THE BIONIC WOMAN MEETS THE MERCENARY (simpleroleplayer/Mercenary 1x1)

"Prez," Vice said. "You just told both of them to stay in step."
"Your point being?" Prez asked, eyebrow raised. "With the threat, my head will stay between them, that is why they are bodyguarxds."
Vice nodded as Jamie cocked an ear. She had already put herself on high alert, looking at Jacques, she hoped he'd do the same.
Vice would have to open the doors, because the other service men did nothing but watch.
Jacqyes was already peering out the window, making sure there were no threats outside. Being the marksman that he was, Jacques had incredible eyesight. 20/20 vision, in fact. Though he'd never checked into the eye doctor with the name Jacques McCoy. Technically 'Thomas Smith' had 20/20 vision.
The trio stayed in step, though Jamie felt she was little more than a toy soldier, dressed in a three-piece knee length skirt suit. As Vice opened the door leading outside, he was struck in the ribs. With a resigned look he slumped. Jacques could handle Vice, as Jamie had calculated where the silent shot had come from. She quickly leapt up onto the three story building, going after the gunman.
Jacques saw the gunman as the door opened, but it was too late, vice was hit. Jacques fired three potshots before turning to tend to Vice, pulling out a first aid kit. He looked at the wound, and pulled out a pair of tweezers to pull the bullet out.
The gunman had already fled the scene. Normally, Jamie would have destroyed the gun or cause the computer in it to go haywire. This time she didn't, going after the gunman, leaping the distances between rooftops easier than he. Jamie took a leap, that brought her landing in front of him. "Who the hell are you?! WHAT the hell are you?!"
Jacques removed the bullet, and went on to stitching the wound shut. Vice started coughing up blood, and the other guards had taken Prez back inside.
Vice knew his time was up. Grabbing Jacques, weakly, by the collars, he whispered hoarsely, "Make damned sure I'm the only one to die today..." he released his grip, and was gone before hearing Jacques reply.
Meanwhile, Jamie lifted the hapless man up with her bionic arm. "Who am I? I'm your worst fucking nightmare!"
Jacques paused for a second, then nodded. He ran after the sniper, following his trail until he came to the building where they were. Unfortunately, he was at the bottom. Jacques ran to the stairs, much to the occupants of the buildings' surprise. He started climbing the stairwell, getting to the to quickly.
Jamie sneered as she held the man over the edge. "You shot the Vice President of your country. You better start talking before I decide to drop you. Five stories. You'll be street pizza."
"You crazy American bitch! I talk the General will kill me!"
"You don't talk, you'll go splat. Do you copy?!"
A good thing about a bionic arm, it won't get tired, but the sniper doesn't know that.
Jacques openness he door, gun raised, to see Jamie holding the sniper over the edge. He didn't say a word, just approached them, watching.
"Who is this General?"
"I-I can't..."
Jamie began to loosen her grip. Soon the only thing he'll have is his hands clinching said bionic arm. "Talk!"
"There is five of them! Five! Please...""What do they want?"
"To start a war with America!"
Jamie brought him back over to the roof and dropped him in front of Jacques. "cuff and stuff" she growled not meaning to lash out at Jacques.
Jacques just pulled out a pair of cuffs and hooked it around his arms. Then he hooked those cuffs with his iter handcuffs and cuffed him to a pole.
"The General is...are....FIVE?" Prez could scarse believe his ears. "War, yet."
"This is the Middle East," Jamie tried to work it out too.
"I have done much to wake up the economy... Vice dies for...for idiocy?" He aimed this question to Jacques, who had tried to save his second-in-command.
"He died protecting you. And if we can help it, he'll be the only one who does." Jacques responded, emotionlessly.
"I understand that. I do." Prez sighed sitting down. "I don't understand the why. You have more experience than OSI in this...that is why I asked you and not Ms. Sommers."
"I do?" Jacques asked. He was a 'means of an end' kind of guy. He had no problem with death, seeing it, or causing it. So he said the only thing that came to mind. "Sometimes there isn't an answer to the question why." He said to Prez.
Jamie shrugged. Jacques had hit the nail on the head. The General had also done his damage. He might have assassinated the wrong man, but he had stopped the Prez from the meet and greet.
"Jacques. We need to put our heads together. We not only need to keep Prez safe, but find these five...individuals...that make up the General. But fast."
"I don't know if I can help you in that aspect. Unless you have a decent amount of information I can use. I can also be an assassin instead of a guard.
Jamie sighed. "You heard the captured gunman. You have all the information I do at this stage."
"You know," Prez said thoughtfully, "You're my assassin. She finds 'em, they cause unnecessary threats to innocents, put 'em down. End of story." Prez was dead serious.
"Well, what say you to my statement? Basically, you moved from bodyguard to MY gunman. I must stay protected."
"Prez is right. As a crack-shot, you'll see things I don't. Bionic ear doesn't mean I can pinpoint direction unless I'm on the grid, so to speak." Jamie said. "and by the way, your rifle is jammed. Sounds like a computer chip."
"Then it's settled." Jacques said. He turned to Jamie. "Then I should probably go fix it." He said to her. He turned back to Prez. "It's in my room, may I leave to fix it?" Jacques asked. Prez nodded a yes and Jacques nodded back, walking out the door and towards his room.
Jamie crossed her arms and stood on Prez's left. "I'll be here, when you get back."
Prez cleared his throat and pointed to his right. "You are now senior bodyguard. Get on my right."
Obediently, Jamie positioned herself correctly, as Prez assigned a new left flank bodyguard.
"Where else would you be?" he asked rhetorically as he left. He went to his room and pulled out his rifle, taking it apart. He started to search it for the cause of the jam, checking the chip
"How long will it take him?" Prez asked calmly, as the new bodyguard took his place on the left.
"Depends on the chip, and where the bug is. I didn't have time to tell him when he fired there was something jamming it. I can jam a gun easily if it's computerized, but Jacques on our side, so I listened to his gun's mechanism. The problem probably is as simple as accuracy." Jamie then thought to herself...which is one thing he's going to desperately need.
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