THE BIONIC WOMAN MEETS THE MERCENARY (simpleroleplayer/Mercenary 1x1)

"How much you being paid for this job, capitalist? Or maybe that cute cyborg's your payment, right? The US is paying you to protect him." the General spat, with an evil grin.
"Hey!" Jamie gasped insulted. "Waste her!" she growled.
"You do not wanna go there. Do you wanna join the General on the 'naughty list', Ms. Sommers. Let's let Jacques handle this, the truth is in there, the REAL reason she wants me specifically out of the way, trust me on this."
"The way this ends is I get the info we want. It doesn't matter what I do to get there, just that you need to be alive. I'll give you one last chance because I'm feeling patient today, but I'm not waiting any longer. So, what'll it be?" he asked her, right up to her face with his.
"Fine. He's Santa..."
"I knew it!" Jamie exclaimed triumphant.
"You dumb blonde twit! Not THAT Santa! I grew up in this country, and for the last 50 years, he gives gifts. Every Christmas he gave out everyone but ME!"
"All this over not getting toys? You have always been naughty. Your parents, along with all parents in this town, always gave me reports on how you behave. You never got one, because you never deserved it. I can't believe all these assassinationn attempts were over that. I'm disappointed; I expected political."
"Surprise." the General hissed.
"What?" Jacques said, completely thrown off. Was he having some sort of crazy dream, or of this was actually happening. This was the weirdest job he had ever had.
Prez shook his head. He was as shocked as Jacques, but unlike him, it came out in his voice. "What about the robots?"
"Another army brat, Hassad, made them. They were supposed to kill you. How they malfunctioned like that is a mystery."
"You never got a toy in those eight years because you gave army brat a whole new level of meaning. You never deserved one, as your own parents will attest!" Prez growled showing true anger for the first time. "Where is my staff?!"
"In your dungeon." the woman said calmly.
"You caused all this shit over nevergetting a stupid TOY?!" jamie hissed.
"The rest of my insurgents were also passed over."
"You are fucking CRAZY!" Jamie hissed again.
"Sir, permission to start beating the ever-loving shit out of this traitorous bastard?" he asked calmly, stepping back from the general, but still glaring at her.
"Permission...granted. Ms. Sommers, get my staff and go back over one of those robots... See what went right...for us." Prez sighed. "She's not just a traitor to two countries, but her own rank. How childish. Leave her alive so she can spend the rest of her life in prison." The two left Jacques alone with the wide-eyed gulping general.
Jacques smirked under his mask, and you could tell he was grinning. "Fir making me go through all this crap for something as stupid as that, I'm going to make, you, pay." he spat, angrily and somewhat contemptively. He rushed forward, slamming his fist into her gut. "I think I'm going to enjoy this." he muttered, mostly to himself.
While the traitor got a work over she wouldn't forget, Prez and Jamie freed her prisoners. Then Prez set Jamie in a workshop with some of the robots. Jamie meticulously went over every wire and microchip. There was something odd about the head, like something had been there that no longer was. Possibly, the kill chip had been removed but by whom? She reported to Prez who went to get Jacques from his fun.
Jacques slammed his foot into her, leaving yet another bruise. She was in very bad shape. Jacques was about to go fit another punch when he heard someone walking towards them. He turned around to see Prez. "I'm about halfway through." Jacques said to scare her even more.
Prez raised an eyebrow, looked her over, made a face and said, "I believe that will suffice, please come to the workshop. Guards, put her in the cell you two were in. It had the most rats, she should feel right at home."
As the guards carried her away, the woman yelled, "but he gets a present right?" causing Prez to groan and face palm.
"How did she get so bitter over no toy? What a waste..." he tsked as he led Jacques to the workshop. On the way, if Jacques had more questions, this would be the time to ask.
"No offense, but this is the stupidest thing I've ever done." Jacques told Prez as they walked out. "So, where are we going exactly?" he asked as they walked.
"I wouldn't have asked for America's best if I had known. I feel bad for wasting yours and OSI's times. We are going to one of my workshops to meet up with Ms. Sommers. She found something very interesting." Prez said as calmly as he could.
Jamie frowned as they entered the door. "Someone on our side tampered with these robots. They removed the kill chip from the head. I almost missed it, but Jacques, I bet you'll catch it quickly since you change microchips in your guns. I need your help." She tossed the head so Jacques could see what she was talking about.
He looked inside it through the bottom of the head. "Yep, she's definitely right. Now the question that was left is who?" he said, looking back up. "And also, what about the last general?" he asked, too.
"Hassad seems to have completely vanished. " Prez nodded.
"We can keep searching for him as we tackle this. Prez, whom of your, ahh, helpers, is a whiz in robotics?"
Prez's eyes narrowed. "None but me, but I didn't even know they WERE robots til they malfunctioned. I wanted to see how they worked is why I told you not to fry their circuits!"
Jacques just stood back and listened, not having anything to contribute to their conversation. He just listened for any info they might have missed.
Snow entered, having finally found the right workshop. She overheard the whiz in robots remark. While Prez and The Bionic Woman puzzled over the missing microchips, the four foot tall young woman blushed beet red, thought 'Shit! I thought I was doing a favor...' and slowly started to back out of the shop, hoping to continue to go unnoticed.
Jamie glanced up, but Prez looked directly at Snow. She was bright beet red from embarrassment which contrasted against her pale olive tones. "Something you want to tell?"
"She doesn't have to. She did it." Jamie removed her jeweler's glasses. "The head is riddled with scratches, caused by tweezers from someone who didn't know what they were doing."
"I'm nnaughty." Snow whimpered, "for the last four years, I've been giving your staff blowjobs. This time, they would shut off instead of being aroused, that's also where you plug 'em into the computer. So, I ran a test to see why they didn't have a normal response."
Jacques would now be the only one to keep Snow from bolting.
"What?" he said rhetorically, stepping infront of the exit. "This is so weird." Jacques muttered to himself.
Prez stood just a little taller than Snow. "I see. Well, you did keep me from being assassinated over the stupidest reason I have ever heard. Because of your naughty habit, no monetary bonus. However," he grinned and nudged Jacques before addressing Jamie. "How long will it take to get two of these working to go after Hassad?"
Jamie was oblivious as she was in the middle of re-wiring. "All night pretty much. At least now I know how to plug them in. Bet our female general was behind that."
Snow now got what was going on. Smiling, she looked up at Jacques. "My room okay?"
"Okay?" he responded wearily. He gave Prez a look of slight confusion. He had an idea of what was going on, though he tried not to think about it. If it was Prez's orders he would follow them.
"I don't think I need to make it an order...just going to request you have fun." Prez grinned and went to help Jamie.
Snow took his hand and led him to her room, which overlooked the stables of the horses and reindeer. "I never had intercourse, and at my size, not really sure if I can with someone over a foot taller. Being a dwarf sucks, sometimes." Snow sighed, but still smiling because she had gotten decent at oral sex. She began massaging his crotch as she unfastened his pants.
"Hey, whoa! Are you serious? What if I don't want to do this? It's not an order." Jacques told her. He should be on the last general's trail right now, not spending time with women. But ever since his time with Jamie, he wasn't as opposed to wasting his time on such things like he used to.
Snow looked disappointed, stopping momentarily. "He said they didn't know where he was. That's why those two are working to re-wire a couple of them. Kinda like using them for a homing device? Ms. Jamie did say all night and she had NO inkling to what Prez was up to. Relax...please?" Snow wanted oral, almost wishing intercourse could be possible. Maybe Jacques might be able to help her in one if not both.
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