All That Remains... (Alexander May & MiseryChord)

Kallie put them in her pack, moving back to the fire. She stared into it. "I never knew they would do...that." She whispered softly.
Kallie leaned into John's side, snuggling up with him. She sighed softly, closing her tired eyes.
He looked at her as he kissed her forehead gently, holding her close against him in his arms. He had to protect her...he couldn't lose her. Not now.
She looked up at him. "When I saw the Seekers I thought only of you. Nothing else, not even my own safety. I did not care if they got me as long as I didn' have to live without you."
Kallie kissed him back, smiling. "Funny. As of this morning I was the bitch you hated." She giggled, nipping his lip.
He smiled laughing and groaning out softly as she kissed his neck. "It is amazing how we went from hating each other to this..." He slid hands to rub her neck gently.
"I don't think I ever really hated you. But I have realized that I have strong feelings for you." She whispered, looking deep into his eyes.
He held her in his arms, smiling. "I know I never hated you...not really...if I had.....I would've left you for the seekers and used you as a distraction to get away." The first time they'd met, she'd been running from some seekers, and she'd tripped and fallen down a hill, spraining her ankle. When he'd stepped up to her, she'd first been terrified that he was a seeker. He'd saved her and together they'd escaped. "I've always had a feelings for you....but now....I realize just how deep they are." He kissed her gently as he said that.
Kallie smiled against his lips, kissing him deeply before pulling back for a short moment. "Why do you thing I changed clothes around you whenever I could." She murmured, continuing the kiss.
He breathed out as he pulling her tight against him. "I just thought you were an exhibitionist." He murmured into her mouth before kissing her deeply and passionately.
She giggled again. "Hmm that too." Her fingers threaded themselves into his hair, tugging gently as he ravished her mouth. She wrapped herself around him, moaning softly into his mouth.
He grinned as he deepened the kiss between them, pushing her so that her back was pressed against the floor beneath him. "I got lucky when I found you..."
"Hmm yeah you sure did." She smirked, nibbling his lip and sliding her hands beneath his shirt. Her palms smoothed over hot flesh and hard, flexing muscle, nails gently biting in.
He kissed her as he slipped his hands around her waist, sliding them inside her shirt and up along her back, holding her tight against him as he groaned into her mouth breathing hard. "Hmm...we should stop here if we're going to..." Even as he said it, he broke away to pull her shirt up and over her head before kissing her once more.
She shivered under his touch, face flushed as she looked up at him. "Do you want to stop?" She asked breathlessly. She wriggled to help him work her shirt off.
"No..." He murmured out softly as he pulled off his shirt, tossing it aside before kissing her, holding her pressed tight against him. "I definitely don't....but I was making sure you didn't want to."
Kallie groaned softly when his bare chest pressed against hers. "Mm hell no baby." She whispered. Her hands went to his pants, sliding into his waistband. Her fingers played over his hipbones softly.
He groaned into her mouth as he held her pressed tight against him, his hands sliding into her pants and teasing her beautiful pussy. "Good...because I'm to hard to stop now anyway."
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