Time Asunder (HP)- Lady/Moon

Margo snorted. "Brax you know better. Tom only has partners for sex and that's it. he's not a touchy feely guy. if they are getting... involved, then they both know it's physical only and when one or the other gets bored then they'll stop. i have a feeling that Harry needs all the physical comfort he can get. he's still in a lot of pain after all, and from what i've gathered he hasn't had a lot of physical contact. sex is probobly the only way he knows how to be intimate with someone." she pointed out. "remember when we first met Tom? he didn't know how to hold hands, or even hug? he'd flinch at the slightest touch even as the years went on? now the only touch he really likes is Sex unless it's you patting him on the back. their very similar. i'm sure this is just a comforting thing." she promised him. oh how wrong she was... well, no she was right about everything, except that Tom and Harry weren't having sex. "Did you know that Tom's trying to become an Animagus? i found the book in his room." she admitted. Tom had expressed interest in the past, but had never actually tried it, until now apparently. "you should do it with him. i wouldn't want either of you getting hurt by doing something stupid on your own."
“I know.”Brax said looking annoyed even though he was looking sulky about the idea of what the men were doing, but reminding himself about that it amused him. And slightly worried him if he considered what the two were doing, because he was afraid that harry would get hurt. Raising a eyebrow at her question she looked thoughtful, shaking his head a little.”no. I knew he was interested but I hadn’t known he was actually going through with it.”He said before studying the other before nodding. Making a face before sighing.”I’ll talk to him when he gets done helping harry.”
she smirked a little. "so, are you jealus that Tom is fucking Harry, or that Harry is fucking tom? or are you just jealous that their not fucking you?" Margo asked him, making sure that Dorea couldn't hear him. she snickered at the rage filled glare he sent her before she nodded. "you know, i bet it would be good for you to become an Animagus. they say that there's nothing better for stress release than romping around without a care int he world." she admitted with a smile. "have a good night." she chirped, leaving him to entertain Dorea while Harry and Tom finished their 'shower'. Harry went straight to bed and Tom smiled as he gently covered Brax and Dorea with a blanket. he was well aware that Margo worked weekend shifts in her training, so he didn't bother trying to find her. in the morning Tom, Harry, and Dori where eating breakfast at the table. Tom reading a book on Animagus and Harry half laying on the table, still half asleep. "mg'roning." he mumbled to brax as a House Elf refilled Harry's Coffee Cup. "come on Harry, i didn't wear you out that badly." Tom complained, shooting the brunette an amused grin. "shut up... butt hurts... talk too much... sunshine bad for Harry." the time traveler complained sluggishly and Tom snorted. "well my ass...er, but doesn't feel any better so stop your bit...er... complaining." well at least with Dori around Tom would stop cussing all the time. too bad Brax didn't realize the reason why their butts hurt was because they had slipped in the shower and landed rather had on their asses.
“I’m not jealous of either of them!”Brax growled looking at his friend looking annoyed as he settled in to sleep.

In the morning brax smirked as he looked up from the book he was reading, advanced phyiscs and how it impacts magic, no one had ever said he was stupid, in fact he was quite brilliant, he was just usually overshadowed by tom. Glancing over at the other two his eyebrow twitched a little as he listened to them talking before going back to his books.”You’re doing a admirably good job of not cussing.”he smirked a little before sighing.”So tell me about this animagi thing you got going on. Margo told me to make sure you knew to include me, so you didn’t get yourself hurt.”
Tom smirked as he watched Brax's eyes twitching. Harry was too tired, Nightmares had kept him up all night. "i find it fascinating, the ability to turn into another creature is just something i can't pass up." he admitted simply. "i know i'm going to be some sort of Snake." Harry snorted and Tom glared at him. "but i haven't actually gone through anything but theory." Tom admitted. "i didn't think you would be interested in it." he admitted as Harry blinked at the cover on Brax's book with a smirk. "in seventy years that book will be obsolete." he teased. "not that i know a damn thing about physics." Tom snickered a little. "ignore him, Harry's just grumpy because he didn't get much sleep last night." "shut up you Dark tosser." Harry complained as he drank his coffee, savoring the taste. "today is Sunday... you have to go back to the school today?" he asked softly and Tom nodded. "yes, we have to be there before curfew." Tom admitted. "we'll be back next weekend to entertain you." "there's no need." Margo stated as she walked in, handing Harry a note. "Professor Dumbledore convinced the Headmaster to keep you close. once you have the strength, your invited to go to Hogwarts for seventh year." Harry perked right up at that.
“Interesting. Now that we’re all sharing information, you’re under orders to keep me updated to. Otherwise margo might hurt you.”He said looked at tom with a smirk before glancing at the book, shrugging.”Then in 70 years, I’ll just read whatever the best book on magic is.”He said refusing to be ruffled though his eye twitched a little again about why the man hadn’t gotten any sleep before grinning at margo as she walked in.His anger and annoyance with her forgotten for the moment.”See. Now we can all go back to school. Well, as long as mother says its okay.”he said smirking knowing harry would have a job of convincing the ever cautious woman
Tom snorted and Harry chuckled. "i can help if you like. i completed my own Animagus transformation last year." he admitted. "makes spying a hell of a great deal easier. as well as escapes." Harry admitted with a small grin. "i didn't realize that Physic's could be applied to Magic..." "of course it does." Tom stated simply. "E=Mc2 is the basic foundation of transfiguration for one thing. the Energy it takes to change the Mass of an object. so long as you are putting in enough energy, then the mass will change. your not changing it's components really, just it's appearance, which is why it's still impossible to turn Lead into Gold." Tom admitted as he flipped a page in his book as Harry blinked a little. "...oh wow..." he muttered. "i never should have skipped my muggle education." he grumbled. "no wonder Hermione was so far ahead of everyone else... especially in transfiguration. she was applying basic physics to her work." he muttered sourly, Tom snickering a little. "i'm no well enough to go back to school yet. physically i'm fine, but my magical core is still very depleted." Harry admitted with a small sigh. "i'd pass out at the first spell." he admitted simply, Tom nodding a little. Margo was still looking dazed about trying to understand what E=Mc2 was and why a muggle method was so important to Transfiguration.
“That would be good. Tom needs all the help that you can give him.”She said snickering a little because he knew just how to do it, he just couldn’t wrap his head around the physics of it enough to not panic every time he tried. Smirking at harry he nodded a little.”What he said. And then you go into string theory, and the big bang theory, and it just gets ridiculous how much math you can put into it.”He said looking amused before nudging margo a little.”Don’t worry about it. You’re doing fine, I just find magical theory interesting.”he said reassuring her because he didn’t want her feeling bad for not understanding.
Harry chuckled a little. "actually, i do beleive that Tom already has everything he needs to make a full transformation. i think he even knows what he's going to be." Harry admitted with a small chuckle as the would be Dark Lord paused and then nodded once. "i'm not sure what String Theory is, but the Big Bang... isn't that what supposedly created the universe?" Harry asked, puzzled but curious and Margo just shook her head. "muggles..." she mumbled as she left, Harry chuckling again. "Math, that's Arithmacy right?" Harry asked. "the mathematical formulations for spells, wards, and everything magical?" Tom nodded. "thought so. i knew i should have taken Arithmacy and Runes." Harry grumbled with a shake of his head. "Brax can tutor you. he's genius when it comes to Arithmancy and Runes. he's already making his own spells..." Harry snorted and Tom grinned. "well... alright, he came to school with an array of purely original spells. but that's besides the point." he admitted, Harry grinning a little. "i'd like that actually." Harry admitted. "and in return i'll show you two the coolest room in Hogwarts."
“Well, damn.Just I’m running behind then.”Brax said sulking a little before looking at harry. “String theory is the theory on how everything is connected to each other at a molecular level and how it works together.”he shrugged a little smirking as he watched margo go before wrinkling his nose a little.”Tom, you know I dislike tutoring people.”He whined a little before smirking.”I made those spells. It was fun, and definitely less stressful when then taking notes for myself.”He said amused because he’d set a spell to a journal to keep the book writing for him so he could just listen."But you could come back to Hogwarts to just listen. No spell work needed till you feel better."
Tom chuckled a little and shook his head. "it's alright Brax. the theory is very simple for someone of our intellegence... i have to admit though the thought of becommign another animal... it's..." "it's the most amazing thing ever." Harry breathed, a wistful expression on his face. "imagine the feeling of being purely free. no morals, no restraints to hold you down, not needing them. imagine knowing exactly what you are, who you are, seeing the world through truly clear eyes as if there isn't an ounce of Evil in the world." he closed his eyes and smiled. "the feeling of being in a form that is so unique that only you can slip into it... being different, more special than all the other pathetic humans in this world." Tom stared at Harry with wide, amazed eyes and then smiled. "...well, that doesn't sound so bad after all." Harry chuckled and nodded. "and i suppose i could go to Hogwarts, so long as i'm not expected to use magic." he admitted as he stretched. "but i still need my supplies... and a course list... and clothes, a hair brush, quills and ink... that sort of stuff..." he paused and then. "i could always go to Gringotts actually. there are several accounts that i know the other Potter's never discovered that i might have Access to..." he admitted, frowning. "maybe... i know the Gryffindor account was never touched... Tom are you alright?" Tom was choking and sputtering. "your Gryffindor's Heir!?" "yes. and later i become Slytherin's Heir through conquest." Harry admitted smirking at Tom. "well, my mother killed you but it was passed on to me because she died before you did, but she still caused your death so.." he shrugged.
Brax stared at the two men as Harry talked, a small smirk curling his lips. “I don’t need to change shapes to know I’m better then the rest of you pathetic humans.”The Malfoy heir mused before smirking wider as he nodded.”We can go to the bank if you want…”he said trailing off a little as he considered what the other was admitting to. Groaning as he looked over at tom.”No, no you don’t get to go fight with each other or do whatever heirs would do, its not fair!”Brax sulked feeling left out of the Hogwarts families despite his family being so old that they were one of the first to turn up in slytherin’s hosue.
Harry snickered a little. "you have nothing on me." harry purred rather playfully as Tom snickered. "i'm a Magical creature,. i beat you both." "you already saw my form." Harry admitted looking incredibly smug. "i changed right after your nasty Hippogryph flew me into a tree." Tom was gaping at him, his voice almost awed. "you where that Black Phoenix... and that's why Dumbledore trusts you..." "no, Dumbledore trusts everyone. i could be a roving mass murderer and sadist and he'd still give me a chance..." there was a pause. "granted... i sort of AM a mass murderer... but they murderers first so it's ok." Tom snorted a little before he glared at Harry. Gryffindor's heir... how horrid. "you do know that Slytherin and Gryffindor where lovers before that 'big fallout' don't you?" Tom grimaced but nodded. he'd read the journals. "then you also know that it was later discovered that Slytherin 'staged' that in order to leave so he didn't hurt anyone in his growing dementia?" another nod. "and you know that one Tiberius Septum Malfoy was actually the one to pay for, and build said Hogwarts?" Tom jerked at that, shocked and he gaped at Harry who smirked and nodded. "yup. Malfoy was also the one who married Rowena Ravenclaw so technically Brax, your the Heir of Ravenclaw..." he admitted. "though i don't know if your close enough blood wise to claim the title. Tiberius's son Arcturus was also the very first student enrolled, and was a favorite student of Salzar. unfortunately it was he who twisted Salzar's 'meaning' of 'only the pure'. he thought Sal meant Purity of the blood, but Sal really meant purity of the mind."
Brax rolled his eyes a little, before grinning.”Ha!I knew it.”He said glad to see his theory proven right by the other’s words, because he hadn’t figured out a way to ask after the phoenix before shaking his head.”Well, he doesn’t give tom any trust at all, and he looks at me like I’m doing something wrong, though I usually am, but I hadn’t killed anyone till recently!”Brax whined pathetically before smirking at the history of the school. “You know, I think while we’re out and about getting you things potter, I’m going to be seeing about getting named heir of ravenclaw. Just imagine how many people’s day I’d be fucking up if I did.”he said sounding pleased at the idea of ruining someone;’s fun.
Harry chuckled a little and smirked. "ah but you two are Slytherins, and the leaders of Slytherin at that." Harry pointed out. "Dumbledore hates Tom because Tom isn't in the least squeamish about hurting someone to make them leave him alone and he's a bit of a sticky finger. and yes i know you have my earring you clepto." Tom blinked, surprised before he smirked. "good, i can wear it then. i like the charms on it." "you would you jerk. just don't scratch it, it's the only thing i have left of my mother." here Tom paused. while he didn't feel bad about stealing, he did stay away from things that had a personal value to them. "good, you claim Ravenclaw, i'll claim Gryffindor and om will publicly declare he's Slytherin and we'll own the school since Huffelpuff died without an Heir." he admitted calmly. "you just have to promise not to do anything to the school, i have plans for Hogwarts. things happened while i was in Hogwarts and i intend to make very certain that they can never, ever happen again." Harry admitted, baring his teath in fury. "Dippit will be pissed, and the rest of the teachers as well, but i will NOT let Hogwarts become the breeding ground for bullies and evil wizards the way it was in my time." Harry admitted with a shake of his head. "Dumbledore will forgive me when i explain it to him i'm sure." he glanced up at the clock. "we're going to have to leave now if we're going shopping. you do have to be there by curfew, and i have a shit load of stuff that i need to get."
“Well, in all fairness, we quit listening in his class to. Probably has something to do with him being unhappy with us.”brax said rolling his eyes at tom’s cleptoness, knowing his stuff went missing all the time, most usually his signet ring with the Malfoy crest, but that was because it was challenging for tom to get it off him, and the ring was magicked to always return to him eventually so it was a constant challenge. Smirking as he nodded getting up.”Definitely not playing with the school. I have bigger aims then ruling a school.”Brax smirked as he headed for the front hall, “See you at honeydukes.”He said rolling his eyes at the other two, letting tom and harry apparate together, and ignoring the bitter twist of jealousy he felt at the idea of the two being together,even for something this innocent.
Tom chuckled a little and nodded. "that might be as well." he admitted. "could be that he knows my... bloodline as well, he might know i'm Slytherin's Heir and you know how he feels about Slytherins." he pointed out with a shake of his head, Harry chuckling a little as he shook his head. "well good because the school is mine. you can have the ministry instead... and Tom can have the world!" Tom snorted. "just Britain will be fine." he stated with a smirk as he watched Brax stalk off. "you know this would be MUCH more worth it if i was actually fucking you potter." "oh hell no." Harry stated with a sniff. "i have standards and one night stands aren't one of them." he admitted with a chuckle. he took Tom's arm in his own and they apparated off to the Bank to do their separate things. Harry did have access to the Gryffindor banks account within the next hour and he grinned as he bounced into Honeydukes with a never empty bag of Galleons at his hip. so long as he had the money in his account, he'd have all the money he needed. "i need chocolate, be right back!" Harry squealed, racing into Honeydukes much to the amusement of Tom. "...is it just me or is he... more than a little off his rocker?" Tom asked Brax. "...should we be letting him buy all that chocolate?" but it was too late, it was bought, stashed, and out of snatching range. that done Harry dragged them both to Madam Malkins and then to Twiflit and Tattings to get a complete wardrobe for himself. then off to Olivanders, where he accepted a Black Oak wand with the crest feather of a Phoenix. then he gathered everything he would need for school including a half a dozen books he didn't really need but wanted anyway and a set of scales that nearly made Tom green with envy. all in all he spent way too much gold and had fun while he did it.
“We probably shouldn’t, but its already to late.”She said rolling her eyes a little because brax just knew that they were going to regret letting harry buy all that stuff. Glancing at Tom as they started out of the potions shop he shook his head,”Would you just buy the scales, you pounce?I’ll buy them, and call them a early Christmas present.”he said looking at the man, and sounding sulky and annoyed. Having spent most of the day annoyed with them both, it was obvious he was jealous and pissy with the two, but he wasn’t about to admit to it.
Harry giggled a little as he nibbled on a bloodpop, lapping obscenely at the Lolly. "i have my own set that are better." Tom stated with a sniff. "i'm only annoyed because Harry's is shiny." he grumbled. "Brax, are you alright?" Harry asked, looking worried at the man. "here, have a Chocolate." he ordered, handing the other a set of his favorite Chocolates. if Brax accepted them, then Harry could start the proper courtship, whether Brax knew about it or not. how could Harry be the Duke of Gryffindor, if he was so sneaky? still, the proper things where all there. a pleasant, thoughtful gift, handed to the other in a public setting, with at least one other person aware that it was a courting gift. Tom, and Harry knew that it was a courting gift, which meant that if Brax accepted, he would officially be courted. Tom bit back a laugh as Harry offered Brax the chocolates. he could almost hear Harry's hard thudding hard in his chest.

(Snicker. Harry is sneeky ;))
Brax glanced at the other slytherin, rolling his eyes a little.”You are such a ponce. Shiny indeed…”he muttered rolling his eyes before looking at the man tilting his head a little.”Thanks.”brax growled his annoyance at being with the two starting to show as he popped a chocolate kiss in his mouth and sucked on it. “Now, do you two have everything you need?We should probably be heading for school.”He said smiling a little, looking forward to getting back to school.

(haha XD)
Harry beamed at Brax and skipped off in his shiny new robes with his shiny new wand and his shiny new things and Tom chuckled a little. "Brax... if you want me to stop, i will." he stated simply, looking at the blond. "i really will." he promised, well aware that Brax would know exactly what he was talking about. Tom was promising to break things off with Harry if it bothered Brax so much. he took Harry by the Collar of his robes and apparated them both to Hogwarts where Dumbledore was waiting for them. the old man restrained a smile as Harry landed on his ass and started cursing about warnings and butt heads. "it is a pleasure to see you here Mister Potter." Dumbledore admitted with a smile as Harry nervously scanned the Hallways. "just don't tell Brax's mother i'm here.... i'm not really supposed to be. still a bit low on my magical core, but i'll be fine so long as i don't have to do magic." Dumbledore's amusement only grew at that. "indeed... we have decided for you to join the slytherin's as your already so close to them." no doubt Dumbledore was hoping that Harry would be able to 'reform' Tom and Brax. Tom just grinned and Harry paused as he realized that Tom was wearing Abraxas's family ring... again. he had to wonder if Abraxas would even notice.

"Great! onward Ho!" Harry chirped. "i've only been into the slytherin common rooms once though...." Harry admitted as he paused, looking at Tom. "you! onward Ho!" "you're such a Bossy little shit!" Tom complained with a grin, but led the way. much to Harry's utter fury, the Slytherins had a lot more room than the Gryffindor's did. and only had to sleep two or three to a room. Harry opted to sleep by himself so he wouldn't wake anyone up with his screaming nightmares. he hadn't even been there ten minutes when nosy girls surrounded him, asking him a million questions. "from the future. i was in gryffindor there, no the hat wanted me to go to slytherin but i begged... because i met a horrible little git. ahuh. gods no, girls have BOOBS! men are more my cup of tea. yes i know that's ridiculously hot. no you can't mess with my hair. i'm seventeen, but i'm going into the six'th year classes with Tom and Brax." Harry admitted to all the squealing and laughing girls. he was just lounging in a chair, looking for all the world that he belonged there. instant popularity, and he knew how to handle it too. Tom was impressed.
“I’m don’t care what your doing with your dick, definitely none of my business.”Brax grumbled not about to admit that it was bothering him. Looking amused as they walked into the school he was quiet as he sucked on his candies, watching the crowd react. Looking at tom he raised a eyebrow as they headed for the dorms.”You know, if you keep wearing my ring, someone’s going to think I’m gay and start planning the wedding.”he grumbled even as he threw himself into one of the chairs in the sitting room to watch the girls moon over harry.

“Wait,wait,wait. Him liking guys is only hot if his partner is ridiculously sexy, and since he’s playing with tom, that relationship is definitely not that hot.”he said rolling his eyes at the laughing girls, but more good natured teasing his friend then true dislike for the idea of them dating. You just had to know that the man was seething pissed under that icy and calm control. You had to know draco, to realize that more then Lucius, draco was like brax, and operated well on just being wickedly pissed most of the time when he went that cold and still
Tom chuckled a little but decided to end the charade, if only to make Brax feel better. "mmm, at least then you'd have to admit your gay." he teased with a smirk as he examined the ring on his finger. "besides, it's fun stealing this damn thing." he admitted with a chuckle. "each time it gets just a little bit harder." the girls all gaped at them all and Tom and Harry both burst into laughter, making all the ladies think that Brax had been lying. Harry grinned as he flirted with all the ladies and faked a yawn as he stood up and headed off to bed, Tom getting up and following Harry, catching the other's shoulder and whispering something in his ear. Harry pouted but nodded and went to bed in his all alone room and Tom stretched as he went into his shared room with Brax. "There, i won't sleep with Harry anymore." Tom stated with a smile. "happier now?" he demanded before yawning. "Merlin i'm exhausted..." he grumbled sleepily. "see you in the morning."

in the morning Harry was up first and smiled at them both as they joined him at the breakfast table. "Good morning!" Harry chirped as he read the newspaper that had been delivered. "Scorpius is on the war path." he admitted, handing the paper to Brax. they had arrived just in time as a large, elegant owl swooped down and set a rather mighty package in front of Brax and flew off. a letter was attached.

'To Abraxas Malfoy

i know that you do not know who i am, but i have harbored a secrete crush on you for some time. i have very recently managed to enter a courtship with you, i did it sneaky, i know but i was certain you would never agree to let me court you without it. Slytherin's have to be that way after all, don't we? so i hope you'll forgive me for being sly.

this is your second gift, and i truly hope you enjoy it. and i hope that we can get to know one another before i reveal myself to you.

with Love
Your Secrete Admirer.

"what is it?" Harry asked, poking at the box and nearly leaping out of his skin when it growled, Tom lifting an eyebrow at Harry's 'acting skills'. when Brax opened the box, a gorgeous pure white fox stepped out, it's beautiful ice blue eyes watching Brax before it leaped out of the box and into his lap, curled up, and went to sleep. "it...it's a Fox!" Tom gasped, amazed. "a TAME fox!" "it's gorgeous!" Harry cooed, smiling. "what are you going to name it?"
“I am not gay!”Brax growled before raising a hand and casting the silent returning charm, smirking as the ring melted from tom’s finger and reformed on his own. Setting in bed that night he snickered a little.”I wasn’t influenced either way on you sleeping with him.”he grumbled,”goodnight.”he said smiling as falling asleep.

“Good. Father needs something to do.”Brax said as he started to read, before yelping as the owl dropped a letter on him. Blushing a little looking rather off as he read the letter, the way he twisted his signet ring around his finger the only sign that he was way,way disturbed at the idea of not knowing who was courting him.But he was willing to play the game, for now anyways.

Raising his eyebrows as the fox got out, he looked bemused at the sight of it climbing in his lap before smirking at harry.”I should call it something ridiculously stupid, like foxy or something, make the world underestimate my intelligence. But I think I shall name her….artemis.”
Tom sulked as the Ring vanished and he pouted at Brax, because it usually took longer than that for Brax to notice that his ring was missing. "you where pissed that i was fucking him and you know it." Tom stated simply before grinning as he read the paper with Brax. "wow, he really IS going power crazy. look at this. "Undersecretary Scorpius Malfoy went on a firing rampage when thirteen members of the Ministry of Magic was fired. as it turns out, those thirteen people where caught taking bribes or stealing from the ministry... We expect to see more good things as Undersecretary Malfoy leads the hailing of new, better laws to protect our secrecy, our safety, and our rights... wow Brax, just think, your dad might go down in history for this one." he admitted with a grin as Harry checked the list for names and choked violently. "f..f..f..fudge!" he managed to stutter, looking stunned. "he was the backstabbing, ass covering, lying, cheating, manipulating son of a bitch who damn near ruined my life! the little bit of it that Voldemort hadn't already ruined anyway!" Harry admitted, sneering at the barley eighteen year old in the picture. "he was minister while i was in school and he made a right mess of things." he admitted, shaking his head.

"stupid!?" Harry demanded, outraged before relaxing as the fox was named Artemis. that was all the hint Harry needed to know that Brax enjoyed his gift. "so who do you think your secrete admirer is?" Harry asked, looking over the handwriting intently. "what class do we have first?" "Potions." Tom stated simply. "and then Runes for all of us. i convinced the teachers witht he promise of myself and Brax tutoring you." Tom admitted with a smirk as Harry groaned. they all headed off to class and Harry watched Rufus Scrimgeor fuss over Tom who was working on his potion. Harry wasn't even bothering to make the Felix felicitus. or 'liquid luck'. he'd made enough f it in the last year that he was just plain sick of making it. he was quite certain that the 'liquid luck' was the only reason why he'd survived at all. no one even noticed that he didn't do the potion, as he just stole a sample of Brax's for himself. then it was Runes, where Harry spent the day reading the first year book, trying his best to understand the strange little symbols. by the time Dinner rolled around Harry was tired and cranky. though Brax did get another letter and a box of elegant chocolates from France during dinner.
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