Time Asunder (HP)- Lady/Moon

“I will.I’ll even take you downstairs to show you the personal altar we have.”Brax said tilting his head a little before smirking at his best friend.”You were short. I was already 5’6” at 12. You were definitely shorter then that.”Brax said smirking his eye twitching a little as harry flirted with tom even though he laughed. Looking bemused at the boy’s grin he glanced at tom, “he’ll fit in fine here.”he chirped thinking about sidonie before settling down on the floor and stretching out, looking like a lounging cat as he got comfortable, stealing a pillow so he could help margo with her talk.”Like how the law about purebloods not marrying each other’s siblings from the same family doesn’t make sense until you consider that in the 1200s 2 Malfoy brothers married 2 black sisters and subsequently married the children to each other, since they were only cousins. It was a genetic disaster that ended their branches of the family in disease and such. Thankfully they had older siblings that were intelligent enough to marry the families, but not marry their children.Actually I think they married muggleborns to get some new blood in there…”
Harry grinned a little and nodded as Tom glared at Brax. "your a freak of nature, that's all." he stated with a sniff as Harry grimaced. "at least you grew! look at me! i'm puny!" Harry complained with a sulk before grinning a little as he watched Brax stretch out like a cat, licking his lips a little, not that Brax could see him. "actually, that Law falls out of the way and most of the pure-bloods end up being inbred disasters. like the Crabbe and Goyles. they marry their cousins, and their offspring are both deformed trolls and stupider than rocks. literally. they end up being Draco's 'lackie's because he's too much of a worthless punk to do anything himself." Harry admitted with a shake of his head. "honestly i don't know how Crabbe and Goyle even passed their first year..." he admitted. "not to mention that Margo's would have been daughter Walburga married her own cousin Orion. i'm honestly amazed that Sirius and Regulus didn't have any.... well, Sirius was pretty nuts but i think that might have been from his thirteen years in Azkaban..." "Thirteen YEARS!?" Tom asked, stunned, horrified as Harry nodded. "innocent of his crimes too, never even got a trial. the government is so corrupt that Lucius Malfoy actually controls Minister Fudge through money and bribes. which makes the laws even screwier than they already are. and most Muggle borns are later proven to be from abandoned Squib Lines. Squibs are born because of strong magic canceling out strong magic, so most Muggleborns are actually much stronger and much better for..." he wrinkled his nose. "breeding with, than another pureblood. halfbloods are even better because the muggle in them enhances their own bloodline and power." Harry admitted. "my freind Hermione studied it extensively. i don't pretend to understand how it works."
“I am not a freak of nature!”Brax scowled a little before wincing at harry’s words.”You know, that’s despressing. Morgan Crabbe is one of the more brilliant of ravenclaw.”he said looking thoughtful before wincing.”It depresses me that my grandson is to worthless to do something on his own. I prefer doing my own dirty work.” “Well. That explains why Sidonie’s house looks like it does.”Scorpius Malfoy stepped into the room, looking as amused as his son did, having come to see how much he was going to have to bury his son’s involvement in her death before looking equally shocked.”Well…I think I need to go back to work.Definitely take care of the ministry…”Scorpius said looking shocked at the idea of that being so messed up in the future that it was driving the head auror in going back to work. Brax snickered as his father left looking amused.”How long do you think it’ll take him to remember what he wanted?”He muttered looking at his friend amused before raising a eyebrow at tom.”Well, that explains you. Tom can wipe the floor with me.”Brax said, it was one of the few times that he ever actually thought he was weaker then someone. Not that it was true, at least when he was pissed and not in control enough to forget he had a conscience about things.
Harry nodded. "i know." he admitted. "it was one of those 'tricked into' marraiges. i forget how but they where tricked into getting married and when they had children... well, lets just say Crabbe and Goyle SR. Aren't much better than their kids." Harry admitted with a shake of his head before stiffening at the sight of Scorpius, who looked so much like Lucius that Harry very nearly reached for his wand to curse the man. "Oh don't worry Sir. the real curruption doesn't start until.... he left..." Harry complained with a scowl. "i was going to tell him that the Curruption doesn't really start for another ten or fifteen years yet..." he admitted. "granted, the minister after this one is too war mongering to be any good to anyone. the idiot starts a war with the muggles, not that they knew what they where fighting." he admitted simply, Tom snickering a little as he watched Scorpius leave. "not long. he was probobly wondering how much evidence we left behind." he admitted simply. "and i can only wipe the floor with you when your not psychotic." Harry smirked. "just think Tommy Boy. i beat you the very first time when i was eleven." Tom choked at that and stared wide eyed at Harry before the boy paused. "...oh and... sorry. i killed your basilisk too... granted, it was trying to kill me first but..." he shrugged and Tom sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Harry was giving him another headache. "You killed my pet?" "...it was Salzar's first! and besides YOU set it after me!" Harry grumbled petulantly.
Brax snickered watching his father nearly get cursed.”You know, that reaction makes me wonder just how much the Malfoys look like each other. I know me and father look alike, but not that much. I have mother’s hair.”He said flicking the golden blond hair that was golden blond instead of Lucius or draco’s white blond. “Don’t worry, he’ll be back. He did come in here for a reason, he’ll just be obsessing now about how to fix things.”he snorted looking amused because he knew his father would eventually be back. “Well, we didn’t leave that much. Fires tend to burn everything, especially fiendfyre.”He mused before snickering.”It seems that you were your own brand of psychotic tommy boy.”He teased rolling his eyes at the two men arguing before looking at harry.”Mother said you could get out of bed today if you would like.”
Harry flushed brightly. "sorry, he just looked so much like Lucius... even down to the little brown spot on his neck..." birthmark of sorts, it was mostly just a freckle but for a boy fighting to stay alive, he would notice things like that. "you know the Feindfyre already?" Harry asked, looking impressed. "i've witnessed that, the damn thing nearly killed me, Draco, and Goyle..." he grimaced. "i wasn't quick enough to save Crabbe, but he WAS torturing me so... oh well." Harry stated with a shrug before whooping in glee. the blankets where tossed off and Harry was racing out of the room, cackling like a maniac and Margo lifted an eyebrow as Tom continued to rub the bridge of his nose. "he's freeking insane." "of course he's insane.." Margo whispered softly. "i... i saw a little bit of what he went through while he was sleeping. his mind barriers fell... i... gods Tom they BROKE him..." she admitted, blinking at Tom riddle who had gone tense. "they broke his mind... he's recovering quite well considering a week ago all he would do was spout nusery rhymes and compliment people on their socks." she admitted softly. "i think he's just having a bit of fun." Dorea admitted suddenly, smiling. "he's very sad, not like Brax'us and Tom. he wants to have fun, so he is!" Margo stared at her special little sister and snickered. "that seams likely too. he might just be getting revenge on you Tom luv." Margo teased with a grin. "after all, just because you haven't done it yet, doesn't mean that he will forgive you." Tom groaned and banged his head into the wall, only the once though. "i'm going to go insane myself if you don't all shut up..."
“its okay. Its just a little weird to consider I end up with a son so like my father.Or would have.”Brax said wrinkling his nose a little before smirking looking up at harry.”It has its uses. Destroys evidence of that nefarious wrongdoing that you claim all malfoys do.”He said laughing before pushing up off the floor watching the man go for a long moment before looking at dorea.”Come on sweetheart, we’re going to leave these two to their complaining. I promised you I’d show you the ponies didn’t I?We’ll ask harry if he wants to go to.”He said looking amused as he took dorea’s hand and headed out the door to look for harry.
Harry laughed a little and nodded. "it's not so creepy. Draco looks exactly like your father too!" he admitted with a snicker before he nodded. "if you can control it in any case." he pointed out. "besides, all Malfoy's are Evil, it's just the law of nature." Harry stated with a sniff before racing off and Dori giggled and latched onto Brax with a squeal of delight. Harry was actually sitting outside, laying in the grass, soaking up the sun with a smile on his face. "i hate being locked up inside." Harry explained when he caught sight of Brax. "i was locked up until i was eleven. and then every year after that when i went.... 'home' for the summer." he admitted, shaking his head. "there's nothing better than just being able to enjoy the outside without having to work my fingers to the bone." he admitted with a contented smile and Dorea giggled happily as she laid down next to him, mimicking him. "Brax?... i was wondering.." he admitted suddenly. "i don't... you know, have anything." he flushed a little. "it was a pretty sudden transportation so... i never got any of my things. i don't have any gold, or clothes, or a wand, or anything so... could i maybe... borrow some money?"
“Ah, well I hate being locked up indoor to.It makes me violent.”Brax said snickering a little remembering the one summer his father had tried to lock him and tom in separate rooms for a week because they’d been stupid enough to try and create a new spell for putting people to sleep. Not that he didn’t like the experimenting, but it was 13 year olds doing the experimenting on each other that the auror had had a problem with. He’d gone nearly insane, his room had looked like a disaster zone after that. Smiling as dorea settled on the grass next to harry he smirked a little.”You can have whatever you want. I have enough to get whatever you need.”He winced a little at that."I know that sounds like bragging and everything, but you knew my grandson, I assume you know its true."
Harry chuckled a little. "i bet Tom is pretty used to it too." that was true, while Brax had been a disaster zone, Tom had simply enjoyed the peace and quiet, not exactly the punishment the Auror had hoped for. after all, being locked up at the Malfoy house meant you still got a bed, and a light, and even a window to look out of. "Thanks Brax, and yes i do know." Harry admitted with a small chuckle. "he only had about a third of the funds you have at your disposal now, and his father was still able to buy his son onto the team with top of the line brooms for each of the players. didn't even make a dent in his account." Harry admitted. "Draco was pretty damn pissed when he realized that i had more money than him." he snickered and wriggled a little. "besides, there's nothing wrong with having money, you spend it on good things from what i can remember." he admitted. "i think that you added an entire wing onto Saint Mungos for researching magical miladies or something."
“He was. Definitely annoyed me when I realized he was being calm about it.”Brax sulked a little before smirking.”Yea, that sounds about right. I bought a whole stable of exotic horses and father didn’t even notice until me and tom freaked out because one of the mares were pregnant and we didn’t know what to do.”He said remembering that summer him and tom had spent taking care of the horse at 15, and only freaking out and telling scorpius that they needed help when she went into labor. Yea…it had been a interesting and amusing summer for them all.Though Scorpius and the boys probably had a different view on the interesting part of that.”Well, probably. Mother does run the place you know.”he smiled a little,nudging harry with his toe,”Me and dorea were going to go see the said horses. Do you want to come?”
Harry snickered and then laughed at the story of the horses and grinned a little. "i helped Hagrid... he was my CoMC teacher." he admitted. "with a few births. pretty nasty." he admitted with a grin. "that's why I'M adopting!" Harry stated with a sniff. "i couldn't imagine trying to push something THAT big out of me!... oh but you guys havn't invented Male Pregnancy potions yet." now Harry was all out lying, but Brax wouldn't know that. "my freind Fred, he had a set of twins with his Twin brother. i don't know exactly how they managed that, considering they weren't into Incest, but i guess they got into a foursome and there was an issue with one of the spells and... you know, now that i think about it, they never really DID explain it properly..." he paused and then sulked. "your mother is a tyrant..." he grumbled even as he got to his feat, Dorea adopting a confused look but she was distracted by the thought of going to see the horses. Harry followed them, humming a soft little ditty as he watched the horses from a distance, even when Dorea raced right in and started petting them. "apparently their not much like Hippogryphs." he turned a smug look to brax. "you ever ride a Hippogryph?"
Brax’s eyes widened looking amazed about what he was hearing. Well, the Malfoy was looking bemused and confused about how this was going on with this conversation. He had no idea how to think about this, definitely not. “my mother is a amazing woman, who is a tyrant about healing, I will agree with that. Father’s worse, he would have been just as bad about keeping you in bed, but he was focused on the idea that things became so bad at the ministry, that he’s staying at work to try and ‘fix’ things.”Brax snorted looking amused at the idea before nodding.”I have. Even have one here in the next field over, along with a unicorn colt.”Brax said flushing a little at the admittance that horses weren't just a rich thing to him, but he was fascinated by the horses, and the fact that he was rich enough to indulge himself.
Harry smirked a little, wondering how long it would take for Brax to realize he was screwing with him. it would be even funnier if Margo or the Man's mother found out about it and tried to find their own way to make male pregnancies a reality. "he really doesn't need to. from what i remember, corruption is very minimal at the ministry right now because Grindelwald doesn't give a sheep's damn about it." he admitted calmly. "Dumbledore thinks i'm a Dark Wizard." he admitted with a grin, shaking his head. "i hate how he's right." he admitted simply as he dug his toes into the dirt and smiled as he moved over to the Hippogryph and bowed deeply to it, waiting for it to bow back before Harry moved in close and scratched it in all the right places. he didn't try to get to the Unicorn colt, he knew better than to expect it to accept him with all the murder's he'd delighted in. granted they had started it, but that wasn't the point.
Brax eye twitched a little because he had a feeling the man was screwing with him,but he wasn’t about to ask. Not about to give him the pleasure of asking. Smriking he shook his head.”I know that, Tom knows that, and father does to. He’s just trying not to think about me committing murder, though I think we could all say I did a favor for humanity.”He mused snickering a little as he watched harry before wincing, jumping as the unicorn colt nudged at his arm, the small horn scrapping against his side. While he was shocked to find the innocent unicorn willing to get near him because of what he’d just done, it was good to see. He wondered if the colt was ignoring the feeling of murder, in favor of seeing the man he’d known since a foal.”Dorea?Come here. He’ll let you pet him if your quiet.”He said crouching down as he gestured the girl closer to the unicorn so she could pet silvery white skin.
Harry smiled a little as he watched the other's eye twitch, fighting back a snicker. "you certainly saved a lot of people, including your own parents." he pointed out. "besides, anyone sick enough to do that to a little girl deserves to be tortured to death." Harry admitted simply as he scratched the Hippogryph all over until it was putty in his hands and he grinned. "i'll be back in a few hours!" he called to Brax as he swung up onto the Hippogryph, which screeched as it took off into the air. no doubt Harry was going to do something stupid, but what did it really matter? from what Margo had discovered, Harry had never had a very good life. Dorea giggled as she watched Harry and the Hippogryph vanished and Dorea rushed over to pet the unicorn, cooing all over it and snuggling it happily. the golden fur of the colt was silky smooth, and it was starting to turn silver in some places, making it look paint splattered and utterly adorable. "wus her name Brax'us?" Dorea asked, petting the colt as Margo came out. "where did Potter go? he should rest a bit more... too much and he could backslide and get worse."
Brax shook his head looking amused as harry disappeared, though not protesting the man leaving. Watching him go for a moment be smiled as he crouched down and kept the colt close even as he petted it with Dorea, amused that the colt was just starting to get that silvery, even though it was still so young. “I don’t know dori. I was going to give him to you for your birthday, how about you name him?”He said looking amused, because he knew margo was going to protest the gift of a horse, but if she did, all he had to do was tell her she could leave it here for dorea to visit. Frowning slightly when he saw margo come out he looked vaguely nervous about being alone with her after yesterday before nodding towards the air as he focused on the colt in front of her.”Up there on the hippogryph.”
Dorea gasped, staring at him with wide astonished eyes. "i can name him!?" she asked, completely skipping over the part that he was hers the way only a child could. "his name is..." she paused and thought long and hard about it and then. "he is Absinth!" she stated happily. not that naming the purist of creatures after one of the strongest liquers in the world was at ALL ironic. "Dorea!... you can't name a Unicorn that!" Margo protested, Dori scowling. "Can too! he LIKES it!" she complained, the baby unicorn nickering happily. "see!?" "oh great merlin.... fine..." she grumbled before looking up at the sky, lifting an eyebrow. "i hate to tell you this Brax... but Potter is NOT, up there." she stated simply. "i think he went out for a joy ride on your Hippogryph." she stated dryly. well so long as Potter didn't try to use too much Magic he should be fine. and the brat was old enough to know that too so she didn't get TOO bent out of shape about it. "Brax?... i'm sorry." she admitted softly, blinking at him. "you'll always be my best freind, and my favorite brother, you know that right?"
“you can.”Brax said looking amused at how pleased she was before snickering at her chosen name.”I said she could name it.Absinth is a fine unicorn name.”Brax said biting his lip to keep from laughing as the horse and girl played before sighing as he sat back on his heels to look up before shrugging.”he’ll be back.”He said,hopefully anyways. Wincing a little as he focused on the horse in front of him.”Yea I know margo.”he muttered not looking at her, because despite the short time he’d entertained the idea, he had enjoyed the thought of marrying his best female friend, though tom claimed the best friend title overall, he would never be the same if something had happened to margo.But he wasn't ready to put away the hurt feelings at being so rejected, not when he was still hurting over what sidonie had, or would have done
Margo smiled a little as she watched him struggle not to laugh at her sister. "he better be back. i'll flay his ass off if he doesn't come back." Margo growled before sighing as she set her hand on Brax's shoulder, laying her head on his upper arm, just sitting there, offering him the physical comfort. "oh my god! Brax LOOK!" she gasped, pointing up to a beautiful red and gold Phoeniz which cried as it swooped over head of them. "it's gorgeous!" she whispered and gasped in awe as a second Phoenix joined the first, this one as black as ink. they swooped and dove and cried out as they played and then vanished in a swirl of flames even as Brax's Hippogryph landed without Harry Potter on it's back. Tom was outside now and he watched the two phoenix as well, making a slightly pondering noise. "i'm sure that the red one was Dumbledore's, what the hell is it doing all the way out here?" "mating?" Margo mused. "they where pretty friendly." "what's mating?" Dorea asked innocently and Tom and Margo both looked at Brax, waiting for him to answer.
“I’m sure he will be. Not only for you,but he knows mother will restrict him to bed again if he doesn’t come back.”he muttered smiling a little as she rested her head on his arm, turning his head to press a kiss to her hair before looking startled at the phoenix’s to confused to say anything for a moment. Looking down at dorea the man looked startled for a moment,”Mating’s what happens when friends want to get married and have babies.”he said not going into details but being truthful with the girl. Frowning as he looked up, frowning at the hippogryph.”I’m gonna injure potter if he doesn’t come back soon…”he muttered though he was looking at the spot the phoenix's had disappeared a little to thoughtfully
she chuckled a little and nodded a little, smiling as he kissed her forehead as he had always done and part of her was reassured that he wasn't really upset with her. the little girl blinked up at Brax before nodding and going back to her new Unicorn Absinth. after a few short moments after the Phoenix's had vanished Harry came staggering out of the forest with a black eye, looking utterly annoyed. "...not a word!" he ordered firmly. "the branch came out of nowhere!" Margo snorted. "you got tossed off a Hippogryph because you weren't playing close enough to your surroundings?" "no! the tree jumped right out and attacked me!" Harry complained, picking leaves out of his hair and clothes. "i'm ready to go back to prison... i mean bed, now." Harry decided, feeling tired again and he yawned a little and rubbed his eyes with a sigh. "how long is this fatigue going to last?" "not much longer." Margo promised calmly. "a few days at most. then you can be in and out of bed as you please, but for now we have to be careful about backlash and relapses." Harry cringed. "that doesn't sound good." he admitted, letting her take him inside. "can i at least have a proper shower?" "yes."
Brax smirked looking at the man, tilting his head a little. Looking thoughtful because he wasn’t about to voice the thought he’d had as he watched harry concerning the phoenix’s but shaking his head a little as they headed back to the house, slipping a arm around dorea.”we’ll come out and visiting him later okay?He needs his rest.”He muttered as he held her hand heading for the house, smirking a little at harry.”If you ask nicely, tom might consider getting a shower with you.Help you stand up and make sure you don’t drown and all.”he teased though he didn't sound overly happy about the idea
Harry paused and glanced at Brax. "you think he might? it's been forever since i got... you know..." he glanced at Dorea and flushed brightly and coughed as she looked up at him. "Are you sick?" the little girl asked innocently. "your face is all red." that only made Harry's blush grow and he quickly fled into the house, Tom smirking as he followed Harry into the bedroom. "you need help?" he asked Harry once Brax was in earshot. "i'm a little weak in the legs and i already took one tumble." Harry admitted. "i don't want to fall again, or worse, drown because i'm too tired to keep my head up out of the water." he admitted, well aware that Brax could hear him. "Alright then." Tom agreed. "let's get your clothe's off and into the shower then." Tom purred slyly and Harry laughed as the sound of rustling clothes filled the air before the bathroom door was shut and Margo glanced at Brax. "...Brax? are you alright? you have a strange look on your face like you want to... what you did to Maurdi." Maurdi had been an asshole rapist who had bought his way out of being punished after he tried to rape a Gryffindor Girl. Brax had dealt with him in the usual way... he took the guys balls off. Harry and Tom weren't actually doing anything, they where just sitting in the bathroom and talking about plans to get Brax to admit he was gay, but with the silencing and locking spells, and both of them with their clothes on the bed... well, it was pretty 'clear' what Brax and MArgo would think.
“I’m fine. Just considering what I’m going to do to potter if he hurts tom.”He muttered his eye twitching a little before he looked dodwn at dorea, scoopign her up, he tickled her a little, the man was definitely a family man, he loved taking care of kids, which made the fact that he had had only Lucius, all the more saddening. Grinning as he headed for the sitting room he smiled as he curled up with a book and dorea, reading her fairy tales as he waited for the others to get out of the shower.By the time they got out both brax and dorea were curled up together on the couch snoring ever so slightly, looking more father and daughter then dorea's own father did, looking the part of a man who would take care of his family instead of one who would ignore them like sidonie would have had Lucius believing had it played out as she had planned
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