THE BIONIC WOMAN MEETS THE MERCENARY (simpleroleplayer/Mercenary 1x1)

When Jacques got to the office, Prez was at his desk. "OSI has gotten their money, of which Ms. Sommers will get her fair cut, minus expenses SHE caused." Jacques would see a lady he had never seen before, a cute 20 something, with violet eyes that sparkled with her smile, and raven hair done in a ponytail. She wore a light blue dress that complemented her hispanic features. Her hourglass figure completed her look, 36D-24-36.
"And am I correct to assume that she has something to do with my bonus?" Jacques asked as he looked at the new women, also assuming that he was the one getting a bonus.
"You could say that." Prez smiled. "Three point five million dollars covers your seven days? Adoncia, take this and introduce yourself properly. Give him your full name."
Adoncia took the money order to Jacques, planted a kiss on his lips and said, "I am Automatic Doll of Naughty and Cute Indecent Acts. ADONCIA, for short. I'm fully aware and compatable." She smirked and grabbed his crotch, feeling for a bulge, every touch very human and pliable. "Comprende?"
"Now you have a constant companion and a reason to come home in one piece." Prez said as Adoncia played with the mask and rubbing against him.
"Best of all, I can't get pregnant," she aimed that at Jamie, though talking to the Mercenary.
That was a lot of money. This made Jacques smile. Then the woman, who wasn't actually a woman, came forward and grabbed him. Before he could react she kissed him. He looked at Prez and Jamie with a wary look. "A sexbot? Well, as long as she can cook decently." Jacques said. He didn't need anymore distractions than he had already let himself have. Though he found out it did relieve a lot of stress.
Adoncia giggled. "All you have to do, is tell me a list of your favorite dishes, and how you want your living quarters. They will be to your specifications. Umm, one thing though?" she pulled him close, whispered softly in his ears "I was made to be weapon illiterate. I can't clean those guns..." after pulling away she smiled at him, letting her eyes twinkle slightly.
"She can do anything a regular woman can...once she's taught." Prez explained. "Think of her like a very female version of Data from Next Gen."
"So, how do I get broke in? Housework or..." she gave a knowing smile and the look with a wink.
Jacques rolled his eyes. "Are you sure this isn't a waste, Prez? She, it, is pretty advanced tech." Jacques said, forcing himself to ignore her, no matter how much he wanted her.
"Yes she is, but not as advanced as you think." Prez thumbed toward Jamie. "That was a shot!" Jamie scowled before continuing. "Adoncia is based on the fembots I helped. Her advancements are probably five years ahead of time...if that." "As she told you, she can't get pregnant. She will mirror slightly the moods around her though.Think of it, Jamie. SHE doesn't go through the PMS bullshit." "DAMN! That was ANOTHER shot! This is what I get for being naughty?!" Jamie huffed, leaving. "Glad I don't get PMS, cause it sounds like you got it!" Adoncia huffed, glaring at the leaving heroine, whose parting shot was the finger in Adoncia's direction.
"I don't do girls...I'm not compatable."
"Fine, I'll take it. Or if I have to, her." Jacques said. "Does she actually think, or is she just a robot?" He asked.
Adoncia slapped the back of his head while wearing a scowl. "I also have feelings. Come, I'll help you pack. Do you wish to talk to the cyborg girl? Sommers?"
"As I said, Mr. McCoy. Exactly like Data." Prez said with an eyebrow raised.
"Are you sure this is a bonus?" Jacques asked, giving her a look. "I can do it myself. And I doubt Jamie wants to talk to me. This is the last time she'll probably ever see me, and I doubt she cares." He said.
"Yes, she's a bonus. " Prez laughed as Adoncia smiled.
"Mainly because I would keep your life from ever being boring again...or lonely. I'll be there to talk to anytime you need to talk...or vent. I can be understanding." Adoncia pulled gently on him. "So, let's pack, together. It'll be done quicker with an extra pair of hands."
Jamie sat on the bed, her suitcase packed. "Wonder what bonus I lost out on if Jacques got a fembot..." she sighed watching the door.
"Fine. Then let's go." He said before going to the room. When she was done, all he had left to do was pack to the guns. This wouldn't take too long, but it would take a couple of minutes. "So, you're basically like a person in a fake body?" he asked for confirmation as he pack up a rifle.
"Pretty much. At least, that IS the description to make the most sense. " Adoncia admitted.
Jamie just watched the two. Adoncia was a better packer than her! The suitcase had roomm to spare, thanks to Adoncia's logic chip.
Jamie looked at the two before commenting. "You do know your battery is only good for one century, right? You're pretty much forever, except that." Turning to Jacques, Jamie said calmly, "You got quite the bonus in her. Take care of her. I wouldn't mind working with you again." Jamie calmly left.
"Well, I know I won't be around that long." Jacques said. He turned to look at Jamie. "I'm not even sure if it's a bonus yet. She's a little feisty." he said to Jamie. Then she started to leave. "And hey, I wouldn't mind shooting someone at your side either." he added before she left. Then he turned to Adoncia. "Well, I'm all packed. We have about half an our before the plane arrives." Jacques said to her.
"half-hour, hmm? I guess that means how much woman I am... Fair enough, though I was really hoping my first time would be in America." Adoncia slid out of her dress, which was the only clothes on her. One look at her nude body would tell Jacques she had everything, one touch of her breasts would be the only thing needed to feel how skin like hers was, and how pillowy, yet firm, her Ds were. "Guess I get tried out here." She giggled, sitting on the bed.
"If you want to do it back home, I can easily do that. Then again, I don't live in that great of a place, so you might actually want to try here." Jacques told her. What was he doing?! He should be training right now! Ever since Jamie, he couldn't get the feeling out of his mind! But it was took late now, she was already naked and in bed. He might as well, it was what she was made fit after all. Jacques started to take he shirt off, revealing his muscled torso to her.
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