THE BIONIC WOMAN MEETS THE MERCENARY (simpleroleplayer/Mercenary 1x1)

Jacques sighed and rolled his eyes. He even almost face-palmed. "Does the room at least have to beds?" Jacques asked, already unhappy about the whole thing. The last thing he needed was a stranger in his room while he slept.
"Two fulls sir. Once we knew the bodyguards were the opposite sex, we had another bed put in." Prez said.
"Look, Jacques. I know what has my panties in a bunch...but seriously? What's got YOUR pants in a bunch?!" Jamie shot aggravated.
"American lingo," the Prez chuckled. "gotta love it!"
"I've got my reasons. I'm not exactly used to working with partners. Or anyone, for that matter. Especially not strangers in the same room with me!" Jacques told her, refraining from going any further. He wasn't telling her, why would he? He'd never told anyone else.
"You think I am? I have super-strength in one arm, and can run eighty!" Jamie watched the Vice stir after the wine was applied. "So, Prez, so I can change from this robe to my three-piece?"
"Oh, right. Guard! Show the Bionic Woman where her room is."
Jamie gave Jacques one last glare as she went to change.
Jacques glared back at Jamie with the same distaste. "I can already tell this is going badly. How much are you paying me again?" Jacques asked Vice. He was debating whether the money was worth staying or not, which he had already made up in his mind that it probably was.
"Nope. Not any that I care to voice anymore." Jacques said. "So I assume I just follow them to the room?" Jacques asked, referring to Jamie and the guard. "That is, if I have permission to leave?" he asked before leaving through the door. Vice nodded and Jacques left, following Jamie.
"Rest of the day should be relatively calm, now." the Prez said, getting back behind his desk.
Meanwhile, Jamie was in the bathroom of the room they shared. The room itself resembled a posh hotel room with expensive furniture. Jamie had took notice they were on the third floor of five, before she went to shower and put on her three-piece skirt suit, which she left laying on the far bed, nearest the window.
Jacques walked in quietly, looking around. Damn. he thought. This was way better then where he usually slept, which was on an old mattress in an abandoned warehouse back in New York. He noticed that someone was in the shower, and that there where clothes on the bed. Did she seriously leave her clothes out in a two person room? Well, that was her fault and problem.
"Not amused." she growled pushing by him, and going to her bed. "Bad enough, I have to have a partner, I have to have one with his shorts in a bunch. Will you please go to the bathroom and let me dress?"
"I don't see why you care.." Jacques said nonchalantly. He had missed a lot of socializing, and barely knew anything of people's privacy, thoug he had learned some. Right now, he was mostly messing with her. Maybe he could test her as well, just to see if she was as good as they said...
"Do you REALLY want to push that button?!" Jamie had gotten up and got in his face while still holding her towel to cover herself. "Because I can make damned sure you can't have kids with one kick." Her hot angry breath right in his face. "Crystal?"
Jacques then sprung into action, pulling handcuffs out from behind him. He clasped one end around her human wrist and clasped the other end to the bed. "Clear as spring water." He said to her afterward, a smug look on his face that you could see through his mask.
Jamie was surprised by this. Luckily it was her bionic one holding onto the towel. She nodded, jerking on it to no avail. "Ok. You made your point. I suppose you decide you'd rather fuck me than fuck me up." Jamie let go of the towel, and it fell to the floor. "And you want to find out what's flesh. Well, go ahead. Touch me."
"Woah, that's a little far, don't you think?" he asked. Well, she said it, she must want it. "But if the lady insists." Jacques said, reaching out and caressing her breast as he knelt down by her. "Feels nice. Real?" he asked, thinking they where.
Jamie smiled and nodded. "Yes, very. All 36D of them. Hips are real, too. Just my legs are bionic." Jamie took a good look at him now and licked her lips. "You want this...'cyborg'?" she asked teasingly.
Jacques quickly thought it over in his mind quickly. Sure, why the hell not? "Sure. You want me to get that cuff off of you?" he asked, still squeezing her rather large breast.
"If you want to enjoy would be better off tying down my legs and arm somehow. Unless you WANT to get hurt. You're no Steve Austin." She playfully threw him a kiss before adding, "yes, get this cuff off."
Jacques thought the kiss through the mask was awkward, but he wasn't taking it off. "I think I'll handle myself." Jacques told her. He pulled out a key and unlocked her. "So now we have fun?" he asked her jokingly.
" problem." she said as a flirt and winked as she moved her clothes off her bed. "I'm already naked, you're not. Lose the clothes." She laid the outfit on a nearby chair, then sat on the bed towatch the show.
Jacques took off his gear with his shirt first, revealing his muscled torso adorned with a couple of scars. Then he took off his shoes and socks, and then his pants. His legs where also muscular, and had a few scars. He now only had his Mask and underwear on, and the underwear had become a tent.
Jamie snickered. She had that effect on most men. "The tent too. After've seen mine. I like what I see, I'll give you a blowjob you wont forget...well, I've been told that after." she admitted the last phrase with a blush. "Except for the scars, you are quite attractive." she said feeling herself get wet.
"Huh, never heard that before." Jacques said with a smirk. He pulled off his underwear off and tossed it to the side, revealing a decently sized and hard cock. He smirked under his mask.
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