Time Asunder (HP)- Lady/Moon

“Oh.Thats true.”Brax said for once the brilliant Malfoy was stumbling over what to do. Feeling to shell shocked to be really sorting things out. Looking up at margo before frowning a little, his shoulders bunching up a little as he tensed, “Marrying me would not be sequestering you!”He scowled looking amused at her words.
Margo gaped at him, wide eyed and frozen on the spot and now she was flushed and stuttering and finally she managed to get out what she was trying to say. "oh Brax i'm SO sorry but... but i... well see i've... i'm kind of..." she went even more red. "i'mkindofdatingweasley..." she uttered out in a rush before she coughed. "i'm... i'm dating Weasley... the older one... er, the seventh year." she explained softly. "he... he proposed to me a week ago..." she smiled sheepishly. "i didn't tell you because... well you really hate them all, even though you don't know any of them, and i was worried you wouldn't like me anymore if i told you... a..and..." she flushed again and looked down, fidgeting with her hands. "sorry..." she mumbled softly. "but i'm sure you'll find a girl just for you! someone who you love more than anything in the world!" she assured him before smirking. "maybe we can find you a girl that's a bit more masculine, since your more girly than any girl i know?" trying to take the sting out of the rejection by tormenting him as she always did. "i do have a cousin... he'd be perfect for you! he's gotten new breasts and everything, you'll have to wait a month for... well, you know, to go away but he'll be all woman before you know it!" now that was just mean.
Brax stared at her, not sure what to say. Even if he didn’t want married he was feeling crushed at the rejection. Staring before sputtering.”What?!?I am not girly!I do not look like a ladiy, no matter what dori says.”he growled sulking before tensing at his words.”I better get home I will see you later Margo..”He said gathering himself, slipping easily behind the cold Malfoy mask before heading for the door. Gone back to the manor before she could stop him, slamming into his bedroom with all the fury of a thunderstorm, so much like Lucius, and beautiful in his fury, but without the cruelty that had overlaid everything Lucius had done. not even remembering that someone was staying in his room, or that tom was probably with him.
she grimaced at him and wondered if she aught to go after him, but knew he was still smarting from the rejection and let him go, sighing a little as she closed her eyes and wished that things had gone better for brax. Harry was the only one in the room when Brax stormed in and he jerked awake and looked around sleepily, blinking at Brax. for a moment Harry almost looked frightened, his eyes wide as he stared at Brax, terror in those emerald eyes that was quickly hidden. no doubt a result of his own traumatic past of being helpless around angry men. and then he looked almost curious as he studied Brax, had Tom been there he would have been teasing Harry relentlessly because the slightly older boy was thinking about how damn pretty Brax really was. "Brax?" Harry asked softly, his head tilted, as if Wary that he might be struck if he drew attention to himself. "i take it things didn't go well? she didn't beleive you?" he asked softly, hoping it wasn't that. he couldn't stand to force Sirius suffer that horrible Childhood again. he would rather Sirius didn't exist at all. Harry even planned to have Fenrir killed within the next few years so that he could never bite Remus Lupin. Harry was making things better. he would kill, and die to be sure of it.

"C'mere." Harry ordered, waving the Blonde over. "i want to tell you about Draco." he admitted, smiling a little. "your grandson, was a pompous spoiled ass hole... who did the right thing." Harry admitted. "he saved my life you know." which was why he'd been beaten nearly to death by his own father, but Harry would leave that out. Harry had been at Malfoy Manor, captured, kidnapped. he'd been held in the dungeons and he hadn't had food in days when Draco had appeared, pale and shaking and looking so terrified he was going to wet himself. slid food in through the bars to Harry and fled. for a week Draco gave Harry as much food as he dared smuggle off the dinner table, and one night, he brought the Key to Harry's cell. Harry had stolen Draco's wand and it was that wand with which he'd killed Voldemort. so in a way, Draco had helped save the wizarding world. he told Abraxas all about it, hoping to take the man's mind off his rage.
Brax stopped at the door, looking startled to find someone in his rooms, having forgotten someone was there before stomping to his bathroom to get ready to go to sleep. “What?”Brax snarled as harry talked to him, the slamming of drawers and doors was barely enough to contain the sounds of a equally furious Malfoy. Not quite sure why he was still angry with margo, but he was. “No, she believed me.Going to work on maybe killing or at least getting rid of sidenioe.”he grumbled before frowning as he was waved back into the bedroom.

Settling on the edge of the bed as he listened, frowning a little as he listened before sighing softly.”Well. At least there is some hope for my bloodline. Though now he wont exist, so maybe I should just give up now.”He grumbled still looking annoyed and vexed with margo, not about to admit that he was feeling hurt and very annoyed at having lost a friend and someone he could have stand to marry, to weasley of all people.
Harry cringed at Brax's harsh tone and bit his lip as he saw the other slamming around. "i highly doubt Margo will kill Sid." Harry stated with a shake of his head. "she's fairly decent... for a Slytherin." he mused, fiddling with his blankets. so long as he kept Brax distracted, he probobly wouldn't be hit. not that he honestly believed Abraxas would ever take his rage out on Harry, but there was still that traumatized little boy suffering under his uncles fists inside of Harry, and it was pretty much under control at the moment. "there's nothing to say he won't exist Abraxas. nothing to say you won't have a son... but the question here is, would you rather have them, and make them suffer the lives they lived, or have them not exist at all, and have a new family you can be happy with? i came back to change things, and change them for the better. and Lucius not suffering under Sid is a good thing." Harry pointed out.

"you not dying is a good thing. your too handsome to die after all." Harry stated, flashing Abraxas a smug little smile, looking rather roguishly handsome himself. "you have a chance to make a truly great name for yourself, and for your future offspring." he pointed out. "besides you should be happy for Margo. she has a chance to be happy now that she's not going to be raped. and little Dorea has a chance to be happy too now that Margo is there to protect her." Harry stated. "you have a chance to be happy too." he sighed. "i'm trying to give you all the chance i never had." he admitted. "the chance to have a family, and have good, pain free lives... so long as i can stop the Dark Lord... no one else has to die, or be tortured." all in all Harry did have it worse than Brax. all of Harry's freinds where dead. and now he was thrust back into a time where no one knew or trusted him... and yet there the emerald boy was, trying to give Brax hope. "it might not be the future you thought you wanted, but your future will be bright and no doubt filled with the sound of laughing children."
“Hm well, she is still a slytherin, and she’s decided she’s going to get tom in on this need to take care of sid.So she might end up dead.”the slytherin prince said snickering a little, sounding amused before sighing quietly as he laid back on the bed, closing his eyes as he rested his head back on his hands.

“…I am definitely to pretty to die.”He said looking amused before shaking his head as he closed his eyes, “Well, you seem awfully hopeful for a man who has nothing left.”he said looking thoughtful before closing his eyes again, trying to not think about that. Definitely not something he wanted to consider, because he really had wanted to marry margo once he thought about it. Not that he’d ever admit he’d asked and she refused, wanting to be with weasley instead. There was only so much humiliation the Malfoy could life with.
Harry smiled as Brax started to calm down. "well, considering that Sid is completely off her rocker, i'm sure she's already committed some pretty serious crimes." Harry admitted before cringing at Brax's words and he looked away. "i have to be hopeful." Harry stated. "if i wasn't hopeful, i'd be dead." Harry stated simply. "...did you know Phoenix's can eat the killing curse?" Harry asked softly. "i didn't..." it almost sounded as if Harry was admitting to something, but what? "Brax?" Harry asked softly. "Thanks for letting me stay in your bed... i can move to another room if you want me to now. i'm well enough to move around." that's not what Brax's mother said, of course. but when had Harry ever really listened to a healer? "i think i should write a book..." Harry muttered softly. "yes. a book..." and with that Harry was asleep again, unshed tears clinging to his lashes. laying there like that he looked broken, fragile, and beautiful. as if his agony and pain only added to his natural looks.

"Brax?" Tom asked, moving into the room. "what was all that crashing and banging? you didn't beat Harry up did you?" the stoic man asked before he scowled. "why is he crying? what did you DO to him!?" Tom complained, rolling his eyes as he moved forward and carefully tucked Harry in. clearly Tom's 'big brother' instincts had been kicked. "how did it go with Margo? the House elves said you swooped in here like she'd tried to kill you." Tom was a jerk most of the time, but he always knew what he could tease Brax about and what he couldn't, and Tom knew that whatever had happened it was not a time for jokes.
“Well, we’ll just have to see.”He said looking amused before tilting his head slightly.”No I didn’t. Though it would be nice to research that.”He said looking thoughtful about the idea of a phoenix eating a killing curse, and wondering why it had been needful. Snickering a little at harry’s offer.”Your welcome. And no your not, I do talk to my own mother you know.”He pointed out before sighing as he closed his eyes, taking some slow and measured breaths trying to relax.

“I was cleaning up the bathroom.”Brax said calmly not even bothering to look up at his friend before shrugging a little.”That wasn’t because of me. Well it was, but he was talking about draco.Started crying.’He shrugged before sighing.”margo didn’t try to kill me.”
Harry snorted a little. "where on earth are you going to find a Phoenix willing to test that out?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at Brax. "we both know your nowhere near pure enough to get a Phoenix familiar of your own." he teased, well aware it was not the pure of heart that Phoenix's sought. but that was what Dumbledore believed, and everyone else for that matter. he grimaced a little at Brax's comment about talking to his mother and grumbled about bossy old nurses. Tom just shook his head as he looked at his freind. "you can't lie to ME Brax." Tom pointed out. "and he really shouldn't be talking about our futures like that... it's creepy." Tom complained, examining Harry. "Margo said no, didn't she?" Tom asked, knowing his freind, and Margo well enough to know what was wrong. "you do realize she would not have made you a very good wife." he pointed out. "you two get into fist fights with each other for Merlin's sake!" Tom complained, rolling his eyes. "she loves you dearly, but i think she sees you as that annoying older brother she has to love because you taught her how to ride a bike." he admitted glancing at Brax. "besides, your Gay. why marry Margo when you could have Potter?"
“I am sure I can convince a phoenix that research is a pure of heart motivation, and help me.”He reasoned smirking a little before scowling slightly at tom’s words. “I can lie all I want to. And its not that creepy.”He said, he knew it was, but making tom feele uncomfortable about finding it creepy amused him. “What?I didn’t ask her to marry me.”he said scowling a little before frowning harder as he sat up, anger filling those dark eyes again. Oh yea, he wasn’t going to give in easily. He was going to fall in love kicking and screaming.”I’m not gay. Would you let this thought go?”
Tom snorted a little. "you still can't lie to me and it is so creepy." he complained, rolling his eyes. "he told me after you left that he hoped i was stricken infertile so that the likes of me could never breed!" there was a long hesitant pause and then. "i think i'm the Dark Lord Harry keeps talking about." he admitted so suddenly. "and that... i don't know why but that bothers me..." he admitted before he smirked at Brax. "Brax, you told us when you left that you where going to marry her for her own protection." he pointed out. "and you are Gay, the sooner you admit that the better off you'll be. now hush, let Harry sleep. your mom said that most of his magic has been drained trying to heal what's been hurt. his nerves are almost dead and it's taking him a lot of energy to heal that." Tom admitted simply. "Your mum set up the spare bedroom for you." he admitted. "and i transfigured the bed to be as soft and squishy as this one." compared to Tom, who actually preferred to sleep on the floor because beds where too comfortable.
“Well, maybe you should be. Any offspring you produce is going to be just as annoying as you are. And don’t worry about it. We’ll keep you from being a…..you do realize that would mean you’ve been calling me your whore for the last week right?”He asked before growling,”I am not.”He growled before getting up and heading for the guest room.”Come on. We’ll leave him alone, and we should get some sleep.”He grumbled because he had a feeling margo would be visiting him soon to see how he was doing, and was so not looking forward to it.
Tom smirked a little. "you ARE my whore!" Tom chirped with a wicked smirk, laughing loudly as he realized Brax was right, he had been calling Brax his whore. and in a way, it was true! Tom did make Brax do all kinds of things the Pureblood didn't want to do. "i am SO your Pimp!" Tom growled playfully. "and you SO are. the sooner you admit it, the happier you'll be." he stated with a sniff before snickering a little as he was ignored yet again. they headed off to bed and in the morning Harry was sulking as he glared at the food on his plate. it was a perfectly good breakfast. sausage, bacon, hashbrowns, eggs, sliced fruit... so what was he angry about? "your mother is a Tyrant!" Harry snarled at Brax, glaring at him as if it was HIS fault! "She won't let me up to go Pee! she made me go in a BEDPAN!" Harry sounded horrified and Tom winced a little, feeling rather sympathetic. "Tell her i can get up and use the bathroom like NORMAL people!" he commanded, pointing at Brax, Tom just snickering. yep, life was about to get very interesting. "as your future Lord i command you!" Tom burst out laughing, because no one was lord to Abraxas but his own father. and even then Scorpius Malfoy had problems making his son do as told.
Brax paused as he stepped into his room, raising his eyebrows.”Mother is a very good healer, and I make no arguments to her. I do enjoy having sex and she’ll casterate me if I overrule her on something.”Brax said refusing to be disturbed, tilting his head slightly before frowning, eyebrows raising.”….did that work with my son and grandson?If so, I might just commit suicide if that’s the weakness of my line, if I would ever allow a teenager to boss me around.”He sniffed before looking at tom.”Why are you laughing?”
Harry scowled at Brax. "selfish." he complained, sulking as he shook his head before snorting. "no, the only master that ever claimed them was Voldemort and he didn't make demands. he told them what to do and if they didn't do as they where told he tortured them." Harry admitted with a shrug. "it was do, or suffer the worst pain imaginable... not a good incentive for loyalty but it sure made his followers never ask him questions or question his motives. they just did as they where told and where happy for it." Harry admitted simply. "besides, you let Tom boss you around all the time." Tom was still laughing, clutching the chair for support as he shook his head. no, Tom did NOT boss Brax around, he made helpful suggestions and shut his trap if Brax got annoyed with him. Tom was very skilled, but even he would get his ass kicked by Brax in a temper. "..." Harry just glared at the both of them and rolled onto his side, ignoring how badly that hurt and pulled the covers over his head, ignoring them both.
“Ah good. Well then, I have faith in my family.”Brax looked amused before sitting down in his chair before looking at tom who looked like he was going to pass out from not being able to breath. “Why are you laughing?I let you tell me to do things all the time.”Brax said leaving out the obvious that he hardly ever listened to the orders unless he’d already decided to follow that path. Frowning slightly as he leaned back in his chair because he was trying not to think about the coming day, because he knew eventualy margo would be showing up, and that would definitely do nothing for his reputation of a lady’s man.
Harry smirked a little as he shook his head. "i think he's laughing because he knows all too well how stubborn your ass is." Harry stated simply, Tom slowly starting to calm down. "Brax... take orders! HA!" Tom snickered, shaking his head. "i can tell him what to do, but he only listens to me when he already wants to do it that way. even his own father can't tell this Dark Lords Whore what to do." Harry snickered a little and shook his head as Tom suddenly got a wicked idea. "Harry? i was wondering, when your feeling better, would you like to go out on a date with me?" Harry almost choked on his bacon, hacking and coughing and Tom scowled. "what? i'm not attractive?" "n..no! you are! hotter than sin really i just... i mean you never..." Harry went bright red. "well i never thought you... where gay... or liked people... or touched people in an intimate manner... bad thoughts, BAD THOUGHTS!!!!" Harry wailed as he imagined snake face Voldemort getting it on with Lucius Malfoy. "oh my GOD bad thoughts! someone cast an Obliviate!!!!" Tom was glaring at Harry who shook his head. "well i'm sorry but you where UGLY!" Harry complained. "no hair, no nose, scaly skin and red eyes... you where pretty damn hideous man!" Tom looked completely horrified. Tom was very, very serious about his looks. he had once nearly beaten someone up in his third year because someone had hexed his hair pink. to be told that he was that hideous in the future was more than enough to make Tom never, ever want to be the Dark Lord... EVER!
Brax sulked raising his eyebrows.”I am not a whore!”He scowled looking annoyed before looking at harry, patting his back to make sure the other didn’t choke to death before starting to laugh. “Oh no, no obivliate. Some thoughts just need to stay with someone.”he said snickering at the idea that tom had grown up to be ugly. Knowing that more then anything would convince the other he didn’t need to go there. “poor tom. Not only do you fail now to live up to me, you totally fail in the future to be as utterly gorgerous as me.Poor poor tom.”he teased laughign
Harry snorted a little as he shook his head. "open your mental shields a moment, i want to share the image i just had with you!" Harry complained, Tom snickering as he fortified his own shields so that Harry couldn't get in, not that the boy tried, he respected people's privacy too much for that. "you sure you don't want to see one fuck ugly Dark Lord buggering your would be son?" Tom started to laugh again and he looked like he wanted to be sick too and Harry snickered a little as he shook his head. "Actually. technically, by the time Tom got butt ugly, you where a rotting skeleton in the ground so... i think Tom wins in the power and looks department." "HA!" Tom chirped, highly amused. "it's not that hard to 'live up' to someone whose dead you know." Tom laughed at the bad pun and shook his head. "Seriously though Harry, you wanna go on a date." "sure. no sex until the third date though, unless your really good in bed." Tom just smirked and Harry chuckled. he had a feeling that Tom wasn't in the least bit interested in him, he just wanted something. well Harry was more than willing to play Slytherin games.
Brax’s eyes widened a little as he thought about that before he dropped his shields, to curious to not do it, and trusting harry a little enough to just tell him what he wanted to see, and not figure out what was driving him insane. “Well, if you put it like that, I would like to see that.”He said smirking wincing as he did indeed see that. His stomach rolling a little.”Damn.So don’t want to think about that.”he muttered before his eye twitched a little as he glanced at harry and tom.”Well.I better go see if margo’s showed up yet.”He said sounding annoyed about something even as he headed for the door
Harry smirked and slid the image into Brax's head and laughed at how green the other boy got. "Aha! feel my pain!" Harry crowed victoriously, Tom snickering darkly before looking worried. "so... am i really that hideous? be honest..." Tom ordered, Harry snickering. "i'm beginning to understand where Draco get's his Vanity from..." Harry muttered, shaking his head as he sagged back into the pillows just as a knock sounded at the door and Margo's voice asked if Brax was there. she sounded fairly upset and Harry frowned, well glared actually at Brax. "you make girls cry don't you? evil bastard." Tom just started laughing again because it was a crying girl that completely panicked Brax. he couldn't stand to see girls cry, which was funny considering how much of a ladies man he was.
“You really are.”Brax smirked raising a eyebrow.”It is not vanity to say you’re better looking then everyone else when its true!”He gowled looking amused before wincing at the sound of margo’s voice, pausing in the middle of starting to open the door. Looking fairly upset himself, because he so hated upset woman. Swallowing hard before glaring at harry.”Well, you’re not crying yet are you?I mustn’t be doing a good job.”He scowled a little before easing the door open swallowing hard.”Hey margo.”he said looking vaguely panicked, on the verge of pureblown panic at the idea of her being upset
Harry snickered. "yes it is." Harry stated simply with a smirk as he examined the man with his head tilted watching the door open as Margo trembled at him. "B..Brax.. s.. someone tried to hurt Dori!" she wailed, slamming into his chest so hard it nearly knocked the breath out of him. she was full blown sobbing now and Tom had that enraged look in his eyes. "what do you MEAN someone hurt Dori!?" he liked dori, the little girl was 'special' but gods above she was amusing and Tom knew how important Dori and Margo was to Brax so he kept a special eye out on the little first year. "i was late getting home from work and when i went upstairs to check on Dori she was on the floor bleeding and crying!" Margo sobbed. "i can't get a word of sense out of her! it's bad... she's at Saint Mungo's! please... you have to help her!" Margo pleaded, Tom setting a hand on Margo's shoulder. "Margo, stay here with Harry." Tom ordered, glancing at Brax. "Brax you stay here until Margo's calmed down and then follow me. i'm going to go stand watch over Dori." he promised, Harry looking rather horrified as Margo leaped onto Harry like only a sobbing woman could. Harry patted her back, looking flustered and mortified, closing his eyes as he wished Tom wasn't such a dick. "Brax, you should get your mom." Harry stated softly to the blond. "she'll want to check Dori out herself i'm sure."
Brax looked startled staring down at the woman that nearly knocked him off his feet, struggling to breath normally as he hugged her against him.Swallowing as he stroked her back he shuddered a little,”Shh sweetheart.Dont worry we’ll take care of things.I’ll find out what happened.”He muttered nodding to tom to say that he had heard before smiling a little as margo jumped on harry. Gently stroking her hair he nodded.”Sweetheart, hear that?I’m going to go take care of dori and see that mother knows she’s at st. mungo’s.Harry’ll take care of you.”he muttered kissing her head before walking out, the choked scream of fury that filled the house said that it wasn’t just from scorpius that brax got his temper from. He’d come by the taste of fury honesty, and from both parents.

“What happened dori?Can you talk to me?”Brax said gently as both him and his mother walked into the room,crouching down in front of the small girl.
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