THE BIONIC WOMAN MEETS THE MERCENARY (simpleroleplayer/Mercenary 1x1)

Jacques sighed. "And you really want to do this?" he asked her. With another sigh, he realized he already knew the answer. "Fine." he finally said, starting to take off his pants.
Snow smiled, and began to take off her keepers uniform, which as customary, included a long skirt. Her body was obviously feminine despite her stature but everything was in the high 20s that should be mid 30s. She motioned for him to sit, but before he had completely, her jaw muscles and hands were at work on his hardening member.
Jacques looked down at her, letting her work her magic, though he could help but key put a sigh of pleasure. "S-so, did you want to go for the sex or n-not?" he asked as she sucked him.
Snow sighed as she stopped. "You're what about 10? If you don't think it'll hurt TOO much." It was obviously rhetorical, how much of that rod could she really take? She continued to pull with both hands, work her jaw muscles, bob, nod and flick it with her tongue while in her mouth. The Mercenary had just gotten used to Jamie, now a girl who gave blowjobs almost daily was working on him, and putting her all into it. Little playful growls and a lot of "mmm"s escaped from her almost consistantly.
"Well, you are pretty small. But we could still try." he's aid to her. Then she started again. She was good! "Wow, this might go faster than I thought." he muttered out.
Snow was excited for the first time. Some guy was going to chance it with her? Her mouth and hands got better at what she was doing. The 20 year old even closed the gap more, so the inevitable dribbling will be on her body. She tried but never was able to swallow it all, even though she pursed her lips so most would stay in. Not only did her lips purse, her jaws and hands work harder, and she moved to close the gap, but she bobbed faster. After finding metal dick, it was nice to have flesh again.
Jacques just let her do the work not wanting to go too far for her. He felt himself getting closer to his climaxing. She was really good!
Jacques didn't try to hold back, letting himself reach the climax faster. His cum was forced into her mouth, though it was probably a little too much for her.
Snow could swallow with the best, but this was overload. It ran out both corners of her mouth, onto her chin, and drip down the front of her. Although she had swallowed a good amount, she looked more like she had just received a facial... From the mouth down. "You know," she said standing, "you just may be too much man for me." It had been said with a blushing face and eyes looking down. A guard banged on the door saying, "Tell McCoy to go back to the workshop...the hounds are ready!"
The clock at that moment, struck 12 midnight.
"Well, maybe we could try it." then he heard the guard. "Some other time." he added as je redressed and headed for the door. "I mean, everyone's gotta try sometime." he said to her before he left. He went to the workshop and walked in.
"I wished Hassad had used his genius for good. I could have used this kind of technology on AI on my robot toys." Prez said calmlly as Jamie fiddled with a hand-held device. The two ex-aides stood at attention facing the door Jacques just came in.
"Okay boys, GPS homing device is a go. Jacques all you have to do is keep up. I personally say 'toast the slimeball' but Prez wants him to stand trial with his co-hort."
Jamie turned to the automatrons. "Get your maker, boys."
Jacques would have to run to keep up, as they shot out of the workshop like rockets.
Jacques nodded, and waited for the little bit before they left. He sprinted out the door, staying slightly behind them. This probably wouldn't take too long.
The robots were doing five easily as they made their way through the small streets of the town, to a run-down two story building. They promptly burst through the door, where a grandfatherly looking man was eating on the couch. "Two have returned? You were all to blow up the palace once you executed the President!" the man growled as he choked on a piece of meat.
"I wouldn't be worrying about them or the president right now, Hassad. I'd be worried about me, and you." Jacques said threateningly, walking in with a pistol in his hand.
Hassad pulled up an assault rifle and had hammer cocked, and ducked below the back. "My gun's bigger, and I have military experience." he snarled from his cover. "I won't go alive." to make his point, he blew the shit out of the robot nearest Jacques, and aimed the muzzle at him.
"Good. Then if your mind is made up, then that makes my day a while hell of a lot easier!" he shouted back, firing off acouole shots with his pistol while the other robot charged.
Hassad's eyes were still as alert as ever, he fired at the quick moving Mercenery, but hitting the wall just behind him every time, destroying a priceless vase. He didn't let the charging robot go unnoticed and couch stuffing was going everywhere as he went to the floor and unloaded in the robot, who in Jamie's voice yelled "Jacques! Evac! Now!" before it's circuits shut off. Jacques had exactly ten seconds to comply as Hassad tried to figure how a male robot got a female voice.
Jacques heard her and didn't hesitate. He threw a grenade in for good measure and bolted out the door.
Hassad headed for the kitchen away from the grenade, but it was too late for him to leave. Jacques got about 100 yards before the place lit up like a typical fourth of July in America's heartland, complete with a rocket that said "Love from the Bionic Woman, General!" seen all the way to the presidential palace, where Prez gave Jamie a scowl. "A bit overboard, don't you think?"
"He shot his own robot..." Jamie mused with a shrug.
Jacques ducked as the rocket struck, causing a loud boom and galling debri. Jacques got to his feet, turning around to see the wreckage. "What the hell was that?!" he spat into his radio as the dust began to clear and pebbles of concrete rained down like hail from the sky.
"There's kill...thenn there's OVERkill! You are officially on the 'naughty' list!" Prez hissed at Jamie. Unfortunately for her, she switched the radio on to reply to Jacques. So the Mercennary heard Prez's rant.
Jamie put the speaker to her mouth. "You got out which is good. Head back to base. Destroying both robots, Hassad trigged my failsafe, which, I take from the sounds of things, hit target? No other structures except collateral? Broken windows, chipped bricks? Over."
"From what I can see, yes. Over." Jacques said back into the radio, making himself ignore what Prez said. He was seriously working with Santa Claus. "So, are we done here? Over." he said.
"Yes, sir, Mr. McCoy. Come on back to the palace. Guess only one, the main one, will stannd trial." Prez had grabbed the microphone. "Time for you all to be paid." still glaring at Jamie, he added "one of you will still get a bonus..."
"Okay. I'll be back shortly. Over and out." Jacques said before turning his radio off. "Funally!" he muttered to himself as he made his way back. And since he had heard that Jamie was apparently 'on the naughty list', he was guessing he was also getting some bonus. Maybe this trip would be worth the while after all. He finally made it back and entered the building.
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