Time Asunder (HP)- Lady/Moon

Brax’s eyes widened at that, “Bloody hell!We can do all the research we want!”Brax grinned ecstatic in the idea of being able to do whatever he wanted, and research what he wanted. Glancing at tom he smirked,”You were already scaring the firsties to death with your glare, now its going to be really bad.”He snickered before sighing softly. Looking startled at harry, he tilted his head.”Really?”He said looking thoughtful about the idea of pure of heart despite his moments of such extreme bloody moments. “Well…pure minds makes sense for tom. He’s never going to get laid. To bookish.”brax said sounding a little stunned though, not really insulting.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded as he looked at Tom who looked entirely too smug. "just think, you might even be able to freeze people like Dippet or the minister of magic with your glares now!" Tom laughed at that and nodded. "yes, really." Harry admitted with a smirk. "most people don't know this, but Unicorns will do anything to protect their Herd. their well known to trample any trespasser to death, gore them with their horns, even rip out chunks of flesh with their flat horsey teeth." harry chomped his teeth with a grin. "actually, i've seen it. Asthodiel, he's the Stallion in the Forbidden forest in my time. he led his heard in 'the Final Battle' they killed more death eaters than the wizards did." he admitted with a snicker. "they can kill Dementor's too, now THAT was cool to see!" Harry admitted with a nod as Tom rolled his eyes and glared at Brax. "i'll have you know i could get laid anytime i wanted to. i am the Prince of Slytherin after all. all i have to do is snap my fingers and a hot horny girl will be begging at my feet." "actually. in my time, you had a hot horny crazy rabid fangirl who was entirely obsessed. the rest where all men." Tom paused and then smirked at Brax. "i had your son AND your Grandson." "EEEEEEEW, Bad thoughts! bad thoughts! someone get a wand and Obliviate me! eeeew!"
“Well, good. I don’t feel quite as weirded out now.”Brax said relaxing a little, glad to hear about the idea of being a unicorn. Having felt weird with it until he’d heard the explanation. Smirking wider as he listened to tom he snorted, shaking his head a little.”I am the prince of slytherin, you pounce. I’m the one who WANTS to screw the girls. You want to screw rest of the guys.”He pointed out snickering before shaking his head before looking at harry, definitely still not thinking about being gay, though he wasn’t protesting nearly as loudly as he had been before.”I don’t think I’m going to take pity on him. Its his own fault for thinking bad thoughts.”he decided smirking.
Harry chuckled and nodded. "actually, a lot of people don't realize this, but if you kill a Foal, the Herd Stallion will hunt you down, no matter where you go, and kill you in revenge." Harry admitted with a nod. "and that includes pregnant females." he snorted at the bickering. "actually, I'M the Prince of slytherin because i keep you knucklheads in line and will fuck either girls or boys. so ha, i win." he stated with a sly grin. "it is NOT my fault! Tom is just gross!" Harry whined, sulking as he lay there, limp as a dead worm. "i'm tired... someone carry me to bed." he ordered, sulking at them. "tom broke my brain, so you have to take pity on me."
“No, you haven’t been born yet. So you cant be the prince of slytherin.”Brax reasoned before smirking as he looked at tom, then at harry.”Well, I must agree. I wouldn’t want to kiss him….maybe that’s why he’s the pure mind,eh?”He teased his friend, smiling to show he was just teasing before picking harry up and easily carrying him towards the bedrooms.”Does this mean you’re the damsel in distress, needing to be toted about?”
Harry snorted a little and shook his head a little. "well, we're all pretty popular, even amidst the other houses. perhaps we can ALL be the princes of Slytherin?" Harry teased with a grin. "granted. Riddle is really the 'True Heir' so he would be more like King of Slytherin. but whatever." Harry stated with a small chuckle. "i'm wondering when to let it out that i'm the Duke of Gryffindor." Harry mused. "or the Prince Peverell." "Peverell? as in... the children story?" "oh yes. my holding all three of the Deathly Hallows was the only reason why i survived being killed." Harry admitted simply. "that and that you turned me into a Horcrux by accident." Harry admitted, watching Tom pale. "i... i MADE one?" he asked in utter horror and Harry nodded. "seven actually. if you include me." "... i'm gonna be sick..." Tom muttered, feeling vaguely horrified. Harry yipped in surprise as he was picked up and then he smiled, snuggling into Brax. "mmm yep. i'm a princess." he mumbled. "anything so long as i get to be carried." Harry mumbled happily, all too content to just rest in Abraxas's arms.
“Well…that explains some things. Though I might need to reread the story.”Brax said thinking about it as he watched the two, wondering just what in the world they’d gotten into. Before smirking slightly, also sickened but glad for tom’s response, because it meant they might be able to save him yet. Smirking as he carried harry he laughed quietly.”Well, I’ll carry you for a bit then.”he said looking amused before they got to the bedroom and laying harry in the bed before sitting down next to him.
Harry smiled a little as he simply fell asleep in Brax's arms. while Harry had mostly recovered from his assault, it was clear that Brax was the person Harry trusted the most. he grumbled as he was set down, but he didn't wake up, too exaughsted after his fighting to do anything but sleep. Tom followed Brax up and sat next to the man, watching Harry sleep. "i'm worried about him..." Tom whispered. "i know he's alright with us... he trusts us but what happens when he has to go back to school?" Tom asked softly, glancing at Brax, looking increasingly worried. "he's not so much as recovering as he is repressing..."
Brax looked at tom, sighing softly before shrugging.”We’ll take care of him.”he said before grinning widely, shaking his head as he ran his fingers through his hair.”Oh yea. I forgot to tell you. We don’t have to go back. It’ll be fun.”He said pleased with the idea as he ran his fingers through his hair.
Tom blinked a little. "we don't have to go back?" he asked, looking amused. "well. i guess that's good for Harry at least. maybe we can advance in our studies even more now that we don't have to sit through boring classes... we're already at least a year ahead of everyone else." he stated with a roll of his eyes. "if not more..." he grumbled before watching Brax. "Brax?...we really do need to talk you know. i hate how much your hiding from everything right now. your going to have to come to terms with Harry being Sly eventually. your going to have to accept that Harry has very strong feelings for you." he stated simply. "Harry will understand if your not gay... but if you just push him away because you don't want to admit to anything... it could hurt him Brax... it could get him killed..." he looked at the other intensely. "i think that's why Harry was sent here... i think he tried to kill himself, and the other Phoenix stopped him."
“Nope. Dumbledore said we’re smart enough, and harry’s not stable enough, to go back.So we’re staying here.”he looked amused before frowning down at the blanket, his shoulders tense a little. Not saying anything for a few long moments before sighing quietly.”I’m not pushing anyone away. Why are you being so demanding?”He grumbled, not protesting not being gay, but not actually being welcoming either. The man was dealing with it all, and the palces in his head were some of the darkest ugliest parts of himself that he hid from everyone else, and only used to injure himself. If sidnoie hadn’t managed to kill him before he’d had a chance, brax probably would have been suicidal at one point in his life, because the man was mentally abusive to himself, beating himself up over things that he had no business beating himself up over.
Tom nodded at that before he gently took his best freinds hand, holding it the way he'd used to when he was a terrified eleven year old boy being bullied by the other slytherins. "i'm being demanding because i can see the look in your eyes Abraxas... you think i of all people wouldn't recognize depression and self loathing when i see it?" Tom asked, looking at his brother in all ways but blood. "you saved me from my depression and hatred. now it's my turn to save you. your my best freind Brax. your my brother. let me help you." he pleaded softly. "Brax... your destroying yourself here..." he whispered, looking just as worried about Brax as he was about harry. "Please Brax... stop pulling away... talk to me."
Brax sighed a little as he looked down at the man’s hand, absently rubbing his thumb over tom’s hand, looking thoughtful. Listening to the other he sighed quietly. “I…I don’t know what to do.”he muttered looking confused and so very lost. “I…I have no idea what to feel. Its weird…”
Tom blinked at Brax for a moment and then sighed. "Brax. it's normal to not known how you feel. it's normal to feel weird. you like Harry, a lot. anyone with eyes can see that." Tom admitted softly. "you just have to decide if your physically attracted to him, or if it's a brotherly love. you can't hide from it forever. yes you might be gay, but then again you might not be. you have to find out for yourself. and i know that's hard, i know that it's confusing, but you have to know that i'll help you. and if you'd let him, Harry would too." he promised the other. "Harry is a very good kid. if it turns out that you're not gay, then he won't try to seduce you anymore. you know that." Tom stated softly, blinking at Brax. "the real question is, i think, why you hate the idea of being gay so much."
Brax was quiet, nodding a little as he considered what the other was saying. Biting his lip as he tried to figure out what to say before staring at the blankets, he had a idea, but he so didn’t want to say what he was thinking out loud. He’d sound like a idiot if he did. And he was definitely not wanting to go there, though he was pretty sure if he didn’t, tom would consider beating it out of him.”I don’t know.”he muttered blantantly lying to his best friend. He sooo didn’t want to consider this.
Tom blinked at the other for a long moment and then. "now your just blatantly lying to me." he complained with a small smile. "but that's alright. when your ready to talk, i'll be ready to listen, ok?" he asked, his head tilted. "you know... i had a lot of trouble when i realized i was gay too." Tom admitted. "granted, in the muggle world, gay people are... well, their not accepted." he admitted. "so i had to deal with hating myself, as well as everyone else hating me." he admitted, glancing at Brax. "it wasn't until your dad gave me..." he shuddered. "the little wizards talk that i realized it was ok to be the way i am..." he paused. "it wasn't until he talked to me that i realized it was perfectly alright to fancy both girls, and boys... granted, there's not many now i'd actually like, but back then i was too horny to care..." he admitted with a snicker. "you remember right? after he talked to me i slept with almost half the castle!" Tom admitted with a big grin. "...and then it happened." Tom whispered in horror. "they started getting..." he shuddered. "EMOTIONAL!" he was trying to make Brax laugh of course. everyone knew how much Tom hated emotions. unless it was someone he cared about, he didn't give a damn if he hurt someone's feelings.
“Well, muggles were always idiots.They shouldn’t be allowed making the rules for anyone.”he said looking amused before glancing at the other, squirming a ltitle uncomfortable. Because he so didn’t want to consider that talk his father had with tom, because it made him realize that his father didn’t give a fuck, as long as his son was happy. And brax…well, poor brax was fretting over things. Smirking he laughed quietly.”Well, when you sleep with people, they usually do get emotional.Espicially girls.”
Tom shrugged a little. "and yet muggleborns are destroying everything we hold dear." Tom pointed out, shaking his head. "them and their stupid religion. what is it called, Christianity?" he asked with a dark scowl. "in any case. i thought your father was going to die laughing when i told him that girls where cute but boys where too and if i had to have sex with them,, how did i have to do it differently?" he snickered. "he turned as red as a Weasley!" he admitted with another snicker. "he actually had to go and call a freind of his... Osmodius or something, and make him talk to me about gay sex. which was even more awkward because Osmodius was goooorgious." Tom purred, looking delighted. "he never did respond to my pathetic attempts at flirting though..." he sighed and looked at his best freind. "men can be just as emotional actually. take that muggleborn i screwed a year ago. Tommy Tomphson. he's STILL trying to ask me on dates! the clingy little psycho stalker!"
“Yea, father was sputtering for a good month after that. He had no idea what to say. Definitely amusing ot watch mother trying to figure out what he was laughing at.”He said looking amused before sighing a little, running his fingers through his hair, wincing a little.”Just as well. Father would have been disturbed if you had sex with his friend.”He said before smirking slightly, “That’s true.Do I need to talk to him?”He said a slight frown on his face.
Tom chuckled a little and nodded. "i thought it was hilarious. the stoic, ever so in control Scorpius blushing every time he laid eyes on me." he snickered a little. "truly funny." he shrugged a little. "i was only fourteen at the time. do you think i cared?" he asked with a grin before he yanked Brax down and ran his hands along the others back, giving him a massage as he always did when the other got too stressed out. "no, you don't need to talk to him. he's not dangerous, just annoying." Tom admitted simply. "besides, he comes in handy, he does any errand i ask of him without complaint. he'll even skip his class to fetch something i've forgotten." he admitted with a grin. "and he would make a lovely follower." he admitted as he rubbed Abraxas's back. "now, do you feel better?" he asked his head tilted. "i don't need to... you know... explain how a guy and a guy does it do i?" he asked, smirking rather wickedly because he KNEW that would made Brax blush like a virgin schoolgirl.
“It was truly a sight.”He snorted looking amused before shrugging.”Probably not, but its probably a good thing nothing came of it. Father would have been so disturbed.”He muttered before sighing slightly, yelping as he was pulled down, but relaxed as tom rubbed his back.”Hmm,he does. Though I like my followers with a little more brains.”he said head resting on his arms, sighing quietly. “No!No!I don’t.”Brax flushed looking up at him startled and embarrassed.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "i suppose that's true." he mused, pondering that before shrugging and continuing the massage. "well, we need some followers with brains. but most of them are just going to be coat tails and live bait." he admitted simply. "that's the way things work.... i wonder if Harry would consent to being a follower?" he mused, his head tilted a little as he studied the sleeping boy. they had a spell on him so they'd know if he woke up, even if he didn't move. "are you sure? i can totally explain about lube, preparation, all the fun stuff! it's not like having sex with a woman you know. a lot tighter for one thing." Tom teased, the spell on Harry flashing, letting them know he was waking up. Tom froze as Harry grumbled, rolled onto his other side, and went back to sleep, Tom snickering. "well that would have been a fun conversation for him to wake up to, eh?"
"well, I'm sure I can convince him to follow me. I dont kmow if he'd follow you."brax said snickering as he ran his fingers through his hair looking amusd before freaked out a little."tom! Stop! For the love of merlin, stop!" brax whined pouting a little before nodding at tom's question" it would have been." he said looking relieved at the idea that harry was still sleeping
Tom snickered a little and shook his head. "no. i don't think Harry would ever be a follower. he doesn't have it in him to be that submissive... he'll be our partner. we could use a third mind for ideas and stuff." he mused, snickering at Brax's horror. "fine, fine... i'll get you a book." he teased, smirking. because he DID have a book. all about how to pleasure a male partner, how to tie yourself or your lover up, how to quell your gag reflex for deep throating. he'd give it to Brax later. he'd already memorized it... there was a reason why he was hailed the 'sex king' after all. and why most of the people he slept with didn't want to leave him be. "come on. let's go into the woods and practice our transformations." Tom ordered. "i really want to try turning something to stone! my pet." he glanced at Brax and smirked. "says that i should be able to turn the death glare on and off."
“Well, we could always use another partner in crime.”He agreed before whining quietly, “I don’t want a book!”He grumbled before sitting up quickly. “Yes, lets go.”he said already hopping up out of the seat and walking out with him,”You need to change a squirrel or something. You need a pet stone.”he mused looking amused.
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