THE BIONIC WOMAN MEETS THE MERCENARY (simpleroleplayer/Mercenary 1x1)

"Hey, he was dead before I got there." Jacques said defensively. He then left in search of his new target. Jacques went to the last place he had seen her earlier and looked around.
The American general was yelling at the female keeper of the Prez's reindeer, which the keeper was trying to feed some hay.
"Get off my case! I'm not military, nor am I interested in overthrowing the President! He is the first one to turn this country around, and you should be thankful he took you in!" the small young woman finally yelled in her native tongue.
"I said we could do better, wench!" the General growled back in the same dialect.
Jacques walked up behind the general, pistol in hand. He put his free hand on her shoulder to get her attention and got ready for a fight.
With someone touching her from behind, the General grabbed the wrist of the tapper with both hands, if he didn't brace he would be flying into the reindeer feed.
Wide-eyed the four foot keeper ran for the stall door to get in with one of the reindeer.
Jacques was thrown into the stall, but let her for a reason. He had left a present at her feet, an EMP grenade. Even if she wasn't a cyborg, it would act like a concussion grenade. And those weren't fun at all.
With the man sitting in the trough of feed in a stall, the General clapped her hands together as if brushing off dust. She saw the grenade too late, and only managed to say "Shit."
The blast scared the reindeer, but only enough to cause most to snort, and the closest to sneeze.
The General was on her knees, near the stall right across from him, shaking her head as if to clear cobwebs that won't go away.
"Shit..." she muttered, eyes clinched shut with hands on her temples. "Now I got a fuckin' migraine..."
Jacques pointed his pistol at her, bit didn't pull the trigger. "Are you her, The General?" he questioned her.
"Why would I admit to something like that? As you can plainly see, whoever the hell you are, I am A general." the woman growled, as she continued to clinch her throbbing head with both her hands. She thought about reaching for the pill, but only her eyes travelled to the pack on her belt loop. Would Jacques catch the movement of her eyes?
Jacques looked down at we're she was looking. "Are you going to do yourself in like your Italian friend?" he asked rhetorically, gun still aimed.
The General sighed; in one fluid motion her pack was off the belt loop and tossed toward Jacques. "Fine. You got me. Now just pull the damned trigger, and get it over with!"
Jamie looked to Prez who drummed his fingers on his desk. He took off his hat revealing the white curly head of hair. Jamie gasped, except for the lack of the beard...this guy was Santa
Prez looked up at her and her expression. "I really wish you would stop that infernal gasping. What's with you?!"
Jacques caught the pack and tossed it behind him. He put his gun away as he pulled a needle out. He quickly ran forward, stabbing at her neck with the needle.
"Really? You would have let me take the pill or shoot me in the head... I wouldn't have felt it. But what the hell ever." With that she bore her neck for the injection, while the reindeer keeper picked up the pouch, which had not come open. After the injection, the keeper said, "What about this, sir?"
Jamie made a few faces of bewilderment but was silent, causing Prez to raise an eyebrow. "Ms. Sommers, I am NOT a mind reader."
"Then how'd you know about...?" Jamie asked pointing to the door and herself, while blushing.
"That is MY secret." Prez smiled.
The reindeer keeper watched Jacques, to see what he would do to the now unconscious General. "Name's Snow, and I will follow you to Prez. I am finished feeding his pets anywho."
Jamie was beside herself. Not a mind reader but somehow knew she had been 'naughty' with Jacques? "Uh, Prez...?"
"By the way, Ms. Sommers, it was nice of you to help the fem-bots last year."
Jamie stood flabbbergasted. And would remain so until Jacques came in with the General.
"Well, time to get her to interrogation." Jacques said as he scooped the unconscious body up and headed back to Prez's office, expecting Snow to follow.
Jamie still had the look of being totally dumbfounded beyond belief when Jacques walked in.
Snow walked up to Prez, and put the pouch down and said, "All nine ate well. Rudolph's skittish after the woman over there got the business end of a concussion grenade, but he'll be okay."
Jamie crossed her eyes, staring at the bridge of her nose as she mouthed the reindeer's name as a question.
"who has a regular blackish brown nose, Ms. Sommers..." Prez was starting to get the hint, and would soon as this General mess was cleared up, would come clean with the two. "Thank you, Snow." Prez smiled to the small woman, who bowed and left.
"So, Prez, here she is. The traitor." he said, dumping her unconscious body on the floor. "What should I do with her?" he asked.
Prez scowled at the unconscious figure of the General. "Interrogation room, Ms. Sommers, tie her securely before applying the smelling salts."
As Jamie did as she was told, Prez turned to Jacques. "Are you aware of the good cop/bad cop routine? I hope so, because you will be the 'bad cop' to my 'good' one."
Shortly, they went to the room in question as the General was coming around. There, Prez approached her. "We want to ask you a few questions, which I suggest you answer truthfully, because my friend here? He hates liars." Prez said with a smile as he looked directly in her eyes.
Jacques put his dust in his hand, glaring at her, but staying quiet. He kept the constant glare unblinkingly, though.
"What do you want to know?" The General gulped, looking at the glare from Jacques; that creepy unblinking glare.
"Well, first of all, why do you want to be rid of me?" Prez questioned.
"America is run by consumer greed, and you are feeding the monster!"
Prez rolled his eyes, "I pull this country from the brink, and establish good relations, and I am feeding a monster?" He looked to Jacques for sense to the question, or the very least a growl.
"Doesn't make sense to me. But maybe I can make her talk sense." Jacques said threateningly, not averting his eyes from her.
Prez nodded, "Please do, Jacques." to the gulping General, Prez whispered, "guess we do things the hard way..." and stepped out of the way to give Jqcques the floor.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jamie gasped.
"'s a brilliant one." Prez crossed his arms.
Jacques nodded, and walked up to her. "So, what's it gonna be? The easy way, or my way?" he asked menacingly, cracking his knuckles as he walked up to her.
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