THE BIONIC WOMAN MEETS THE MERCENARY (simpleroleplayer/Mercenary 1x1)

Jamie nodded, then snuggled into Jacques and kissed him. "When you're right, you're right. I do believe he has given you that authority. I'll probably be up first again...unless you have to be at your post sooner."
Next morning, Prez was their alarm clock, pounding on the door at seven. "awright, lovebirds, up and at it! Ms. Sommers, thirty minutes, my office. McCoy? Thirty minutes, your post!"
Jamie looked at Jacques with a priceless 'what the hell?!' expression.
Jacques shrugged. "Could've heard us?" he offered quietly for an explanation. He went to the bathroom for a shower, then came out five minutes later fully clothed and ready for duty. He still had 24 minutes left, and he'd leave ten to get to his post. That meant 14 minutes.
Jamie made a face. "From the other side of the Presidential Palace?"
She kissed him on the lips, before going to take her shower. It took her the remaining 14 minutes to be ready, she hooked her arm around his. "Since he knows, we don't have to worry about hiding this. Shall we go to our posts?"
"We don't have much of a choice." he replied with a smirk. They walked out the door, arm in arm. But they'd have to seperate, considering they were going to two different places.
When they seperated, at the place where Jacques had to head to the spot overlooking the gardens, Jamie continued her march into the office. "Prez..."
Prez waved her off with the 'later' move. "We will have the extra bed out of the room, today. Meantime, our captive gave us intel. Real intel. The remaining three generals that make up the General is comprised of one national and two foreignors."
For the first time ever, Jamie Sommers fainted.
Jacques heard a thump come from the room, but only paused shortly before continuing on his way. He reached his post and set up. Looking out for anything suspicious, of which there was nothing to report.
Prez applied the smelling salts himself. Jamie woke up to his concerned face. "two foreignors..." she whispered. "Did he say who?" she got to her feet with a little help from an aide.
"Just their nationalities. Jacques will want to keep an eye on the American and the Italian." Prez said helping Jamie to his chair so she could interface with the computer.
"Looks like Jacques was right about being suspicious of the female general then." With that comment, Jamie started typing on the keyboard. Prez could only say "possibly" softly as he watched from behind.
"Jacques just laid there, until he spotted that American women. One of the high ranking officers, the one he was suspicious of. He continued to watch her to see what she would do.
If Jacques was a professional lip reader, he'd be able to read the Italian's lips.
"All according to plan, Madame General."
The two saluted and continued on their rounds.
Jamie sighed, "Italian General? I don't remember seeing him."
"He's not part of my staff." Prez shrugged. He was here when I became President."
Jacques tried to read there lips, though he wasn't a master. "Al's affording a pan?@ he muttered to himself. "No, wait, that's not it. Oh, duh! All according to plan!" he told himself in an aha moment.
Jamie tapped a forefinger against her temple. "How much you wanna bet that one of the foreign generals is THE General?"
"Not a betting man, Ms. Sommers, but I wouldn't doubt it." Prez commented. "Wonder if Mr. McCcy has seen something." then to a trusted aide. "bring him." he ordered
Jacques was watching when a guard came and told him to return. With a nod, Jacques got up and went to Prez's office. "Yes?" he asked as he entered, standing infront of him.
"Have you noted anything suspicious in the last hour? The captured general didn't name any names, but said a national, Italian, and American are the remaining three generals in the assassination plot." Prez said calmly. He was now the one sitting with his chubby hands clasped together, fingers intertwined into a ball and sitting on the desk in front of him. He wasn't wearing a scowl, but he was not his jolly self either. Jamie stood to his right in bodyguard mode, bionic ear, and sharp eyes alert to the surroundings.
"Actually, yes. There was an Italian with the American general who looked pretty suspicious. I believe I caught one of them saying 'All according to plan'." Jacques told him.
"I want that Italian in front of me within the hour!" Prez roared slamming a fist on the table, his face was red, and he was hot. The only two not to jump at the pounding fist was Jamie and Jacques. Both of their seasoning taught them better. Suddenly, the aides were scrambling everywhere and running into each other like Keystone Kops. Jamie and Prez were too busy face-palming to see if Jacques face-palmed, too.
Jacques just sighed and shook his head. "Should I head back to my post now?" the mercenary asked, looking back at Prez as the aides ran around like chickens with their heads chopped off.
Prez sighed. "No, son. You see if you can bring me the Italian general." He winced as one hit the desk, and the head popped off and hit the wall near Jamie. "They're all robots?" Jamie groaned.
"And find my real staff, you two." Prez grumbled.
"I better stay... Looks like I'm the only one not fully automated. Oh, heavens, the 'plan'!"
"I believe you are right, Ms. Sommers. You are the only real one left. Besides McCoy, there."
Jamie knew the look all too well. She had worn it herself more times than she'd ever care to admit.
"Long story short? We were blindsided. The staff has been replaced by these automatons. The first order given against their programming, and we have chaos."
Prez nodded in agreement with Jamie. "You said yourself. One of the generals said 'All according to plan' to the other."
Noticing Jamie staring at a robot, Prez ordered, "No. Let them short-circuit on their own. These are the thumbprint of the mastermind."
Finally, after five minutes of chaos, the last one blew its last circuit, and slid down the far wall.
"Really, that was it? You'd think that they could have done better if they made a large amount of robots. Heck, they could have just used them to fight instead." Jacques pointed out. "But I do have orders to capture some traitors I believe, so I'll be leaving now." he said before leaving the room.
Jamie looked at the head from earlier. "Someone with serious understanding of robotics and anatomy, but knew nothing about adding counter-programming to have them attack you for asking them to bring in their maker."
"That's what caused them to short-circuit?" Prez asked as Jamie tossed him the head.
"That's about the size of it."
Meanwhile, the Italian seeing they were after him, called on a wrist radio "They are onto us!" and promptly took a suicide pill, while in a shed full of homemade toys.
Jacques eventually found his corpse, and returned to Prez's office to report it. "He's dead." Jacques said, entering the room. "I believe it was suicide." he added.
"Death instead of capture. Still want to lay your odds on the American and not the National? " Prez eyed Jamie with one eyebrow up. "That is typical for our country."
"Uhh... Well, I don't want to admit you're right, Prez..." Jamie said rubbing the back of her head.
Prez just gave her the look that said 'rii-ii-ight'.
"Bring in the American general." Prez said calmly, "Preferrably...alive."
"In short." Jamie said calmly, "Dont. Kill." She raised an eyebrow for emphesis. "Or let her kill herself."
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