Time Asunder (HP)- Lady/Moon

Tom snickered a little. "yes you do." he stated simply as he followed Brax out into the garden. "you have a pet Unicorn you idiot, why shouldn't i have a pet Basilisk? besides, your just jealous of my awesomeness." he stated with a sniff and a pout. he reached the edge of the woods and slid into his form and winced as he accidentally killed a little bird with his eyes. he hissed and after some focus he looked at another bird, which continued to blissfully chirp away as if a thirty foot basilisk hadn't just looked it in the eyes. if a Snake could look smug, Tom sure did. he slid through the trees effortlessly, delighting in this strange new body and flicked his tongue out, shocked at how he could taste the scent in the air. that was a rat, that was a doe, that was an Abraxas, that was a bird, that was... eeew.
“Because, I’m supposed to be the one with the quirky obessions. I have a lot of weird pets. You don’t enjoy pets.”He pointed out looking amused before wincing as tom killed the bird. Poor thing. Smiling as he shifted to his unicorn form he snorted as he nudged his nose against tom’s side, absently trailing after him. Amused before snorting the question on what he was thinking smelling, sensing tom’s reaction to something he smelled.
Tom snorted. "i enjoy my pet! my Basilisk is almost as important to me as you are!" Tom complained, rolling his eyes a little before he shifted. he looked at Brax and wrinkled his nose. a Tom cat had marked it's territory, and he could smell some sort of dung, and there was something dead and rotting nearby and he could taste ALL of it! yuck! but it was easy to ignore it as he slid further in, practicing unhinging his jaw and working his muscles to move and everything else that he needed. he even spilled some venom onto a rock and watched in morbid fascination as the poor stone melted.
Brax to, watched in morbid fascination as the rock melted, which was really a odd look on a unicorn’s face. Snorting in amusement as they past the hour before heading back to the house, he snorted in amusement as he walked inside as a unicorn, ignoring his parents startled shouts for the colt to come back, poor scorpius was thinking brax was playing a grand joke of letting his pet in the house, instead of the horse being brax. Heading upstairs on spindly thin legs brax snorted in harry’s face as he looked down at the man, hoping to wake him up.
Harry groaned as he was huffed and puffed on and he gently smacked the Colt's shoulder, offering it a small scowl. "...nnng... tired Brax. Go'way." Harry complained, Fawks trilling in amusement. it was kind of funny how Harry had recognized Brax's unicorn form even while mostly asleep. Fawks trilled again and Harry made a scoffing noise. "i don't care how pretty he is, in either form. i'm tired!" Harry whined, trying to snuggle deeper into his blankets, Fawks making a sharp sound and Harry groaned but got up and scowled at Brax. "whaaaat!?" he demanded. he was such a whiny little bastard when he was tired. and he usually got grouchy too. he'd hexed a seventh year three days before the attack because they hadn't talked quietly enough for his tired brain. at least harry couldn't hex a unicorn.
Brax squealed in annoyance as he was smacked, giving a half rear before snorting as he looked down at the sleepy man. Snorting again he eyed the bed for a long moment before getting up next to him, the colt laying down next to him, resting that pretty head on his chest before shifting back to brax, smirking a little. “I’m not pretty. I’m not my grandson. I deserve better, manly words.”he decided.
Harry snorted a little as Brax laid on him and blinked at the other. "adorable? cute? Sweet?" Harry asked, smirking a little. "a precious bundle of annoying joy?" he asked, his head cocked to the side a little. "would any of those suit better?" he asked, yawning a little. "besides, Draco wasn't 'Pretty' he was GIRLY. and a snot nosed little brat." Harry pointed out as he rubbed his eyes and yawned again. "i'm starving. do your Lord Malfoy thing and get me breakfast..." he ordered, pouting at Brax as he realized it was just after eleven nearly noon, and not anywhere near breakfast time.
noooo…stop it.You’re as annoying as riddle.”Brax sulked as he rolled away, stretching out on the other side of the bed, hands behind his head as he sighed softly.”Any relative of mine has to be pretty. I’m just not pretty. I’m smoldering amazingly sexy.”he mused before nodding,”As you command, oh lord and master.”he snorted amused as he called a elf and got him to bring food for them before looking at harry.”Better?”
Harry smirked a little. "i could always call you delectable, scrumptious, and tasty... but i wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable." Harry teased with a snicker. "though, i might only be thinking those things because i'm starving." he admitted with a smirk before he gulped down most of his...er, lunch, and then headed out to the Salle. "you wanted to learn didn't you?" Harry asked with a grin. "we're going to start with a jog.... Tom! quite stunning those poor birds!" Tom could turn his gaze into something akin to a stunner, that would wear off after five minutes. amazingly, he was in his human form doing this.
Brax flushed at the words,focusing on his food instead of responding. Swallowing hard before he followed the other downstairs he nodded.”I did.”He muttered before smirking a little,”Jogging is easy.”He said smirking as he looked at tom.”You’re having to much fun.”He said amused at tom’s tatics.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "how far can you jog?" Harry asked with a smirk as he examined the other, his head cocked to the side as he transfigured his robes into jogging clothes. he set off at a slow pace, and Tom joined them after transfiguring his own clothes with a small grin. "so we're exercising now?" "i have to get in shape." Harry stated simply, Tom nearly winced. "and Brax wants to learn Sen-Kon-Do. i have to see how he is at a physical level. jogging first, then i'll start teaching him Tea Kwon Do and Yoga." Tom nodded, looking amazed. "and how did you learn the art of Sen-Kon-Do?" Tom asked curiously and Harry chuckled. "the Prince line is part Elf. one of the Princes taught me after he got permission from the elders. i have permission from the elders myself, to teach Abraxas, and you, because you both need protection in the future. Elves are weird like that." Harry admitted with a chuckle as he jogged along. Tom was already panting. he wasn't in the best shape.
“I don’t.Do I look like a jog?”Brax groused looking amused even as he followed after the others, listening before smirking a little.”I always wanted to meet a elf. I think I’m jealous you got trained.”He said sulking a little but looking pleased that the other had gotten permission to teach them. Panting slightly because like tom, while he was naturally slender, he was definitely not a man who liked physical excerise. No wonder draco hadn’t liked it.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "the Prince line, even now, is only 1/12 or less Elf." Harry admitted simply. "but Elves pass down their training from father to son, nothing is ever lost." Harry admitted. "i, and now you, are the only non elves to know this fighting style. it is meant to maim, and kill, specifically it's meant to maim and kill Wizards. with specific touches, taps, strikes, i can even cut a wizard off from his own magic." Harry admitted simply as he studied them. "run as far as you can, and then take a ten minute rest before walking back to the Manor. i'll meet you both there to continue when i finish my jog." Harry had always been good at running. had to be, over the years, he had found it easy to run up to twelve miles nearly effortlessly. and had done once, when he had been hunted down by a hell hound. so, Harry continued even after Brax and Tom dropped out, Tom managed to last a half an hour before he gave up and dropped to the dirt, gulping air like a dying man. they where able to rest for a full twenty minutes after they made it to the Manor before Harry appeared, panting but not in the least bit winded as he smirked at them, his shirt gone again. "we're jogging every morning. you two need to get into shape."
By the time Harry made it back to the house brax was laying on the back porch, while he had died before tom, he’d also recovered quicker. At least he knew his own limits. Looking up at harry from where he was laying on the porch he wrinkled his nose. “I’m going jogging as a horse. Four legs, gotta be better then just two.”he decided looking pleased with his decision to excerise.
Harry smirked at Brax. "won't work. the horse body is not directly connected to your human body. as a horse you are in the perfect shape already to do what equines do best. run. sorry pretty but you'll have to do your jogging as a human, now come. i'll start you with forms." forms where basically one motion, a punch, or a kick, or a block. each motion was repeated over and over and over again until they could do perfectly, without thinking. each 'form' had a name. Harry taught them Tiger, a high kick that was to drive into a person solar plexus. he taught them 'Flowing River' a block that, instead of stopping the motion, moved the punch away from them, leaving their opponent open to attack. he taught them 'stepping stones' another dodge where they pranced on the balls of their feet like they where tiptoeing. and he taught them 'rage' a combination form where you struck first with the left, then the right fist into a persons face. they repeated these over, and over and over until Harry got bored with teaching them and he went to take a nap. "Merlin's balls!" Tom gasped, laying on the floor, his arms, legs, and chest aching from doing the same thing again and again.
“Damn. That would be awesome to do that.”Brax said sulking a little as he followed harry downstairs to work out, by the time harry declared himself tired brax was exhausted. Collapsing next to tom he nodded silently, whining ever so slightly.”Maybe we should have let him die. This is murder, he’s going to kill us.”He grumbled half heartedly, not really meaning it.
Tom shook his head a little. "oh god, i think your right." he groaned, just laying there. "why did we have to do so many damn kicks! thirty on each side!?" he demanded, whining, yelping as Harry suddenly cast a spell on him. then sighed, relaxing. muscle relaxing, a 'bath simulator' and a pain reliever. Harry did the same to Brax, leaving him much less sore, and much less sweaty. "stop your bitching." Harry stated with a roll of his eyes. "i was doing three times as much when i first started... granted, i did have an advantage. i was half starved, but well used to working my ass off." he mused, shrugging. "still, quite your bitching. you'll be fine. be glad i'm not making you get up at four in the morning." "WHAT!? good Merlin DON'T do that!" Tom pleaded, Harry smirking. "then quit bitching." he stated loftily, laughing as Tom sulked. "in any case. Dumbledore's here." Harry stated with a smirk as he left the room to go and greet the headmaster. how Harry knew the old man was there, he wasn't saying.
“I don’t care!You’re not normal. I am a normal, healthy pureblooded male. I do not do crap like this.”Brax whined, though it was true somewhat. He was more active them most, but not up for this. “nooo four in the morning without sex is totally wrong.”he decided before pushing up off the floor slowly, “Come on, riddle. We better go make sure the old man and the bird’s okay.”he said helping tom up before heading for the door.
Harry flashed a smirk at Brax. "i could wake you up with sex if you wanted." he teased with a shit eating grin before leaving with a cackle, Tom snickering. "that's the first sex joke he's made since the 'incident'..." Tom muttered, wondering how Brax was handling that one. Tom grimaced though. "i'll stay here thanks. i don't want to see that ruddy Fire chicken." he grumbled. while he didn't hate Fawks so much, since he had been helping Harry, he still refused to be in the same room as Fawks. Dumbledore was smiling as he spoke to Harry, who seamed to be explaining something with elegant sweeps of his hand. "and after all, it wasn't so bad when it came down to it. just a few minor explosions." Dumbledore did something then that no one else had ever seen him do. he laughed! it was a chuckle, as he usually did, it was a full throated, belly shaking LAUGH. "although i did have to walk around without my eyebrows for a few days, and boy was THAT a pain in the ass!" Fawks trilled in amusement and Harry smirked at Brax as he walked up. "so your alive after all are you? Tom dead i suppose? never moving again? all that rot?"
“Hey!I didn’t mean that!Potter!Stop being annoying.”Brax whined, though maybe there was hope considering his first reaction hadn’t been blistering anger. Whining as he walked into the room he looked startled and very confused listening to the laughter.”….I think I need to leave…that was..weird.”he said staying in the doorway before nodding.”Nope. Staying down there and never moving is his gameplan."
Harry and Tom both snickered at Brax's complaint and Harry shook his head. "Ah yes, i do try to stay more in control of myself than that normally." Dumbledore agreed with a small chuckle. "what have you done to them mister potter?" "oh, i'm teaching them muggle fighting." that had Dumbledore raising his eyebrows in surprise. "and Tom concented?" "no. but he's doing it anyway." that caused another hearty laugh and Dumbledore shook his head. "yes, well i just wanted to see how you where dear boy. Cera is quite worried about you." "i know. but this isn't the first time i've been attacked, and he didn't even manage to rape me... i do have to deal with Grindelwald soon though. he's the one that actually gets the Dark Lord of my world into the Black Arts." "...black?" Dumbledore asked, looking confused. "mm. there really isn't any such thing as 'dark arts' professor." Harry stated simply. "that title was brought up about..." Harry counted on his fingers. "fifty six years ago by a minister who wanted to have more control over the witches and wizards. any spell that was over a certain level in strength or power was banned and claimed as 'dark'. the Black arts have almost been forgotten even now, and include soul magic, sacrificial magic, some blood magic, and some summoning magic. some Blood magic is actually very much light, or rather 'normal' magic because there's nothing light about any magic really. though there is 'White' magic which is, surprisingly, just as heinous as Black magic." Dumbledore was gaping at Harry, wide eyed and stunned. "honestly professor. what DO they teach you in History of Magic?"
“Nothing really. He’s letting a ghost teach it.”Brax pointed out as he listened to them, smirking ever so slightly as he considered what harry was telling them. “White magic has some good uses though, it’s easier to craft cold iron and silver into weapons if you use white magic instead of basic metal forging, or with black magic.”The resident historian mused looking thoughtful about it before sighing softly.” Professor….did you…find anything else about the phoenix?”He said trying to find out, but not wanting to ocme out andask since harry didn’t know about what tom had showed him.
Harry chuckled a little. "actually, that Ghost is quite important to the magic that is running Hogwarts." Harry stated simply. "so long as Binns teaches, the magic within the Life Stone in Hogwarts will never go out." Dumbledore looked stunned. "how did you know that!?" "you told me so yourself professor." Harry admitted with a grin. "while Binn's is a hopeless teacher, so long as he teaches classes, his magical core will never desert the Core of Hogwarts, which will keep her alive till the end of time." Harry admitted before flashing a grin at Brax. "ah. no, that's not White and Black magic Brax. but don't worry your not the only one to get them confused." he assured the other. "Black and White Magic is highly addictive. a single use will drive a man insane. that's why Tom turned out the way he did. he accidentally used Black Magic to tear his soul in two. after that there was no saving him." Harry admitted simply. "granted, he had help the first time around, Grindelwald, fearing Tom would defeat him, made the boy kill an innocent by accident, Tom split his soul in a misguided attempt at keeping her alive... it didn't work..." he shrugged. "White and Black magic always, ALWAYS goes against nature, and always has a very heavy price to pay." Harry admitted simply. "the magic that makes it easier to craft is 'Metal Magic' or rather Earth magic... the Ministry in all it's idiocy declared it 'black' and 'white' simply because they didn't understand it, or how it worked."

Dumbledore looked completely stunned as he gaped at Harry who smirked a little. "i practice the old ways professor, and i had an Elf freind who knew the Histories." he admitted with a shrug. "the Prince Line has always kept up the Knowledge... what Black Phoenix?" "ah, yes that thing." Harry looked stunned. he'd never heard Albus Dumbledore speak in such a tone before. it was as if he had spat some vile disgusting thing out of his mouth. even when speaking of Horcruxes, or Grindelwald, or rape did he speak with such utter hatred and disgust. "i only found some ancient Lore." Albus admitted, shaking his head. "it's known as 'The Harbinger of destruction' some call it 'Chaos' and others simply claim it is an omen of all things to end. from what i understand, the more pain and despair around, the more it feeds off of it and the more it gains strength. it creates dark Lords and powerful villains. all of your most heinous people where created by this Black Death Bird. which, according to legend was born from a Golden Phoenix Egg that is blessed by a Unicorn and hatched under a Basilisk." he pulled a book out of his robes and opened it to a bookmarked page. "there is a Prophecy, look." Harry groaned, he HATED Prophecies.
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