Time Asunder (HP)- Lady/Moon

“I was not.”Brax scowled before smirking, “Not power crazy, just pissed. You know father enjoys the ministry to much to let it go like you said he did…”He said his eyes sad as he considered that his father’s death had started this falling apart. Smirking before he nodded a little.”Father will see to it as much as he could.”he sighed looking startled at harry’s reaction, tilting his head a little.”Send father a letter. He might not have done anything yet,but I am sure that father would still like to hear on who he should keep a eye on.”

“No idea. Probably one of the Gryffindor girls, they’re usually weird about sending me things.”He said as he ate absently petting the fox. Despite the causal words, it was obvious he was enjoying the fox laying in his lap.

That evening Brax smiled as he settled down in the common room with the other two, stretched out on the couch, artemis laying on his stomach as he ate his chocolate and was reading his physics book. And was pointedly ignoring the 5th year slytherins giggling over the beautiful Malfoy heir. He had enough issues at the moment to not want to date anyone in his own house, no matter how beautiful the girls were. Though he was considering trying to convince margo to date him, just so they would leave him aloen.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "he's already well on his way. Fudge did a lot of gods awful things to claw his way into the ministers chair, including murder, blackmail, and the framing of higher ups so that he would go up in power. once he got there he did anything he could to stay there." Harry admitted simply. "i'll write him a letter right now." Harry agreed, quickly writing out a missive and sending it off with a random owl telling him about fudge's future crimes and warning him to keep a eye out for several others. who hadn't done anything yet, like Delores Umbridge, who was in a sixth year training program, and Feddilus Figgle, who was caught twenty years from now, creating a Dark Army for Voldemort.

Harry was spread out on the floor, without his Shirt on because it had somehow been burned off during a small scuffle between first years and Harry was too lazy to get a new one. despite all the scars and almost healed marks, he was really very handsome with beautiful skin. Tom was lounging somewhere, and it was clear to everyone that the Slytherin Princes had added a third member. most of the girls where sighing at the image that Tom, Harry, and Brax made. somehow, both Harry and Tom where nibbling on chocolates from Brax's box, not that he had offered either of them any, as they did their own reading/studying. "you know, Runes is a lot more simple than i thought it was going to be." here Tom choked on his chocolate and he gaped at Harry with horror. "what do you MEAN simple!?" "well.. it's basically just a symbolized Language, like Chinese. each symbol means something specific... what?" "you know Chinese?" "sure. i knew Greek, Russian, Italian, Spanish, french, Japanese... huh, maybe that's why Runes is so easy." Tom had to smack himself in the face. though Harry would never admit to have taken a spell/potion combo to learn that many languages in a matter of hours, and had repeated to process to learn German, Runes, Latin and Celtic. just to be a showoff. Hermione had been baffled for months when Harry had shown up, simply able to understand so many different languages. though it had made making contacts in other countries so much easier. "La manière d'un bon esprit, est toujours apprendre" Harry stated with a grin, Tom rolling his eyes. 'The way to a good mind, is to always learn' so Cliche.
Brax raised his book a little to look at the other two, ignoring his status as a slytherin prince for the moment, because he was so not going there yet. And looking annoyed at the sight of them eating his chocolate though he didn’t say anything. Looking amused as he listened to the others speaking he smirked.” се знания стоит. Независимо от стоимости.”He said rolling his eyes a little, proving that harry wasn’t the only one who had studied languages. ‘All knowledge is worth having.’ The Russian rolled effortlessly off the malfoys lips, and while he sounded just as fluent as harry, it was natural talent for twisting lanuges around, instead of a potion. Brax really would be amazing, given time. It just had been to sad that his wife had killed him the last time around.
Harry paused a little and then nodded. "yes. that's the one." he stated, Tom snorting. "so you just mangled a quote?" "hey, i'm good with my tongue, my memories? that's another matter. unfortunately do to heavy mental damage due to severe Legilemency attacks, my memory... and sanity is a little... off." Harry admitted simply as he turned a page in his book. "my mental walls are almost as scarred as my body is..." Harry admitted before looking up at Tom, his head cocked tot he side before he let the other into his mental walls to see the 'Damage'. Tom came back out of Harry's mind wincing. "that's repeated exposure." "never let someone who hates you 'teach' you Occlumency, no matter who tells you to do it." Harry suggested calmly. "these chocolates are really good. i hope your Secrete Admirer get's you some more." Harry stated with a small smile. the next morning at breakfast, Brax did indeed get more chocolate, as well as the best brand of Butterbeer available, along with one of Brax's favorite kinds of wine. being over seventeen had it's advantages. there was also a tastefully jeweled collar for Artemis.

"how in the hell does this person know all of your favorite things?" Tom asked as he examined the caramel filled chocolate truffles and the rare wine. "not even Slytherin's know this shit..." Tom mumbled, Harry looking around for anyone watching them intently. "whoever it is... their good." Harry muttered softly before looking down at Artemis with a grin as he fed the little thing bacon. Harry was well aware that this would start to drive Brax mad, and no doubt more than a little paranoid before too long. that's when he'd start laying out the hints... while Harry wasn't good at learning, he was very, very good at sneaking. better even, than most Slytherins. he would leave a 'trail' right towards himself, letting Brax slowly come to terms with his feelings. "Mister Potter? might i have a word with you in private?" Dumbledore asked suddenly, making Harry jump. "sure thing sir! now?" he asked checking Brax's schedule. "i only have History of Magic?... why do you bother taking that class?" he asked, in horror before shaking his head and following Dumbledore out of the hall, having polite conversation. "what do you think he wants with Potter?"
“Maybe it is one of the slytherins’. Some of the girls are sneaky enough to write to mother and ask her this shit. Mother would be soooo happy to have a daughter in law.”Brax said though he was looking a little out of sorts with the presents as he rubbed artemis’ ears absently. Glancing up at Dumbledore as the man approached he shrugged,”Because it’s a good class, and running circles around people is awesome.”He said preening at the idea of being able to harass his teacher that much before watching the two walk out of the room before looking at tom.”Maybe he’s interested in seducing him?I don’t know. Do I look like I’m that knowledgeable in what dumbeldore wants?”he said as he finished eating, settling artemis up on his shoulder, the fox quickly becoming a part of the Malfoy heir’s appearance, to the point that no one stopped and stared anymore.
Tom snickered a little and nodded. "your right, your mother WOULD help. Margo would too for that matter." he admitted, glancing at the dark haired Slytherin healer. Tom snickered a little at Brax. "your constant fascination with people 'seducing' Harry really makes me wonder about you Brax. when are you just going to admit that...." he paused as a person approached them, looking pale and shaken but determined. Weasley. "Many Pardon's Lord Weasley, might i have a private word with you?" he asked softly, hopefully, and you could nearly see the panic on his face. Tom glanced at Brax, well aware of what was about to happen. Lord Weasley was about to ask Brax permission to marry Margo. it was pureblood custom, and not even a Weasley would forgo the simple right to say 'no'. after all, though Margo was of age, and had no father, she had a family and Weasley wasn't about to go against his own custom and culture.

"Lord Weasley... i mean Lord Malfoy... oh hell." Weasley muttered, smacking his hands into his face. "i knew i should have been drunk before i did this..." he grumbled before he coughed, straightened and tried again. "Lord Weasley. Margo is the best thing that has ever happened to me. she's the only thing that makes this hellish place of a world worth living... when her sister was hurt..." his fist tightened so tightly that his knuckled turned white, showing just how much he wanted to hurt the person who had hurt little Dori. "i want to do everything in my power to keep them safe... i want your permission Sir. to marry Margo, and to adopt Dorea." there, he'd said it, now he stood there, pale, shaking, well aware that Brax could and would kill him, but he'd asked it anyway. even more, it was clear that Margo had no idea what was going on, so Weasley hadn't been urged on by Margo either. it was that vaulted Gryffindor loyalty and bravery at work.
“I am not fascinated!It just seems the rest of the world wants to sleep wi…”Brax said looking startled as he saw the weasley approaching, raising a pale eyebrow as he looked up at the man. Looking vaguely amused at being called lord weasley he was trying so hard to not laugh in weasley’s face. While he might not like the man, and really would like to say no, he also knew margo loved the man standing in front of him, and once reason had settled back into the slytherin prince’s mind, he’d known he wouldn’t have been able to marry margo.

Taking his time answering, and listening to the whole thing before answer he was taking a cruel perverse pleasure in watching the man freak out. “Well, it seems I must be inviting weasley to dinner. Mother’s going to love having someone else to baby.”Brax said sighing quietly before nodding.”Yes, but not until after schools done.”
Septimus was practically making a fool of himself. the poor eldest Weasley was practically foaming at the mouth in his panic after he'd called the other 'Lord Weasley' god what was wrong with him!? "i...i...what?" Weasley asked, wide eyed and shocked. "you... you said yes?" he asked, looking baffled before a huge grin split his lips and he did something no one else had ever dared to do. he hugged Brax. "Thank you! Lord Malfoy, THANK YOU!" he squealed, clearly overly happy about being able to propose to Margo he raced out of the room, took one look at Margo, paled and then fled the room. his courage had been used up for the moment and he couldn't bring himself to accidentally call Margo of all people 'Lord Weasley'. Margo noticed and looked a little bit concerned but didn't chase after him. instead she glared at Brax with a look that clearly said 'what did you DO!?' it was too late to ask him though, class had started and Tom was already dragging him to history. Harry didn't show up until after it was done and he looked ever so smug as he simply joined the other two as they walked. "i made Dumbledore so confused he actually started making noises!" Harry admitted with an impish grin. "the poor man is convinced that he starts a chicken farm later on. i think i might have broken him. he's still stuttering and sputtering in his office." that made Tom laugh.
“Hey hey hey!Get off me!”Brax whined,squealing in protest as he was hugged before snickering as margo gave him a look. “I didn’t do anything!”He whined snickering a little as he ran his fingers through his hair, heading for class. Afterwards brax smirked as he looked up at the man, shaking his head as he headed for his lunch, though he still looked disturbed at being hugged. “Well, he should definitely start a chicken farm. It’s all he’s good for.”He said smirking a little looking bemused and thoughtful, wondering what his next present was going to be. Absently stroking artemis’ ears as she nudged his ear wanting attention.
Harry snickered a little as he watched an Owl fly right for Brax. it was a book this time, an ancient book on wards and ward breaking, the brand new edition of a Physics book, and a book on Muggle Chemistry. "damn, this girls good." Harry stated as he looked at the books. "hey! my ancestor wrote this!" Harry complained. "it went missing right around this year! Charlus was so furious he nearly started a war with the goblins!" that was, of course, a lie. Harry had gotten it with Charlus's permission and a vow to keep silent of course. Charlus was actually in veiw now, rushing over to put a stop to the other first years from picking on Dorea. children could be so very cruel. being the Head Boy, Charlus took away all the points that the gryffindors had earned and sent them on their way with severe detentions before helping Dorea to her feet and picked up her books. "i'm glad to see that Charlus is such a good man." Harry admitted with a smile. "Dorea is very lucky to have him protecting her."
“Well, that sounds like I get to keep ahold of it now.So meh!Its mine.”Brax grinned as he looked at the books grinning, looking actually a little giddy because he so wanted to start reading it. Swallowing hard before smirking as he watched charlus, shaking his head a little.”Hm, so he is. And I’m sure he’ll do a good job in the future….now if I can just stop weasley from hugging me, life would be great.”he grumbled looking vaguely amused, and mostly annoyed at his close contact with the weasley.
Harry chuckled a little as he shook his head. "i'm starting to think you LIKE this Secrete admirer of yours." Harry teased with an impish grin. "but that couldn't possibly be?" he asked with a grin before he paused. both Tom and Harry stared at him in stunned horror. "Weasley HUGGED you!?" Tom demanded in utter horror. "WHY!?" Harry demanded, too stunned to really ask anything else, and just a lot jealous too for that matter. "...can i have a hug?" Harry asked hopefully, holding his hands out to Brax, Tom opening his arms as well. "yes, a nice big group hug, come on Brax, give us a nice big hug. share the love!"
“They keep giving me things and treating me as any malfoy deserves. Of course I like them.”Brax said snickering a little before nodding, “Hm, after I told him he could marry Margo I got hugged. Hopefully he doesn’t try this again.”Brax said sounding amused though before staring at the two before sighing.”If you must.”He grumbled because he wasn’t good at hugs but if they wanted one, well it would be okay he guessed.
Harry snickered a little and shook his head a little. "yeah yeah... as a Malfoy deserves." Harry teased with a roll of his eyes before they both stared at him again. "you.. you what?" Tom asked, stunned. "you said he COULD!?" he shook his head. "the world is going insane..." he muttered with a sigh before both Harry and Tom snickered. Tom backed up as Brax agreed to the hug, but Harry went for it. he gave Brax the hug of a lifetime, complete with a smacking kiss. Tom was laughing so hard he had to hang onto the chairs for support, and Harry was laughing as he fled Brax's wrath. by the time Dinner rolled around Brax had gotten another book, this one was a 'two way diary' so that the secrete admirer and Brax could share thoughts, and discuss various things. Harry hoped the man got a lot of use out of it, as 'Sly', his codename, was really into a lot of the same things that Brax was. muggle technology only being one of them. that night Harry was explaining to Brax how a phone worked and why it was better than the Floo. it was his first hint. no pure blood would know anything about a Telephone after all.
“What makes you so surprised I would let him?!I can be reasonable!”Brax scowled at the two before yelping as he was hugged and kissed. Looking so very startled at that before pulling away.

That evening Brax frowned as harry tried to explain a phone, sitting cross legged on the floor, artemis in his lap, looking so cutely confused with a slight puckering between his eyebrows, he looked so very thoughtful.”I do not get this tele-phone. Wouldn’t be just as easy to use the floo?You can travel by the floo. You cant travel by telephone.”
Harry snickered a little as he wrote a response in the diary. "A Phone can be used almost anywhere. you don't have to kneel in front of the floor to use it. while not as versatile as the Floo, it's much easier on the bones for lengthy conversations. you can sit back on a chair and sip your favorite drink and argue to your hearts content. the Floo is a great advantage over Muggles however as you can travel from place to place nearly instantaneously, as well as parcels, packages, and other items. Muggles don't have that. you have to wait for weeks for a letter or a package to arrive. their Phones however, are rather remarkable. you don't have to have a Floo Adress to contact someone. all you need is a Phone Book, which lists every person by name, and their number. like say you needed to get a-hold of Weasley? how would you? you don't have his Floo Address. but with a Telephone and a Telephone Book you just look up his name and there you have it. you can contact him." Harry wrote, grinning as he glanced at Tom and winked, the man snickering. Harry was pretending to work on his potions work. he was ten feet away from Brax, writing responses to the other, and the blond hadn't even noticed.
Brax scowled down at the book in his lap as he wrote before looking up at tom before letting the man read it to. “Tom, this doesn’t make sense. Why would it matter if I didn’t have a phone book…I think I will make a list of floo connections like this book for the floo network.”He said nodding determinedly, not about to admit that he was interested in the muggle contraption. Definitely not going to admit that because it meant that he would be spending time in the muggle world, and he had already had more contact with the muggles then he wanted to
Tom chuckled a little and glanced at the other. "wouldn't work Brax. the reason Floo Addresses are the way they are is so that people can't just floo into your house any time they want." he pointed out. "you could print that book, and then everyone with an opinion would be flooing you every minute of every day because your father changed a law." he pointed out. "that's what's nice about phones. if someone calls you, you can pick up to see who it is, and if their someone you don't like, or don't know, you can just hang up. can't do that with Floo..." he paused. "you also can't pretend to pay attention and do something else. like when that boring senator calls your father, he actually has to pay attention or insult the man. with a phone, all he has to do is set the phone down, go get a sandwich and a book and just make agreeing sounds once and a while." Harry snorted at that. "in later years, it gets even better. the phone gets this thing called Caller ID, where you can actually tell whose calling." Harry admitted. "and after that it's cordless. you can take the phone anywhere in your house, even outside for a distance. the greatest achievement is the Cell Phone. you can take it anywhere. you can make calls on the train, on a plane. anywhere. you can even trade pictures through Cell Phones, and send small 'texts' which is a few words typed out on the screen of the phone. perfect for when you just want to tell someone you'll be late, or remind them to take the roast out of the fridge and it's instantaneous, faster than Owl post and much more versatile than the Floo." Harry admitted with a grin. "wow, he knows a lot... i should ask him about Televisions someday. you would love Television Abraxas! it's like a pensieve, only no memories. imagine your favorite theater play, now imagine being able to watch it anytime you want on a T.V. with perfect sound, and no annoying yup sitting next to you talking through the show!" Sly wrote, giving Brax another clue. Sly was in the room, listening in.
Brax sulked listening to them both talk before smirking.”This is why I have a house elf. I don’t talk to anyone in the floo that I don’t want to as it is. He does. I even make the little brat take messages for me.”Brax said totally unwilling to give in on things before looking down at his notebook, eyebrows raising ever so slightly as he read the words but speaking outloud instead of writing, because well, brax Malfoy didn’t do journals a lot, and since he knew sly was there, he didn’t feel bad about being a total slytherin and continuing the conversation outloud to see who answered.”No, tv wouldn’t work. The jackass over there would still be yakking in my ear about how stupid it is to make him watch a opera with me.”He said tilting his head at tom, and it was amusing because it was true. Tom hated the opera, where brax loved going.
Harry snickered a little. "be nice to your House Elves Brax. the poor things. they do have thoughts and feelings of their own you know. they like to serve us if we're nice, but they are NOT slaves... not yet..." Harry muttered softly, almost sadly. "That's the wonderful thing about TV. if he starts bitching, you can PAUSE it! it makes the screen stop and then you can play it right from where you left it off. it's a wonderful invention! and there are a lot of programs on Telivision right now. comedy shows and news castings and all sorts of things. even educational shows. i'll have to see about getting you one to work in Hogwarts... i don't know if i can manage it, ask Potter if he knows how to make them work in Hogwarts?" Harry was chewing on his sugar quill as he scowled at his potions textbook. his pen hadn't touched the page once while Sly was 'talking'. thank god for that 'mind to paper' spell. "Hey guys? why does it matter how many times i stir a potion?..." Harry complained with a small scowl. "and what does the direction have to do with anything? it's a pain in the ass... can't i just toss the whole lot into a Blender?" "...what's a blender?" Tom asked and Harry blinked. "...must not be invented yet, never mind."
“I treat the ‘poor things’ as you call them well. I just make them take messages for me….and talk to weasley if he should ever call me. I don’t want to talk to wealsey as it is, I don’t want him calling the manor.”he whined before scowling at the book.That’s no help,because he’ll bitch the WHOLE time, and I’ll never get to watch anything.but you must see if you can get it to work. Not having to go into muggle-land would be nice. He said, he might not be the bigot that history would have made him, but he wasn’t exactly willing to spend time with muggles either. Raising his eyebrows at the others question he smirked.”It deals with how they’re mixed together and bind to each other.”
Harry snorted. "that's what i'm talking about! talking to the pompous bigots that your father has to deal with is cruel and unusual punishment and should never be forced upon a poor helpless House Elf." Harry stated with a sniff. "then watch it alone. you don't have to sit next to someone to enjoy a good show. i'll see about getting a recording of your favorite show for you. you could watch it alone while your here at school, or even take it home... although, Televisions are rather heavy. i don't know what a shrinking charm would do to one. might blow up... that wouldn't be a good thing. besides, Muggles have a lot of things that Wizards don't have. i'll send you some examples with Hercules." Sly promised. the large noble Owl that always gave Abraxas's presents was now a very common sight around Hogwarts. "....i hate potions." Harry growled, shoving it away and picking up his Runes Homework instead. it wasn't like he had to worry about failing something. he would live, due to time paradox's, until he was born and then some. and he fully intended on saving his parents. he wouldn't let Dumbledore ruin his life again, no matter how much he had loved the old man.
“Hm, then I should let you and tom do it. You can tell them what pompous bigots they are.”rax said warming up to the idea.”Yes, I think I will do that when we go back to the manor.”he said before writing back.Well then, we’ll just have to see about this tv. I do not like this idea, but as long as I don’t have to go into the muggle world, I guess I would be okay with getting it. He wrote before snickering a little as he laid back,to tired to focus on the words anymore.”Hmmm, go lay on tom. Maybe you’ll learn potions by the process of osmosis and you’ll absorb his knowledge.”
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. "be glad to help. i can promise you they won't call again..." Harry promised with a sadistic little grin. "I will get you a TV then, and i will make sure it works for you!... it might take me a while but i'm certain i can manage if i work hard enough at it. maybe some runes? or a ward? it will take some thinking. i'd ask Potter for help, but he'd tell you who i am, and i'm sure you would thus hunt me down and kill me." Sly admitted, you could almost hear someone giggling after that, but by the time Brax looked up it had stopped. Sleep well Brax. your exaughsted, you should go to bed. i'll talk to you again soon. whenever you want." Sly promised before the Diary fell still and silent and Harry chuckled a little. "i can't go lay on Tom. he said that he wouldn't sleep with me anymore." Harry admitted with a yawn. "he wasn't that good of a lay anyway." Harry mumbled ;aying his head on his book. "so... tired..." he complained with a sigh. "what are you working on anyway Brax? you never did let us see the last thing your Secrete Admirer sent you..."
Brax smirked, looking unordinarily pleased with the idea that harry and tom weren’t sleeping together but looking bemused as he shut the journal. Rubbing a hand over his face before shrugging a little. “Just some physics and runes. Trying to get some muggle contraption to work in the magical world.”Brax said lying so smoothly if you hadn’t known what he was doing, it wouldn’t have been obvious. Stretching he nudged the brunette,”Come on. Lets go get some sleep. We have class in the morning you know.”
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