Time Asunder (HP)- Lady/Moon

Margo nodded at Brax and Harry cringed at the sound of the scream and shook his head. someone was going to be in trouble! at the hospital, Dorea Black was sitting in a paper gown, staring rather blankly at the wall and had not yet responded to anything. the poor little waif was in shock. finally she looked up at Brax and blinked at him. "i was playin with my ponies." she whimpered, her voice shaking. "and the door opened, i thought it was sissy..." she whispered. "i kept playin. i like my ponies. sissy made them for me special... the lady walked in. she was scary. she was mad that Sissy wasn't home. she said she had to make Sissy pay for taking Brax'us away from her." Tom went rigged. "she said that if Sissy was dead, then you'd have to marry her again, an she'd get all yer money." Sidonie. it had to have been Sidonie. Harry had been right, the woman was off her rocker! "she took out her Wand and made me hurt." Dori whimpered. "i don't like bein hurt..." Tom gently patted the little girls hand. "it's alright luv. we'll take care of the nasty lady." he promised before glancing at Brax. "Sidonie must have realized you where planning on marrying Margo... but how in the hell did she find out!?"
Brax shook her head as he looked at the small girl in front of him, “Oh sweetheart, I’m sorry.”He muttered shifting to wrap his arms around the small girl gently, holding her as if he was afraid of breaking her, even though fury made his eyes dark and angry there was nothing obvious in his motions that he was so utterly furious he was going to kill sidonie himself. “I don’t know.But I’ll find out.”he muttered glancing up at tom before leaning back to look at dorea, gently touching her hair.”Mother said you could go home with me, dorea.Sissy is staying at my house, you remember my house don’t you? I have real ponies if you want to see them.Would you like to come?”He said knowing his mother was only bending the rules because of him, because it hurt her to see her son so upset about dorea, but she was going to allow him to take her patient home, even if she was going to be there to look after him.
Dorea snuggled into him, enjoying the attention now that she wasn't so scared anymore. "i remember Brax'us house." Dorea admitted, her eyes lighting up with joy. "you have ponies? can i ride them? and brush them? and feed them carrots?" she asked hopefully and Tom smiled as he realized that Dorea's... 'specialness' was coming in handy now. her obsession with ponies had made her forget all about being scared and hurt. Tom smiled at Brax and gently lifted the girl into his arms, shaking his head as he tickled her bare toes a little, making her squeal and giggle and smack playfully at his hand before demanding that she wanted her Sissy. so Tom took her to the Malfoy Manor where Margo was waiting, much calmer now as Harry explained how this wasn't what happened in the original timeline, at least not that he remembered ever hearing. "Sissy! Brax'us said that i could ride the ponies!" Dorea squealed, Harry smiling as he watched the little eleven year old going on six race into the room and crawl into her sisters lap for snuggles. "Brax'us is scaaary when he's mad!" she admitted with a giggle.
“I do. And you can, anything you want dori.”Brax said smiling a little as he stood with the girl in his arms, letting tom take her. Looking amused as the two played before nodding.”Lets go get sissy then.”She said looking amused as they headed into the manor, looking calm and amused at dorea’s reaction even if there was a smoldering rage in dark eyes. Laughing softly as he looked down at the girl,”Then why are you laughing if I’m so scary huh?”He teased tickling dorea.
Dori giggled as she looked up at Abraxas. "because Brax'us don't hurt little girls!" she stated beaming at him. "Brax'us isn't mad at ME!" she chirped happily and Margo choked on her laughter and shook her head a little. "she has a point." she teased Abraxas with a smile, sniffling a little as Harry handed her another tissue. "did you find out who hurt her? i was so scared. she wouldn't do anything... she just... sat there and stared at nothing!" this incited more tears from Margo and Harry cringed and tried to comfort her again but he was pretty bad at comforting people. "don't cry sissy!" Dorea demanded, patting her on the cheek. "Brax'us is going to get the nasty lady and hurt her so she can't never hurt me again." Dorea promised, beaming up at Abraxas. "right Brax'us?" Tom snickered and leaned over to abraxas. "i think someone has a mighty big crush on you." he teased softly. "if your so certain your not gay, you could wait a few years and marry this adorable female." Harry snorted and rolled his eyes. "sorry but even in my timeline i know that Charlus Potter marries her." Margo choked in shock. "until he died, she was his whole world." he admitted with a grin. "they never did reproduce..."
“Ah, well I could never be mad at you, pretty lady.”Brax said looking amused at the girl’s interrptation of his name before rolling his eyes a little, before nodding.”I did. And don’t worry about it…no one will ever have to worry about her again.”He said the casual violence intended with those words just there, and not overly upsetting before laughing quietly.”You don’t get to call me brax’us. Only pretty people get to call me brax’us, riddle.”He said looking annoyed about the teasing.
Dorea beamed at him and then held up her toy pony and began to entertain herself, Harry smiling a little as he watched her. "you know... i'm fairly sure my great great great granduncle was a pedophile." Harry stated calmly, making Margo laugh. "or would he be my uncle? i don't know he's related to me somehow." Harry chirped simply. "boy... i hope i don't unmake myself... wouldn't that be awkward?" he mused, Tom snickering at Abraxas. "Whatever Brax, you can't scare me." Tom stated with a sniff. "growl all you want 'Kitten' but your claws can't cut me." it was an old, old, ooold joke from their second year when Tom, playing with higher transfiguration, had accidentally transfigured Brax into a cat. Harry had curled up and was sleeping again and Dorea had decided he would make a lovely pillow and was laying on top of him, also sleeping. much to Tom's amusement Margo was sleeping too, curled up against Harry like they where a family. "she's going to hex his balls off."
Brax rolled his eyes a little as he watched harry trying to figure out things, before laughing a little.”Yes, definitely awakward.Though I don’t think it’ll work, because if you didn’t exist, you wouldn’t have come back to unmake yourself, so you have to exist.”he said before glaring at tom, his eye twitching a little.”I can definitely cut you, you idiot.”he grumbled before tilting his head.”But lets go get food. Dorea will be fine with him.”
Harry frowned at Brax looking positively baffled and then groaned. "time travel makes my head hurt." he complained. "i want Hermione." he whined even as he laid down and went back to sleep. he'd be doing a lot of sleeping as he recovered from the damages he had suffered. Tom just smirked at Brax and shook his head as he followed the other. "i think i know how Sidonie found out." he admitted suddenly and softly. "no one ever thinks to check the house elves, but unless your mother bought a new one, there's an unaccounted for House Elf in the house." he whispered softly to Brax. "you want me to bring it to you?" the Malfoy house elves where so used to Tom, that they just did what he asked them to same as the rest of the Malfoy family. it would be easy for Tom to simply ask the head house elf to bring the new house elf to Brax for questioning. thankfully, Abraxas wasn't cruel to his house elves the way Sidonie and later Lucius was.
Brax smirked a little as harry complained, glancing over at his friend as he studied him.”What?”He muttered looking surprised before shaking his head.”No, mother doesn’t like the creatures. They creep her out so she hardly ever gets them.”She said sighing quietly before nodding.”I’ll wait in the study. Bring it in there.”he said as he walked into his father’s study, knowing scorpius was still gone for the day. Settling in the seat he sighed, wondering what in the world was happening. He wasn’t usually cruel to the house elves, but he was going to be if tom was right and the house elf told sidonie.
Tom nodded and headed off to find the elf and when he came back the pitiful creature was sobbing. "Brax, your mother in fact did not buy this. it was Sidonie's elf." he explained. "she's been beating the poor thing and threatened to kill her mate." Tom looked very troubled. "how could anyone treat a house elf like this!? it's disgusting!" he complained, the House elf clinging to Brax and begging forgiveness for following mistress Sidonie's orders. it was hard not to pity the pathetic creature. it had only been following it's master's orders after all, it had no place in the Malfoy house, but had been forced there anyway to spy. not a good task for a House elf. they where cleaning experts, not sneakers. "Sidonie is really sick in the head." "you is n..n..not saying s..such t..things about Mi..Mistress!" the house elf wailed in protest, unable to stop herself from defending her mistress, it was a house elf's duty after all.
Brax frowned looking annoyed with the house elf even though he was stroking the things head, “We will say such things about mistress, because she has hurt dorea black, and that is something that’s not allowed.”Brax said before sighing softly, glancing at tom.”we are going to go see sidonie, and we’re going to free this poor creature so that he can come here if he would like to.”
the House elf sniffled and shook it's head. "poor poor girly girl! Snippy tried!" the elf wailed. "snippy tried! had to iron fingers!" the elf wailed and Tom blinked. "tried what Snippy?" "Tried healing poor poor little girl." both eyebrows lifted and he glanced at Brax, astonished. it wasn't often you'd find a house elf capable of doing what they knew would piss off their masters. no wonder the poor elf was so demented at the moment. "should we get the Aurors?" Tom asked, his hands behind his back. "or are we doing this Slytherin Style?" he asked curiously, his head tilted a little. "and when are we going to neuter Charlus?" he asked curiously.
“Oh sweet snippy, thank you.Stay here, the girly girl is here if you want to watch over her for me while we take care of mistress.”He said waving the poor elf away before he looked at tom, and the look that filled his eyes, curled his lips up into a sadistic smile was one that at one time, would have made any death eater near him run for cover. It said that no one with a conscience was at home, that he was going to spill blood for himself, for his own pleasure.”Slytherin of course,don’t be foolish about this.”he said smirking a little.
Snippy sniffled and nodded as she raced off to check on the poor sweet girl, Tom glancing at Brax. "that is one very special Elf." he admitted with a smile. who would have guessed that Snippy would one day be the mother of little crazy Dobby? Tom had to laugh at the look in Brax's eye and he nodded. "of course. i'll let you do it then and i'll worry about the cleanup this time." he decided with a grin. "and you still didn't answer about when we're neutering Charlus the pedophile." granted, Charlus wouldn't fall in love with Dorea for some years yet, but it was the principle of the thing. "she must be in her own home by now. she'll think she killed Dorea no doubt, she's too stupid to think a house elf could save the poor thing." Tom stated, stepping into the apparation point and heading with brax to Sidonie, who was indeed home and was beating one of her elves because it had brought her the wrong wine.
“So I can tell. I think I’ll keep her if I can.”He said before tilting his head.”Ah well, I think we will. I do enjoy the thought of taking care of this before it happens.”He said thoughtfully before shaking his head a little. Looking amused as they apparated, wrinkling his nose slightly as he stepped into the house, shaking his head.”You know, sidonie. I think you need to have sex more. You’re finding to much enjoyment in playing with the elf.”He said his eyes that still dark, still no one home.Definatley someone to be feared, and that, was why he had been feared as a death eater.
Tom smiled a little as he waited and watched, his head tilted a little as Sidonie gasped and looked up at Brax. "Brax! darling! you scared me!" she complained, setting a hand to her heart. Tom had to applaud her acting skills. as far as she knew, they where clueless about her knowing that Brax had ended their betrothal. "Oh Sidonie." Tom purred, that silky smooth voice that had once made the entire Slytherin house, older students and younger, tremble in terror. it was his 'your in deep shit and i'm going to enjoy punishing you' voice. it made the woman freeze. "You have been a very, naughty, girl. trying to kill Margo Sidonie? arranging to have Brax's parents murdered? little Dori made it you know." he stated with a smirk. "free the house elves and maybe Brax will make your murder a little quicker hmm?" she gulped and drew her wand, hoping to defend herself. "You can't do anything to me!" she gasped, trembling. "You won't do anything to me!" "oh Sid... denial won't get you anywhere."
Brax tilted his head a little as he leaned back against the closed doors, looking as lazy and dangerous as a basking lion tilting his head towards tom. “Hey, don’t go making promises for me. The house elves will go free the moment she dies, so it really doesn’t matter.”Brax mused even as he waved a hand, enough of a duelist and a wizard to know wandless magic, and he smirked as he listened to the woman scream under a crucio. Tilting his head as he ended the spell he looked at tom.”I assume we should let her defend herself shouldn’t we?”
Tom chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "this is true." he agreed, his head tilted a little as he watched the woman scream, happy enough to simply stand there and watch her shudder and scream. "why in the world would we do that? little Dori never had a chance to defend herself after all, why give her an honor that she refused others? this is a punishment, remember?" he pointed out, summoning Sidonie's wand away from her when she managed to get close enough to grab it. she collapsed and started to sob, trembling and terrified. she knew she was going to die now. knew it with every bone in her body and her only regrete was not killing Tom and Margo while she'd had the chance. she was sure this was their fault somehow.
“That’s true.I guess I don’t have to.”Brax smirked turning his head to look at tom, tilting his head slightly,”You might not want to stay for this.”he said giving his friend the option even as he picked up one of the small pens on the desk, transfiguring it into a small flechette blade, the small wicked blade that he’d become famous for, not because they killed quickly, but they were made for inflicting pain. Smirking as he moved to his once fiancée and got to work, enjoying listening to her scream and there was no one home in those eyes, just the dark pleasure in hurting sidonie for hurting dorea.
Tom smirked a little and nodded watching Brax transfigure the knife. he left quickly, even Harry Potter wouldn't know Tom was a bit squeamish when the blades came out. that was why most of the real torture went to Brax and later to Mcnair. Tom waited outside and enjoyed the screams as Sidonie was... punished. the woman had no chance and before long she was dead. "Come on Brax! i don't like leaving Harry alone with Margo." he complained. "he's probobly telling her weird things and shes going to get even more panicked than she already is!" he warned, shaking his head a little as he led the way. all the House Elves had vanished and Snippy was clinging to Dorea, coddling the special little girl, much to everyone's amusement. the brave house elf had bonded to Dorea as soon as Sidonie died and Tom had to chuckle a little as Harry watched with drowsy eyes. "you look so cute when your all sleepy like that." Tom flirted, Harry blinking sluggishly before blushing furiously and he muttered something that couldn't be heard before focusing on Margo again, who was explaining bonding rights and marriage customs to Harry.
Brax smirked as he stood, looking at himself and vanishing most of the blood,even if it would take a good scrubbing to get it out of everything, even his golden blond hair was tinged with blood. Looking amused as they walked into the room, looking amused.”Don’t confuse the poor boy margo, you’re putting him to sleep.”He called over his shoulder as he disappeared into the bathroom to start cleaning up, leaving the door open so he could talk to the others. Returning in a few moments looking as clean and fresh that if you hadn’t known what he was doing. Pausing in the door he tilted his head.”Margo, why are you telling him all that?He doesn’t care.”
Margo offered brax a glare and Harry chuckled a little as he shook his head a little. "She's telling me because i asked her to." Harry stated simply. "they don't teach things like this at Hogwarts. the system is so corrupted that they basically drive out all of the muggle born, and muggle raised like me out of Wizarding society simply because we don't understand how things work." Harry admitted. "i'm supplementing my information. besides, it's fascinating to know how one might become trapped in a loveless marriage just because someone else has the power and the money to do it." Harry admitted with a small scowl. "i fully intend on changing things as soon as possible... who's the minister right now?" "Theodred Mort." Margo responded and Harry nodded. "yeah i read about him. he was 'fired' from office.... two years from now because he tried to pass laws to protect werewolves and other such 'dark' creatures. it's bigotry like that, and the bigotry against muggle born and raised that creates Dark Lords." Harry admitted with a shrug. "besides, it's good for me to know the proper way t offer someone a courtship."
Brax frowned a little as he tossed himself into a chair, shaking his head a little.”Its not just us being nasty towards them. The muggleborns are decidedly against the purebloods celebrating any of our old holidays, and freak out when we worships gods and goddesses instead of their god.”Brax said looking annoyed that it seemed that it was just the muggleborns and the hatred that surrounded them that came towards dark lords. “Like tom freaked out and told me I was celebrating demons the first time he attending all hallow’s eve with me.It was kinda funny really,cause he was a short 12 year old."
Harry looked startled. "what, seriously? damn i would have thought Muggles where more..." he paused and then screwed up his face. "you know what? never mind i can beleive that... jerks." he grumbled, shaking his head. "well. that's the way muggles are. they expect a culture to conform to them. when their supposed to conform to the culture. they do it all the time when they go abroad." Harry admitted simply. "i didn't realize the Wizarding world had different Gods and Goddesses... will you teach me about them?" Harry asked hopefully as Tom flushed a little. "i was NOT short! i was malnutritioned! there's a difference damn you!" Tom complained, sulking a little. "besides, i've as such adopted the proper holiday... spirit, i suppose." Margo choked on her laughter and Harry grinned. "your so cute when your annoyed." Harry purred to Tom, making the man jerk in shock before he grinned at Harry. "thank you." "in any case, i gave up on God a long time ago." Harry stated with a flip of his hand. "although... my family DID suffer." he muttered softly. "so i guess there IS that..." he muttered with a rather twisted grin that frightened Margo a little. "ANYWAY." Margo chirped. "you want to finish learning about marriages or skip it?" "...just gloss over the important parts. i don't need the history of it." Harry whined, pouting at Margo who rolled her eyes. "yes you do, or some of the laws won't make sense." Harry just groaned and pulled the pillow over his face, making Margo snicker. "it's god awful... i'm so bored i'm actually paying attention to.... Merlin above, HISTORY!" that just made Margo laugh. according to Harry, Binns was still teaching fifty or seventy years from now.
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