THE BIONIC WOMAN MEETS THE MERCENARY (simpleroleplayer/Mercenary 1x1)

Jacques moaned in pleasure as he was pumping her hard and fast. Very fast. He kept on going, even harder and faster. He closed his eyes in ecstasy as he slammed into her.
Jamie leaned back, arched her back and continued to 'help' Jacques. "Ohh, mmm! That's nice..." she held off, hoping they could orgasm together, for maximum pleasure.
Jacques went at a fast pace for quiet awhile, his stamina keeping up with how much energy he was using to plunge his cock into Jamie. He was smiling under his mask as he fucked her.
"mmm, c'mon Jacques...oh cum in me please..." Jamie moaned, beads of sweat appearing on her forehead as she looked at herself gripping the bars, as she pressured him to unload in her with her hip motions. She let out a whine, desperately trying to hold off until he...went off.
"In you?" he asked, making sure he had heard right. He trusted even harder into her, with am even higher speed as he felt the familiar feeling of his climax getting closer.
Jamie had tried. When she was having sex like she liked, and she was getting that now, she came within 10 minutes. Her legs strained, pulling against the cuffs and the bars at the foot of the bed. "FUUUUUUCK!" she moaned in ecstasy as she came, and pulled the bars out of the bed, still attached to the cuffs!
Jacques arched his because and pushed in all the way, and he came right after her, his cock squeezing out the warm white sperm into her Vagina as her juices where sprayed onto his dick. He started to breath heavily, standing there.
Jamie was breathing hard, but not out of breath. She grinned as she said, "That was the best fuck in a long time!" She then look at the damage. "Oscar's going to take the bed out of my cut. Good news? Your cuffs held. Now, aren't you glad I suggested that?" Jamie pointed to the damage. "Now take those damned things off my ankles. Let's get some sleep."
"Maybe I should ask him to take it out of mine." Jacques offered as he unlocked the cuffs and caught the bed piece as it fell. He put the cuffs with his gear and laid the broken board down next to the bed. He started putting some of his clothes back on.
"You likely have to pay your own way. I cant do that. I can't ask you to, either. So, I'm working for free one day or two. As long as OSI gets the money?" She fluffed the pillow, and went to sleep without covering up. Why bother? Jacques not only saw her naked...he had her.
"If you say so." Jacques said. He walked over to the wall, and turned the light off. Then he walked back into his bed. He was wearing his pants and his mask. "G'night." he muttered before drifting off to sleep.
The next morning, Jamie was up first, had another quick shower and looked at Jacques. She almost wanted to give him one hellova wake-up call by sucking him off, but thought better of it, and quickly got dressed. Maybe he'd allow her the pleasure of oral every night? Right now, however, her thoughts focused on the job at hand. Protect Prez.
Jacques woke up, seeing Jamie looking down at him. "Oh, hey." he said with a yawn. Memories of last night started popping into his his. Did that really happen?! Well, he had no time for that now, he needed to get ready. Jacques got up and out of his bed, and looked over to Jamie. "What time is it? He asked as he walked towards the shower with his clothes in his arm.
"Well, at least that gives me about tweety extra minutes to do whatever." Jacques said before entering the shower.
"Twenty? Really?" Jamie smirked. She might just suck him off before their job anyway. He was sure to have built back up over night. She quickly snatched his pants from his bundle, gave him a playful wink, and said, "Now or after?" She was thinking just her giving him oral, nothing else.
So they did actually do it last night. It wasn't just some crazy dream. "Of I have time after I check my gear." Jacques told her. As much as he wanted to, he wasn't about to guard an endangered man in a hostile country with faulty equipment.
"Tonight...or rather is!" Jamie laughed, throwing him his pants so he could get ready. That would probably take it right to the time they went to meet up with Prez.
Jacques finished getting ready with fiver mites to spare. "Well, I guess we should get going, huh?" Jacques said as he opened the door.
"Yes. Thank you." Jamie nodded taking the opened door as him being gentlemanly. "Did you notice, Prez resembles our rendition of Santa Claus? And by our, I mean the US as a whole?" Jamie headed straight for the office, one step behind Jacques.
"I guess. I don't see how it matters." Jacques said to her as he followed her out the door. It wasn't far to Prez's office, and they would be there in about a minute. Jacques couldn't keep his mind off of last night.
Prez gave them a warm smile as Vice looked rather disgusted with the whole outsiders protecting the President thing. He wore no expression but his body language spoke volumes. Prez explained in detail, the day's activities. In contrast, Prez was jolly and easy-going. He wasn`t open about everything, in fact it was 'need to know'. It was his demeanor though, that won the hearts of America.
"Shall we be on our way? The meet and greet at 930?" Vice asked stiffly.
"You need tlo be less like Mr. Spock, and more like Dr. Spock!" Prez said with a wry grin. "Jacqques, you on my right. Jamie you on my left. Permission granted to stay in step, but not to be in front. Understood?"
Jamie nodded, no being the dutiful bodyguard and getting the door. Too bad.
Jacques acknowledged Prez with a knox of confirmation, but didn't say a word. He waited for them to leave.
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