All That Remains... (Alexander May & MiseryChord)

She couldn't help but grin as she wiped her mouth and rinsed it out before laying back on the bed. "YouRLr kid hates me."
"Nah when he's bad he's yours." She grinned ,kissing him. "Or I blame you at least." Her hand went to rub her flat stomach lovingly. "Gosh I can't wait."
One slender eyebrow rose. "How you figure?" She asked, placing his hand on her belly and stroking his forearm.
Kallie laughed, stretching a bit. "We shall see." She grinned, rubbing her flat belly.
John grinned at his lover. "Do you want it to be a boy then?" She hadn't answered with a gender when he'd asked what she wanted it to be before.
"I have always wanted a baby boy first but it does not matter so long as they are born healthy." She answered. "Besides, it will be a surprise as to what gender and how many there will be."
"Dear Jesus. That would be a handful." She laughed. "That I think is gonna be the hardest part. The wait to find out."
"Hm well go ahead and prepare yourself for a broken hand, the worst cussing you have ever recieved and possible castration." She giggled, pulling him down for a deeper kiss.
"Just wait and see baby." She grinned, pulling him down beside her.
One month later:

Kallie sat in the kitchen, grinning as Jared and Mel talked excitedly. They had found out that they were also going to be parents a few days earlier. She smiled as she heard them, imagining she had been the same way when she found out she was pregnant. Her hand rested on her belly, the other picking at the plate of food in front of her.
Kallie grinned, leaning back to show off the barely noticable bump in her pelvis. "Besides making me sick all morning, he's just fine." She replied, smiling.
She grinned, nodding over at Melanie and Jared. "Guess who just found out they were expecting as well?" She smiled, returning to her food as Wanda, Ian and Burns walked in. Wanda held a bag in hand, it contents clinking softly as she walked. They were just returning from a raid. A smile was on her face as she sat beside them and held out the bag. "Here. The Healer's said this would help with nausea." Kallie opened the bag to find what looked like hundreds of little silver containers, similar to what the Listerene strips used to be packaged in. She smiled warmly. "Thank you."
John smiled as he kissed Kallie gently. "I'm guessing Jared and Melanie." He grinned as he said that, nodding to Wanda and the others as they walked in.
"Mhmm and Jared hasn't shut up about his super sperm since she took the first of six tests." She chuckled, taking out a translucent pinkish colored strip and laying it on her tongue. Her face screwed up in displeasure. "Eww! Grapefruit flavor."
"My kryptonite." She grumbled, taking a few gulps of water. Immediately, hernausea left and she sighed happily. "Thank God it works."
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