All That Remains... (Alexander May & MiseryChord)

Kallie grinned. "Well I'm gonna go see Doc. He's gonna try and see if he can get a heartbeat today." She grinned. "But I doubt you wanna witness something that important."
She grinned, grabbing his hand and leading him to the medical ward. Doc was already set up with a privacy screen and all since he wanted to do a full exam to the best of his abilities. "Ah! My new parents. I can honestly say I am very excited about this." He grinned, helping Kallie onto the table and lay her back. Grabbing a funny looking bell-shaped stethescope, he placed it over.the small bulge protruding from her abdomen. A smile crossed his face. "Ah! There we go. Perfectly healthy and loud. Would you like to listen?" He asked, counting the fast lub-dub's of the baby's heart.
"Yes I would actually." John smiled at Kallie as he held her hand, Doc getting him set up with the stethoscope. He smiled as he heard their child's heartbeat. "It's amazing...."
Kallie smiled, a few tears pricking at her eyes as she watched John's entire face light up. The stethescope was too short for her to be able to listen but she was fine with just knowing their baby was healthy. "Well, I must complete my exam. Are you going to stay?" Doc asked, looking at John as he donned some gloves. "It may be a little strange for you."
He looked at Kallie before he looked back at Doc, answering him. "Yea. I'll stay. Always and forever." He gently squeezed Kallie's hand as he said that, looking at her with a smile, his eyes meeting hers.
Doc nodded, beginning to examine Kallie. He poked and prodded all over and she would squeeze John's hand when it would become uncomfortable. Soon, thankfully, Doc finished up. "Everything looks just fine sweetheart. I see no problems but we should check at least every other week since I don't have an ultrasound machine." Kallie nodded, redressing. "Thanks Doc." She took John's hand, leading him out of the med ward. "So Jeb found a bigger room for us. For when the baby is born."
John stayed with Kallie the whole time, smiling reassuringly each time she squeezed his hand. When they left he followed after her, listening to what she had to say. "Really? That's good. We'll need it."
She smiled. "Yeah it's bigger and get's alot more sunlight. Only downside is it's kinda away from all of the others in a seperate tunnel."
"Yeah. That has me a bit uncomfortable as well but I know we need the extra room for when the baby comes." She replied, leading him down the tunnels. "Why don't we go on a raid? I'm dying of bordom in here John."
John shook his head before she even finished talking. "No. No way in hell you're going out for a raid while you're in this condition, or for a few months afterwards either."
"But I feel fine! And I will be careful. John, there is nothing for me to do down here. Nobody will let me help them do anything and it is killing me!" She argued, stopping where she stood.
Her eyes narrowed before she turned. "Well you aren't the boss of me now are you." She called over her shoulder, heading towards their room.
John didn't really care if she was angry with him. She knew just as well as him the only way the others would let her go on a raid was if he went with her.
Kallie hurried along the tunnels, angry tears blurring her vision. She slammed into an unknown person, almost falling back on her ass until they caught her and righted her. "Hey, hey Kallie. Are you alright?" It was Ian and his voice was heavy with concern. She sniffed, wiping her face. "Fine. Now if you'll please let me go." She tried tugging away. Ian's grip stayed tight yet gentle. "Did John do something to hurt you or the baby?" He asked, his gaze darkening. She sighed. "No Ian. The exact opposite actually. He won't let me go on a raid due to my 'condition' as he called it."
Ian was silent as he registered that. He, of course, completely agreed with John. His opinions of those in the tunnels were different, sure. He had no problem with the idea of Kallie working and doing jobs, but going out on a raid....well he couldn't exactly say he supported that. "Kallie...." His voice was soft as he continued. "...I think John's right on this."
She scoffed, anger igniting in her eyes. "Why do you all fucking think I'm weak just because I'm pregnant?! I'm perfectly capable of handling a raid!" Her voice was shrill, evidence of her anger and hurt. Her anger was irrational but one could probably blame it on hormones due to said pregnancy. "You know what....fuck you guys." She pushed past him roughly, heading down the tunnels in a blind rage. Before long, she stopped, realizing she was in an unfamiliar place in the tunnels. Her anger at everyone had caused her to become lost.
Ian sighed and started to follow her, until she lost him, frowning as he walked to where he thought she was, coming instead to an empty hallway. "Kallie...."
She was far enough away that she was unable to hear his call. It was darker here, making it difficult for her to figure out where she was. Placing a hand on the wall, she started back from the way she thought that she had came from. Only she wasn't going any closer to her destination.
Ian went back to the tunnels he knew, getting Jared and John, before all three of them started to search for Kallie, each of them taking different routes and calling out her name, holding a flashlight so they could see.
She sank down against a wall, after having basically going in circles and becoming more lost. From the feel of the walls she knew she was in a part of the caves that Jeb had not found yet. She had no clue as to how deep she had went or if she would ever be found. Her hands curled around her stomach as tears leaked from her eyes. "I'm so sorry little one."

Melanie rushed down to where the men were after hearing the news. "What happened?!?"
Jared looked over at Melanie as he answered her. "Kallie ran off while she was talking to Ian, now no one knows where she went."

Ian was in a separate tunnel, still searching. "Kallie! KALLIE!"

John was much the same, heading deeper and deeper into the tunnels. "KALLIE! Kallie where are you?!??"
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