THE BIONIC WOMAN MEETS THE MERCENARY (simpleroleplayer/Mercenary 1x1)

Jacques took the chip out and took a look at it. He threw it out and grabbed a new one from his bag, replacing it like a professional gunsmith. Then he put the gun back together and put it back into the bag.
Prez checked his watch, then his schedule. "Speech in thirty from this floors balcony. The media has broadcast where and when. I cannot let the people down on this since it's on foreign relations."
Jamie went to the window and looked out. A good sized crowd was already gathering, but her sight wasn't like a hawk's. Trouble could come from anywhere from the General.
"Done." Jacques said, walking back in. He saw the crowd outside the window. "What's going on?" He asked, looking at the roofs of nearby buildings.
"Prez is going through with his planned economic speech." Jamie answered calmly, looking to the bag and doing her computer diagnostics. "Good, you did find it. Let's just hope you don't need it. Was it in the firing or accuracy? My guess is still accuracy, but it sounded off when you fired it."
Prez pointed up to the roof. "Tell us later, marksman. I need you on the roof to cover us. Just in case."
Jacques was about to talk when he heard Prez. He nodded and left again, heading up the stairs. He quickly made it to the roof and pulled out his rifle. He set up at the edge of the roof, searching the other good sniping positions he could find, checking for any possible threats. He also occasionally checked the crowd, just in case.
Jamie and the newer guard stood on each side as the Prez presented his speech. Soon, Jamie noticed the other guard figit like his feet hurt. Obviously not military or bionic. An hour into the speech, her bionic ear heard the sound of a hammer cock. She looked quickly in every direction, hoping Jacques had whoever in his sights.
A shot went of from the roof, hitting its mark in a nearby seemingly abandoned building. But no one heard it, as Jacques had a silencer. What they did hear was Prez continuing his speech.
The other guard was never so glad to hear a speech over. The people cheered as the two hour speech concluded, obviously glad they had the right man in office. Prez stood there waving as another gun cocked. "Don't move a muscle cyborg." Jamie heard in broken English. Prez turned around to see one of his main generals holding a gun on Jamie.
Jacques didn't know what was happening. He was on the roof and didn't see what was happening in the balcony. However, with his job done, Hacques started walking back down, not knowing iff the danger his contractor, and partner, were in.
Prez looked at the other man, not knowing Jamie had used her cybernetics to jam the computerized firing mechanism. "Why?"
"America is using us, seeing if we are weak. I will send them a message. Their precious cyborg here in pieces, and you with them. Dead of course. Then I will be President, and we will prepare for war!"
"That you start." Jamie growled.
The man soon learned, when the gun backfired, taking off his hand, he'd crossed the wrong person. He was immediately taken alive to answer a whole hoarde of questions.
Jacques was walking down the hallway when he saw I man, who's hand was obviously gone. "-The fuck?" he muttered under his breath as he passed them. Jacques entered the room, still a little confused.
"We had a close one..." Jamie said as Jacques entered.
"One of my own aides though. That general was one of my highest officials." Prez shook his head.
Jamie saw Jacques finally and asked, "I heard a gun cock but couldn't find out where it was coming from. Did you spot anything?"
"Yes. Spotted and shot." Jacques replied. He then turned to Prez. "Do you think he could have been one of 'The General'?" Jacques asked him. "And how long have you known him? Did you trust him from the beginning?" He questioned.
"I don't know on the former, but as to the latter? I knew and trusted him for a long time. We fought the Iraqis together with American forces in Kawait."
"That was '92?" Jamie looked unsure.
"Just know it was twenty years ago." Prez shrugged. Dates weren't important right at the present.
"Then we can't trust anyone." Jacques said. "I suggest you keep a close eye on all of your 'trusted' men." he added. Jacques didn't like surprises. Hated them, in fact.
Prez tapped a fat forefinger to his jaw. "Most assurdly," he commented. "Ms. Sommers, you now have access to the computer to up-link, or whatever the hell YOU do to talk to a computer."
Turning to Jacques, he said, "As my sharp-shooter, I need you to make a continual sweep of the perimeter." Prez pointed to the computer at his desk, and the door leading tol the grounds and garden. "You have your new assignments."
Jamie immediately started for the computer while still being bodyguard.
Jacques nodded and headed to his position, not knowing how long he'd be there. That's another thing the mercenary hated, lack of knowledge.
Jamie interfaced with the computer getting information from all the President's top officials. One stood out like a sore thumb. She called his attention to it immediately, an ex-American female general who defected to his country ten years prior.
Jacques saw nothing suspicious from his view, but hadn't been released so he stayed there, keeping well aware of his surroundings. He was at a higher point, viewing below him. There was a garden filled with some trees and a couple guards, along with various plant life. Then there was a women walking around. She seemed important, just by looking at her, like she was a higher rank. Jacques kept his eye on her for a little longer. It was boring, but he was patient. It wasn't like it was anything he hadn't done before. Though usually it was to find a target instead of protect one.
"Who is she, though, Prez?" Jamie asked. "That was covered up so quickly, it was almost like she didn't exist. I doubt Jasmine is her real first name."
Prez shook his head. "When she defected, she was very anti-American, which is ironic to say the least. I think I might have changed her mind, as I had just become President when she planted roots. Why?"
Jamie tapped the glass computer screen of Jasmine's photo. "She is a major suspect then. MaybeTHE General over the others."
Prez ordered Jacques be brought in immediately to be told this revelation.
A guard came over to Jacques, taking him back to the room. Prez explained the new information, and Jacques was showed the picture. "I actually just saw her in the gardens, though she wasn't doing anything. Nothing suspicious either." Jacques told them.
Jamie raised an eyebrow. "It would fit with the little bit of 'the General' that we know. There's five of them...four now."
Another guard whispered something to Prez, who nodded. "Three. The man in the abandoned building was a high ranking generall...but not one of my aides."
"The pieces fit, Jacques, keep an eye on her and let us know if she does something suspicious."
"Put her down if it's life threatening obvious what's she's up to. Hopefully, we take her alive." Prez said sternly.
"Will do." Jacques said with a nod. He walked to the doorway, then turned around. "Anything else?" he asked before leaving.
"Yes," Prez said tongue-in-cheek, with a grin a mile wide. "You and Ms. Sommers enjoy the sunset." he pointed to the gardens again. "That is an order, Ms. Sommers." he said as Jamie gave him a puzzled look.
"Of course it is," Jamie sighed, taking Jacques arm.
Jacques was taken completely by surprise. "Wha-" he was about to ask for clarification, but then Jamie took him away. "Well, I guess this is happening now. But orders are orders." Jacques said, looking at her.
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