All That Remains... (Alexander May & MiseryChord)

John shook his head. "No Kallie I'll be fine." John hadn't said anything about it, but he'd noticed how he'd started to have less work ever since Kallie's pregnancy was confirmed. He'd just assumed it was so that he could be there for her. "Just relax."

Ian shook his head as he looked down the tunnel himself. "No....what about Melanie? She find anything? We're limited on what we can do." He blamed himself.
She sighed but nodded, curling into his arms and rested her head against his chest. Her hands rested on her belly, stroking absently in habit. "I'm sorry for everything." She whispered.

Wanda sighed. "They can't find anything. But they're still looking for anything we can use." She kissed his shoulder. From the look on his face, she knew that he blamed himself for letting Kallie run off. "It's not your fault." She whispered.
John shook his head as he held her and continued forward, kissing her forehead gently. "It's not your fault.....and I'll keep you safe. Both of you."

Ian said nothing, he simply turned away as he continued to search, before he spoke very softly. "It is."
Wanda frowned sadly at the tone in her lover's voice. It sounded avsolutely hopless and guilty. She stepped up to him and kissed his forehead. "Do not blame yourself. They will return to us soon. I can feel it." She whispered, rubbing over his chest and shoulders.
For a while they simply continued before he narrowed his eyes at something, speaking softly. " that a light?" It was one of the flashlights.

Ian looked down at her before he answered. "I hope you're right...."
Kallie sat up groggily, blinking. "I-I think so!" She gasped. "Hey! Is anybody down here?!?" She called, her voice hopeful.
John sighed as he leaned against the wall. "I hope so....I just...can't keep walking anymore." He slid down to the ground as he held Kallie in his eyes.

Jared frowned, glancing down the tunnel. "Hey guys! I think I found something!" The others would be able to hear him, as well as whoever it was that he thought he saw.
Kallie grew panicked as John collapsed. "John! Help! Can anybody hear me?!" She screamed.

Wanda perked up, hope growing in her chest. "What is it Jared?!?"
Everyone heard as Kallie's panicked voice echoed up the tunnel. "That's what." Ian frowned.

"Sounds like something wrong...come on Jared!" He started to walk down the tunnel then, not waiting to see if Jared was following.
Kallie looked up as she heard their approach. The bright beams of the flashlights stung her eyes. "Ian! John collapsed! He wore himself down carrying me." She told them, speaking quickly as she kept her focus on John.
Ian and Jared examined John before Jared turned to face Wanda. "Do you think you'll be able to help Kallie back to the caves? I think we'll both need to carry John."
Wanda nodded. "Yes i can get her back." She wrapped her small arms around the bigger woman and tried pulling her towards the caves but Kallie fought against her. "No! I'm not leaving him!" She finally tore away from Wanda and ran back to John's side. "He never left me and I'm not leaving him." She whispered, stroking his dirty face.
Jared frowned, before Ian moved to talk to Kallie. "Kallie he would want you to get back as fast as you could, and it could end up taking us a little bit to carry him back." He was right of course. John would want her to head back, to make sure she and the baby were alright. Jared leaned down to examine John once more, before he stood up and spoke.

"He's right. And I might not be a doctor, but he's fine. Just a little tired from walking so long."
Finally Kallie nodded, knowing they were right. She agreed to follow Wanda up out of the tunnels. Once back in familiar territory she was covered with a thick blanket and swept up in Kyle's arms as he hurried her off to Doc.
Ten or twenty minutes after Kallie, John was brought in as well. Jared's assesment had been correct, and when Doc had finished his examination he stated that John was fine, but he just needed some rest.

He smiled as he finished his examination with Kallie. "You and the baby are fine, and John will be up after he's had a little bit of rest."
She nodded miserably. "Okay Doc. Thanks." Moving off the table she sat down beside the bed John was in. Wanda came over and wrapped a blanket around her. "Call if you need one of us." She gave her a smile and nodded, turning her attention to John.
To no major surprise about fifteen or twenty minutes after she'd been sitting there, she couldn't be sure how long, John shifted slightly. His eyes blinked open as he stretched and looked around, smiling as he saw Kallie. "Hey....are you okay?"
She gave him a watery, sort of weak smile. "We're fine." Was her soft reply as she rubbed over the small bump. "Just a little scraped up and dusty."
John smiled as he looked at her, coughing slightly before he spoke again. "Good." He didn't care if he himself was hurt, which he obviously wasn't, as long as she and the baby was safe.
She smiled as she leaned over and kissed his forehead tenderly. "You scared me to death back there." She whispered, brushing his shaggy hair back from his forehead.
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