All That Remains... (Alexander May & MiseryChord)

Wanda cleared her throat, causing Kallie to jump. "Oh Wanda! I forgot you were here. I'm sorry." She smiled. " 'salright. Would you like me to bring you something from the kitchens?" She asked, looking to John.
She nodded with a smile before hurrying off to fulfill his request. Kallie smiled, standing and stretching. A groan left her as her back popped. "I am dreading when I swell up like a balloon and the back aches that supposedly come with it."
Hmm well I think that will be about the time I have to squeeze something the size of a small wtermelon out of a hole the size of a golfball." She grinned, rubbing her belly. It was a habit she had developed since finding out about the baby.
She laughed. "You may be right. Now why don't we go take a bath? Hmm? Then you can get some food."
"I'll send word by Jamie. He's sitting outside." She smiled. "He was worried but didn't want to come in."
Kallie smiled and walked over to the door, sending Jamie off to tell Wanda he wouldn't be in the infirmary. She smiled as he hurried off then returned to his side. "Alright lazy ass. Enough resting."
John grinned as he took her hand in his, starting towards the bath area. "Says the bitch who'll be the laziest person in this whole area in a month or two."
(Isaac? Thought his name was John.)

She put her hands on her hips, cocking one out. "Excuse me sir, but I do believe you deposited the stuff to cause that." She sassed.
(It is. Sorry. Confused him with ano-I mean just testing you.)

John grinned as he kissed her, brushing her hair back. "No I'm pretty sure you withdrew it."
She laughed softly, kissing him back. "Actually I think it was a mutual give and take." She smiled.
Kallie grinned, seeing they were alone. She sat down at the edge of the pool, bending her knees and wrapping her arms around them. "Go ahead. I took a bath earlier."
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