Time Asunder (HP)- Lady/Moon

three days later and Harry had been completely healed physically... mentally he was still... while he had nearly been raped, Harry's desire for physical contact had nearly tripled, and he was anxious and nervous unless he was within close proximity to someone. he was almost always holding someone's hand, or cuddling up to someone, and he refused to sleep alone. so far Tom had not left Harry's side for longer than a half an hour, so he could shower or use the lavatories or get food. Harry cried often, and sometimes it was the only way to get him to sleep. it was still a shock to everyone when Dumbledore came to visit, Fawks on his shoulder, the young Phoenix watching everything with curious eyes. "nasty traitorous birds..." Tom growled, glaring at the Phoenix. not even Brax knew why Tom hated Phoenix's so much, and Tom would never tell. "i thought i would come and see how young Harry is doing." Dumbledore admitted, stroking Fawks. "i thought maybe Fawks could sooth him to sleep... Cera told me he is having nightmares and refuses the dreamless sleep potion, and Fawks offered to stay with him for a few weeks." Tom looked shocked. a wizard parting with his familiar!? and such a familiar as a Phoenix!? it was unheard of! still... the song would help Harry a great deal.

"i also have news on Fredrick Antonio. he's been found." Scorpius had dealt with the mess last night. "it would appear that Grindelwald was most displeased with mister Antonio's actions, because he was tortured quite viciously. he is dead, and he won't be hurting anyone ever again.. i doubt that is much comfort to you, or to young mister potter. but it is closure and i think he needs that as well." Dumbledore admitted sighing softly. "Harry's this way sir." Tom stated stiffly, pleased that Grindelwald was being blamed for Antonio's death. Scorpius really knew what he was doing. Harry was curled up in his bed, Cera sitting next to him on the bed so that he wouldn't be alone. he panicked when he was alone. "Professor Dumbledore?" Harry asked sluggishly. Cera had doped him up with a heavy calming drought and now he was pretty much stoned out of his mind. "you brought the pretty bird." Harry cooed, a goofy smile on his face. "i can turn into a pretty bird too you know... we fly sometimes. i like to fly don't you?" he mumbled and Dumbledore looked greatly disturbed by Harry for a moment. "er, yes Harry flying is a delight." Albus agreed, though it was clear he didn't much like to fly at all. no one had ever seen him on a broom, not even when he was a student. "how are you feeling Harry?" Dumbledore asked and Harry snickered. "i was always your favorite you know... ruined my life but i love you anyway." Harry promised as he snuggled into his pillows. "bestest grandpa ever..." and with that Harry was asleep and Dumbledore looked even more disturbed as Tom snickered at the poor befuddled Transfiguration teacher.
Brax snickered a little from where he was sitting, the malfoy heir looking decidely comfortable sitting in a chair, his feet up on the bed as he watxhed the scene."well, 'grandpa', we would love to have the bird with us. Maybe tom will finally tell me why he doesnt like them" brax chirped, despite knowing harry was sly, the man had refused to talk about it, to anyone, and had easily been the happiest man around in a while. It was vaguely disturbing, at least according to his father. And he wanted to know why tom disliked phoenixs, really, so fawkes being there just meant he had a excuse ro pester tom
Dumbledore lifted an eyebrow at that and sent a curious look at Tom who glared fiercely at Fawks, who was ignoring them all and focused on Harry. "It's none of your damn business why i hate those blasted nuisances!" Tom raged, leaving the room and slamming the door shut, Dumbledore looking even more disturbed. "i've never met a person who honestly didn't like Phoenixes... save one..." he admitted, glancing at Brax. "Gellert Grindelwald also does not like Phoenixes... i want to beleive the best in Tom, and in you. i realize i have been..." he waved a hand and smiled sheepishly. "Harry certainly set me straight on a great many things... watch over Tom won't you? keep him from going too far down into darkness." he paused. "and if he allows, would you mind telling me what you find out about his hatred of my poor Phoenix? unlike Gellert, who just doesn't like them because they are pure and he is not, i think Tom has more substantial reasons." Dumbledore admitted as he stroked his beard and watched Harry sleeping. "he said he was my favorite..." he muttered, looking so shocked that it almost looked painful. "i hadn't realized until now..." he mumbled before turning and leaving. Dumbledore was a hearted fool, and honestly hadn't realized he'd been blatently favoring certain students. he was going to have to amend that.

Tom didn't return for another forty minutes but when he did, it was with a penseive in his hands. without a word he stared at Brax, his eyes red rimmed from crying. yes, Tom had been crying. he pulled out two memories and then left, leaving Brax to view them alone. the first clearly wasn't from Tom's own memories, but must have been viewed using Legilemency, because it was of a woman, Tom's mother, giving birth to said Tom. there was a Phoenix watching them. the red and gold bird crooning comfortingly to the woman. but when she started to bleed to death, the Phoenix simply turned away, and flew off, leaving little baby tom in the hands of the Matron. that alone could easily have made Tom hate those birds. but the second memory was of Tom getting a beating from the older boys in the orphanage. they where honestly trying to kill him. again the Phoenix was there, the same gold and red one, it watched Tom struggle to crawl towards it, but the bird did nothing but watch. and then it flew away, leaving tom there to die. Tom had barely been seven years old. there was no way he had been dark enough then to have turned away a Phoenix. so why had the thing not helped Tom? still, it explained why Tom refused to even be in the same room as Fawks.

(i have an idea and i bet you can't guess what it is! XDD)
“I will, if he will allow me.”Brax said, lying mostly, because he had no intention of telling Dumbledore if it didn’t have anything to do with him or fawkes. Nodding slightly he smirked.”I will always look out for tom, no matter what you tell me to do.”he said watching the other man before smirking slightly. He really was amazed about the man’s blindness, though it was easy to see that it had been just a natural blindness, not something he’d done to himself to hide his actions. Looking startled when tom came in he stared, frowning ever so slightly, before watching the memories.

When he was done brax was in a screaming rage, though there was no sound, just silence, which was all the more terrifying since the rage wasn’t coming out. “What.Phoenix. is it?”he asked as he stepped into tom’s room, looking annoyed, and ready to test out if a phoenix would be reborn if he killed the damn thing.

(lol probably not. Look forward to it tho)
Dumbledore nodded a little. "i doubt he will let you, but i would like to know if it is something that i or Fawks did... the least i could do is try to make up for making him hate so much." Dumbledore admitted softly. "if what Harry tells me is true, then simply still being alive in forward years will keep Tom from... what is it that Harry said? ah yes 'becoming a snake faced megalomaniac with daddy issues.' quite a wicked tongue on him i must say." Dumbledore admitted with a small chuckle as he left. Tom looked up as Brax walked in and he shrugged. "i don't know.." he admitted softly. "i've only seen it the once... twice if you count my mother's death." he admitted softly, blinking rather dumbly at Brax. he always got tired after crying, and he was clearly struggling to stay awake. "i won't be in the same room as that... thing!" he hissed, shooting dark glares at Harry's room. "i just cant!" he complained, sighing a little as he scrubbed his eyes. "i'm going to lay down for a while... Harry's not alone is he?..." he frowned. "is it bad that some part of me wants to hate harry too? because his Animagus is a Phoenix?"
“Well then,rest. And no, father’s sitting with him.”Brax reassured before sighing softly.”Yes it is, but I think I will see if its possible to keep a phoenix from being reborn.”He chirped leaning down to kiss the man’s forehead.”Now rest. Rest and sleep, I have a few things to take care of.”he said staring at his friend before leaving the room and heading to the school, knocking on the professor’s door before stepping in, holding a small freeze picture frame of the phoenix, he wanted to know who’s it was.”I have something to ask you.”
Tom smiled a little s he nodded, relaxed as he was kissed. it was a comforting thing, and one of the only real affection he allowed unless he was truly upset. he didn't much like to be touched, not even by the Malfoy's, though he did allow them to when they wanted to. he laid down and went to sleep, glad that Brax was dealing with things. Dumbledore looked up, startled to see Brax so soon. "something to ask me?" he asked, glancing at Fawks. "so we did do something? no?" he asked looking puzzled as he took the picture and stared. "yes i know this one. it's a male. Wild as far as i know. it is he who gave me Fawks. as an egg." Dumbledore admitted simply as he glanced at the stand where Fawks usually sat and closed his eyes, concentrating. Fawks appeared in a flash of Flames and without words he showed Fawks the picture of the Phoenix. Fawks reacted in a way no one had ever seen before. he SHRIEKED, and with a delicate claw he tore the picture frame from Albus's hand and it struck the floor, shattering. the Phoenix then landed on top of it, and started to shred the picture with claws and beat in a most viscous and violent manner. "F..Fawks!" Albus gasped, shocked as he looked at his bleeding hand. "he's never reacted like that before..." Dumbledore actually looked rather frightened for a moment. only when the picture was completely destroyed and had no chance of being returned to normal did Fawks calm down and return to his roost, carefully rubbing pearly tears onto the cuts on Dumbledore's hand.
“I do. No, not you.”Brax said looking bemused.Brax yelped as the bird tore the picture out of the professor’s hand, raising a hand to block his eyes, reacting as if someone had attacked him instead of just the picture being destroyed. Swallowing hard he struggled to be calm but his grey eyes were scared.”This….bird….is the reason Tom does not like Phoenixs. I would like to know, if you are able to tell me fawkes, why he’s involving himself in human affairs.”
Fawks stared at rax for a long, long moment and then suddenly there where images in Brax's head. images of great misery, the red and gold phoenix in each one as Dark Lords lost everything they held dear to them, and rose up to be great Evils. Gellert Grindelwad too, witnessed tragedy, the killing of Arianna Dumbledore, which was why Dumbledore had turned on his lover and drove Grindelwald into Darkness. every Dark Lord in history, that Red and Gold Phoenix had witnessed. and without warning the images stopped as suddenly as they had appeared. what that meant remained to be seen. either the bird was creating dark lords, or was simply attracted to them, only the bird itself could know. but from Fawks' reaction to the picture... it was probobly the former. "it's a bit disconcerting isn't it?" Dumbledore asked with a faint smile. "how he just slips behind occlumency shields like that. don't worry, the dizziness will go away in just a second. did you see what you needed to see from Fawks?" Dumbledore asked. "Fawks wishes to return to Harry... and to Tom... really?" Dumbledore asked, startled as he blinked at the bright red bird. "ah, yes i see. Tom can't turn into a Dark Lord if a REAL Phoenix is there to sooth his soul. the question is, will he let you?" the bird shrugged. it actually SHRUGGED! clearly, Fawks was a lot smarter than people thought. it vanished in a whirl of flames to return to Harry's side. "what's even more disconcerting... is that Fawks apparently is aware of himself in all time and all timelines so... he's very aware of what young Tom would have become without Harry's interference..." Dumbledore made a face. "i have to say... i don't like what i turned into much myself..." he glanced at Brax. "fawks doesn't seam to have much actual interest in you i'm afraid... but that might be a good thing, considering." Dumbledore muttered, shaking his head. "just so you know. the teachers have all agreed that so long as you keep up with your classwork, you don't have to attend classes." Dumbledore stated suddenly. "you will receive a daily owl of coursework to be completed." he explained. "so long as you don't fall behind, you may stay in Malfoy Manor with Mister Potter indefinitely... or until Mister Potter desires to return... whichever comes first."
Brax reached out and braced himself against the wall, feeling weirded out and dizzy as he panted slightly. Glancing up at the man before nodding.”IT is…very weird.”he said swallowing hard looking annoyed with the bird for freaking him out that much before looking startled at the bird’s shrug. “That is weird.”He whined looking weirded out by the bird’s influence before laughing softly.”Well…he is a phoenix, destined to live forever, if not tampered with. IT seems to make…a weird sort of sense he would know what was happening.”He said thoughtfully before smirking slightly.”well, I was dead within two years from now, so I guess it is.”

Brax grinned smirking a little, though startled at the decision.”Are you really thinking me and tom would ever fall behind in something?We sleep through most of our classes as it is.”he pointed out amused before nodding.”I better go before tom freaks out the phoenix is there.”he said before leaving for the manor.
Dumbledore smiled a little. "over time, one gets used to these sorts of things." Dumbledore admitted with a shake of his head. "Fawks speaks to me in such ways so often it doesn't affect me anymore. your the first person aside from myself that Fawks has ever deigned to 'speak' with. "and i have to agree, Fawks is a very unique individual. being that he was hand reared, i think too much human influence might have something to do with it. as for your death, as much as Harry cares for you, i highly doubt he would allow you to die." he pointed out with a small smile. "i have to admit, he does give wonderful presents doesn't he?" he asked, stroking his beard. "why, just the morning of the..." here he paused. "incident... he brought me this absolutely wonderful muggle candy called a 'Lemon Drop' utterly delightful! he bought me hundreds of boxes! i have decided to offer them to anyone who comes into my office!" so it was HARRY who started that!? wasn't that ironic? he had to chuckle at Brax's ego and he nodded.

"very true. go on with you then... oh! would you care for a lemon drop Mister Malfoy?" and, it begins. when Brax got to Harry's room, Harry was in his Phoenix form. he was all black, save for a single red feather and a single white feather on the very tip of his forehead where his scar was supposed to be. the two birds where grooming each other and singing in short bursts as they calmly shared images of their lives with one another. same as always. Harry chirruped as Brax walked in and hopped off the headboard, turning back into a human so elegantly, he didn't even make a sound on the bed. "Hey Brax." Harry murmured, looking better than he had since the.... incident. "what's wrong with Tom? he won't come in here... he's not sick is he?"

(i just HAD to put in the Lemon Drop thing, i just HAD to XDD)
Brax sighed a little, wincing a little as he took a lemon drop as he left, having every intention of yelling at harry for giving the professor something else to do. Walking into the bedroom he studied the two birds, shaking his head a little before looking down at the bed trying to figure out how much he could tell harry without having the man freak out.”No, he’s not sick. He’s just had a few problems with phoenixs in the past, so he’s coming to terms that he’s going to live with one for awhile.”he said looking unsure, because he had no idea how to explain without telling him everything
Harry smiled a little as he watched brax before looking puzzled. "i don't understand, how can someone have a bad experiance with a Phoenix?" Harry asked, looking baffled. "i mean, sure their not the Pure animals everyone things they are... but still." he muttered stroking Fawks head as he thought long and hard. "i've never heard any mentions of Phoeni in Tom's past..." he muttered. "so this must be a disturbance int he timeline that i created..." he mumbled. "well. i suppose it doesn't matter at this point. if he has problems with Phoenix's i'll be extra careful not to be one in front of him." he promised Brax. "oh, before i forget. how is you and Tom's Animagi practice going? Tm was in here bragging about ten minutes ago that he finally saw what he was going to be." Harry admitted with a grin. "he won't tell me what he is though, but he's so freaking proud of himself... he was SWAGGERING!"
Brax stared down at the blanket before shaking his head.”No, it is not your presence. It might be your presence that made us realize what happened. It is…not mine to say why. Just that tom is not the only one that has had a phoenix….have problems with.”He said looking torn before grinning, “He’s probably a snake or something. Just means I’ll have to pin him to the ground since I get to be a wolfhound.”He said pleased with himself, and very glad that he hadn’t told tom he’d gotten his creature yet, because he was happy to share first with harry…not that he was looking to closely at the pleasure he got from doing that.
Harry nodded. "i know, that's what i meant. clearly i didn't do anything to him as a phoenix." Harry stated with a roll of his eyes. "just my being here has made a very severe impact in the timeline. at this point, i have actually created an alternate time line, or an alternate dimension. as time goes on, more and more things will change, hopefully for the better." Harry admitted. "i don't have to worry about unmaking myself, because i still exist in my original timeline... which, i have to admit, is a GREAT relief." Harry admitted with a small laugh. "Dumbledore really is brilliant at Time traveling theory and shit." he admitted with a grin. he was doing much better with Fawks there. "oh a Wolfhound! very nice!" Harry stated with a grin. "my own Godfather was a dog, he looked like a Grim actually." he admitted with a snicker. "personally i think he was some kind of mutt." he admitted with a grin before he hesitated. "Brax? do you have a Salle in here? or a room where i can put some exercise matting?" most old houses had Salle's. or fencing rooms, but Harry didn't intend on practicing fencing. he wanted to practice Sen-Kon-Do. an ancient Elvin fighting style that Harry had learned. he hated feeling weak and helpless, and intended on beating up a poor sandbag until he was back into the shape he felt he should be in. he would never let someone pin him down like that again.
“Ahhh, I see.”Brax said wrinkling his nose a little.”I may be brilliant, but time traveling theory makes my head hurt.”He grumbled before grinning. “I’m excited. I always wanted a dog, and now I can be a dog. Wonder if I can convince tom to brush my hair?”He muttered looking amused before smirking at the other’s words, tilting his head.”Have you seen the manor?Do you really think I don’t have a salle?”he smirked poking fun at the other before laughing quietly.”I have several actually. Though the one downstairs is the warmest and best used.”
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. "mine too, but Dumbledore was pretty good at explaining it. he used strings!" Harry admitted with a laugh and shook his head. "if you can't get Tom to brush your hair, then i will. i'll even make you pretty." he teased, smirking. "lets just hope you don't turn into a poodle hmm?" he teased as he slipped out of bed and stretched with a groan, he was wearing Pajamas this time and he stepped out into the hallway barefoot, completely uncaring that he was without a shirt or shoes. his magic was still recovering, but he could walk about without any issues. he let Brax lead him to the best Salle and examined the thin mats and asked Brax to 'puff them up a bit' then he asked Brax to summon a 'punching dummy' and with that Harry started to stretch, running through Tea-Kwon-Do and Yoga motions as gracefully as a Balet dancer prancing about on stage.

Harry had started learning those thigns at the age of fourteen, not that anyone knew. an 'Upper Fey' or an Elf, took Harry into the woods during the summer vacations and using a time turner, Harry had been able to be at the Dursley's AND training. every weeks the elf would show up at Hogwarts. Harry had never been as good at magic, or school work, or anything, but the physical activities, the hand to hand fighting... it had been Body memory and Harry had excelled. with the stretches done, he began the beat down. Sen-Kon-Do was an ancient art that focused on turning an Enemy against themselves. using their strengths, and weaknesses against them. it focused on the weak points of the body, the nerve bundles and the tender parts that would make an enemy flinch. it was full of sharp, swift movements and focused on the fingertips, the heal of his hand, and the balls of his feat to make the attacks. not that Harry didn't know how to 'fight dirty' using his knees, elbows, head and everything else. but he preferred Sen-Kon-Do. he finally stopped after an hour, panting and sweating as he flexed his fingers and started more Tea-Kwon-Do and Yoga to cool down. he felt better. next time, no one would be able to hurt him. he just had to remember his training, his precision, and his physical power.
Brax smiled a little.”Definitely not going to be a poodle. I’ll never hear the end of it.”he grumbled even as he showed the other around. Settling on the floor to watch the other as he worked out he raised his eyebrows at tom as the man came in towards the end of the hour.”I don’t think we’ll ever have to worry about him being a victim again.”he said smiling softly, looking pleased at the idea.
Harry snickered a little as he listened to Brax complain and set to work on the Dummy. Tom sat cross legged, watching Harry with a rather astonished look on his face as he turned to Brax. "i've never seen someone move like that before!" he admitted, eyes wide and amazed. "if he can do that, why was he a victim in the first place?" he wondered, making sure that Harry couldn't hear him, his voice low, barely a whisper. "i suppose that's why he had the bindings then... so Harry couldn't fight back..." and that was it exactly. Freddie couldn't get close to Harry physically so he'd used a dark spell that couldn't be countered without a wand, and had thus made Harry suffer. "do you think he could teach us?" Tom mused, his head tilted at the battered dummy as Harry flopped down onto the floor into a 'corpse' position. just laying on his back,eyes closed, arms at his side. relaxing after his workout. "oh! i almost forgot! i found my Animagus form!" Tom admitted, smirking at Brax. "i am, of course, in all of my brilliance, a King Cobra!" well, that's what he thought anyway. "at least i think so. i'm a Cobra of some sort anyway because i have that flaring neck." Tom admitted, looking well pleased with himself.
“Well, yes, that would explain the bindings.”Brax said thoughtfully before glancing at tom before nodding.”he would probably do so if we wanted.”He said running his fingers through his hair before smirking.”I knew it!A snake.”He teased a little before getting up.”We should go try now.”He said looking pleased at the idea.”I’m a wolfhound.”he said happily.
Tom smirked a little as he watched Harry finishing up his workout and Harry chuckled at Tom's ego, shaking his head a little as he got to his feat and stretched one last time. "i feel better." Harry admitted as he sat down and motioned for them to head into the Salle. it was a nice place to transform. "go ahead. transform. this is the easy part. you just have to not panic when the instincts come into you. relax, let it happen." Harry ordered calmly and smirked. "it would be easiest for you to assume a position that the animal could be found in. for example, Tom, lay flat on your belly with your arms at your sides. and Brax would be on all fours. this will keep you from pitching forward when you change." Tom nodded and lay on his stomach and simply focused on what he thought he was. "the actual transformation might come all at once, or a little bit at a time. like, when i first started, the only thing that changed was my face.." here Harry flushed. "i actually had to have my transfiguration teacher reverse it..." he admitted, Tom snickering at that before he focused on his transformation again. he yelped suddenly and leaped to his feet, looking utterly panicked. "HSSSSS!!!!" Harry burst into laughter at that, Tom's long forked tongue making it impossible to speak, and he hissed at Harry again, baring long hinged fangs that dripped with poison. "Tom! Tom calm down!" Harry demanded, still laughing. "your poison can't hurt you! calm down!" he ordered, still snickering as he glanced at Brax. "he bit his tongue." Harry explained, still snickering as Tom glared at Harry with ruby red eyes that where slitted, just as a snakes was.
Brax tilted his head listening to harry’s advice as he moved to get to his knees,”Poor tom. Calm down, you wont do yourself any good freaking out.”Brax said looking at his friend in amusement even as he lowered his hands to the floor, but it was hooves that touched the ground,even as the slender blond melted seamlessly into a young unicorn colt, nearly stabbing harry in the side as he swung his head to the side to see what the hell was going on, a high whinny echoing that held brax’s ‘what the hell’ question.
Tom glared at Brax and flickered his tongue at the other before carefully melding his body back into human form to try again, rubbing his tongue and checking to make sure he really wasn't about to die he nodded a little and then gasped in stunned amazement as Brax touched the ground as a Unicorn! old enough that his pelt was pure white, but his hooves a shining golden as was his horn. "Merlin almighty!" Tom breathed in amazement. "Brax LOOK at yourself!" Tom ordered, summoning a massive mirror so Brax could see himself. "your a UNICORN!" now Tom sulked. "and i'm just a lousy snake. SO not fair!" he complained, stomping his foot on the ground before closing his eyes and trying again. this time, he melted just as effortlessly as Brax had... and grew, and grew, and grew... at thirty feet and some inches, he finally stopped and reared his head, blood red eyes staring at himself in the mirror, a thick black tongue tasting the air, emerald scales mixed with black to make a pattern that Tom was all too familiar with... he was a Basilisk! a BASILISK! he hissed at himself in the Mirror, baring his long fangs and then turned to Harry, who blatantly stared back with a smirk. as a Phoenix, Harry was immune to the Basilisk stare. so was Brax for that matter. "well, that's interesting. three magical Animagi. i had thought i was special." Harry admitted with a small chuckle. "you'll find some very nice side effects to being a magical Animagi." Harry admitted. "the most major being that Tom will be immune to all poisons, and Brax will find himself able to heal at a touch... well, theoretically anyway."
Brax whinnied in panic now that he was looking at himself, sounding upset that he was indeed not a puppy before turning his head to look at tom, letting out a fearful squeal as the unicorn skittered away from the basilisk before shifting back to himself, shivering as he looked at harry, “That…was weird. Definitely.”He said reaching out to pat tom’s side,”Come on. Shfit back, you know you’ll get tired quickly until you get used to changing.And being cold blooded.”He said smiling slightly.
Harry chuckled a little and watched Brax, his head tilted. "just think Brax. all the studies you and Tom and i can do with freely given unicorn blood, Basilisk scales, blood, and venom, and Phoenix scales, feathers, blood, and tears!" he grinned as Tom reared up in ecstatic excitement at all the potions he would be able to make! he shifted back, panting from the effort as he grinned. "so, we get 'special powers' huh? what do you have then?" "well, i can 'flame' anywhere, even in human form. and i can slide through mental defenses without any effort. not to mention that my own occlumency shields are impenetrable." Harry admitted. "becoming a Phoenix also healed my 'deplorable' vision. i don't need glasses the way i did all of my life prior." Harry admitted with a grin. "Tom might even find a 'basilisk like stare' handy. i bet his glare increases tenfold." Harry stated with a small laugh. "we won't know for sure how you are affected until you start showing signs, but i bet they'll be pretty kickass." Harry stated with a grin as he studied Brax. "Pure of heart... it suits you well." he admitted with a nod. "Pure of heart?" Tom asked and Harry smiled a little as he nodded. "yes. just like Phoeni, Unicorns are actually misunderstood on what attracts them. a Phoenix is attracted to people with pure souls. that is, someone who will give themselves up in a heartbeat, if it means saving someone else. like me, and Dumbledore. a Unicorn on the other hand, is attracted to people with pure Hearts, that is, someone like Brax who will do anything to protect the ones he loves, even murder and torture." Tom looked stunned. "and how do you know this?" "Countless years of study." Harry admitted. "for example, Griffons are attracted to pure words... that is someone who speaks the hardest truths, even the ones we don't want to hear." "and Basilisks?" "Pure Minds. someone who seeks truth, and knowledge no matter the nature of it. for one of a pure Mind, knowledge is the power they use to control, protect, and convince. Tom is pure of Mind because of his amazing intellect and manipulative nature." Harry grinned a little. "makes sense?"
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