Time Asunder (HP)- Lady/Moon

Harry smiled a little as he wriggled on the couch, yawning again. "mmmm that's easy actually." Harry admitted sleepily. "it's just down to common sense... you know the ward they use now in Azkaban to keep the inmates from using magic?" "you mean the magic repression wards that they pout on the shackles?" "yeah... all you have to do is invert it." Harry mumbled as he snuggled into his pillow. "easy peasy..." and with that he was asleep, right there on the couch, breathing easily. his own journal disguised as a common potions book. Brax would never suspect. "...er... do you want to carry him up or do you want me to?" Tom asked, his head tilted. "just leave him there." Margo ordered with a stern glare at Brax. "i don't know what you said to Septimus, but you had better apologize and take it back Brax! he hasn't been able to look me in the face all day!" she complained, only making poor Tom double over in the effort of not laughing in her face. if only she knew!
“Well, I shall have to do that.”Brax said perking up at the idea of it being that simple before smirking slightly.”Well, I have to listen to the doctor.”He said snickering a little before turning to look at margo, flushing angrily. Annoyed that he was getting blamed for weasley’s faults.”Its not my fault the man is a coward!I didn’t do anything!Tell him to stop freaking out, he hugged me, its not my fault he’s being weird!”He whined.
Margo offered him a confused look at that. "...he.. hugged you?" she asked, looking completely baffled and Tom burst into laughter, still doubled over it just rolled right out of him, making Margo glare at him. "Shut up Riddle!" she demanded furiously before stalking out of the room. in the morning however, there was something new in Brax's room. a Television. there was a note on it too. 'Brax. this is a Television. the little slot built in is the VCR for playing Video Recordings. as potter to show you how to work it. i tested his theory about the Magical repression wards and they worked! imagine my surprise! i also have something else for you that i really think you'll like! be on the lookout for Hercules at breakfast!' Harry was still sleeping on the couch, but woke easily enough if Brax demanded him to work the TV and VCR. once that was out of the way, the thirteen Video cassettes where of popular Opera plays, as well as a few Broadway hits and a movie about Merlin that Sly clearly found amusing. Tom found the Television fascinating, even if it was all in black and white. during breakfast Hercules did indeed swoop down and deliver a package. inside was a Cassette player with various Cassettes of all of Brax's favorite music. Harry showed the other how to work that as well, and smiled a little as Beethoven played through the little speakers. "i love Beethoven." Harry admitted with a small chuckle. the second clue, considering Sly's letter inside told Brax how much he loved Classical music as well. and with the headphone attachment Brax could easily listen to music in the classes that he didn't need to pay attention to, or to drown out annoyances like Tom. it was an impressive gift if Harry did say so himself... and he did!
Brax was grinning by the time he was at breakfast. Looking very pleased with himself for getting a tv, even if it hadn’t been him who got it, it was still his, and therefore he could be pleased with it. Grinning as he informed tom that he was going to have to watch something with him he was even more fascinated with the cassette player. Putting one of the small ear buds in his ears he glanced at tom before raising his eyebrows, “You don’t get this. I’ll share my tv, but you don’t get the music.”He said before smiling a little at harry, looking pleased.”But I’ll share with you, since you’ll appreciate the music in a way the Neanderthal over there wont.”he said snickering a little as he tilted his head towards his best friend.
Harry smiled a little as he shook his head a little, still feeling sleepy and sluggish. Tom just rolled his eyes. "i don't want your 'Teevee' nor your music." he stated with a wrinkled nose. "they are both annoyingly loud and pointless." Harry snorted. "and both are worth a hell of a lot of money in the future. eventually color is added to the TV, and as time goes on they get more and more realistic. the music player too, advances to amazing levels. to the point where you don't even need Cassettes, you just go onto a database... that's like a library, get the music you want, and listen to it. it's really very remarkable. just wait until they invent computers." "comp... whats?" "those are really hard to explain... their like a mix between a Typewriter, a television, a music player, and a library." he was being stared at and he knew it, he just yawned and snuggled into his arms. "mmm The Four Seasons, by Vivaldi. i love this one." he admitted as he stole an ear bud from Brax and slipped it over his own ear with a grin, tapping his foot in time to the music. "well, what else are you hoping for then Brax?" Harry asked, blinking at the other. "at this rate, Tom and i won't have anything to buy you for Christmas."
Brax smirked a little.”You know you want it, you just don’t want to admit it.”He snickered even as he looked at the other man before shrugging, his eyes going wide as he listened to harry speak. “Stop!Youre making my head hurt.”He whined quietly before smiling as he let the music sooth his confusion on what the other was talking about. Looking startled to have harry leaning against him,but having no idea how to get him away without hurting the man…and it wasn’t something he was really disturbed about. It wasn’t to bad really. “Well, I don’t know. I am sure I can think of something.”He said looking thoughtful, before shrugging. “You’ll just have to get creative for Christmas I guess.”
Tom rolled his eyes. "Music is a waste of time." He stated simply and Harry snorted. "that's like saying the Mona Lisa is a waste of time." he complained, looking at the man who was lifting his eyebrow at Harry. "Art is a waste of time too." Harry snorted. "you are so uncouth. begone from me you heathen. i wish to doze for as long as it is possible." he admitted, not even all that aware that he was snuggling into Brax and listening to the man's music. he was too tired to think. he had been up half the night charming the Telivision and Cassette player... and the other half had been sneaking out of school to GET said items. yeah, Harry was tired. still he dragged himself to his feet and headed off to Transfiguration with Dumbledore, where he accidentally blew up his teacup instead of turning it into a turtle. he had to go around without eyebrows for the rest of the day. though Hercules did deliver Brax a massive box of nothing but muggle sweets, from Gummy worms to skittles, to thirty dollar a bar gourmet chocolate. there was almost every kind of candy available, including cotton Candy. that Harry had used a House Elf to get.
“Tom!Look I got muggle candies. I think there might be something redeeming about the people now.”Brax mused before frowning, picking up a gummy worm with two fingers, looking vaguely disgusted before looking at Harry.”It is not…a real worm is it?”He said the Malfoy heir looking even more disgusted as he really thought about it, poking it with his fingertip.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "no it's not a real worm. it's made out of gelatin and sugar. see?" Harry stated, popping it into his mouth, Tom also picking one up and slurping it into his mouth. he loved Gummy worms. "and don't worry, chocolate covered ants aren't really ants. and Turtle's aren't real turtles. their just called that because they look like those things." Harry admitted with a smile. "but i have eaten worms before. their not that bad really." Harry admitted with a shrug of his shoulders. "if you cook them, they taste kind of like Bacon." he admitted as he gathered up his books for the day. "come on, we're going to be late for Charms." he admitted with a yawn. "why so tired today Harry? you look as if you've been up all night." Tom admitted, giving Brax another clue. Harry just shrugged. "nightmares." a lame excuse really.
Brax frowned at the gummy worms before eating one.”Oh. Well then, that’s not so bad. Though muggles are weird for naming things this.”He said shrugging a little before gathering up his own things to get ready to go. “Lame. You went to sleep before I did, and we didn’t hear anything last night.”Brax said frowning a little looking confused as to why harry was so tired but following the others towards the classroom with a smile.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "Silencing spells." Harry admitted. "they go up automatically once i fall asleep." He admitted pulling out a necklace of a white lily from around his neck. he'd been wearing it since the day he'd arrived, though it hadn't been there when he first appeared. "so you wouldn't have heard anything. after the third i just gave up trying to sleep and counted the marks in the ceiling... there are four hundred and thirty six by the way." Harry admitted with a shake of his head. "i'll have to see about nicking a few spoonfuls of Dreamless sleep at some point." "why not just buy it yourself?" "because if i buy it myself i can take it anytime i want, and the last thing i want is to become addicted to something." "valid point."
“Huh. You’re going to have to teach me that. That would be helpful.”brax said sounding thoughtful at the idea. Watching the exchange between the two he shrugged a little.”You might not want to do that. I could make some. Keep it in my rooms so you have to ask for it.”He said tilting his head as he looked at the other. Wanting to be helpful not only because the other had helped him, but because he genuninely liked the other.
Harry smiled a little and nodded. "i can charm one for you, and then all you have to do is set the perimeters. for example mine activates when i go to sleep, but i can also activate it by rubbing it like this... and the people i'm around will automatically be included as well." he admitted, indicating how they suddenly couldn't hear anyone else. "you can also set it to activate if a teacher or anyone with a prefects badge comes close to you, or other such things. Hermione, one of my freinds, showed me how." it wasn't so hard to talk about Hermione anymore. she'd been dead for months after all. "would you really be ok doing that?" Harry asked hopefully. "i'd be forever in your debt." he admitted, nibbling on his lip. nervous about relying on someone else and it was clear on his face. he had been dependent only on himself for so long that it was hard to trust someone else. "with your mom being a trained Healer, i suppose you'll know when it's safe for me to take too..." he mused before beaming at Brax. "your the best."
“Oh, I like that. Tom!We need a way to test exactly what we can do with the charm.”Brax said excited about the idea of having a new spell to test out before tilting his head at harry a little.”I would. We can do it tonight. Slughorn loves me, he’ll let me use the potions lab for a personal potion.”he said looking amused before nodding at the other, “And yes, I do. And I agree, I am the best ever.”The Malfoy preened looking way to pleased with himself at having come up with this solution and having more excuses to spend time with hary.
Harry chuckled a little as he shook his head a little. "i'll show you the spell after class." he promised. "i have to have something to cast it on though." he admitted simply, Tom nodding. "that will be acceptable." he admitted simply. "and Brax is right, Slughorn loves us. all three of us actually. Harry is the first Time Traveler in history, Slughorn is going to want that." "oh, he already 'had' me in my sixth year i had him for Potions. he wanted me then because i was famous. it was hard avoiding him, but i think i can use him to my advantage now." Harry admitted. "if i'm going to make the changes that need changing, i'm going to need his contacts."
“I’ll think of something to put the charm on.”Brax nodded before snickering as they headed into the great hall to get some food, his eyebrow twitching a little. “….if you mean ‘had’ like you just made it sound like, I’m going to die of starvation because I’m never going to regain my apetite.”
Harry laughed brightly at Abraxas. "no never like that, he's too fat for my tastes." Harry admitted simply. "i'm partial to blonds too." he admitted. "and people my own age... though i did get to have sex with Bill Weasley, that was a great night." Harry admitted. "of course, you wouldn't know who that is." Harry mused as he dug into a pile of Potatoes. "...whatever, here, charm this." Tom ordered handing Harry a Marble. "Silencio Maximus Partentia." Harry stated, poking the Marble with his wand. "now you just set the perimeters of the spell like this." Harry stated, pressing his wand tot he Marble. "Partentia Teachers, Prefects, Head boy, Head Girl, Slumber." Harry stated and immidiatly the area fell silent because there was a teacher walking to words them. "see? easy. as soon as the perimeters are detected within a six foot radius, or within hearing distance, it activates." he yipped in surprise as Hercules appeared with another big box for Brax. inside was a massive supply of art supplies. charcoal pencils of varying darkness's, colored pencils, paints of all colors and kinds, markers, crayons, and even paintbrushes. there where sketchpads, a painting easel, shrunk as where the things you painted on. Harry had gotten a House Elf to go to both a wizarding, and a muggle store and pick up a little bit of everything. there was even a book about enchanting your own paintings. later in life, Brax painted his very own painting of Sidonie and baby Lucius that actually moved, so Harry knew the man was incredibly talented.
Brax looked startled at the mention of blonds before sputtering a little.”Hey!Hey! I don’t want want to know about ANY wealsey’s sex life!”Brax whined looking annoyed with the information before watching the charming in silent thought, looking pretty amused. “Awesome. I’m charming this for all the teachers.”Brax decided before starting a little looking up at the owl before flushing as he realized that someone had figured out that he painted. Blushing as he shut the lid on the box he glared at tom, before reaching over and punching him in the arm.”Who did you tell?”He growled looking annoyed. The only thing scorpius had ever yelled at brax over, had been wasting time painting, and had for years, at least until the moment he realized just how talented his boy was. Now, he was supportive of brax doing it, but still brax didn't like it being public in case he embarrassed his father.
Harry laughed a little and shook his head. "go ahead. you can change the settings on it anytime you want. or charm something else. you can also take the charm off something like this. "Removus." Harry chirped and the Marble went back to being a normal marble. Tom yelped as he was punched and he glared at Brax. "i didn't tell anyone!" he complained, sulking a little as he glared at Brax. "Swear it on my magic! i didn't tell a soul!" the little sparks from Tom's magic told the world that he was in fact, telling the truth and Harry scowled a little as he examined the box. "it's just art supplies. why would you be upset? everyone knows what an amazing artist you are... don't they?" he asked, looking baffled. "Your mum knows too! AND your Dad! why blame ME?! they could have gotten the information from your mum!" Tom complained. "and you HIT me! you Brute! i'll have a bruise for a week now!"
Brax glared back looking annoyed at the man before frowning slightly.”Good.”He huffed not bothering to apologize before looking at Harry in annoyance, “No, they don’t.At least not out of my family. And tom.”He growled looking very annoyed before looking at tom, scowling at him.”Because you’re the only one at the school, and I already wrote mother to threaten her over not telling anyone about the crap I like.”he grumbled because despite the fact that he was enjoying the things, he was actually very annoyed to because it was driving himself not to know what was happening, and not knowing who it was, and very afraid to find himself trap in another relationship. “And I didn’t hit you that hard.. You’ll heal quickly.”He pointed out looking at tom.”
Tom huffed, glaring at Brax as Harry blinked. "oh... in my time, for the short period after Graduation, you where the most sought after Painter in Britain." Harry admitted. "you got famous for it. even long after you where dead. Draco sold one of your paintings of some chick for over forty thousand Galleons... Lucius was pissed." Harry admitted with a grin. "because Draco got ripped off." he admitted. "besides, do you really think that your mother of all people would listen to a threat from you? your her son, she's not about to take you seriously." he pointed out as Tom glared and lifted his shirt to see the bruise already forming... granted, Tom could run into a table and have a fist sized bruise. something about fragile skin according to Brax's mom. nothing to be concerned about, but it meant that Tom constantly had bruises. "in any case, just enjoy the painting stuff. your good from what i've seen in my time." he admitted with a smile. Brax would catch on eventually, he was a smart guy. "i have to ask though... Sly is a guy right?" Harry asked, glancing at Brax. "so why aren't you freaking out? i thought you weren't gay?"
"Ah...well I guess I do well then."Brax said perking up at the idea, because he really would be happy if he could live like that. just painting, drawing, not having to worry about politics and such. which was what had gotten in his way in the first place, Sidonie killing scorpius had left teh young malfoy with no choice but to enter the arena of politics. Wrinkling his nose at tom he sighed,"I'll make that potion for bruises to,since we're already making potter's."He said looking sorry now that he'd seen the bruises before sighing quietly. Wincing at harry's words, eyes widening slightly."I0yes, he is."Brax said panic starting to fill his face. He hadn't really thought it through like that, and now it really was panicking him.
Harry smiled a little and nodded as Tom nodded to Brax. "thank you... i think it's getting worse." Tom admitted with a scowl. "i don't usually bruise that badly. you barely tapped me." he complained, Harry looking startled. "that's odd.. you didn't have that problem in my time..." he paused. "then again... you did spend fourteen years as a bodiless wraith... and then you had to make an entirely new body... maybe that's why?" he mused, Tom shrugging. "orr maybe Brax finds a cure." Tom admitted simply. "i still wish Madam Pomfry would give me more than a 'oh it's just some bruising dear, you'll be fine.' annoying bint." Harry snorted a little. "so, go to St. Mungo's. tell them the problem. they'll take you more seriously." Harry pointed out. "oh! did you ever find a space to work on your Animagus training?" "no." they both paused as Brax started panicking and Tom grabbed the man's chin. "Brax! calm down! whoever he is, i'm sure he knows that you think your not gay." Tom stated sternly. "that's why he's doing it this way. so you get to know him as a person instead of a gender. he's hoping you might like him despite him being a guy. if you don't like him when he finally reveals himself then tell him so." Tom stated sternly. "i'm sure he understands." Harry nodded. "yeah, i mean, everyone knows your convinced that your not gay."
“Hm, we’ll see how strong we can make the potion. Maybe if you have it in you, it wont let so much bruising happen.”He said sounding thoughtful before listening to the others.”You idiot. He’s right. You never told mother, you know she’d flip out if she knew how easily you bruised.”Brax said scowling, looking annoyed with himself that he hadn’t thought of that. Looking startled at the two men he swallowed hard, nodding a little before sighing quietly. “Oh…Yes. Well. I’ll just have to tell him its nice, but I’m not gay when I eventually figure this out.”he said looking reassured.
Tom nodded a little before he grimaced and looked away. "i know. i'm sorry, i just... i'm not used to having..." he shrugged, well aware that Brax would understand. Tom was so used to relying on himself that when Pomfrey failed to be of assistance, he simply assumed all adults wouldn't be able to help him. it was a very old habit, and a very hard one to break, and though he always felt stupid for doing it, he still did it, because he didn't know anyway else to be. "i'll talk to your mother this weekend." he promised with a sheepish grin before Harry and him both sighed at Brax and Harry studied Abraxas. "Brax?... i want to try something." Harry admitted. "you can clock me after, if you like. but i just need to test a theory." Harry admitted and before Brax could respond, Harry was kissing him. kissing him with all the passion in the world and Tom smirked a little, well aware that Harry was about to get a very nice black eye. fortunately no one was paying attention to the little group, as Harry had pulled up heavy 'notice me not' charms as soon as Brax had started to panic.
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