Time Asunder (HP)- Lady/Moon

Brax sighed softly before nodding.”I know. But be warned, mother is going to be upset with you, you know.”he warned looking vaguely amused even as he shrugged looking at harry.”What?”He said looking at the other before his grey eyes widened in startlement at being kissed before rearing back and punching harry as hard as he could, which was hard considering while he relied mostly on magic, the man was known to get in a barroom brawl sometimes, and his father had made sure that he could take care of himself even if he couldn’t use magic.
He shrugged a little. "she was more upset when i broke my leg and no one noticed." he pointed out. "or the time i punctured my lung and Professor Burbage wouldn't let me out of DA to go tot he hospital wing." he admitted simply. she had screamed at the Ex-Defense teacher for three hours for nearly killing Tom. Tom snickered as Harry kissed Brax and the boy grunted as he was punched right out of his seat. "ooow... damn that hurt more than i thought it would." Harry complained, rubbing his eye. "still. your not as straight as you seam to think you are Luv." Harry pointed out, his eye already going black from the punch. "your sporting a stiffy." Harry pointed out as he straightened out and brushed his clothes down and then resumed his seat and helped himself to more green beans as if nothing happened. "why so afraid of being Gay anyway?"
“Well, yea she was. That was amusing to listen to.”Brax said snickering a little as he looked down at harry, glaring at the man as he pushed his chair back.”I’m going to go see if slughorn will let me make that damned potion.I’ll see you two later.”Brax said his voice going that icy cold that anyone who had known any of the malfoys would have turned around and walked away from him. Growling to himself he sounded wickedly pissed and annoyed as he headed about the rest of his day and by the time he came down to get tom, he was in a rare, fine temper.”Are you coming to help me brew your potions? There’s some steps I could use a extra set of hands to help stir.”
Harry smirked a little as he chewed on a Brussel sprout, well aware that Brax was going to be pissy for the next couple of days. when Brax came down, there was something wrong with the scene. for one thing Harry wasn't there. for another thing... Tom had that look in his eyes. "fuck the potions Brax." Tom hissed, sounding so much like a cobra ready to strike that the few Slytherin's in the room edged away from him. "Harry was attacked." he hissed again. "Some fucking Gryffindor bastard thought Harry was 'pretty'..." here Tom snarled and started to stalk back and forth. "Pmfrey won't let anyone in to see him... either of them. the Gryffindor, don't know his name, is being held in an unused classroom, guarded and Harry hasn't come out of the Hospital wing!" Tom dragged his hand through his hair in fury. "i need you to call your mother. Harry won't listen to Pomfrey, he doesn't trust, nor like her for some reason. he's fighting everything she tries to do to help him. to make things worse he used his magic to defend himself so now he's in an even worse state than he was before!" here Tom's voice took a keening edge to it. "i think he might be dying Brax..."
Brax stopped, looking out of sorts for a moment. So surprised to hear it that he had no idea what to do. “I’ll get mother.Margo?”He turned his head a little to look at his friend.”Go talk to weasley, I want to know what gryffindor’s missing by the time I get to the hospital wing.”The Malfoy heir was sliding from his annoyed with his friends mood to wickedly pissed and willing to spill blood. “You’re coming with me Riddle, if I have to force feed potter whatever he should be taking I’m going to.”Brax said reverting to calling everyone by their last names as he only did when he was at that shining edge of losing total control. And within minutes he’d set a letter off to his mother, knowing she would be there soon before heading up with tom to the hospital wing, looking so pretty in his fury. Raising a eyebrow at the nurse as she moved to stop them.”My mother is on her way. And you are going to step aside so I can see him, so she can have a good idea of what to expect.”He said not pressing to get in the room, but politely refusing to be turned away.
Margo nodded and raced off to find Septimus. Tom just nodded and watched the other write the letter, just as furious as Brax was. Pomfrey looked incredibly frazzled, and she looked almost relieved when Brax showed up. "Thank Merlin! maybe he'll listen to you!" she whispered, clearly distraught that she couldn't help him. "he was hurt very badly..." she whispered, well aware that if she spoke too loud Harry would panic again. "he's been attacked like this before... i can tell he's..." she shuddered. "for lack of a better explanation he's trapped in a memory..." she admitted softly. "he might not recognize you..." Tom hissed furiously and moved into the room and froze in place. Harry really was hurt. and bad too. it looked like when Harry refused to... snog, the Gryffindor, the brute had attacked Harry and done his damned best to hurt Harry as much as possible. the cuts where all closed, fresh and pink, and the bruises where mostly gone thanks to wand healing, but there where other, more severe injuries. like the broken bones in Harry's arm, and the severe burns in Harry's mouth and throat. he was nude save for the necklace around his neck, and Tom could see the burns lashed all over Harry's body, around his wrists, ankles, hips, and neck... flame bindings. seriously dark magic, ropes made of flame used to hold a person down for serious torture. the worst part though, was Harry's blank eyes. staring at nothing, and the way his magic kept flickering about his skin and then dying away. "be careful not to touch him when his magic is flaring... he's trying to protect himself." Madam Pomfrey admitted. "and as weak as he is, it still packs a hell of a whollop." she admitted softly, wringing her hands. "if we don't get those burns in his throat, and his magic under control... he's going to die Mister Malfoy..."
Scorpius tilted his head as he listened to the words, “Tell mother what you just told me when she gets here. And Riddle, I want the Gryffindor in the…room…”He smirked a little, hoping the man would realize he meant the room of requirement, before sighing quietly. “Before I get out of here. Oh. And write father. He’s going to have a mess to clean up.”Brax said smiling that cold chilly smile before he calmed, locking away his feelings gbefore stepping into the room, ducking his head a little to meet harry’s eyes.

“Potter, if you die on me, I’m going to be seriously pissed. I have potions and everything for you. Now will you let me help you?”
Tom nodded a little, glad that Harry had shown them th Room of Requirement. it was a perfectly, absolutely, wonderful room. he left at the end of the instructions and wrote a letter to Scorpius, warning the man what had happened. after that it was easy to stun the Auror on Guard Duty, and make it look like Francisca Antonio, known as Frankie, to have escaped on his own. the bastard was still out cold, so it was easy to transfer the man into the ROR and leave him there, tied up. it didn't even take him ten minutes. Harry was a different matter though, as soon as Brax looked him in the eyes the brunette whimpered and cringed away, frightened by the fact that there was a person there. he opened his mouth to scream and choked on the pain that it caused and Pomfrey winced as he convulsed on the bed. it took a full minute for Harry to calm down and relax again, his magic flickering, and then dying completely on his skin just as Brax's mother rushed into the room. with his magical protection gone, it was rather easy for her and Brax to hold him down and force him to swallow the potions he needed. in the struggle the blankets had shifted off, revealing the true horror. bruises covered Harry's hips, thick bruises that was clearly where 'Franki' had held him down. "...he wasn't raped." Cera stated with a soft, relieved sigh. "it was close, but he wasn't penetrated. Brax, darling? get the Phoenix tears out of my bag. the burns in his mouth and throat aren't healing."
Brax looked relieved when his mother arrived, looking pissed as he helped cera take care of harry, though looking relieved at the news.”Good. Not going to save the moron, but it is nice to know.”Brax nodded a little looking bemused as he stared at the man before nodding quietly.”Okay. I-okay.”He said stuttering a little as he realized how badly the man was hurt, scrambling to get the tears and handing them to cera. Standing by the bed, waiting to see if she needed more help.
Harry was breathing hard from trying to fight the people in front of him, but part of him was starting to realize that he didn't hurt so much anymore. so when the vial of Phoenix tears was pressed to his lips, he opened his mouth instead fo fighting against it. he sighed, his blank eyes closing as the Phoenix tears soothed the agonizing pain in his mouth and throat and he fell into sleep as Tom reappeared, his eyes utterly furious as he glanced at Brax as the headmaster and Dumbledore appeared, Dumbledore looking deeply troubled. "i am afraid i have some bad news. it appears as though Mister Antonio has escaped. he somehow woke from the several heavy stunners that both Mister Potter and the Auror's placed on him, slipped his bonds, stunned the Auror Guarding him and fled with that Auror's wand in hand. the Auror department is frantically searching everywhere but so far we haven't found him. we're posting Auror's on the Hospital wing just in case..." Harry suddenly whimpered and he blinked. "D..Dumbledore... Sir... A..Antonio..." with the loss of pain, he was starting to come back around. "Grindel...wald... join.." Harry whimpered again, shuddering. "said no... made me... dangerous... can't... can't see..." the words where fragmented and confusing, but one thing stuck out. Grindelwald. had Antonio tried to recruit Harry, and when Harry said no, he tried to break the boy instead? it seamed horrifically possible.
Brax stared at the man, as he sorted through what the man was saying. It was interesting to consider what grindelwald had to do now. Swallowing hard before sighing softly glancing towards Dumbledore,”Sir. I would like to take him back to Malfoy manor. And me and tom be allowed to go with him.”He said tilting his head a little. “We are ahead enough in our classes that we can afford to miss actually being in the classroom.”He said looking worried about harry and wanting to lock him up behind the wards of Malfoy manor until they found Antonio or what was going to help with grindelwald.
Dumbledore hesitated and then nodded. the Malfoy's certainly didn't approve of Grindalwalds campaign, Harry would most certainly be safe there. "very well, you can stay for..." here he paused, calculating. "a week, after that your coursework might falter and i can't in good conscious allow you to fall behind." he admitted simply. "we'll keep our eyes and ears out for Antonio, he won't be allowed to get away with this, i assure you... Madam Malfoy? is he safe to be moved?" "not as of yet no. his ribs are broken still, if we move them they might splinter and do irreparable damage to his heart and lungs." "Brax, we should go pack." Tom stated suddenly. "we'll get Harry's things too..." he promised, grabbing Brax's hand and dragging him away, leaning in to whisper. "Antonio is in the room." he whispered in Brax's ear. "i'll fetch him and transfigure him into something nondescript and put him in Harry's things. then you can do as you please to him in the safety of the Malfoy dungeons. your father and mother probobly won't even care. they seam to really like Harry." he admitted, his voice so low that only Brax could hear him. "you go pack our things." he ordered before heading off. he returned to Brax just as the other finished packing and slipped a simple black quill with a green tip into Harry's Quillbox. by the time they got back to the Hospital Harry was asleep and his Ribs had been healed so it was safe to move him. when Cera tried to pick him up though he cringed away from her and started screaming, fighting to get away from her touch and she immidiatly released him, cringing as she realized he had slipped back into his mind where it was 'safe'. "i'll have to Portkey him in, if he struggles like that during Floo or Apparation i might accidentally drop, splice, or kill him." she admitted. "we made up a room for him at Malfoy Manor, i'll set the portkey for the bed there with your permission headmaster." with the permission in place, she dropped the Portkey, a shiny button, onto Harry and he vanished. "alright boys, us now." she stated holding out a length of rope. they appeared right in front of the bed where Harry was now laying, trembling violently. he had yanked the blankets up around himself, so at least he was coherent enough to know that he was laying in a bed.
Brax looked well pleased with the news. Even more then the situation warranted because he was enjoying the bloody, bloody thoughts of what he was going to do to Antonio as he packed their things.

By the time Brax and tom got to the house, the man had calmed enough there was only a glimpse of the shimmering rage under the control. Looking amused as he glanced at tom, he sighed softly. “I think we should stay here.”Brax said as he conjured a chair for himself, settling by the edge of the bed as he looked at harry, looking worried and wondering if the man was aware of where he was.
Tom nodded a little and sat down next to Brax, just watching Harry as the boy trembled under the cover of the blankets. it took a long time before Harry went still, sleeping no doubt, and it was only then that Cera came in to run diagnostics on Harry, wary of upsetting him further. "he's healing very well. his internal injuries are gone, and the broken bones have all mostly been mended... the burns in his mouth and throat are all gone as well, though he'll have trouble talking for a long while. some of those burns affected his vocal cords. if he wakes up, try not to talk to him too much. if he uses his voice too much he might do irreparable damage." Cera warned as she carefully arranged Harry so that he'd be more comfortable. "physically he'll be fine in a matter of days... but his mind..." here she bit her lip. "has he spoken to you at all? of past abuse? he's been raped before. repeatedly. it had to have happened while he was in Hogwarts because the anal scarring is only a few years old." she admitted. "has he spoken to you at all?" Tom just shook his head, looking like he wanted to be sick. no wonder Harry was so.. the way he was. he'd grown up abused, his life at Hogwarts hadn't been much better. tortured to near insanity and now rape? "Brax... we should let him sleep." Tom muttered softly as Cera very carefully fed him a sleeping potion. "he won't wake for hours..." He was worried about Harry, you could see it in Tom's pretty eyes. Tom was terrible at waiting too, he needed to be up doing something. questioning Antonio or torturing him, or setting wards around Harry's room so no one but himself and the malfoy's could get in, or SOMETHING.
Brax slouched over his knees, resting his head in his hands as he watched harry sleep, shaking his head.”No he hasn’t. Though its making me hope I live long enough to meet some of the people he lived with, so I can have a few words with them.”he said perking up at the idea before looking at tom nodding a little.”I’ll come back…after we take care of tony.”He smirked as he stood and headed for the room where he’d left the newly returned to human form Antonio, glancing at tom. “Mother will stay with him.”he muttered nodding towards the woman as she settled in his vacated chair, before stepping into the room with Antonio, glancing at tom. “You do realize father’s going to be angry we’re making a mess of this room right?Blood and guts are so hard to clean up.”He said, talking as if he wasn’t aware of the man in the room with them.
Tom nodded a little. "particularly that muggle family of his..." here Tom hesitated. "did you know that they made him sleep in a cupboard?" he asked softly. "and made him do all the chores? he mentioned it once to me, but i don't think he realized he did it... he's... Merlin Brax he's so much like me it's scary... how did HE manage to not turn into a Dark Wizard himself freinds mostly. Harry had Ron and Hermione, who gave him hope. in the original Timeline, the Malfoy family Death's, not to mention everything else, left Tom with no one and nothing to keep him stable and sane. Tom nodded as he watched Cera sit by Harry and he followed Brax into the room that was reserved for torture. the Malfoy's WHERE Dark wizards after all. Frankie paled as he heard the words but he held himself tall, as best as he could while tightly bound. "you can kill me, torture, anything you want but i did my glorious task!" he hissed and Tom raised an eyebrow at the other. "Grindelwald wanted the boy. and if he couldn't have him he wanted him dead or broken! well he's certainly broken now! it's just a shame i wasn't able to rape the pathetic little shrimp. he had such a nice body, and he screamed so nice when i touched him." Frankie hissed, his eyes filled with a sadistic glee. "he wouldn't scream for the fire... but he screamed when i touched him... and he cried when i made him like it!" he yelped as Tom suddenly backhanded the talkative little bastard. Frankie was clearly insane, and sadistic... how in the hell had he ended up in Gryffindor of all places?
“Damn. Yes, definitely going to live to see his family. I want a word with them.”Brax said smiling a little before nudging tom.”Friends darling.After I died…you had no one.”he pointed out his face said before looking at Frankie, raising his eyebrows as he watched tom backhand the man. “He is talkative isn’t he? To bad I cant shut him up, I want to hear him scream.”Brax said sounding amused before waving a hand, not even bothering with his wand as he handcuffed the man to the wall, moving to the desk on one wall, picking up the small knives, the obsidian blades glinting in the light, blond hair gleaming as he looked at tom. “How long do you think he’ll last?”He said amused as he approached the other man.
Tom nodded a little. "well Wizards are known for living upwards of two hundred years naturally, so i assume you would be there to... 'speak' to them. but considering that Harry is here to stop the Dark Lord from ever becoming real, i doubt he, the future him, will ever be sent to his muggle relatives." Tom pointed out before glaring at Frankie. "Brax?" Tom stated, a wicked little gleam in his eyes. "Make sure you cut out his tongues and cut off his dick." here Frankie actually went pale and he cringed, whimpering. "i doubt he'll last more than a minute. i'll be waiting for you outside." he promised, leaving the room so that Brax could 'play' without being interrupted by Tom getting sick. only once the screams had stopped, he didn't mind the screams, did he peek into the room. "find out anything else?" Franki had broken quickly, and had babbled a lot of information about Grindelwald. who had apparently heard that Harry was a time traveler from the future and wanted the boy so he could hear of his own greatness and other such rot. not to mention learn how to travel through time himself. it was a ply for power and when Harry had refused, Frankie had simply decided to take what he wanted from Harry and kill the boy before he caused trouble for 'his great and powerful lord and master'. "Harry's awake again. apparently he's developed a bit of an immunity to sleeping potions... he's coherent again for the time being." Tom informed Brax before hesitating. "listen Brax i... i better tell you now..." he admitted softly. "because if you find out with Harry in this state... well.. Brax don't be mad alright? but Harry is Sly..."
Brax sighed softly as he told tom about all he learned before tilting his head a little.”Good. I’ll be up in a few minutes.”he said looking pleased that the man was awake before looking at the other, frowning slightly before shrugging. “I need to go clean up before I go see him. I’ll see you in a bit.”he said already heading for his own room to clean up. Though a ‘bit’ turned out to be nearly a hour, long enough to be worried that he might have drowned himself, though he had just been cleaning up and thinking. Drying off he frowned slightly as he stepped into his bedroom, wearing a pair of sweats and a sweater. “You look worried.”He said eyeing tom, who he knew had come to make sure he hadn’t really done something to himself since he had gone so long. bending down he picked up artemis, holding the small fox as she licked his face, looking thoughtful, and definitely locked down. Very hard not thinking about what tom had told him
Tom nodded a little and winced a bit at the rather calm way that Brax was handling this. he had expected screaming at the very least, but Brax was just... calm. he was worried at the half hour mark, and even more so at the forty five minute. he hoped to god Brax wasn't in his room beating up the wall again. Cera would be pissed if she had to heal Brax's broken knuckles again. he sighed in relief as Brax stepped out of his bedroom. "i am... i'm worried about... well what you kight say to Harry... i'm worried what he might say to you... i'm worried that Harry won't recover from this... i'm.. i'm just..." he sighed and ran his hands through his hair, clearly more stressed out than what was healthy. "Dumbledore stopped by ten minutes ago... he... good Merlin Brax he SMILED at me! and not that condescending 'i know your up to no good' smile... this was the one he usually only gives to his injured or upset Lions... the one that says he's feeling bad that your hurting... it was CREEPY!" he grumbled, closing his eyes and swallowing thickly. "i think he knows how much i really care about Harry... oh!... i almost forgot... i never slept with him you know." he admitted. "i just wanted to annoy you so i pretended i was, and Harry thought it was funny so he went along with it..." he shook his head. "Brax... you can't be mad at him right now... he'll fly into a panic..."
Brax paused as he watched tom fuss tilting his head a little as he dried his hair with a towel, “…You find Dumbledore creepy no matter what. Though I would have loved to see that smile. IT would have been amusing to watch you deal with that.”he mused tilting his head slightly, shrugging a little.”I’m not angry. Now, shall we go see how he’s doing?”he said so locked down on what he was feeling that it made it obvious where draco had gotten the habit of being a ice prince.
Tom shrugged. "no, i find him annoying and his blatant favoritism pisses me off." Tom pointed out, sighing a little. "the only reason why your not angry is because you've shut yourself down again." Tom complained grumpily. "...i don't think i can see him like that Brax... i just..." he shuddered. "he looked right through me... he didn't see me, didn't notice me... nothing he just... looked right through me as if i was just another bit of furniture in the room..." he shuddered again but stood up anyway, running his hands through his hair as he led Brax to Harry's room. Harry was laying there, staring at the ceiling but when the two walked in he turned to look at them... no, it was like Tom said. he simply looked through them. as if he recognized that there was something there, but couldn't understand, or see what it was... until his eyes snapped in on Artemus and focused. "Brax..." Tom gasped as a flicker of life jolted through Harry's eyes before it died down again but he was looking AT them now, instead of through them and immidiatly tears filled Harry's eyes and he started to sob. which was a whole hell of a lot better than that creepy blank eyes. it meant he was returning to reality, so that he could heal.
Brax snickered a little.”but-but its so amusing. Espicially since he doesn’t think he’s favoring them.”He said smirking a little before shrugging a little.”Well then, we’ll see about what happens.”he said frowning thoughtfully as he considered what was happening with harry before smiling as harry recognized artemis, setting the small fox on the bed to let her go to him.”Hey harry.”he muttered before looking panicked, and shoving tom in the shoulder.”Go be comforting.”he demanded, he was soooo not good with tears.
Tom snorted a little. "it SO is not." he complained with a shake of his head. he looked almost as panicked as Brax did when Harry burst into sobs. and he went over to hold the other Harry got angry. "Don't touch me!" Harry raged through his sobs. "i'm nothing but a filthy Freak and a whore!" he wailed, pushing at Tom, trying to get away, the man wincing as he shook his head. "no Harry you're not! how DARE you say things like that when you KNOW their not true!" he hissed, furious that Harry would say something like that about himself and Harry had paused, gulping for air as he gaped at Tom, too shocked that the man had yelled at him like that to do anything else. and now that Harry was calm, Tom pulled the other into a tight hug and Harry broke down, clinging to Tom now, simply sobbing into his chest, accepting the comfort for what it was and Tom looked up at Brax with a troubled, and an angry expression. Tom wanted to hurt someone, no doubt the muggle bastards who had convinced Harry was a freak... not to mention whoever raped the poor boy before. finally though, Harry was limp in Tom's arms and breathing softly, having sobbed himself to sleep.
Brax watched them for a few long moments before moving to sit on the bed with the two, leaning back against the headboard as he summoned both his and tom’s book, handing them to her. “We’ll just stay here. No reason to leave him alone when he needs to comfort.”Brax said as he settled into reading, knowing tom wanted to talk about sly and everything, but he was definitely not going there. He didn’t want to. So he was going to stay here, comfort his friend, and read his book.
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