All That Remains... (Alexander May & MiseryChord)

He nodded at Melanie. "I will." As she left he turned and brushed Kallie's hair back slightly, smiling softly. He ate his own food then, and when he was done about three-fourths of the food remained. Kallie needed it more. "Kallie..." He gently shook her awake.
She groaned softly, opening her eyes a crack before closing them and pulling a pillow over her face. "Wazit?" Came her muffled reply as she rolled over onto her opposite side, facing away from him.
She looked over her shoulder groggily. "I'm not hungry. I feel sick actually." She replied, laying her head back down and pulling the covers up over her completely.
Kallie groaned. "I don't want anything baby." She whined, tugging at the covers again.
She glared momentarily. "What's the point of eating if I'm gonna throw it back up?" She grumbled, sitting up and scrubbing at her eyes to get the sleep out of them.
She slapped him lightly. "I wasn't in this field of nursing. I was in emergency medicine." She groaned, holding her stomach. "Damn morning sickness."
She leaned over almost double, taking a few deep breaths until the nausea passed. "Is there any nuts or crackers?" She asked, remembering a bit from nursing school.
She nodded in thanks, taking a cracker and nibbling at it. "I remeber in nursing school they taught us that eating crackers or almonds help with morning sickness."
"Roughly a year and a half. But I didn't go into teaching about history now did I?" She retorted, eating another cracker and drinking a bit of water out of the bottle by her side of the bed. "What's on the menu for tonight?" She asked, unable to see the plates contents.
John rolled his eyes. "I was only a history teacher for someone else. Not for me." He turned to look at the tray then. "One apple slice and a bundle of wheat." He was kidding of course.
She stuck her tongue out at him. "Someone is in a sour mood." She grumbled, laying back as the nausea returned with a vengance. "You may want to leave...quickly!" She said, sitting up hurriedly and reaching for a bucket, as her stomach heaved.
She heaved over the bucket, emptying her stomach into it. She was thankful for him being there to hold her hair back. She groaned softly. "Ugh. If only the freaking Souls hadn't gotten rid of our medicines. There was stuff I.could take for this." She grumbled, right before vomiting again. "Have I told yoh how much I hate you right now?"
John smiled as he held her hair back. "Not yet. I do want to point out that you have yet to ask Wanda if her people have anything for this. That and the fact that you wanted this to."
She paused her rant for a moment. "Remind me to ask her about it. And I didn't think the nausea and vomiting would be this bad asshole."
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