner..." Harry mused. "it's my job to make sure that the Lords and even the Queen herself does not corrupt their purposes... interesting. i bet a lot of people aren't going to be happy to hear that. it's my job to find suitable punishments too... i wonder if Mab knows about this?" he wondered, his head cocked to the side.
Dae snorted looking amused.”He probably is. I’d find this conversation more disturbing, if I hadn’t spent my whole lifetime very,very aware that my parents have loud, public sometimes sex.”Dae said snorting a little, just because it amused him to disturb his potential boyfriend before nodding as he walked into the library, watching him as he leaned against the bookshelves, content to just watch harry look. “Probably. Though she probably thought you wouldn’t want to take care of the fae this first time…though if you would like, I am sure she would let you judge him. Though you might have father pouting over his bloodsource going away.”
Harry snickered a little and shook his head. "your not nice. that is NOT how you go about gettign into my pants." Harry complained with a roll of his eyes. "although, being that your kind of my Half Uncle... that is a bit weird..." he admitted with a grin. "mm. i already did my job on that one." Harry stated simply. "i don't have to do the punishing. i just list the punishment. being that he tormented those children, he himself will be tormented and become little more than food for a hungry vampire..." Harry stated simply. "he has already been judged, and found guilty." Harry admitted as he flipped a page in his book, his head tilted to the side. "hmmm, my predecessor was..." he paused, his eyes widening. "oh my... i'm related to this fellow..." Harry stated, tapping the page. "see the green eyes? that's an Evan's bloodline trait. i didn't know my mum was part Fey..."
"yes, but if I pretended to be nicer then I am, you'd qccuse me of lying to get laid. So I figured I'd err on the side of caution and be myself."he shrugged before amiling a little."if it helpa, and disturbs you a little less at beingmy nephew, you're nearly three hundred years younger then me." he smiled before leaning over to look at the picture before shrugging."probably distantly. While the fae havent been narly recent years, in the years when father had been first alive, the fae lived in the human world almost exclusively, until eric and mab created faerie. Most ancient lines have some trace of fae in them, espicially the magical lines."
Harry laughed a little and shook his head. "sorry. i don't have sex." Harry stated, as if he was simply commenting on the weather. "so in other words... your a perverted old man who likes younger guys?" Harry asked, smirking at Dea before pondering. "hmm... the problem is, is that my mother was a Muggleborn... that means she had no magical blood in her parents or grandparents or great grandparent's lines at all. she should not have been related to any Fey, no matter how distantly, because otherwise her parents would have been magical." Harry pointed out, his head tilted. "so Eric used to be human once? i just thought he'd been born as a Vampire, as old as he is..." silly Harry, Vampires can't breed. "the Malfoy line is almost as old as the black bloodlines... i wonder how much Fey blood he has in him? it would explain a lot..." Harry admitted with a shake of his head.
"dont say things like that, people here might take it as a challenge. Me, I just find you more interesting without sex, but members of the court, who wont be pleased with mab's half human grandson might take it differently."he warned before frowning a little."all mugglrborns are some kind of magical. Magic doesnt just come into being, it comes from somewhere, no matter how distantly. I'd bet on fae. Fae genes are almost always dominate, espicially when you pair it will another magical bloodline, like your fathers"dae mused before snickering."vampires are made, not born. But you'd have to ask him what led up to his death, father is noteriously closed mouthed and sometimes violent when asked."he shrugged before laughing."probably more then a bit.he's to pretty to be mostly human."
Harry shrugged a little. "if someone challenges me, i will kill them." Harry stated simply. "you think this is the first time i've been somewhere where i was hated because of circumstances i couldn't control? i killed the Dursley's for their subjugation of me. i killed Voldemort and most of the death eaters for trying to break me. i killed vampires, werewolves, and even other fey because they tried to kill me. you think i'm afraid of some piddly little fey bastards when i have people like you to support me when i get hurt? no. these people are no more frightening to me than an ant is." he admitted simply before turning another page in the book he was reading. "i guess i get that from the Fey too... you guys are really bloody you know that? jeez some of these punishments..." he muttered softly, shaking his head a little. "hmm. i'll make Draco ask. Draco likes getting smacked around." Harry muttered as he closed the book and sighed. "i guess i need to talk to Mab..." he muttered. "i can already feel my Fey wanting to judge someone." he grumbled. "someone bad..." he looked at Dea. "in the centuries without someone to know everything their up to... the Lords have by far been overstepping their bounds." he admitted. "i intend to keep them in line." he smirked. "and i have no doubts that Mab will help me carve my name in this society. by force if we have to. i might have a lot of attention, but this time it will be because of something i'm actually doing. besides, i need to make sure she understands that our prisoner is to be kept alive as long as possible. the longer he suffers, the happier i'll be."
“Well then, that’s true.”Dae said making a face at his words. He hadn’t really considered it like that, but well, after finding someone new, someone young enough that it made him feel protective in a way he hadn’t since Mistral had been a child, he was feeling off balance. Snickering at the other as he looked over the book he nodded.”After so many centuries, punishment for its own loses something…. Blood, given what you can do to someone if you use it for a spell, is usually the easiest way to punish someone, and absolutely terrify them.”He smiled a little before nodding, moving to stand up.”Come on then. Lets go see mother, she’ll be absolutely delighted with a reason to punish someone.”He said, as if it was something normal to find that much pleasure in torture. But for the darkling throng, with its winter queen and the vampire consort, was a sanctuary for the dark creatures, a sanctuary for the cruelty of man. But the two weren’t cruel, just for the sake of cruelty. They usually had their reasons.

“Eric will be even more pleased with the idea of keeping the prisoner alive. He might even give him to draco, make sure the man’s well taken care of, just so he can have more wine.”He muttered as they headed towards the queen’s bedroom, having every intention of checking up on the couple and draco, who was probably still standing guard over them.
Harry smirked at that and nodded. "i suppose that's a good point... and when you live upwards of three thousand years, you have to find something a little more frightening than death huh?" he asked as he considered that. "you know, Wizards can do a lot of things with blood too." he admitted, glancing at the other. "but it's mostly a lost art for humans..." he admitted. "you'll have to teach me how to behave so i don't insult anyone who doesn't deserve to be insulted." he mused with a small chuckle. "i can imagine so." Harry admitted with a nod. "fey blood is hard to come across from what i understand." he mused. "well, anyone deserving of it, i'll make sure they'll bleed for him." Harry snickered. "wouldn't want him going around biting you and others for their blood." he mused, pausing as he looked in on Eric and Mab. amazingly Draco wasn't hovering... but that was because he himself was asleep, snuggled in tight to Eric, so that Eric was inbetween both Draco and Mab. Harry pulled out his Camera and started snapping pictures.
“Definitely. Even that long, death doesn’t hold the same problems for us. After a few centuries, you make peace with death.”He shrugged before nodding.”Well, humans ARE a lost art. They used to be able to. Espicially in the mexico, the maya and Aztecs were amazingly good at blood rituals.”He smiled at the idea before grinning.”Oh no, he wont feed from any of the fae he raised. Considers feeding to close to sex to be comfortable with it.”he snorted amused before his mouth dropped open a little at the sight in front of him.

“…if you don’t stop take pictures, I’m going to get up and take it from you.”Eric muttered stirring as he stretched a little.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "i suppose that's true. i work too closely to death to be afraid of it." he admitted with a small chuckle. "my mother saved my life using an ancient blood protection." he admitted. "her sacrifice charged the blood runes she laid around my crib, which is what really saved my life." he admitted with a small grin. "where you old enough to know them? is it true the gods and goddesses that they worshiped where Fey?" he asked curiously before snorting a little. "Eric seams to be a prude." he admitted with a small laugh before smirking at Eric. "you can try to take it from me, but i'll still have the pictures. besides i don't have blackmail on you yet." he stated, snapping a few more pictures before he tucked his Camera away. Draco hadn't even twitched. "poor little Vixen, he must be exaughsted. he probobly stayed up all night to take care of you two."
“Nooo…I not that old. But father tells the most interesting bed time stories.”He smirked a little raising his eyebrows a little.”And well….mostly. They worshipped a vampire as their death god, and a queen of faerie as their desire goddess, it makes life interesting when they consider themselves gods.”Dae muttered shrugging.”Not a prude, just a holdover from a human life where sex and family didn’t go together.”

“…you two are to loud. What do you want?”Eric grumbled twisting to look at the two with a sigh, before nodding.”he did.” “Did you need something?”Mab said raising her head, looking more concerned then eric had.
Harry snickered a little as he examined Dea. "are you sure your not that old? you look that old." he teased with a snicker before nodding a little as he considered that. "no wonder the Fey are so... the way they are. they went from being worshiped as gods to going into hiding..." he snorted a little. "and he's a prude." he stated with a small grin. "granted, i'd imagine it is a little weird to seduce your own sons." he mused. "ah well. we'll have to find someone else to feed to him then." he mused with a grin as he studied Mab. "oh, just wanted to let you know that i'm planning on taking over the Fairy World and that soon all of you will be under my power." Harry stated simply, well aware that Mab would know he was joking. "no, i just wanted to let you know that i want the Fey being held right now to be kept alive for as long as possible. he'll make a good supply of Blood Wine, and such a meager existence is what is befitting scum like him. Draco will know how to keep him living in bloodless misery." Harry admitted with a smirk as he examined the three. "you have no idea how adorable you guys look do you? if only Draco was awake, he'd be ecstatic."
“Heyyy.I do not. Father, he looks that old. I don’t. I haven’t even started to wrinkle yet.”Dae sputtered. “Yes, we were gods once. Its very saddening that we aren’t anymore.”Ali pouted as she walked into the room behind her twin and harry, snickering as her brother nearly jumped out of his skin. “Definitely a little weird. And we’re all glad he’s not that odd. While we’re….looser in our understanding of family relationships, even that father/child relationship is to sacred to dirty with sex.”Ali smirked a little.

“Ahhh…well, okay then. As long as I get to go back to sleep.”Mab mused shifted, snuggling down into the bed, pressing her cheek against eric’s shoulder. “Okay, I am sure draco and eric will make sure that he stays alive for awhile.”she said sitting up, reaching down to stroke eric’s hair.”You look better.” “I feel better, love.”He muttered pressing a kiss to draco’s hair before the vampire to sat up, leaning back against the headboard.
Harry smirked a little. "yes you do too have a wrinkle. it's just.. here." he poked the other in-between the eyebrows. "oh wait, that looked more like a frown, i might be wrong." he teased, grinning as Ali popped up out of nowhere. he was so glad that he could still use his wizarding magic. it made sneaking up on him almost impossible. "and your right of course. the bonds between family shouldn't be broken like that." Harry admitted with a nod. "i doubt anyone really could though, at least no one with a decent thought in their bodies... muggles are... like that though. you hear about it from time to time, about a parent who was molesting their children." he admitted, shaking his head a little. "it's pretty sick, but then... muggles themselves are a fairly disgusting people. not that Wizards are much better." Harry admitted before he smirked at Mab. "oh good. i'll tell the world that you approve then." Harry chirped gleefully before he sighed. "i'm Sorry Grandmother but i have a feeling that things are about to get busy. there are still Fey who need some serious punishing. my Powers are all but screaming at me to stop talking and start hunting the sinners down." he admitted with a shake of his head as Draco whined and snuggled tighter into Eric as he shifted.
Dae yelped a little, reeling for a moment as he was poked, whining quietly. “Of course your wrong.”He grumbled a little. “Looking amused ali nodded a little. “Yes, some things shouldn’t be broken.”she mused tilting her head a little.”Muggles are…disgusting mostly. More over since they are not worshipping us anymore.” “You’re to young to remember that.”Eric said frowning a little. “But I enjoy thinking about it.”Ali said smiling slightly. Mab tilted her head slightly before nodding.”It would be good to know what they have been hiding from me.”she said frowning a little. Eric laughed absently stroking draco’s hair, shaking his head a little.”Is he always like this?”
Harry smirked at Dae and shook his head a little. "it's been known ot happen i suppose, though it doesn't happen often." he admitted with a chuckle as he shook his head. "Muggles are disgusting even when they are worshiping something. those Christians... they can do truly disgusting things in the name of their god." Harry admitted with a shake of his head before laughing at Ali's comment. "i'll stop trying to restrain myself then." Harry promised with a smug little grin. "i'll start the hunting tonight. they won't be able to hide from me for long... i'm honestly surprised at how easy it is to use these new powers. they practically taught me how to use them." he admitted, looking down at his hand. "did you know that one of my ancestors was what created the muggles image of the Grim Reaper?" Harry asked, looking amused. "i want a Scyth and a cool cape too." he paused and blinked at Draco, suddenly looking sad as he shook his head. "you should be honored that he's like that... Draco... hasn't trusted anyone... since his own father tortured him." Harry admitted softly. "Draco truly loves you, to be so helpless next to you."
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